Two mothers bring their sons hiking

Story about two mothers and their sons It was a hot day in June when Sarah and her friend Jennifer, Jen for short, drove through the back roads leading to the cabin. The cabin was Jen’s. She had gotten the it as part of her divorce while Mark, her ex-husband, got the house. Out of the … Read more

Sam’s sister surprises Sam, Mom, and Aunt Gail

Incest, Family taboo, Sam’s sister surprises Sam, Mom, and Aunt Gail “I smell coffee…,” Jessica was saying as she turned the corner of the foyer and looked into the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks and her eyes went as wide as saucers when she saw the three of us. “What the fuck?” Mom and I … Read more

Returns home to his mother after university

Incest stories, mom and son, Returns home to his mother after university.. “Homeward bound, Andy?” David, my best friend at college, asked as I placed the last of the clothes in my bag. “Yep. Already been accepted into a job close enough to home that Mum pretty much insisted that I move back in.” I … Read more