Sister, brother and family

She left her bedroom and stopped by the bathroom for a brief curl and brush of her hair. Entering the living area, she wished her a good day, telling him to be sure to be at supper at 6 o’clock and that they would go for their usual walk afterward.

“What! No kiss goodbye.” He accused.

She waited for him to approach, shifting her eyes quickly to the bulge in his briefs, that appeared bigger, then back, reminding her of her feeling of sexual frustration. She received her kiss on the cheek and gave him one in return. She headed for the side door that led to the driveway and her car. Jeff, watched his , noting the sway of her ass as she crossed the large living area. Had she been looking, she would have seen the bulge in his briefs become a little bigger still.

Jeff did not have a girlfriend. He had never had one and shied whenever a possible relationship presented itself. He did acknowledge the mystique and stimulating feeling the opposite sex presented. His sister, always conscious of her looks and dress, was unavoidable and presented to him feelings he did not entirely understand.

He did however enjoy embracing his ample cock. Leaving the dishes unwashed in the sink, he had directly for the bathroom, shedding his underclothes and stepping into the bathtub, adjusting the shower. He lowered himself to a sitting, then lying, position in the large tub. He reached for his mostly erect cock and began to stroke it slowly. He had only occasionally looked up porn on the internet, and then, only PICs of naked women and female genitalia. He had marveled at the variety of vaginae and wondered what his sister’s must look like. His preference was the large labia, pussy lipped, angry appearing female sexual organ.

He studied his cock intensely as he stroked. On the down stroke he stretched the skin over at his domed head, noting the thick vein that ran up the bottom side. How big was it, he did not care, as length and thickness had no meaning as to good or bad. His mind soon focused on the one sexual vision he had stored away – that of watching his and as they had sexual intercourse, missionary style, a year earlier, as he happened to pass their cracked bedroom door.

The bedroom had been slightly illuminated by the crack in the bathroom door as the light had been left on. Both bodies were uncovered and naked. He saw his mother on her back with her knees ratcheting backward and forward and his father’s backside bobbing up and down, stroking inside of her. He had focused on her right thigh and brief glimpses off her ass, that seemed to be spot-lighted by the available light. He recalled his mother’s moans, her praising of his father’s cock, and her frantic demand of “fuck me hard!”.

Her frantic plea! The way Jeff was now frantically stroking his cock, staring at it. He had watched them long enough to hear his mother’s subdued cry of completion, followed by his father’s own moan of ejaculation. Now, revisiting his mother’s orgasm, his cock erupted, squirting cum into the air, only to fall on his hand and wrist. His labored breathing quickly slowed to normal as he stroked his less firm cock.

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