The cursed Beauty

Episode – 3
“Lost in Shadows: The Sinister Spell of Saloni”

Salman, a 36-year-, embarks on a solo journey from Delhi to Manali. He relies on Google Maps for navigation as he drives along the scenic route.
Unfortunately, an unexpected error occurs, and the map leads Salman into the thick and dense jungle of the Parvati Valley, deviating from his intended path. Salman gets stuck in a jungle with no signal on his phone, making his Google Maps useless. Without any way to find his way, he becomes lost in the mysterious wilderness, feeling completely alone and stranded.

As the darkness deepens and fatigue overtakes him, Salman parks his car beneath a giant tree. Feeling the need for rest, he chooses to spend the night sleeping inside the car, planning to seek help when morning arrives.
In the middle of the night, Salman wakes up in a state of terror. He hears a soft voice whispering his name, making him even more frightened. Curious and afraid, he lowers the car windows and sees a woman standing some distance away. It is none other than Saloni, the Pishachini.

She uses her magic to cast a spell on Salman, causing him to become hypnotized and completely under her control. She calls out to him using his name, saying, “Salman, come to me.” “Salman, come to me.”

She grasps his hand firmly and guides him further into the dense and shadowy jungle. She leads him to the riverbank and undresses him completely. she ties him to a sturdy log of wood.

She initiates the rituals to transform Salman into a formidable sexual partner who can satisfy her wild desires. She starts reciting verses in a language Salman doesn’t understand. Between the verses, she repeatedly mentions his name. As this happens, Salman begins to feel lightheaded and dizzy, sensing a powerful surge of energy flowing into his .

He experiences a warm sensation over his penis. He realizes that he has never had an erection quite like this before. His feels remarkably stronger, larger, and thicker than ever before.
Salman was now prepared to fulfil her desires. He had the physical strength and stamina needed to satisfy Saloni sexually.

Episode – 4
Breaking the Spell: Roopsi’s Liberation of Salman

As Roopsi endures her time on Earth under a curse, Avantika assumed a fierce protective role, ensuring her well-being and safety.
As soon as Avantika found out that Saloni was planning to harm Roopsi, she told Roopsi immediately. Avantika wanted to make sure that Roopsi was aware of the danger that Saloni posed.
Avantika and Roopsi were worried that if Saloni became more powerful, she would be a threat. Their plan focused on rescuing Salman from Saloni’s control. Avantika would use her supernatural abilities to confront and distract Saloni, while Roopsi would break the evil spell on Salman and take him safely to her hut for protection.

They entered the scary forest to carry out their plan. Avantika stood up to Saloni, using her magical abilities to create amazing tricks and cast spells that distracted Saloni and kept her focus away from Roopsi and Salman.

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