Mom and me

There is no love like a mother‘s love my story starts when I was young I love my mother and trusted her dearly and growing up we talked openly and honest about most things. When I became a teenager I was sent off to boarding school which I hated when it came time to leave school got a job at home working as a tree doctor apprentice the money was bad but there was a real future in it once i got qualified. So I had to live with mum and dad in my old room that is all I … Read more

Adopted son and long lost mother experience GSA

This is my longest story to date, written exclusively for Literotica. There’s a lot of build-up in case anyone’s hoping to knock out a one page wonder. I researched all over the internet on the subject of Genetic Sexual Attraction, but don’t expect 100% realism. This is a work of fantasy fiction and all characters are of the age and mind of consent. Enjoy! ***** 1 Marie Redgrave was nineteen years old when she gave birth to her one and only. Now thirty eight, she was as content as she believed she would ever be, alone and happy in the … Read more

A pent up mother begins an affair with her son

Josh was an only child that went away for college, but moved back to a town near where he grew up when he entered the job market. He never wanted to move too far from my high school friends and being close to my parents was a plus. The job was good and he was happy being home. One of the perks was that if h was out drinking he could always crash at his parent’s house since he still had a key and most of the time was partying in town with old friends. He’d either crash on the … Read more

Son and Mother

Winter came early and hard. After the first snow it only got worse. I’m a forty year old widow living on a fixed income in an old house that needs a lot of work. I thought we could get through the end of the year when I would get a small endowment from my husband’s last job. My son Andrew is eighteen and needs a lot of clothing as he is growing like a weed. He is near six foot and is filling out like a football player. He also eats like a small horse. I do work part time … Read more

Hot Incest My son’s hot cum

Dan was a well-adjusted 18 yr. old. He is into video games and sports. He especially likes football and wrestling. He is very good at both. He hasn’t decided if he is going to college or not. He is still a virgin in spite of all the offers he gets. He dated a few girls, but none of them fired his rocket. He dates them so no bad rumors get started about him. He is just good friends with them. He only has eyes for his mother. His mother gave him a laptop for his 18th birthday. He soon discovered … Read more

My Mother is a Real Witch

Growing up in our house, I got used to seeing pentagrams and various strange designs and symbols. Every bed had it’s own “dreamcatcher” made of specially chosen colored yarns and organic herbs hanging from the ceiling. There were always fragrant spices and gnarled roots in the garden that were brewed or boiled to produce homemade remedies and charms. The Summer Solstice and Halloween were a festive time of family gatherings and celebrations featuring bubbling concoctions and obscure incantations that lasted until sun-up. Dances and trances abound. We spoke of Wiccans and Mother Nature with the same ease as Santa Clause … Read more

Son provides love and comfort to insecure mom

Thomas pauses at his mother‘s door and hears her crying. He silently curses his father. He must have hurt her. Again. His hopes that things might have improved between his parents over the last few months since his absence seem to have come to nothing. After knocking softly on the door he waits. She answers after a moment, and despite the tears staining her pretty face, she looks happy to see him. “Hi hon.” “Hi, Mom, are you OK?” “Hmm, not really actually. Your dad left me.” “Again, well he will be back. He always comes back.” Ellen looks at … Read more

A mom becomes her son’s slut after catching him with a girl

A mom becomes her son’s slut after catching him with a girl, Do you know what’s hard? When the hottest woman you’ve ever met lives in your own house. When the most beautiful woman in the world is your own mother. When your biggest turn on is what she wears every single day… nylons. I’d always assumed they were pantyhose until I checked out her dresser drawer one day and learned all her pairs were either thigh highs or stockings. When, even though you’re dating the hottest cheerleader in the high school, 99 percent of your jerk-off fantasies are visions … Read more

A Mother’s Obsession – Cadice can’t get her son’s cock out of her mind

Authors Note: This is my first exclusively Mother/son story so I’m interested in getting feedback from readers to whether or not I’m on the right track. All characters engaged in sexual activity are 18 or older. Your votes and comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for reading my work. ***** The cab ride to the hotel had me anxious and excited to see my son Jason. It had been months since he visited me at Thanksgiving with his girlfriend Margo but now I was feeling those familiar yet forbidden urges I’ve been having on account of this obsession with … Read more

A mother finally love her son the way he deserves

It finally happened, after years of tension and desire building up…it happened. I finally fucked my son. It was incredible, unlike everything I ever imagined, and It wasn’t as awkward as I thought it might be when it finally happened. I have been hinting and flirting for nearly a year, but I have wanted this ever since my son Victor was 20 years old. Ever since the first time I saw him touching himself. He was in his bedroom and I walked in to grab his laundry and there he was in bed, on his back completely naked. His covers … Read more

A drunk mother and son comfort one another

“Another,” I slurred while raising my hand to attract the barman’s attention. “Ma’am, don’t you think you’ve had enough?” He asked with concern in his voice as he took away the empty glass that was in front of me. I gave him a withering look. “I’m old enough to know when I’ve had enough but not old enough that you should be calling me ma’am!” He must have gotten the message I was trying to deliver as he sat down another glass and poured in an excessive amount of whiskey. I may have put up a brave face at the … Read more

When a son sees his mom with another man

Jason slammed the door more vehemently than he’d intended. It was so quiet inside the house from no one being in it that the force of the slam shook the walls and seemed to ricochet off every surface, ringing and echoing hollowly in his ears. Jason had been counting on the sleepover all week. It had buoyed him up every day, he’d told himself he could make it through what had proven to be a really shitty time in his life if he could just survive until Friday night. It just seemed like everything that could go wrong lately had … Read more

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