Slave loves Master BDSM

The text read :
Meet me at night 7 near metro station.
My hubby is going on vacation for 3days.

She stays on D block of my apartment and I stay in B block. It all started 3months back as causal chat and we both waited for right time. We never had phone sex because we don’t want to risk ourselves.

Metro station is 2kms from my place, she asked me to pick her from there because she doesn’t want anyone to notice us.

Its been a while since I had sex and today I was horny

So I reached around metro station around 5
Thought will buy some chocolate syrup, milk, condoms, bought a t-shirt.
I came across skipping rope, wish I tie her to bed and fuck her brains out.
Always the master in me never dies. Though she’s not into BDSM.
I bought these items and moved to billing counter. Paid 2569 and moved towards exit, that’s wen I saw Neetu aunty. She was my neighbor before 20 years. I was a kid back then, she got lil older but the glow on her face hasn’t reduced a little.
I ran towards her in excitement and called Neetu aunty a bit loud.
She turned and couldn’t recognize me

I told aunty its me ****’s son ****. She smiled and said its so long how r u beta and pulled my cheeks. Like a small kid I was blushing.
Suddenly she said beta meet **** my daughter, I’m sure u would forgot her. I turned behind me as she was standing behind me.

We both froze for a minute because she is the girl whom I was chatting for months.
Her telegram name was hermoine, later she said her real name was Preethi. She is staying with her hubby in Canada. We had similar taste and thoughts. We spoke for long time, where late night chats was always there because it will be day time in Canada. We did video call thrice. She was really a bombshell and traditional Indian beauty.
But today here in India in the same city as I stay, that too my aunt’s daughter.
I got angry that she lied to me.
The reason why she blocked me was one horny night we started sex chat and I causally asked if she s dominant or submissive.
She came out as submissive, I was over joyed hearing that.

Me : what’s your fantasy.
She : sex on beach.
Me : sure we can fulfill that when I come to Canada.
She : sorry, I dint say it with you, I have my husband to make that happen.
Me : how long you are Married for.
She : 3years
Me : then why is it still a fantasy? aren’t there any beaches in Canada lol.
She : it is there and we had sex on beach resort multiple times.
She : it was good but what I needed was little more than that which he is not interested in, I dont want him to think me as nymph. I just have him hunt, also I observed he’s not into wild sex.
She : he even feels blowjob and pussy lick is unhygienic.
She : he never fucked me in my ass, which I starved. It’s ok i am happy with him.
He : you hubby is a loser, he got into food fest and directly ate biryani and he says he s full.
He doesn’t taste other things. It’s his loss.
She : hahaha.
Me : if I was in his place I would licked you to the core.
I still remember the time that day it was 2am.
I couldn’t control. I called her twice and she disconnected.
I said it’s masters order pick the call.
She disconnected again.

I said YOU FUCKING SLUT. pick the call.
She picked call. I asked do you have any object like dildo?
She said jus a min, she came back and showed, i have this. Will this work “MASTER”.
I was dumbstruck, told you lil fucking bitch from when you have dildo?
She: I’m having it from a year as my hubby doesn’t let me lick his cock nor fuck my ass.
I asked her do as I said and she did same :
She kept her leg wide spread and two fingers were entering her pussy, her tits were clipped.
Text message popped up, it read :
I need the dildo in your butt.
She was fingering fast and her other hand was rubbing her tits.
Here I was masturbating.
She was moaning Master fuck me. I came first and she came after me.
She said its awesome thanks. And disconnected call. It was 3am I went to bed. Morning I woke and saw, she has blocked me. I felt I was used.
I tried contacting again but it was all waste.
I knew she was such a slave and I miss her.

All this came n went as flash. PRESENT :
IN MALL I called my mom and gave to aunty she was Happy, aunt was talking to mom and moved further
Master: I looked at my slave

Slave : she was trying to avoid me.

I could sense she wasn’t angry on me, instead she was happy to meet me, it’s her who slowed as her mom was walking further while talking to my mom.

Master : di how are you. How is life di?
Slave: master, I know I couldn’t control myself, I knew u were **** aunty’s son, that’s d reason i distanced myself.
Master : you are so stupid, we aren’t gonna get married, we could have had lots of fun.
Slave : sorry master.
Trust me that was one of the best orgasm of my life.
Master : text me your number, we are meeting tomorrow at place.
Slave: sure master will be Waiitng for you.
Master : I wanna touch ass. So walk close to me and walk towards clothing section.
Slave : please master, lets not have in public.
My dad is out of town, you can come to my house and stay tonight and it will be dinner time in few hours.
Master : I have other plans and I’m not here to listen to you, do as I say.
Slave : Yes, Master. She turned around and moved to wards clothing section.

My dick was hard. I pressed her ass cheeks. Hugged her from behind and gave tight push on her ass. In sure she felt my dick and she let out moan..

Suddenly her phone started vibrating.
Aunt called her and checked where are we, i grabbed the phone and told we are In clothing section, selecting a dress for my always young aunt and her daughter.
Aunt : don’t try to hit on me beta, try some one of your age. She giggled.
I took it casually and told aunt to meet near kfc.

We all reached kfc in 5mins.
Slave : Master I’m horny and wet, ill sit in table, u take order and come
Me and aunt went near counter
Aunt was standing before me in queue. We gave order and aunt was abt to take wallet from her bag, i pushed myself front, in Motive to make her not to pay bills.

I said : please aunt be my guest, let me pay for today.
She said no.
I hold her hand by myself pushing close and told please aunt let me.
She : fine, u pay for now. And blushed. We took the order went to our table.
Slave : master im too hungry taste.
I sat next to her and aunt was sitting opposite to me.
I moved my hands on her thighs
While I tried to open ketchup few fell on my fingers.
My nasty bitch slave licked my fingers.
Her mom was laughing loud. She said u guys never grow up.
While saying so I could feel someone s leg touched mine.
I pulled back, I was busy playing with her thighs. She was rubbing my dick.
Again I felt a leg was creasing my leg and I was shocked for a second.

It was my Aunt but she showed no reaction on her face.

[email protected] will be continued In next part

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