Sexy Cousin Jenny

I groaned when I heard that. Having just been through a tragic miscommunication with Alice, I could feel the pain they must have been going through.

“You two are trying so hard to make each other happy that you’re tripping over yourselves,” I said.

“Yeah,” she sighed. “You hit the nail on the head.”

“So where did you go from there?”

“We’ve been talking about it. A lot. There’s still some sensitivity and hurt feelings, but I’ve convinced her I really want to do it, and she’s really happy and excited. When she gets back, we’re going to set up some appointments and move forward.”

“Aww, that’s great news!” I squeezed her hard and she squeezed back. “Congratulations, baby girl! Or should I say…baby mama!”

She laughed and wiggled against me. But then her thigh moved up higher against me, brushing most of the length of the steel pipe inside my tight boxer briefs. I gasped, she went silent and quickly moved her leg away. I was afraid she’d move away entirely, but her body remained pressed against me. Her mouth was open in surprise, and then she looked away. The awkward moment stretched.

“I, uh…” I began, but then Jenny was looking at me and the smile was back.

“So that’s where we are,” she said, her cheerfulness a tiny bit forced, but I felt a huge relief that she was going to pretend to ignore what just happened.

“Yeah, I can see it must be hard for you, uh I mean difficult for you, not to have her here right now,” I said, trying to follow her lead and jump back into the conversation. “You’re going through some emotional stuff. Not a great time to be alone.”

She regarded me for a moment. She seemed to be trying to decide something.

“Actually…that’s not the only reason,” she said. Her leg moved again, until it rested along the underside of my balls. Slowly, deliberately, she began moving it back and forth. Caressing me in the most intimate way.

“You know I was the stereotype good girl growing up,” she said. “Good grades, never in trouble, virgin till I was 18. But when I went off to college…let’s just say I took full advantage if my newly granted freedom.” I listened in silence as her smooth warm thigh continued its exquisite caress of my privates.

“I experimented with sex,” she said. “I liked it. I was with a lot of boys…only a few girls at first. A couple of times I was careless with guys and did it…without protection.”

“Mmmmm….” her sexy story and her movement against me had me moaning out loud.

“I liked it that way,” she continued. “A lot. It was…mmmm…scary and naughty and it felt so different. I was a little bit obsessed with it…that’s why I acted funny earlier when you were talking about bareback, it still affects me to think about it. Anyway…I went on the pill, but that made it even more difficult to resist the lure of bareback. I mean, you have to be responsible, because bareback is still risky, pill or not.”


“It became a problem for me. A lot of guys would push it, and I had a hard time saying no. I started to resent it, and it was one of the reasons I started to…swing toward girls. It was a confusing time, but then I met this amazing girl and I fell in love for the first time, and everything changed. Dalia was my soulmate right from the start.” She smiled. “I don’t know if I became an actual lesbian, or just a Dalian.” Talking about her love for Dalia should have cooled me down, but it was heating me up.

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