Seductress neighbor needs a willing virgin to transform

“God damn, you’re so fucking hot!” I moaned.

Her eyes looked at me as if she was starving and I was a 12-ounce prime rib with all the trimmings.

“Nobody else?” I asked again.

“Make me yours and I promise to obey your every command,” she vowed.

Her words were still weird but her body was calling to me and I had wanted her for months now.

I thought back to all of my friends and their lust-fogged eyes and their muddled minds. There was none of that going on here. We were just two people – for all intents and purposes – negotiating on the purchase price of a new car.

My toe caught in the leg of my boxer-briefs and I nearly biffed it – but she didn’t snicker or laugh. When I looked up at her face, she was still anxiously waiting for me to join her. Join. That was the word she had used. Not fuck. Join.

I crawled across the bedspread, scooped her ass cheeks up in my hands, and slid my tongue up her perfectly pink trench. Her fingers immediately went into my hair. She didn’t pull or push, however, she just hung on like I was killing her. Her gasps, moans, and keening had my cock jabbing into the mattress. I shifted my hips to resolve the problem – I didn’t use my hands – I wasn’t letting go of her perfect ass.

Her glistening perfection tasted like wild honey. My taste-buds lit up. My mouth watered – even as I devoured her. She hissed and moaned. I could tell that she wanted to move her hips but she held perfectly still – enduring my every touch, taste, and tease.

She started cussing in some kind of foreign language. I had no clue what she was saying but I could tell that she was really happy about what I was doing to her. I was also really happy to be doing it.

If I kept this up much longer, I was going to cum all over her bed-covers. I headed north.

I covered her clitoral hood with my mouth, French kissed her clit with my tongue, and sucked – hard. She shrieked and trembled. Her pussy gushed and I dove down to suck the honey from her body – lapping up the stray droplets. It felt like my hair was at risk of being separated from my head.

Quite honestly, it just made me want her more.

I skipped over her clitoris and mons, as I headed up again, and tongued her navel – sucking and nibbling the edges.

I also sucked, nibbled, and licked the bottom of her perfect globes – before attacking her areolas and her nipples in the same manner. Her noisy appreciation – the hissing, cussing, and moaning – continued and fed my lust-fueled desire to give her as many as possible before I took her to be my woman – my .

I nibbled her collarbone – then her neck – her jaw – her mouth.

Her eyes burned into mine. I swore I saw flames boiling inside of them.

When I let her breathe again, she called my name and simply said, “Please.”

Her arms were around my neck. This felt more than right. Why had I waited so long?

I scooted my hips forward, grabbed my aching cock and held it – millimeters from her entrance.

There were tears in her eyes. I kissed her cheeks, but she only repeated her pleading as her eyes burned into me.

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