The Big Belly of Cassie [First Month]

He pulled out a chair for her and placed her in it. He then opened the fridge, seeing how fully stocked it was. They had just got groceries just a few hours ago. He made sure to get every kind of food she wanted. He wanted to nourish his growing, unborn children in her . More importantly, to take care of her to the maximum. His eyes scanned all the sustenance, and then glanced back at her. For just a moment, his eyes flashed a white glow, the supernatural “power” beginning it’s first enslaving of the greatest belly servant there ever be for Cassie.

The second voice whispered in his mind. -All of it. Every single piece of it…in her belly…now. Feed us, father.- it had called to him. He didn’t even say a word, already forgetting what the voice had said. Only just subconsciously knowing what it had asked of him. He began to hurriedly cook what needed to be, and stacked what she could already eat on the table. A tray of sandwiches, a whole turkey, chips, cookies, and so on and so forth.

Cassie was in just as much surprise of her current belly’s hunger, as Cain. She hardly ate anything in a day and only had heard her own flat belly growl in hunger four or five times in her life. She had adapted to the cruel way she lived. Cassie’s cheeks flushed with color as her flawless stomach growled more and more. Her heart was racing as she drew near for another kiss, but he spoke and broke the moment unintentionally. She listened to his advice and leaned against him as her small little round bump growled a little more. “Alright… I will give her a call maybe sometime soon.” Cassie, however, returned her attention to her developing belly as she was swept up by her husband, and prepared for the beginning of what would eventually become an extravagant feast to grow her glistening belly further.

Unaware of the godly presence in her developing belly like Cain, she wasn’t sure what to prepare for. Today was the beginning of her cosmic belly and the way it would enslave people. Cain was the test subject to see how far her untouchable belly could go to make people serve it, and feed it. Cassie got a sudden craving to eat everything in the fridge and eventually eat through the entire stock of food in the house. She licked her lips at a subliminal request of her newborn belly as images flashed in split seconds within her mind showing her belly growing bigger with each image.

She watched her husband work for her commanding belly. Every smell and sight only driving her hunger further and farther. She was slowly getting an urge and want to feed the children within her magnificent belly as well as the belly itself. As the food was placed before her she began to dig in and eat ravenously. She chewed as fast as she could, and took as big of bites as she could fit within her mouth until all of the food made for her gorgeous belly was gone. Cassie rubbed her desired stomach and leaned back in her chair. She wasn’t full, but her attention attracting belly was satisfied with Cain’s job and dedication.

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