Short story of a mom and a son

Short story of a mom and a son.. You can’t control everything. It is much beyond your abilities. But you can create a safe environment for yourself, in which you may feel secure and happy. Nothing is perfect. So you would still have dependencies and roots. Your dependencies may change but you can’t change your roots, you can’t get rid of them either. You would always have duties against them and you would be obliged to behave accordingly once their times come.

We were on the road for more than an hour and she had been talking in a bad temper repeatedly without a break since the beginning.

“25 years and,” She started again.

I completed the sentence in my mind, ‘7 months’.

She continued, “7 months. I have always been a good wife to him. I have always been nice to his family and never said anything bad about them. Never. What I got in return is nothing, nothing but dissatisfaction. You have seen their looks, as if it was my fault. How possibly could it be my fault? Idiots!” She kept talking. It was really irritating. I tried to ignore her impossibly.

I was at a business meeting when Dad called me the day before. He was almost unable to talk. He finally managed to tell it to me with his trembling voice that his father was dead. I was expecting such a phone call from him any time. He was 88 years old. In my opinion it was a good age to say goodbye to the world.

Dad had been providing him companionship at the hospital for a week. He decided to stay with him after the doctor informed him that he was at death’s door. Mom was alone at home during that time. It was just an hour distance by plane but she didn’t visit him.

It is the familial bond that obliges you to attend some of the family gatherings. A family member’s funeral is no exception.

So I had to be there for the funeral. I took four days off, packed a small bag with a few clothes and flew to GH on that night. I arrived at the airport after midnight. I checked in at a hotel near the airport and hardly got some sleep.

Visitation would start at 10:00AM until the funeral services, which was at 11:00AM and then the burial. There would be a private gathering for family members and close friends after the burial.

I was at their house just after 9:00AM. Most of the family members were there. It was a big family. Mom was there, too. I sensed it immediately when I looked at her face that there was something wrong. I had seen such impression on her face a million times and I knew it wasn’t good. She might easily make life miserable for the people around her.

It came out during the gathering, as our family had a very short conversation. She had already said to Dad that she felt very sick and wanted to leave and go back home. It wasn’t true of course. I knew that as well as him. He didn’t say anything but had to accept it. It was her judgment and her decision as always.

I had to take her to the airport. We left almost immediately. I thought it would take just an hour for me to get rid of her. But the universe has another plan for us. It was frustrating to find out there were no flights available within the next 4 hours. I knew what was going to happen. She didn’t fail me. I was going to have to drive her home. It was a 4 hours drive. I was tired and sleepless but they weren’t the issues. It was impossible to tolerate her with such a temper for another 4-5 hours and more.

Anyway, I rented a car, checked out at the hotel and we started off. I gave a quick call to Dad to explain the situation while I was packing at the hotel. He wished me good luck. That was all and we were on the road back to her home.

“I need to smoke.” She said.

I looked at her as if I couldn’t believe what I heard. It was just half an hour ago we had to stop for smoking.

“Now?” It was the only word came out from my mouth.

“Yes, now.”

I pulled over, stopped the engine. She got out of the car and lit up a cigarette. I got out of the car, too. She was leaning back against the car. I moved her side and leaned back against the car, too. She grumbled for a minute but I didn’t care what she said.

“I need to pee.” She said.

I looked at her to see how serious it was.

“It is an emergency.” She assured me and continued, “You turn right and block the view for this side.” She pointed at the direction we just came. “It is already dark and it will take just a few minutes anyway.”

I hesitated for a moment but turned on that side. I could hear she was pulling her skirt up and pushing her panties down and then her pee. God damn it! She was peeing a foot away from me. I couldn’t help but turned my head back and looked at her. I saw nothing explicit but her peeing. I immediately regretted that I did it. I turned my head back and waited for her to finish.

We were on the road again for more than 10 minutes after the smoking break. There was a complete silence.

“You peeped at me.” She said it slowly.

“What?” I reacted immediately and looked at her angrily. She was looking at me.

“Watch the road.” She said calmly.

“I can’t believe you.” I was pretending as if I was the victim. “You always find something to accuse anyone you want, but this is ridiculous.”

She said nothing. I knew she was still looking at me.

“Liar.” She said calmly. I didn’t reply to her.

She waited for some time and then came closer to me and whispered into my ear, “You are a pathetic liar.”

I didn’t reply her. I did nothing but kept driving, watching the road.

“I thought you were a man. I didn’t know you were such a little dirty boy trying to look into his Mom’s panties.” She was coming on to me. I was her new target now and I might have deserved it. I regretted it again that I peeped at her for nothing.

“I didn’t…” I had just started to deny it she interrupted me immediately with a louder voice.

“Shut up! Be a man and face it! You peeped at me and I saw you!”

I thought how she have possibly seen me, and then realized that she did by following the shadows. I hated it to be at such a position.

“It was nothing but yes I did it.” I admitted it. I wasn’t looking at her, but I could feel her eyes on me. I continued, “I am sorry.”

There was silence again for another 5 minutes.

“I wonder what you would expect to see” She started to talk to me calmly again.

“Nothing.” I replied.

“Oh, poor boy.” She teased. ” I didn’t buy that shit. You did it for a purpose but you couldn’t see anything. Loser.”

I didn’t reply.

“You are just copying your father. Another loser.” She wouldn’t let it go. “Pull over the car.” She ordered suddenly. “Pull over the damn car!” she repeated it with a louder voice.

I pulled over. She unlocked her seatbelt and turned toward me. She was wearing a black skirt and a light blue shirt, accompanied with black stockings and a pair of black shoes. Her hands were on her skirt.

“Tell me what you want to see.” It was an unbelievable move. Was it a blast? Was it a tactic? I didn’t know. I just knew that she was capable of doing anything to make her opponent miserable.

“Are you crazy or something? How could you think that I want to see your…” I couldn’t complete the sentence, which was a mistake.

“What? You want to see my what?” She didn’t look angry to me. She was playing with me.

I didn’t reply to her. I looked at the dashboard avoiding eye contact with her.

“Just behave like a real man. Tell me what you want to see and I will show anything to you.” She repeated it slowly.

“Nothing,” I could say finally. “I want to see nothing. OK?” I looked at her again in the eyes.

She did nothing but look at me for a minute. Then she shrugged her shoulders and said “Your loss. Drive us home.”

When we were back on the road she murmured, “Chicken.”

I ignored what she said and kept driving. She reclined her seat and informed me she was going to sleep. When I looked at her side after some time, I saw her skirt had been pulled up revealing her legs almost completely. I wasn’t sure if it was a game but I couldn’t help myself to look at her legs again and again. She was at such a position that I was able to see her panties underneath. Nothing else happened until we got home.

It came to my mind to drop her at home and to leave immediately. I said it to her without believing it. I thought I wanted to make her angry but I didn’t know why. She immediately protested and said, “You are acting immaturely. You will stay here tonight. You can leave in the morning if you want.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“What am I doing?”

“You are always manipulating and trying to control people. For example, Dad.”

“Don’t remind me of him again! I am extremely sick of him and his family. He has never been a …” She left it uncompleted but I knew what she was going to say. She looked angry to me. “Are you coming?” She asked.

I followed her through the doorway.

Once we were in, she informed me she was going to change her clothes and moved toward the stairs and added, “I will leave the door open.”

It wasn’t a joke. I knew that. It was done to embarrass me further. So I murmured back, “Bitch.”

She stopped just for a moment and then resumed going upstairs. She heard it I thought, but I didn’t care.

I started to think what happened since the gathering that made me angry immediately. It wasn’t me who she could manipulate. I wasn’t that weak. The fact was the opposite indeed. She was right that my father was a weak person. She might also be right that he had never been a man to her. But this wouldn’t be my fault. She had no right to play with me. ‘She had to pay’ I said it to myself. ‘She had to pay,’ repeated the devil inside me. I was real angry. I went upstairs quickly.

The door was open as she said. She was that confident that I wouldn’t follow her, I thought. But she was wrong and I was at the bedroom doorway watching her. She had just taken her skirt off and was unbuttoning her shirt.

She noticed me when she took her shirt off and she tried to cover herself with her shirt in panic.

“What…” She realized what she started, suddenly and couldn’t say what I was doing there.

“You invited me. Remember?” I said. “I want to see everything.” I added.

“No way.” She reacted.

It was that simple. I should have done it when we were in the car. It was a bluff.

“Chicken. You are a chicken.” I said it to her slowly.

She said nothing. She was mesmerized. I enjoyed it for a minute, maybe more. It should be humiliating for her standing semi naked in front of me for what she had started. I felt satisfied, relieved.

I was just about to turn back when she said, “I am not. I am not a chicken.” She had dropped her shirt on the floor, revealing her body in her black matching panties, bra and stockings.

I stopped and thought about what just happened. I tried to estimate how further she might go and then decided to play her game further.

Her hands were at her back to unlock her bra. I stopped her saying that she would be doing things under my commands. She agreed.

I stepped in and sat on the only armchair in the room. I instructed her to stand in front of me. Here she was. Her body was good for a middle age woman. I ordered her to turn back. She followed.

Then I started ordering her. “Push your panties down to your knees. Lean forward. Spread your ass cheeks.”

She had a brown ass hole encircled with hairs.

“Is this a used asshole?” I asked.

“I won’t tell. I am going to show you everything, but I don’t have to answer your questions, period.” She replied.

“Fair enough, bitch.”

“Don’t call me bitch. I am not a bitch.” She said, but I knew she was.

“Open your legs wider and touch the floor.” I ordered her. She followed immediately.

“A hairy pussy.” I said. She said nothing.

“You may rise and take your bra off.” She did.

“Turn around and get on your knees.” She was on her knees.

“Show me your tits and nipples.” They were in front of my eyes.

“Lay back and open your legs and spread your pussy lips. I want to see inside of your pussy.” She did exactly what I ordered her to do. “Nice view, but you should shave.” I commented.

“It is none of your business. Enjoy the view. That’s it.” She replied.

“It is enough. You may get dressed.” I said while I was standing up.

She reached for the dress on the bed while I was passing her by. “Is that all?” She asked, but why? It was obvious we were done.

“What else? I saw everything.” I turned to her while I was replying her. She was on her feet now, holding her dress in her right hand.

“Does it make you a better man seeing my body?” She asked again.

It was already over. I started to think why she was asking these questions. What she was trying to prove. “Hey, you initiated it, remember?” I replied. It wasn’t an accusation but to remind her who started it.

“How can you say that? You peeped at me in the first place.” Her voice was louder.

“You shouldn’t have peed in front of me. You asked for it.” I was getting angry with her.

“I didn’t plan it. It was an emergency.” She tried to defend herself. She hadn’t put the dress on yet. She was still uncovered. Suddenly it became brighter the picture in my mind.

“Bullshit! You are desperate for a quick fuck!” I almost shouted at her but I knew it was true. I didn’t mean with me, but anyone who was able to control her.

“How could you dare?” She walked over to me fully naked, dropped her dress on the floor. She attempted to hit me but I grabbed her at her wrist and turned her around, twisting her arm behind her back. She was bent down in front of me.

“You filthy bitch!” I shouted her again and grabbed her pussy between her legs to see her dripping wet. That made me hard instantly. “Oh yeah, your pussy begs for a hard cock.” I hissed at her.

I unzipped my trousers and pulled my hard cock out. It wasn’t me, but the devil inside. I realized suddenly what I was doing and stopped. I looked at her body in front of me. She wasn’t struggling. She wasn’t doing anything but waiting. The devil captured me again.

“Say it, bitch!” I ordered her. There was no reply from her. “Either you say it bitch, or I will leave.” I just whispered to her. It was me who was playing with her now.

“Do me.”

“Louder you whore!”

“Do me.” She repeated in loud.

I grabbed her pussy again as a reply and ordered, “Beg for my cock.”

“Please. Please. Do me. Make me your whore.” She replied immediately.

I shoved my cock deep inside her pussy. She moaned. I stayed in her pussy motionless for a minute and then pulled my cock out.

She begged, “No. Please.”

I released her hand, grabbed her at her hips and thrust my cock in and fucked her hard for couple of minutes and then threw her onto the floor. She turned her head back to see what I was doing. I saw the lust in her eyes. She was crazy for more. I called her back while unbuttoning my shirt. She came to me on her knees. She took my shoes off and then my socks while looking at me in the eyes. I took off the shirt. She pulled my pants down and I kicked them off. She reached for my hard, glistening cock from her juices.

“No hands!” I instructed her. “Just your mouth.” She smiled at me, nodding. She licked it from the balls to the tip. She did it again and again. I grabbed her hair and she took the tip in her mouth.

She was still looking at me in the eyes. “Go deeper.” I whispered to her, pushing her head slightly against my cock. She went deeper but she wasn’t able to take all in. I pushed her harder, gradually until I felt her lips at the base of my cock. I kept her there for some time. She couldn’t breathe. She was struggling. I released her and pulled her head back. My cock was out of her mouth. I saw tears in her eyes. I caressed her right cheek.

“You are doing good.” I comforted her, slapping her face slightly. She smiled at me. Then I grabbed her head between my hands and ordered her, “Open your mouth wider!” She followed eagerly. I thrust my cock deep through her throat and started a hard mouth fucking. She was struggling now. She had put her hands on my groin and she was trying to slow me down.

“Hands back!” I ordered her without slowing down. She had to put her hands back and let me fuck her mouth violently. She was in a mess when I slipped my cock out of her mouth. I forced her to look at me. “Look at you. What a mess.” I smiled at her. She was forcing herself to smile back.

“Did you like it?” I slapped her face a bit harder.

“Yes, I did.” She replied.

“How much?” I slapped the other cheek this time.

“Very much.” was her reply.

I raised her onto her feet, grabbing her hair. I reached for her pussy.

“Open your legs wider!” She was very wet. I made my hand wet from her pussy juices and smeared them onto her left breast.

“You are dripping wet.” I whispered to her; that made her smile.

“Give me your lips.” I ordered her and she offered her lips to me immediately.

I kissed her, bit her lips as if I was eating her mouth. I sucked her tongue and I let her suck my tongue. I had her left nipple between my fingers, pinching it releasing it, and pinching it again. She was suffering from both pleasure and pain in front of me.

When I was done with kissing and playing with her, I threw her onto the bed. She was on her back on the bed. I instructed her to open her legs wide, revealing her wet pussy for me. I climbed onto bed and placed myself between her legs. I rubbed my hard cock on her wet pussy several times. She was already moaning. I placed the tip at the entrance of her womanhood and started to penetrate her slowly. When I was in her completely, I reached for her hands and leaned over her.

“You will have to shave.” I demanded and she accepted easily.

“Is your ass used?” I was prolonging the most wanted by talking to her.

“Never.” She replied. She was a good girl now.

“I am going to destroy it.” I informed her in advance. She smiled at me saying that it was all mine to use.

“Not tonight. I am going to enjoy only your wet pussy tonight.” I said while moving slowly inside her.

“Do me. I am already your whore. Do me hard.” She begged.

I started fucking her, gentle at first but much harder afterwards. I was thrusting in her as if to nail her down to the bed. She was moaning, crying under me. I was kissing her, tonguing her, letting her suck my tongue.

She came twice and I unloaded into her once that night. She was full of sperm when I was done. She had to suck my cock to clean it after I came inside her. She was my whore, anyway.

Later that night when we were lying side by side, she whispered to me happily that I am her man forever.

Added by DaDom

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