WIFE SWAPPING – A weekend outing goes awry for three couples

“You’d think he’d be in a better mood. God, for how many years has he scoped out our tits? And now with them on full display, he’s like the Grinch.” Jill pronounced, leaning back against a counter with her arms crossed, which put those yummy looking tits on proud display.

“Look! You got him to smile! He’s alive!” My ornery teased.

“Water. Food.” I grumbled, while they laughed at my misfortune.

“You’d think he’d be bouncing off the walls. If I gave Dan a BJ like Sheri laid on this one, I could probably get me a new convertible.” Robin chimed in.

“If you gave Jack one, I’m certain he’d buy you one, before I kicked his ass!” Jill teased.

“Jesus, Robin. Don’t remind me! I was so wasted. That good tequila sneaks up on you.” Sheri pronounced. “I’m not in the habit of giving public blow-jobs. It must be that damn Te-Kill-ya.”

“Amen to that. I’m switching to rum tonight. Tequila makes my pussy sore,” Jill complained, almost getting a spit-take from me.

I could barely believe what I was hearing. I’d known these people for at least three years. Both women had been in our wedding party. I’d never heard half as much sexual discussion as I heard in that kitchen before someone placed a stack of hot-cakes in front of me.

Robin couldn’t leave well enough alone. “If you get as drunk tonight as you were last night, I’d be surprised if that was the only hole that was sore. As a matter of face I wouldn’t be surprised if it was at least twice as sore,” she said, with a nod toward me.

We had honey for the hot-cakes, kind of an odd combo to me, but I was ravenous and it hit the spot. “What should I be doing this morning,” I asked, slowly coming to life.

“Me!” Jill cried out.

“No, Me! Me!” Robin argued.

I was still a little slow on the take. Looking on in awe as the two gorgeous ladies vied for my attentions. I could feel myself responding to the idea.

“Down boy. They’re teasing you. Take a dip in the lake, you stink of booze. Then take a ride up the trail and see how bad it’s going to be getting out of here,” Sheri told me.

I’m sure I looked like a little boy who’d had his candy snatched out of his grasp.

“Aw, don’t pout,” Jill told me while she moved behind me and leaned her breasts against my head. She gave my shoulders a gentle massage. “Maybe when you get back we’ll let you lather us all up with suntan lotion.”

Robin giggled. “Right. You’ve already promised that to both the other men.”

“Hey,” Jill argued, “First, there are three of us, and second we need to get covered more than once a day, don’t you think?”

“True, true.”

“Where’s my towel?” I asked, looking around.

“You snooze, you lose. There’s a limited supply so we’re washing them a few at a time. You don’t need to worry anyway. Of course yours would be one of the trousers that managed to stay local. You won’t want to head up that trail in just a towel anyway.” Sheri informed me.

“You don’t need a towel for a dip in the lake,” Jill reminded me. “So stop staring already, and get to it, or we’ll put the eye-candy away.”

I turned on my heel and headed out the front door.

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