The Big Belly of Cassie [First Month]

He looked deeply into her eyes when she had said she wanted her bigger as it could be, and could see and breathe the truth to those words. He had never seen her like this before. He had fallen in love with her easy grace and sweetheart personality. She had never asked for much and was a quiet girl. This “darkness” and desire that seemed to have been born right there gave him a sense of excitement and wonder like he had never felt before. He wanted her belly to be huge as well…so very, very, very big and round.

He felt the softness of her stomach against his. In another second, his member went fully erect. Sneaking up between their bellies as she sensually rubbed it against him. “Your…belly is so perfect. I can’t wait to see it bigger than my whole body.” he said as if the “second voice” rehearsed him to do so. As all the eggs were finally placed, her belly did swell just a little bit. Not anything that noticeable, but she felt it for sure. Then, a deep growl erupted from it.

Her cheeks flushed incredibly bright as she felt his excitement grow between them. Cassie allowed to continue to stroke his hair gently and tried to focus more on his soothing hand. The way he twirled her hair made her feel even better. He had given her such comfort since they met. Her life had been so miserable until they had met. Now her lovely belly would enlarge before their eyes, and she would give them the three kids they had been hoping for. In the womb of her shiny belly was a dark and deep desire that was growing with her.

Cassie smiled at Cain as he admired her perfect and sweet belly. Within in the next few months, her personality was going to shift as well as the size she would grow. She giggled quietly as she thought of her perfect belly growing to be larger than himself. She imagined her whole body puffing up to be like a giant marshmallow in a microwave before it popped. She would become too large to even be mobile and would need a bigger sized ambulance to come and get her when it was time. Little did she know, that image would not be too far away from them.

As her laughter died down she let out a soft sigh and watched her husband. “When do you suppose that I should give my mother a call and tell her the good news?” There was a small hint of disappointment in Cassie’s voice as she looked to Cain for hope. It was a terrible mood killer and she hated doing it, but she wanted to be able to say that she had tried with her mother. However, she would feel guilty if she didn’t try. She gave Cain a bright smile to try and hide her guilty feelings. even if it wouldn’t work well. Cassie smoothly rubbed her glistening belly gently.

Her belly still continued to growl in endless hunger but was only happening in short waves. This too had surprised him, as a girl her size could eat only once a day, and be satisfied. In fact, he never heard her belly growl once the entire time he knew her. He lightly patted her smooth stomach and got into a sitting position. Being ever so gentle with her, he pulled her in for another long kiss. He could feel the tiny bump of her belly that hadn’t been there just a few minutes ago. He ignored it, for now, the chemical directing his mind to…feed her. “As much as we don’t like her, I suppose we should soon. Even though you haven’t seen her in ten years,” he said, admittedly. He loathed the woman but didn’t want to set a bad example. He got up and carried her in his arms, smiling sweetly at her.

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