Signe’s Math Study Group Gets Sexual

“Why do you get so excited by me having casual sex?” I asked him, after I recounted a session I’d had in the bedroom of a friend’s home during a party, back during high school senior year, when someone could have walked in on us, but happily, nobody did. I had kind of liked the guy, since he had a six-pack, and great facial hair, and it was high school, after all. Also, I was (naively) flattered that he wanted me that way. I loved being desired, and it showed. It tended to make me, if not an easy conquest, at least not that difficult of a conquest.

“It just seems so unusual to me. Most girls I’ve met are so damn stingy with their sexual favors. You’re different and it intrigues me. Tell me Signe, have you ever had a threesome?” Roger asked.

“No, not with two men, nor with two women. Why? Do you want us to have one?” I asked. Maybe I would, after all, it’s fun to try new things; but I’d only do it if Roger truly wanted it, and begged me, at least a little bit. I was guessing he wanted two women and him, of course. I had enjoyed one or two short liaisons with girls in high school, after all. What do you think goes on at slumber parties, anyway?

Roger didn’t answer me, preferring, apparently, to go down on me, getting me super wet as he drove me to a climax, and then he gave me one of his great fucks. He fell asleep, and I lay awake, studying the ceiling from underneath him, and wondering about threesomes. Finally, his cock having softened and fallen out of me, I rolled my sleeping lover off of me (which is tricky in a dorm twin bed; prudence dictated I rolled him toward the wall, so that he wouldn’t tumble onto the floor), and I fell asleep myself.


Our math study group studied hard, and even though it was three guys and me, little to no flirting took place. That was the way I wanted it, and aside from my good looks (I know who I am and how men view me; excuse my lack of false modesty), I gave the guys no reason to think I was available, and all of them knew Roger. They also knew he would hurt them if they tried anything with me.

I didn’t like that aspect of Roger’s personality, but I liked Roger. People are packages, and you take the good with the bad. That bad aspect of Roger worked in my favor in this case, or so I thought. Anyway, I was crazy about Roger, faults and all.

One upshot is, however, that we all got to know each other fairly well over the semester, and we all became friends. I liked the three guys, and especially I liked Josh. Sometimes I thought about if Josh and I got together, and Roger never found out about it, well…. Stop that thought!

My sister Anne-Marie had always said that there was no such thing as a male friend. She’s already a college graduate, and she’s wise, so she should know. Anne-Marie claims there’s always sexual tension between a heterosexual man and a woman, no matter what. It may be repressed, and not at all obvious, but it’s there. I figured she was wrong in the case of my study group. Looking back, it’s amazing how capable of denial one can be. My capacity for naïve innocence is truly unbounded.

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