The Big Belly of Cassie [First Month]

What Cain and Cassie couldn’t see was a microscopic “bug” of some sort passing between the lips of her. It was a nanomachine, programmed for a very specific purpose. In mere seconds, it would take the short journey to her womb and plant thousands and thousands of eggs, attaching to the wall of it and waiting to blossom. It also produced a new and highly strong chemical that would travel her nervous system to the brain. It would specifically go the portion of it that dealt with desire and physical image, and eventually hijack all of it.

Two men in suits and sunglasses were parked outside their home, monitoring the bug’s signal on a remote. They made a short phone call to an unnamed government intelligence official and reported, “It’s done.” “Good, move on to the next Seed of Life…Darla Storm.” the voice replied, followed by a click. They started up the sedan and drove to their next target.

Spending time with Cain like this was more happiness than she could ever imagine having. They locked eyes and she felt her thin swell with excitement just from his stare. Her belly had brought them even closer and Cassie couldn’t have been any happier with that. In a blurred moment, she felt a heated and passionate kiss. She wasn’t sure that Cain had ever kissed her like this before, but it was something she hoped to receive more frequently. She was lost in longing for a moment as he spoke to her. She shook herself out of it and smiled at him. “I like it a lot. As for my belly… I’d like for it to get as big as it has to, for the babies to be healthy and have enough space to grow.” She replied giddily.

The nano insect remained out of sight and out of mind for Cassie. All she focused on was keeping her family together and enjoying every second that passed her by. She was on a conveyor belt of cloud and nothing, not even the four apocalyptic horsewomen would crush her spirit. She could see the three children playing in their spacious backyard of her dream home, and Cain would cuddle with Cassie in a hammock with cool iced lemonade. The two would watch the children play gleefully and make small quiet comments and share a warm laugh to match the sunshine.

Unaware of the cryptic humans outside their home the two remained in bliss. Cassie began yet again to soothe her gloriously pristine belly. She ran her fingers through Cain’s hair and looked at him seriously. “Do you think I’ll get big enough to keep our babies alive and healthy?” Her voice was painted heavily with concern, and a small bit of frustration. She could only hope for so much. With the way she had been raised and even with Cain’s help, continued to have a worry and lack of hope.

The chemical had also mixed with her pheromones and excreted like a heavy mist in the air. It engulfed the entirety of Cain, breathing in the heavy potency of it. His whole body becoming ignited with sexual fire. He didn’t protest his urge to continue rubbing her flat belly and did so in slow, wide circles. Twirling the softness of her hair through his fingers. When he had heard her answer, he immediately felt his member perk up. The mixed pheromone now had coursed through the length of his bloodstream, their desires becoming in sync.

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