After party fun – part 1

It was summer vacation. My college was closed. I used to be at home. One morning I got a text from my friend that he is Arranging a party at his House and he is calling many hot girls. I was excited I ran towards the kitchen to have a breakfast my mom was doing yoga in living room I went near her . I helped her in some pose she was happy . I asked her ” Today is my friends birthday and he is arranging a small party at his house I will be coming tomorrow home “. … Read more

Welcome Home

My mother had always been such a bitch, and now after a little Dakker was born things have gotten much worse. It’s really no wonder daddy left her. Hindsight is always 20/20, and now I see that I should’ve believed him. It’s true that I’ve made some choices that I regret, but it certainly shouldn’t be held against me to try to have a little fun in life. Daddy left her a few years ago, after he found out about the other men, and the money she stole for the drugs. I just couldn’t believe at the time, that my … Read more