I asked Lilith what her sister’s name was, and she said ‘Leah’. I never saw her use the phone to call Leah but, somehow, she always showed up when she was needed. I asked Lilith, once, if we needed to split the money with her sister and she just laughed and said ‘no’.
The weirdest thing my hot little sex-demon does is to occasionally drag me off to some remote area with heavy geothermal or hydrothermal activity – lava flows, steaming rivers, boiling mud, geysers, or the like. I have yet to actually witness her bathing in a bubbly pool of fiery magma but she disappears for an hour or so and comes back looking like she’s about half-lit.
The funny thing is that I’ve seen Lilith get into a drinking contest with any number of enormous brutish men and drink them all under the table – showing not the slightest buzz from the alcohol – even after downing drink after drink for hours.
When she returns from her private little recharge-sessions, I’m almost guaranteed to be fucked until I’m unconscious. It’s in those times that I wonder whether or not having children with this woman would truly be a good idea.
Lilith assures me that our kids would be human – if I wanted. I’ve never been brave enough to ask her what the other options are.
For now, I’m just taking things one day at a time – hanging on for dear life with my hot-ass sex-demon wife!
The end.
Thanks for reading!