He rammed his member deeper than he had ever into her. Back and forth gently at first and then developing a repeated, increasing in speed pace. Hitting every spot in her love box. He put every ounce of passion with his lovemaking. Never feeling this attracted to her, mesmerized by her huge stomach and the spell it held over him. “Tell me. How BIG do you really want your belly?” he whispered ever so softly while grinding steadily inside her.
She grinned with a little malice underneath her skin. Cain was like a desperate puppy that had been thrown out and was now indebted to Cassie’s all-powerful belly. With this new and exotic belly of hers, she could finally understand why it felt so good to be in charge and in control. This gift of the belly was giving her the opportunity and confidence she had never been close too. “Why stop there? This fantastic belly should grow bigger than a house! Big enough to tear down the walls of our home and still continue to grow. I want to see you climb atop my belly as if it were a mountain!” She commanded loudly as she put her hand over his and made his hand slowly go over each spot of soft, perfectly rounded belly so he knew exactly why he needed to worship her as his Belly Queen.
In a quick moment, her eyes widened at the sudden penetration of her body. She squeaked out a gasp as she watched him, her eyes wide like a doe before the belly suppressed her timid personality again. The pristine and regal belly was impressed with Cain and his obedience and passion for it. Cassie’s mind was filled with snapshots of just how big she would and wanted to grow her belly. She gently kissed his lips as if she were a ghost. “I want to be bigger than the Earth.”
[Copyright and characters belong to me. Please notify me before you post this somewhere else.]
E-mail: thecurlysaint@gmail.com
Added by Blake McKenzie