The Big Belly of Cassie [First Month]

It all seemed like a blurry, fast memory to him. By the time he came to his normal senses, every piece of food in the house was stacked in high arrays on the kitchen table before his very hungry and wife. He looked at the stove and sink, seeing it littered with the various cooking instruments he had to use. Luckily, it had seemed that there weren’t that many items to actually cook. Just the biggest and meatiest items. He looked at the clock and looked a little shocked to see that an hour had already passed by. It had only felt like a minute to him, and he couldn’t even realize the possession her had over him. He wanted to ponder over it some more, but his eyes moved back to Cassie, and specifically the growing lump under the table.

Her shirt was stretched to the max and seemed to ride up her belly more as she continued her frenzied eating pace. All of the food was already gone, and he could still hear the angry growls of her belly coming and going. What she already consumed had not even dented her hunger, it just made her hungrier. He stood behind her and let his hands explore the expanding flesh of her belly, feeling how smooth and supple it was. “I love your big belly, my sweet. Am I satisfying you and your belly?” he whispered in her ear, not wanting at all to stop rubbing it.

Cassie was quite lost in her endless hunger as she continued to devour more and more food. Her beautiful belly growing slowly and powerfully as time continued to pass the two. Everything tasted so delicious and helped light a fire that made her want to feed her delicate belly more. She didn’t think anything about how her shirt continued to ride up the round stomach. Cassie was in a bliss as she continued to indulge herself and her godly belly in food. She ignored the number of dishes piling up as her mind was filled with quiet images of three beautiful children growing within her soft and silky stomach. The more she ate the healthier her children would be, and as a mother that was all she could ask for. There was no reason as to why she couldn’t have that and do her part from today on.

Cassie finally finished all of the food as she felt her husbands admiring hands caress her swollen belly. She smiled and relaxed against the chair, her hunger manageable for the moment. “I love my big belly too. We are very satisfied. You are doing a wonderful job taking care of us.” She praised him and giggled quietly, her ear tickled with his breath. Cassie was still a little shy and timid around her husband, and even more so because her magical belly was growing. She felt a warm sensation in the bottom of her belly and placed her hands on her stomach as well as she delicately rubbed her glowing belly along with Cain.

He could see the results of her frenzied feast. His eyes were wide as the dirtied dinner plates she had tossed to the side. Not even a crumb had been left. He had rubbed his pupils and look again, to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. In fact, it was a more than a dream. It was a wish coming true for him. Sure, he had always had this fascination with pregnant bellies, but this was beyond what he thought was normal.

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