Mother and Son, sexual phone sex between mom and son leads to real sex

Sex stories, incest, Mother and Son, sexual phone sex between mom and son leads to real sex.. Lira was a middle-aged woman married to the first and only man she ever dated. They had been married for almost twenty-five years and had two grown sons. The youngest was away at college, while the older brother was 24 … Read more

Mom and son fall for each other in a very unorthodox way

Sex stories, mom and son fall for each other in a very unorthodox way, incest… Amanda looked in the mirror and sighed. Although only forty-one and still in amazing shape, she could see the first wrinkles of aging. Watching an infomercial on television about an anti-aging crème, she ordered some, desperate to keep the vibrant youthful look … Read more

A Present for Mama, Much fun when our mother joins in our raunchy joke

My brother Sal and I were getting ready to watch a daytime baseball game the weekend before Mothers’ Day. During the pre-game show, they ran a promo for a rerun of SVU with one of their off-beat paternity cases. I don’t remember what they said in the promo, but it jogged Sal’s memory. “Did you hear about … Read more

Mother grooms her son through his fetish for her lingerie

Sigmund Freud is a name I know, but I’ve never actually read any of his work. Although I am aware he proposed what he called the Oedipus complex. It seems he came up with a theory that all small boys select their mother as their primary object of desire! He also believed that this occurs … Read more

After mom comes her seductive busty sister

It was a big family gathering. Each year, our extended family would meet at a ski resort for rest and relaxation. There were always laughs and cheers since most of us lived far apart and we rarely got to see each other except for the holidays. I still lived with my mom while I went … Read more

More than Just Mother and Son, He did mom’s lez lover too! (True Story)

True Story More than Just Mother and Son, He did mom’s lez lover too, I have one child (Robert) and I have been given my ‘Freedom Papers’ recently from my ex-hubby. I work as a stripper and do erotic posing for a couple of photographers, including my best friend and lover, Karen. I know that sounds kinky, … Read more

He had three mothers, and he had all three

My Three Moms, He had three mothers, and he had all three! My name is Pete, not Peter; it’s a joke, because I almost was twins. However, something happened early in the pregnancy and it turned out that it was just me that made it to full term. Supposedly, that is the case that twelve percent … Read more

Mom takes a cue from a porn star and seduces her son

She stood in her bedroom, holding up and inspecting the white dress she was planning to wear that night. The expression on her face showed that she wasn’t all that optimistic about her prospects for the evening. She was a tall, blonde “MILF” with large breasts and full hips, dressed merely in a demi-bra and … Read more

Mom and son: A son gives his mum the best birthday present of all

It was the night of my mother’s 50th birthday. The beer, wine and champagne flowed freely, the 80’s music was blasting, people were pissed and everyone was happy. Everyone, that is, except my mum. I was her only son and at 28 years of age, not yet married. I’d had lots of girlfriends, even got … Read more

Mother, son, and fuck buddy

Kate got off work pretty much on time, at 9.10pm and arrived home at 9.35pm. The house was in darkness and she didn’t know how to interpret that. Either Madeleine had gone home and Jake was so shagged out that he’d gone to bed early, or maybe they were still at it but doing it … Read more

Mother son incest romance

Incest story, mom and son romance, Growing up in East Texas in the 1950’s and 60’s wasn’t easy. Dad died in a traffic accident when I was ten. That left Mom and me. She was a Licensed Vocational Nurse, working shift work at the hospital in town. Her pay was low since she wasn’t a … Read more

Supernatural experience and a fully aroused mother in Europe

She always loves to explore. These days, she’s a college professor who teaches world history. It’s a career she loves because it combines her two favorite things; educating others and discussing global events. In recent years, she had expressed interest in exploring Eastern Europe. Unlike her past adventures, this was purely for personal reasons. My … Read more