Son seduces mother for sex

“You’re not going out tonight with Bobby and Chris,” I ask him with my voice nearly cracking because I’m standing in front of him dressed only in my black leotards.

For years his eyes have followed my every movement whenever I’ve been dressed like this, but never before have I allowed him to see me the way I am now. Out of modesty of course I’ve always worn a t-shirt and panties to conceal from him what he most wanted to see, but not tonight, and the expression on his face says more to me than any words could ever possibly hope to convey. I knew when I looked in the full length mirror before coming down that I was going to offer myself to him in a way I’m sure most boys wish their mother’s would do to them, and as I feel his eyes locked on my hairless slit it’s just so obvious how enchanted he is with the gift that I’m offering to him. The fact is that I’m virtually naked now, and the enormous bulge in his sweat pants tells me that he wants a lot more from me than just my hands massaging his semen all over his chest and stomach again.

“Think I’d just rather stay in tonight,” is all he says as his hand slowly slides down to where his already erect member is and begins to rub it in front of me in a way that makes me wonder if all of this is just a dream I’ll wake from with my fingers buried deep inside me.

I still can’t fathom where he’s getting all this poise and confidence from considering that he’s only just recently turned nineteen, and as much as I’ve become a hostage to witnessing him spewing shot after shot of semen I’m still finding it so hard to believe that it’s really him lying there completely naked seducing me with each new ejaculation. But it is him, and the fact it took his father years before he was comfortable enough to masturbate in front of me just underscores even more how incredible what is happening between us. Somehow though he must have sensed just how vulnerable I’ve been lately, and as much as I know I shouldn’t be standing here with my vagina lathering herself into a frenzy it’s the thought of him stretching my poor neglected princess that won’t allow any of my maternal instincts to deny from me what I most need now. It’s just been too long since I’ve felt like this, and how can it be wrong if all of my instincts tell me it isn’t is the only thought that’s been going through my head for the last few days?

Surely I just can’t be the only mother who has been put in a situation like this, and between being divorced or widowed at such a young age like I am it’s just the perfect recipe for a love starved wretch to succumb to desires too tempting to ignore. Of course I can’t blame Ryan since all he’s doing is what every boy his age thinks about as they’re stroking themselves each night, and from what some of my friends tell me his behavior isn’t all that different from what they encounter on a regular basis with their son’s. The cum filled towel next to the computer with a pornographic image on the screen is what we all have to deal with on a routine basis, and although I’ve become accustomed to it the fact that somehow he’s managed to make that giant leap from thinking about exposing himself to me to actually doing it just makes me appreciate him all the more now.

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