Family member is a nymphomaniac

Family member is a nymphomaniac ‘It’s not my fault. I just can’t bloody help it.’ How often had she repeated those words to herself, always those same sentences rattling around inside her head? She did not consider herself a nymphomaniac, despite what other people may think. It was just that sex constantly preyed on her mind. Every day, and even during the night, the most innocuous of things would suddenly set her off, and what she needed most when that happened was to either fuck, or at the very least, masturbate. When she slept, it brought no respite, her dreams … Read more

Surrogate Mom of my Son is my daughter

I am Elang a 44 year old mechical engineer from Indonesia with high income. The story took place two years ago when I was living with my wife Kemala and my 2 childern, Daughter Filza 20 and boy joyo 8. My wife had her own tailoring bussiness. My daughter was a beauty with brain type of girl. One year ago she won scharship for advance study in America. Her mother was reluctant to send her there but I insisted to send her for her future. I assured my wife that she is capable to look after herself. Once she went … Read more