Mother Son love story

Mother Son love story, Tags: incest, mother-son All sexual activity occurs between characters who are 18 years of age or older. I would like to acknowledge robertstream’s advice on the first chapter, and Todger65’s expertise in editing. Sorry, no 42DD’s, 10″ appendages, or “on your six” approaches. This story will be presented in 8 chapters. … Read more

Mother has an encounter with her daughter and her fuck buddy

My daughter Morgan had just graduated school and was moving in with me for awhile to figure out what was next. She didn’t She didn’t have a job offer but she was interviewing and we were sure she’d find something soon. I actually loved having her home. Almost the moment she went to college her … Read more

Incest stories: Mother and son listen to each other pleasuring

Incest stories: Mother and son listen to each other pleasuring My husband, Jeffery, died four years ago. It was peaceful for him, it seemed, though, with three sons, all teens, it was my life’s hardest challenge. One good thing was he left us well covered financially. It’s the emotional coverage that has been lacking and … Read more

A wife cheats on her husband and initiates a threesome

A wife cheats on her husband and initiates a threesome.. The early morning phone call came like a bolt from the blue. “Yes Sir. Of course, Sir. Right away, Sir.” These were the only words spoken by Rajat. I stirred feebly. The call had punctured my sleep. Was it dawn? I could hear the noisy chirping … Read more

Beautiful wife finds that sex outside of marriage can be fun

Beautiful wife finds that sex outside of marriage can be fun, Lacy Hawthorne was raised in a small southern town. Everything about her upbringing was conservative. She played soccer, softball and basketball in high school. In the summers she swam in the city pool. Her parents were strict and very religious. The congregation of her church … Read more

Mother and Son play while Dad is away

Incest stories, Mother and Son play while Dad is away, Lori Cooper stood at her bathroom mirror in just her panties, considering her reflection carefully. Not for the first time, she concluded that being middle-aged sucked. Oh, she was still a very attractive woman – the kind who could and did draw lingering, hungry looks from … Read more

Group sex, creampie, Their friendly threesome leads to much more

Group sex, creampie, Their friendly threesome leads to much more. “Hon, wake up. Susan’s gone.” Melissa awoke and stretched, the bed sheet falling to expose one lovely breast. “Uh? Gone? Where did she go?” “She was gone when I woke up.” Melissa yawned, trying to clear her head. Slowly she recalled the events of last … Read more

Anal sex: New neighbors teach a couple new things about themselves

Anal sex: New neighbors teach a couple new things about themselves First, I should say that Oceanbreeze Court is several hundred miles away from the nearest ocean. It is a cul de sac in an upscale development on the east side of a medium-sized Midwestern city. Kelly, my wife, and I bought a house there … Read more

Incest: Mother needs help from her son

Incest: Mother needs help from her son “Can we talk for a second?” my mother asked as I was watching the football game. “I need a favor from you.” My eyes were still glued to the tv. “Sure, but can this wait until later? This game is almost over.” She picked up the remote control … Read more

Incest Mom and son: A son makes a journey of discovery with his mother

Incest Mom and son: A son makes a journey of discovery with his mother… “You need help,” I hear the voice of the one who has been torturing me for what seems like forever standing at the top of the stairs wearing the little black robe that I now know doesn’t have anything underneath it. Either … Read more

Mom and son: A son fucks his hot mom at his dad’s work party

Mom and son, incest, taboo family, a son fucks his hot mom at his dad’s work party… Thomas Bryton heard the bell ring sounding the end to yet another boring day at school. He ran as fast as he could to his locker the minute he got out of the classroom and only stopped just long … Read more

Married woman saves a hunky, grateful hitchhiker from the storm

It was a dark and stormy night. (Well, actually it was) Certainly darker, and far more stormy that Regina Wellstone was comfortable driving in. If it had just been rain, the 38 year old CPA would have been able to make it north to her home in Sioux City with both eyes closed. When the … Read more

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