WIFE SWAPPING – A weekend outing goes awry for three couples

“If you do….” she said softly, “I’ll be ruined for other men, and you’ll have to keep me for your own.” She leaned in and kissed me with a growing passion, while Jill switched from grinding to rocking.

I didn’t fuck Robin any more that night, although Jill did manage to squeeze another one out of me.

We got to watch the boys take my to the other bed and take turns tit-fucking her, and then alternating their use of her. Anytime they left her alone, she made for one of their cocks, her mouth working its wonders. I don’t know when they finally gave up; I was long asleep by then.

* * *

Once more I was the last to awake, but this time it was nowhere near as glorious as the previous day.

Not only was I sore from head to toe, but my ‘alarm clock’ was shaking the bed like a Jiffy-pop shaker.

I opened my eyes and growled, “Enough.”

“Man, you’re a hard sleeper,” Dan teased sitting on the bed opposite. “You already missed all the drama.”

A lifetime’s worth of amazing memories created in one night. It was all coming back to me. “Jesus! What a night!” I stretched and stood in front of Dan who, reached out with the back of his hand, and pointed my morning wood away from his face.

“Fuck dude! Don’t point that at me – I’ve seen what it can do. I thought my wife was going to have to leave here in a wheelchair.”

I walked to the bathroom, leaving the door open and laughed. “Look who’s talking. I’m amazed we’re not pumping my wife’s stomach this morning. You seemed awfully relaxed, smokin’ a cigar, having a drink, while Sheri sucked you dry,” I reminded him.

“Over and over again,” he agreed. “Damn that was hot! I don’t know if I could survive too much of that one.”

“You’ll never get to find out if you keep using her as an ashtray, you dick.”

“Shit. You heard that, huh? One fucking mistake, and I bet I hear about it forever.”

“Your wife made some comment about my doing the whole ‘Clinton’ cigar thing on her and the consequences. If it gets too bad for you, I know how we can re-direct the heat.”

“So, you’ve got to tell me, is she often like that? I mean, IN-credible!”

“It’s not that bad, she only gets that way about every few weeks or so.”

“Sounds about perfect then,” he said with a huge, mischievous grin.

I walked back out, headed to the kitchen, looking for a lot of water, and a little snack. “You up to something?”

“Well, now that you’ve been here, you know what I’m up against. There are just so many things I’d like to do to the place.”

“It’s a diamond in the rough. Hope Diamond, maybe.”

“Exactly, and I could really use some help,” he said slyly.

“Shit – here comes the pitch.” I said, sitting and eating hard biscuits and honey.

“Think about it. Every two to three weeks, we make a weekend of it. And when we’re up here, the same rules apply – the Accidental Cabin. We get some work done in the day, get a little R&R in, and then we give our wives a well deserved change of scenery in the bed.”

“Oh, this is for our wives, huh?”

“Robin’s already been nagging me to setup our next trip out here. Just you and Sheri.”

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