When you secretly want to fuck your husband’s best friend

Erotic stories, chating wife, When you secretly want to fuck your husband’s best friend. Of course we were late — because of me. I might suck cock well and hungrily, but god help me to read clock. My husband, Jeff, and I, were visiting the city for the weekend. There was a concert at a club and tables were a steal, so our Friday night was booked. Jeff had a friend in the city, Tom, who we would generally hang out with and get a drink with when we were there. He’d wander and show us around town.

Tonight was different; we were all three going to a club together, with my plans including to drink a bottle of champagne a piece. But since we were running late, I wasn’t quite ready when Tom arrived. Between hurriedly smoking two small bowls of green in the bathrooms, steps in my makeup application, and perfecting my curls, I had missed that my husband had let him in.

I slid open the bathroom partition and saw Jeff sitting on the couch talking to someone. At first I thought he was on his phone, but then I realized that his friend was sitting in the far back right corner from the bathroom. He was nodding along to my husband who was gesticulating, glanced up, made eye contact, and gave me half a smile.

I covered my mouth with both hands, but not my tits, in shock at the realization that Jeff’s best friend was admiring my naked body, literally behind his back. A blush filled my cheeks and I quietly slid the bathroom’s partition shut. I was breathless. I’d let his friend look at me, proudly. I didn’t shy away or cover myself. In fact, it made my pussy start to grow a little slick.

I finished my superficial preening ritual that we women like to do and realized I had not brought my outfit into the bathroom it me — the room was too small! Briefly, I looked into the mirror at my heavy 38DDD and began to fondled them, pinching gently on my nipples, both elongating and arousing them. I closed my eyes, imagining it was Tom’s hands cradling my tits. In my mind’s eye, I watch his hair fall forward as he sucked my nipples and looked up to kiss me. Sexually frustrated, but realizing I’d not soon find relief, I called for my husband.

“Jeff! Is Tom on his way up yet? JEFF!” I yelled.

“Oh, hey Tiffany!” I heard Tom say (he had to be laughing).

“Oh, my god, guys why the fuck didn’t you tell me…? JEFF, come over here!” I pleaded.

Finally, he got up to see what was wrong. I could smell that he’d made himself a drink while I’d been getting ready, not that I could blame, nor criticize, that choice.

“Hey, I need you to grab my ivory romper and grab some panties that won’t show in it. Oh, and my nude bra. I think I actually left it right there on the bed while I went to get shower really quick and get ready and now… Oh, god.” I groaned.

“Chill, honey, it’s fine. I’ll go grab it, no biggie!” he consoled me.

I think Tom was pretending to do something on his phone, but I heard him laugh. Maybe at my sheer misery at the embarrassment about exposing myself to my husband’s friend of two decades. To add to my stress, my husband yelled to ask about what color panties I wanted. He had no shame! No filter. The truth was he is just a light weight. I told him and he brought me my outfit, though I had to bend over and dig through my bags in front of them to find the cardigan I’d needed.

During the elevator ride downstairs, I noticed Tom’s outfit in the mirror. I noticed his hair, in need of a cut itself, just combed back. It worked wonderfully. There was an outline of a bulge, I think, in his pressed slacks. My husband hailed a cab, but the cabbie didn’t let anyone sit in the front for an arbitrary reason we didn’t understand. So, I somehow ended up between the two men: my husband and one of his closest friends. As the ride went along, I relaxed, leaning more into Tom when the cabbie made abrupt movements with his steering wheel or took turns a little too tightly. Tom pointed out a place that used to have orgies. I didn’t think anything of it, but remarked something to the effect of, “Good to know where to plan my next girls night out,” but not really getting a laugh.

I realized it was because my husband was distracted by watching the map that Tom had been able to stare right down my top while the drive went on. I placed my foot next to his and now my entire calf gently rested against his. I loved the smooth fabric of his pants. The streets were dark, but I thought I saw him adjust himself. Was the exchange of body heat affecting him as it was myself? I knew I wasn’t his type, but I also knew it had been a long time since he had felt that tightness of a woman’s body, most likely. The perfume that I had chosen to adorn my skin with hung ever so slightly in the air, if you were in my personal space, which both men were. I noticed him breathing deeply, eyes closed, gradually speaking less and less.

As soon I started to settle into Tom, we were at the club. We got out and I led them to the table line, where we quickly were led to our balcony table above the DJ. Servers in sexy costumes helped us get settled in and we got acquainted with the list of bottles. Mostly champagne, plus some vodka. Though the servers were dressed like Hooter’s girls, out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw him watching me, focused on my breasts, while the rest of us discussed prices. Flattering, I have to admit. The champagne bottle was popped, then another. My husband’s best friend used his jacket to clean up a mess I made, even. His hand brushed mine in the process and I apologetically grabbed his bicep.

“Fuck, Tom, I’m so sorry! I guess I’m a little sloppy,” I laughed.

“Don’t even worry about it — it’s a cheap jacket anyway. I wouldn’t want you to get wet — I mean get your phone wet, too, you know?” he reassured me.

Tom smiled at me knowingly. My husband was away, watching the DJ over the second story rail. He wanted to wander the main floor, too. I didn’t want to be alone with Tom. I didn’t want to be tempted because I didn’t know if I could resist. He might not strike you as one, but apparently, he is a gym fanatic. I’ve simply never seen him out of business clothes to say if this is true. His arm felt hard and muscular in my hand, so I could only imagine what his own chest looked like. I chugged the rest of my drink and smiled at Tom, with liquid courage filling my own veins. He smiled back.

“You know, Tiffany, I do have to say you look great tonight. Sexy, beautiful, womanly… Jeff is a very lucky man,” he said, trailing off, obviously looking between my breasts.

Tom scooted closer to me. I glanced up to see where my husband had gone and as he’d said, he seemed to be downstairs as he was no place to be seen.

“Let me top off your glass,” he offered.

I turned to him and held out the glass as he poured, watching his eyes. Eventually, I said that he had given me enough, so he stopped pouring and gave me a second to sip on the drink, before it overflowed with bubbles. He held the bottle in his strong hands and smiled at me. “You are wonderful!” I complimented as I dragged my fingertips along the soft cotton of his biceps. Slowly, I traced his arm, enjoying the soft sensation in my relaxed state. As my index finger grazed his hand, I glanced up, not seeing my husband.

Seeing my opportunity, I proceeded to take the steps necessary to make my fantasy a reality. I could not expect Tom to make the first move, honestly. We were closer than we should have been, but no one could tell in the dark veil of the ambiance within the night club. I set down my glass, turned and leaned in as if I was going to ask him something.

Indeed I did.

“Can I rub you?”

“Fuck yes, baby,” he groaned.

I found out he fit the stereotype of the unexpectedly hung nerdy dude in high school who ends up fucking the cheerleader after she finds out about his enormous cock.

“No wonder Jeff is jealous of you…” I muttered.


“Nothing,” I giggled, gently stroking his quickly swelling cock, “Keep an eye out, ok?”

Tom threw his coat across his lap as I nibbled on his earlobe. He continued to sip on his drink, trying to stay calm as I rubbed the outline of his nearly hardened cock with my palm. His fingers wandered up and down the feminine thigh that brushed his own. I thought I could feel him swallow hard and inhale sharply when I grasped its girth. But that was enough; I did not want to tempt fate too terribly much with our adulterous sexual exploration. I turned, then, and kissed him on his cheek.

“We will continue this,” I promised.

I scooted away from my husband’s friend into the corner of the booth and played on my phone. I watched Tom breathing heavily and smiled at him, finishing off the rest of his drink. I could tell that he did not quite know what to do. I mouthed, “Relax,” and he winked at me, finishing the rest of his drink. Finally, he got up and walked over to me.

“I’ve got to run to the bathroom to, I cannot even believe you, you little slut!” he teased, laughing.

Though I knew what I had done definitely violated some wedding vows I’d taken, I didn’t seem to care as much as I should have. Instead, I just felt excited, aroused, and was yearning for more of him. Sure enough, after a few minutes, my husband returned to the table, none the wiser to what had taken place between his friend and me.

“Are you having fun?” he asked as he poured the last of the champagne into my glass.

“Oh, my god, yes honey! I’m having the best night ever!” I chirped, placing a sloppy wet kiss onto his mouth.

My husband sensed the sexual passion behind my kiss and returned it.

“What’s gotten into you, Tiffany? I love it!” he exclaimed.

In response, I giggled and kissed him deeper. I broke our kiss and moved down Jeff’s neck, where I knew I could kiss and suck on to turn him on even more thoroughly. We were that slightly sloppy drunk couple making out in public, but it felt incredible and I wanted him so badly. I was rubbing his chest, working towards his waist, when Tom arrived back, yelling, “Hey guys, hello, I’m out for the night!”

We were both startled out of the foreplay of our martials and quickly separated, turning our attention to Tom, though we both were blushing and caught.

“Look, I gotta get going. I have to be up early for a work thing, remember?”

Fuck! That was true. Being the hard-working fellow that he was, he was picking up some extra jobs for the bosses on the weekend. I checked my phone and saw that it was already (or only, depending on your perspective) almost 2AM. All three of us were disappointed, but probably for several different reasons. I adjusted myself and we all got up and hugged, saying our goodbyes. I was shocked when Tom hugged me and pulled me into his waist, with one hand on my ass. It was a quick, smooth movement. Daring to say the least. My husband didn’t seem to notice, or care, so I made nothing of his advance at that time.

Jeff and I enjoyed the rest of our night, but we left soon after. We continued to grope, but less intensely. When we danced briefly, I felt his chubby cock poking me in my ass. I knew I would have to try take good care of him for putting up with my teasing ways when we got back to our hotel. On the cab ride back to the hotel, I rested my head onto my husband’s shoulder and brazenly began to rub him through his pants while the cabbie yelled into his cellphone stereotypically in another language. Even with the night of heavy drinking, my husband couldn’t help but begin to squirm under my familiar and knowledgeable touch, growing as we drove closer to our destination. I whispered into his ear, while grasping the length of his cock firmly, “Please let me finish you upstairs with my mouth,” and nibbled on his earlobe, breathing out into his ear gently.

Jeff moaned as the lights of the hotel came upon the car. We were flushed as we rushed to pay the cabbie, giving him a sizable tip in our hurry. The hotel lobby was empty at this hour, even though we were in the middle of a city. When we got onto the elevator for the 14 story ride upstairs to our room, we settled into the corner and kissed deeply. Feeling brave, I turned around and ground my ass into his cock and begged him to play with my tits. He did, for the last couple floors. Stumbling from the elevator, we made our way to the room. As soon as the door to the hallway was shut I turned to my husband and stripped for him, right there in the doorway.

I stepped forward and kissed Jeff on his lips, pressing my tits into him, while taking out, then stroking his cock in earnest. He groaned into my mouth, lustfully. I kissed along his neck and bent at the waist to nibble on his nipples for just a moment. I dropped to my knees and brought the tip of his cock past my lips, licking the head like a lollipop. He shuddered. In one motion, I took the length of his swollen cock in my hand and mouth, and bobbed. He moaned.

Police sirens suddenly reminded me that my husband and I were on display for anyone in the building just across the way. I released his cock from my mouth and popped up to close the window and blinds.

My breasts bounced as my long legs took those few strides across the room; I thought I saw a light turn off as my silhouette came into view of the window. The thought that someone had seen our antics and maybe was ashamed of being caught watching made my pussy grow wetter. I closed the window and drew the blinds, while my husband clicked the light off. Just us and the sterile, though comfortable, white sheets of the hotel room. He undressed to his boxers. I moved underneath the comforter and let Jeff watch my head bob up and down on him through the white fluff. My mouth made an audible pop as I took a break from working his cock with my mouth to kiss along his lap.

I slipped my head out from underneath the sheets and said, “Can I ride you, Daddy?”

Of course, he grinned like an idiot and nodded, much to my delight. I tossed the comforter and sheets off the bed and swung my left leg across his hips so that I was straddling him. My wet pussy ground lewdly against his length and hit my clit in such a way that made me shudder with each motion, forward and backward.

I raised myself off of my husband’s hips and adjusted myself, reaching back to slip the head of his cock in to me. It felt blissful. I relaxed and took him entirely, with a heavy moan coming from my lips as he bottomed out in me. I loved the feeling of my soft, bare thighs against the cotton of his boxers. I’d have to be careful to clean them in the next load of laundry, I thought as I bounced with more and more vigor on his cock. Leaning forward, our lips met, and I nearly smothered him with my breasts. I gyrated my clit against his pubic bone as he supported me with his hands in mine. I rocked myself to an orgasm as he filled me, hitting my g-spot, while my clit was stimulated with seemingly every motion. Breathless, I collapsed on to his chest as he hugged me.

Jeff only let me rest for a moment, though. He quickly moved his hands along my ass and hips, starting to slam into me harder and harder. I met his fucking by bouncing my ass along with his motions, taking him deeply. I cried out expletives repeatedly in our love making and worked to fucked him harder; I wanted to milk his cock and make him cum with me on top. Between his thrusts and my bounces, we quickly were bringing ourselves closer what would probably end up becoming a simultaneous orgasm. I looked down at him, working my pussy as much as I consciously could up and down his cock.

“Right there,” he moaned, and I happily attempted to repeat my motion as I reached forward to rub myself.

My pussy gripped my husband’s cock as is it pulsed sperm into me. He held my forearms as his faced scrunched. The image of his powerful pleasure took me over the edge as his cock twitched against my g-spot. I folded over forward, moaning, for a few moments before I had to relax off of his softening cock. I laid onto my side, facing him, and nestling into his chest. We both sighted contentedly, and breathed “I love you” — a powerful end to an incredible night. It’d been so long since we’d fucked like that and I attributed it to how much pent up energy we’d created that night, but little did I know, his enthusiastic fucking was due to another reason, at least in part.

That reason, however small, was Tom.

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