As I stood up I steped backward. My foot went down in kinda a washed out spot, I tryed to stay on my feet, but I soon knew that I was flat on my back, sliding head first down the step dirt ditch bank. My black friend and breast remover hurled around to help. On my way down hill by nature my bikini bottom was sliding right off my rear end. As fate would have it he reaches, grabed my ancle with his left hand, and forward he reaches higher with his right hand. In the swiftness of timing, his hand slides under the tied part of my G-string, and my downward journey made it come untied. Finialy his brute strenght had me stoped, stable, and I was able to crawl back up the hill to safety. I sat there for a moment to catch my breath, then I reilized that my bikini bottom was completly off me, it was half way down the slope, and now he was viewing my private parts between my legs. There was a look in his eye that I did not understand, was it me or was it him, or was any thing like this surpose to happen.
 He made his way back to finishing up my tire change. I made the decision to just leave off my bottom it was dirty now anyway. I noticed my top had a grease marke on it also, so I took it on off so I wouldn`t smear it. Why not, this guy had already seem me, and to top it off I`m horny as hell now. There was no change in the size of his cock, I knew what I saw, and I wanted so much to pull it out of his pants.
 The tire was on now, I`m ready to roll he said. I tod him that I didn`t no how to thank him for all of his help. Then I saw that look again. The only words that I could think of to say was, are you sure that I can`t pay you some how. What a lame thing to say, no it was realy what I ment to say. I`m sure that I was the first white women he had ever seen, naked that is, so this was awkward for us both. My horny state, along with the liqure, had me unzipping his pants, and my mouth fully engauged in pleasure. I glanced up at him, what a look of satisfaction he had, did he want more, could I handle that monster cock deep inside me. I sucked for sometime tasting a bit of sweet juice, then I said would you do me a favor. Nothing else was said. I streched out on my front side over the tail gate of my truck, he gently strocked his cock over my pussy and ass. Don`t tease me I said, at which time he probed that shaft deep inside my pussy. I had never had a man this big before and one that felt so good. Right before his cum reached its exit, he pulled out, teasing my ass. I made many sounds of excitment then he rapped my ass. The first few pushes hurt, but the pain gave way to a filling of total fullfillment. His hot load of cum warmed my body. This guy had awakened my sexual side, was it his size, was it his color, was it the eventfull afternoon naked with a total stranger from nowhere. It did not matter to me, I wanted somthing that day, and the opputunity came. I`m glad it did, and I just wanted to share it with the world.
 Maybe I will be alowed to have another flat tire, and a rear poke.