Masturbating for the first time thanks to stepfather’s movies

Mum had Jacob about four years ago. She has my dad about six years ago as he had cheated on her. I didn’t see dad very often and Jacob became like an older . Recently I had turned eighteen and I hadn’t really had any thoughts or urges. My had been talking about and since they were sixteen but I hadn’t even masturbated yet. I knew how to I just hadn’t wanted to.

One day last week when I came downstairs and approached the kitchen mum had obviously not heard me coming down the stairs as I heard her say “I’m worried about Sidney. He doesn’t show any interest in girls”. Jacob replied “Maybe he’s a late bloomer”. “Terri told me her son has pictures of on his wall and she knows he jerks off as she’s seen his boxers and bedding” said mum and Jacob replied “When he’s ready to he will”.

Instead of going into the kitchen I went back up to my room and wondered if there was a problem with me. However I had noticed lately that some mornings when I woke my dick was hard but when I it usually goes soft by the time I finished. Today was Saturday and when I woke I was hard again and after awkwardly peeing I took a shower. When I finished showering my dick was still erect but trying to ignore it I went into my room and got dressed.

Knowing I couldn’t go downstairs with it sticking out I sat on my bed and waited for it to go soft. Nearly three quarters of an hour passed and it was still rock hard and hearing my mum call me for breakfast I had to go downstairs. I picked up a jumper on the way and held it in front of me to disguise the bulge in my joggers and when I reached the kitchen I sat down with the jumper on my lap.

As I began eating Jacob came and sat down too and along with mum we all ate breakfast. As we were finishing the phone rang so mum went and answered it. I looked around and thought perhaps I could go up to my room now with my jumper covering my still hard dick however Jacob saw me and said “You ok Sidney?” Blushing I stammered then thought I should tell him so I said “I’ve been waking up with my dick hard recently but usually it goes soft in the shower however today it has remained hard. I wanted to go to my room before mum came back”.

He smiled at me and said “It’s nothing to be embarrassed amount Sidney. Have you considered ?”. Still blushing I replied “I know how to but I haven’t felt like it. What do you think about or look at when you do it?” I asked. Jacob though for a minute then said “I’ve some adult dvds in the wardrobe which I haven’t watched since meeting your mum. There’s my old player in there too. I shall put them in your room then you can watch them and if you want to relieve yourself you can”.

“Thanks Jacob” I replied “Don’t tell mum though”. He smiled and said “I won’t. If you want to go to your room now I’ll clear the table”. I stood slightly hunched and with my jumper still Infront of my groin I went up to my room and started to play computer games to distract myself however I still remained hard.

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