Taking Mom to the Movies

“Really?” I asked. “Then why bother drinking at all?”

“Wine helps me relax. Plus it’s healthy in moderate doses.”

“Good point,” I replied. “Just promise me you won’t get drunk and act like a complete slob.”

She took another sip of wine, then she winked at me. “That’s a promise I intend to keep.”

Part 2 of 3: Movie Theater Fun

Since my had paid for the fancy restaurant meal, it was only fair that I paid for the movie tickets. I even bought us a giant order of buttery popcorn, which she loved, and a soda for us to share.

The theater area was mildly crowded, but when we went to our screening room, there was hardly anyone there. We sat in the back, and there was 4 people sitting up front.

“I guess artsy French movies aren’t as popular as they used to be,” I joked when we sat down.

My mother thought it was a funny comment, but she contained her laughter.

“Not everyone appreciates foreign movies,” she replied playfully. “Not like they used to.”

The container of popcorn was on my lap because she didn’t want any stains on her expensive dress. We started to eat while watching the different commercials on the big screen. I playfully chewed the popcorn loudly, which I knew annoyed her.

“Buttery,” I said jokingly while I ate loudly.

She bumped me with her elbow and smiled. “Knock it off.”


“The chewing.”

“Yeah, I think that’s really annoying also. People who eat loudly in a movie theater are the same class of people who use their cell phones during the movie. They need to be kicked out.”

“I agree wholeheartedly,” she replied, taking more bites of popcorn. “If anyone texts during the movie, I expect you to go tell the manager.”

“Maybe we’ll get free tickets for next time.”


We continued eating the popcorn. It was nice having a special moment with my mom. Both of us were always busy, so it was nice to go out and do something with her. I’m sure she felt the same way.

“This is a lot of fun,” I told her simply.

She looked at me and smiled. “You know, to be honest, this is the most fun I’ve had in a long time.”


“I’m serious. I’ve had such a great time tonight. You rescued me from being miserable after my date canceled at the last minute.”

I could tell from her voice that she was genuinely touched. I hadn’t realized how much she enjoyed the evening. But it made sense. She rarely dated and she worked a lot.

“I’m glad to be of service,” I replied.

“We should do this more often. We have such great chemistry together.”

I was slightly taken aback by my mother’s choice of words that we had ‘chemistry’ together. But I understood exactly what she meant.

The lights started to dim just as I saw my beautiful mother smiling at me. The previews started, and we turned our attention towards the big screen.

Ten minutes later, the movie started. A while after, I realized the movie was much more entertaining than I had expected. It was exiting, thrilling, and dramatic. I found myself getting pulled into the story.

Nearly an hour into the movie, the first major sex scene began. The lead female character, a police detective, had just gotten naked for the first time. She looked gorgeous. To the surprise of everyone in the audience, the female character got down on her knees and began to perform oral sex on a guy. It wasn’t fake either. It was clearly displayed on the big screen.

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