Son fuck your mother

“So how did it start?”

“Robert was just two years older than you, John. He was a gifted athlete in school, and a Dean’s List member.” The redhead chuckled at what she was going to say next. “And what a ‘member’…he had. Plus great looks and personality.

“The first time we made love was right after I discovered my husband was on his fourth girlfriend. I threw the bastard out of the house.” ‘The bastard’ had an evil tone to it and was the first time the doctor did not display her cool, professional manner.

“I was crying and a wreck. Rob held me, comforted me. He reassured me everything was going to be ok. He also said that if he was his father he would never cheat on me. ‘I would have no reason to, not with such a magnificently looking lady’ like me, he stated.

“I adored the compliment. Being in his arms was so soothing, safe, and comforting. I cannot remember the last time my husband held me tenderly like that. I looked into my son’s beautiful eyes, and at his rugged face. I felt such love. The smell of his Calvin Klein cologne Obsession for Men—oh, I love that one—took me away from the pain. Then I felt his penis get hard against me. He was soooo mortified. He jumped up from the living room couch where we were sitting, screaming apologies. I heard the apologies, but I didn’t listen. I was so mesmerized by his erection. It stood so tall and proud through his jeans. The sight of a big fat ‘one’—made big and fat through contact with my body—had my sexual being take flight. I was wet like a dish rag.

“I calmed him down and told him how appreciative I was that he found me arousing. I kissed him lightly on the mouth. Then a little heavier. Before you know it, we were Frenching like Parisians. Hands were everywhere. Clothes were on the floor soon after. Then we fucked like two alley cats.”

The parent asked “What happen? Why did it last only three years?” John nodded his head in agreement with his mother’s inquiry.

At first, Holly was quiet. Then she began to sniffle, and a tear streamed down her face.

“A drunk driver’s hit him as he was crossing the street near his college. He died in the ambulance on the way to the ER.” More tears fell from Holly’s eyes. It was all she could do from completely loosing it.

“That is why,” the clinician began as she regained her composure, “that is why I do what I do. I found very unconventional but very satisfying love—from my son after discovering the years of my ex’s infidelity. I want other mothers who have been ignored and discarded by their husbands, or widows, to know how wonderful consensual incest can be. It is pure satisfaction and joy for a single mom to be loved by her son if he offers it, and to hell with societal hindrances. As long as no gets hurt or there is no force—it’s no one’s business if a mother and son act as husband and wife in the privacy of their home.”

Holly’s personal history and strong belief greatly decreased Ashley’s objections, though some still lingered. John felt justified in his feelings and desire. He was going to say, “You see, Mom?” but it appeared the psychologist was going to reestablish the clinical nature of the visit. She wiped away the tears, shook her head as if removing cobwebs, cleared her throat and looked at his mother.

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