Opening the Camp, There’s more to camping than just knots

Opening the Camp, There’s more to camping than just knots

“Remind me again which knot we use for this?” Kate asked, frowning slightly at the rope in her hands. Jessica finished tying her end of the canvas tent to the wooden support and came around to Kate’s side of the platform.

“Sheet bend”, the younger woman said with a smile. “Want me to show you?” A strand of Jessica’s bright red hair had come loose from her long braid and she absently tucked it behind her ear. She was a tall young woman – close to 5’9″ – and her thick braid extended almost to her waist.

Kate didn’t know her well, but since Jessica was more experienced at camping, she had been paired with Kate to open the Girl Guide camp for the spring. This was the first year Kate had volunteered to join the group of women for this May long weekend. Five of them had driven up Friday night and several others would be coming and going throughout the weekend. There was a lot to do to prepare the camp for the summer season – minor repairs, cleaning, checking the boats, clearing out the raccoons that had decided to take advantage of the isolated site over the winter and, of course, setting up the tents. With six different sites on the large campground and at least 10 canvas tents per site, it took a while. But, once erected, the tents remained all summer for groups of girls coming to camp for a weekend or a week. Though harder to set up, they were much more durable than the flimsier nylon tents.

“Sheet bend,” Kate repeated. “Wait – I think I know that one.” She slowly twisted the rope into the requisite loops, muttering to herself as she slipped it over the pole.

“Perfect!” Jessica told her, resting a hand on Kate’s shoulder as she peered at her completed knot. “Only four more to go. I’ll finish the other side.” Kate paused to wipe the sweat off her forehead before moving to the next rope hanging loosely against the canvas. It had been unseasonably warm for the past two weeks and today was shaping up to be a scorcher. Both women were wearing long pants for leg protection while hiking through the brush and although part of the work was done in the shade, the tents were set up in clearings and it was a very sunny day.

“Frig, it’s hot!” Jessica exclaimed. “I don’t ever remember it ever being this warm on opening weekend.” She pulled her t-shirt out of her technical pants, fanning it away from her flat stomach. Kate had a brief flash of creamy white skin and blue lace before Jessica tucked her shirt back into her pants. She watched as Jessica bent to grab her water bottle, the khaki fabric of her pants tight against her slim buttocks. Jessica took a quick swallow of water and splashed a bit on her face and neck, her pale grey t-shirt now wet from sweat and water. Kate realised she was staring, her mouth somewhat dry, and bent to take a swig from her own water bottle. Settle down, she told herself firmly – she’s much too young for you.

“How many years have you been volunteering for this?” Kate asked her, pulling firmly on the rope and completing the next knot much more rapidly than the first.

“This is only my second year doing it as a leader but I’ve come a bunch of times when I was a Ranger and then a junior leader,” she said. She was already finished her side and moved along to help Kate.

“You’re what – 20? 21?” Kate asked, thinking back to how she used to spend her weekends when she was in her late teens and early 20’s…and it wasn’t doing this.

“I’m 22,” Jessica told her. “I have one more year of my bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and then I have to decide if I want to go for a master’s or maybe medical school. I’m still not sure.”

“Twenty-two!” Kate exclaimed. “I’m almost old enough to be your mother!” Although Kate’s own hair was still a rich auburn and her face still fairly free of wrinkles, Jessica’s inexhaustible energy made Kate feel far older.

“No way – how old ARE you?” Jessica asked curiously. “You can’t be more than 31 or 32.”

“I’m almost 39. Veritably ancient,” Kate replied, shaking her head and wishing she were indeed still 32.

“I have plenty of friends in their 30’s,” Jessica told her. “And you’re still so beautiful,” she continued, looking away and turning a bright red. Before Kate could process the comment – or the blush – Jessica changed the subject, suggesting they continue to the next tent.

The two women chatted as they systematically moved through the site, completing the work checklist. They’d gotten an early start and it wasn’t even ten yet. Kate was feeling pretty good about their progress but wondered if she’d survive the heat once it really warmed up for the day. Jessica must have been thinking along the same lines.

“What would you think if I volunteered us to inspect Sunset Island?” Jessica asked. “No one else had taken that job as of breakfast this morning and we could canoe over with lunch – it’d be cooler on the lake.”

“I love that idea!” Kate responded enthusiastically. “We’re almost done here, right?”

Jessica glanced through the checklist and nodded. “Let’s head back to the main lodge and hope no-one’s had the same idea first!”

They hiked down the dirt path to the sturdy wooden building near the waterfront. Most of the volunteers had slept in the bunk beds inside last night and the two older women who worked the kitchen had already started preparing lunch for the rest of the volunteers. Kate refilled their water bottles while Jessica filled a knapsack with supplies for their picnic lunch. There was a slight breeze down by the boathouse and Kate was glad Jessica had made this suggestion. She’d never been to Sunset Island. It was a few kilometres from the main camp and a popular destination for older girls to practice their boating skills.

Kate stopped to untie her braid, which had become loose during the morning.

“Sometimes I wish my hair wasn’t so curly!” she cursed, her fingers caught in a tangle.

“I’d love to have curly hair,” Jessica responded. “Mine is so fine I end up having to wear it tied up most of the time. Here – I’ll re-braid it for you,” she offered, moving behind Kate.

“Thanks,” Kate said, as the girl expertly separated and braided her hair. It only extended to her upper back, so the process was rather quick. Even so, Kate was very conscious of Jessica’s fingers gently stroking her scalp, her warm breath on her neck, and possibly the brush of her small breasts against Kate’s back. But perhaps she was imagining that, Kate thought. Despite the heat, Kate felt her nipples harden and tried to focus her thoughts on something other than how strong Jessica’s hands were and how they might feel on other parts of her body.

“All done,” Jessica said, somewhat breathlessly and brushed her hands lightly over Kate’s shoulders. Kate turned to smile at her and was surprised to see that Jessica was again blushing. Jessica opened her mouth, as if to say something, but bit her lip and looked away. But then she suddenly reached out and grasped Kate in a quick hug.

“I’m having a great day with you,” Jessica said impulsively. “Let’s get going.”

Kate caught her breath, surprised at the sudden show of affection…and at her own physical response to it. She found herself wishing it had lasted just a bit longer.

As they donned their life jackets and prepped the canoe, Jessica explained that the island was named for its westerly position in relation to the main camp. Hopefully, the small campsite on the island had fared well over the winter and they wouldn’t have much clean up to do. If major repairs were needed, they would have to report back to the property committee.

Jessica grabbed an emergency kit and tossed it into the canoe. She directed Kate to take the front position, as the younger woman was the more experienced boater. They used the oars to push off the dock and headed away from the main camp. The sun was strong and Kate was glad for her hat and sunglasses. The lake was quiet with only the sounds of birds and their oars dipping into the clear surface. Kate wasn’t used to boating and her shoulder muscles were just starting to protest when Jessica pointed out the small stretch of beach ahead. They landed and Kate jumped out to hold the canoe steady for Jessica. They pulled it farther out of the water and immediately took off their sweaty life jackets.

“It’s so beautiful here!” Kate said, looking around and stretching. “But holy crap, I’m hot!” Jessica was looking at her speculatively, fanning herself with her hat.

“Why don’t we have a quick swim before we have lunch,” she suggested. “I could stand to wash off some of this sweat.”

Kate was tempted. “I didn’t bring a bathing suit, though,” she said. “Do you think anyone is likely to come by and see us?”

Jessica shook her head. “I don’t have a suit either but we’re completely isolated here. No one else will boat out to the island since we volunteered for the job and no one else uses the lake.” She paused and caught Kate’s eye. “We’re completely alone.”

Kate found she was reading all sorts of things into Jessica’s comment but firmly warned herself to turn off her imagination and take it at face value. Just because she was incredibly horny and found Jessica completely attractive didn’t mean that the younger woman would have any reciprocal feelings. Jessica hadn’t mentioned a boyfriend in any of their conversations that day but that didn’t mean she liked women. Or that she was attracted to Kate. Or would want to do anything. Kate belatedly realized that Jessica was waiting for a response from her.

“Let’s do it,” Kate agreed. She pulled off her t-shirt and reached around to unclasp her bra, watching Jessica out of the corner of her eye. Jessica had already kicked off her shoes and was sliding her pants over her hips. Her blue lace panties followed, as did her t-shirt and bra. Kate was slower in shedding her own pants, mesmerized by the expanse of toned white skin, interrupted only by a faint smattering of pale freckles and a darker red patch of pubic hair.

Kate dragged her eyes back to Jessica’s face only to see the girl’s gaze apparently likewise drifting. Kate swore she saw the girl’s eyes widen at the site of her bare pussy and she was certain Jessica looked at her mature breasts longer than might have been polite given the circumstances. Kate was aware that her breasts were not as high and firm as they had once been but she had long ago stopped being self-conscious of her body. She wondered what Jessica thought of it though.

Jessica glanced quickly at Kate’s face then away. Kate thought she saw a blush colour her cheeks but it was hard to tell in the heat of the sun.

“Come on,” Jessica said, grabbing Kate’s hand and pulling her towards the water. The beach was a mixture of sand and smooth stones and the water was clear and still. Kate gasped as her toes reached the edge of the lake. It was cold against her hot skin.

“Okay, I’m refreshed,” Kate announced when the icy water had reached her ankles.

Jessica laughed. “Oh no! I’m not letting you get away with just that. You’re coming in all the way,” she told her. She slid her arm around Kate’s waist. “We’ll do it together.”

Kate suddenly felt a wave of heat and it wasn’t from the sunshine. Jessica’s naked hip brushed against her own as she slowly led her deeper into the water. She almost didn’t notice the cold until the water lapped against her bare pussy lips. She let out a small shriek and stopped. Jessica took a step farther and turned towards her. She looked down and laughed again. “Maybe it’s because you don’t have a fur coat down there,” she teased.

Kate used this as an excuse to openly appraise the younger woman. She was truly magnificent. She was slim and well-muscled, with blue eyes and delicate features. Her breasts were about a size B, high on her chest with reddish areolas. And yes, her pubic hair was untrimmed and the colour one would expect from a natural redhead.

Kate found herself reaching unconsciously towards that red bush before she realised what she was doing and stopped. She awkwardly patted her own braid to cover the aborted gesture and said, “Yes well, if I had known you’d drag me into an icy lake, I wouldn’t have gone for a waxing this week.” Although, she admitted to herself, she was starting to get used to the frigid temperature.

Jessica grinned at her and walked backwards into the lake, falling back into the water when it reached her waist. Kate sighed and dove in. The shock caused her skin to tingle all over and her heart to pound but within moments, she had adjusted. She trod water, watching Jessica float on her back, her erect nipples easily visible above the water. The cold water lapping against the heat of Kate’s pussy was tantalising and she allowed herself to think about what she’d really like to be doing with Jessica right now.

Jessica swam over to her, her long wet braid trailing behind her. “Ready to head in?” she asked.

“Yes,” Kate responded, following her out of the lake and enjoying the sight of her young body emerging from the water. Jessica opened one of the bags in the canoe and spread out a blanket on the grass just up from the beach. She sprawled on it and said, “I didn’t think to bring towels but we can air dry on this.”

Jessica watched Kate as she walked over to the blanket and lay down next to her. The younger woman rolled onto her side and propped her head up on one hand.

“So, Kate,” she began, “can I ask you something?”

“Of course,” Kate replied instantly.

“You said you get waxed – I mean, your – ” she waved vaguely towards Kate’s lower region. “What’s the – it’s not like it’s bathing suit season, so…why…” she stopped and tried again. “I saw that you took it ALL off…” she trailed off.

Kate rescued her. “You’re wondering why I get all of it removed?”

“Yeah,” said Jessica, relieved. “Doesn’t it feel weird?”

Kate smiled. “No. It feels amazing. You feel everything more. It’s all so much more sensitive. And sex is -” she paused, not sure how experienced Jessica was. Well, she was 22, Kate thought. “Sex is incredible,” she finished.

Jessica’s cheeks were a bit pink, Kate noticed.

“You said you had it waxed this week,” Jessica began. “How long does it stay smooth?”

Kate considered. “The first few days are the best, but it stays pretty smooth for a week, then gradually starts to grow back.” She thought for a moment. “I guess it would depend how fast your hair grows in general.”

“So it’s still really smooth now?” Jessica asked, looking down at Kate’s fingers as she brushed them absent-mindedly against her mound. Jessica’s eyes seemed riveted to the action of the fingers and Kate realized that wanted to tease the girl. She wondered if the younger woman was gay or even just curious. She felt a familiar pulse between her legs when she thought about exploring that curiosity.

Kate moved her fingers deliberately over her waxed skin and heard a resulting hitch in Jessica’s breathing. Kate closed her eyes for a moment and swallowed. What was the phrase: in for a penny…?

“Oh yes,” she replied, chuckling and glancing sideways at Jessica. “You can feel it if you want.” She wasn’t sure how Jessica would respond but felt herself start to get wet at the possibilities.

Jessica bit her lip and reached out, replacing Kate’s fingertips with her own. Kate swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. She cautiously touched Jessica’s red bush with gentle fingers. “Though your hair is very soft,” she murmured. Kate’s heart was pounding but she tried to keep her tone casual.

Apparently emboldened by the gesture, Jessica’s touch became more confident and Kate allowed her legs to fall slightly open in invitation. One finger slipped between her pussy lips, just touching the tip of Kate’s clit. Kate reached her other hand over to brush against Jessica’s nipple. Jessica gasped. Her finger slid lower along Kate’s slit, hesitantly stroking.

Watching for any negative response, Kate sat up, and rolled Jessica onto her back. The younger woman was watching her with wide eyes but didn’t protest as Kate straddled her hips and leaned forward. Her lips hovering just above the other woman’s, she said, “Anytime you want to, just ask me to stop.” Jessica nodded once. Kate kissed her. The girl’s lips were soft and tentative at first, but with a flick of Kate’s tongue, she parted them slightly to let their tongues intertwine.

Jessica reached up to fondle Kate’s breasts gently, though Kate’s nipples were aching for more. She could feel the tickle of Jessica’s pubic hair against her pussy but held herself back from grinding into the other woman. Her cunt felt heavy with arousal, the sun on her back adding to her overall feeling of heat. She slid her tongue down Jessica’s body, pausing to suck at first one nipple, then the other. When she gently used her teeth, Jessica gasped and let out a small moan. She continued the track of her tongue down her stomach and as she approached the red bush of hair, she felt Jessica tense.

Kate looked up, “Is this okay? Do you want me to stop?” she asked, holding her breath for the answer.

“No,” Jessica replied immediately. “Please – it’s just…I’ve never…been with another woman before. Well – or with a man, for that matter. But I want to – please don’t stop.” She bit her lip, her cheeks very flushed. “It feels so good,” she finished.

Kate smiled. “Then just relax and let me show you how good it can feel,” she said, relieved that she wouldn’t have to stop now.

She knelt on the blanket between Jessica’s legs, pushing them slightly farther apart. Kate blew gently on her hair, parting it and revealing the pink flesh beneath. She could see that Jessica was already wet. Kate ran her tongue along the other woman’s inner thigh, teasing up to her pussy, but not touching. Jessica smelled of sunscreen and arousal. Her clit was poking out from beneath the bush and Kate couldn’t resist it any longer. Her tongue flicked out to connect with it. Jessica gasped. She opened her legs wider and Kate began light strokes first along one side of her clit, then the other. It was hard and slick, both with Kate’s saliva and Jessica’s arousal.

Kate gently inserted one finger into Jessica’s pussy while her tongue concentrated on the other woman’s clit. She slowly moved it in and out, adding a second finger to the tight hole. Jessica was so wet that they slid in easily. She was moaning softly, moving her hips in rhythm with the thrusts, her legs stretched wide, feet on either side of Kate’s head. Kate’s own hips were moving in sympathy, her arousal mounting with the tangy taste of Jessica’s pussy. Kate wished she had a cock to fuck her as she looked up at Jessica – so delectable, stretched out on the blanket, eyes closed and mouth slightly open.

“Oh God!” Jessica cried out suddenly, clamping her legs tightly on Kate’s head as she came. Kate slowed her movements until the iron grip of Jessica’s thighs relaxed. Kate wasn’t sure how her young lover would react now that she had orgasmed, but Jessica pulled her up to kiss her full on the mouth, tasting herself on Kate’s tongue.

Jessica pulled away to look into Kate’s eyes. “I had no idea it could feel that way – so different from when I touch myself.”

Kate gently brushed her fingertips over the soft creamy skin, smiling at the small shiver it evoked. “Haven’t you ever experimented with someone?” she asked.

“Not really,” Jessica replied. “There was one guy last year. We went out a couple of times and made out back at his place, but…” She tentatively stroked one of Kate’s breasts and leaned forward to kiss her. “He was just so – rough – and rushed. And his lips – his kisses were nothing like yours. When you touch me…”

Jessica ran her fingers lightly over the older woman’s abdomen, shyly stopping at her pussy. “I want to try – please – could I try it on you?”

“I would love that,” the older woman replied and immediately flipped onto her back.

Jessica copied the pattern Kate had used, first working on her nipples and then moving lower with her tongue. Kate could not believe how aroused she was. She wondered if she would come at the first touch of her clit. But Jessica enjoyed teasing her, apparently. She lightly ran her tongue over Kate’s outer lips, dipping briefly into her cunt, but avoiding her clit altogether.

Her frustration and arousal building, Kate tried to subtly position her pelvis so that Jessica’s tongue would naturally connect with her most sensitive spot, but Jessica seemed deft at evading it. Kate glanced down and Jessica grinned up at her. “Be patient,” she said mischievously. “I have some ideas I want to try out,” the redhead told her. “I may not have any actual experience but it doesn’t mean I haven’t done any…research…online.”

Jessica stopped for a moment and continued, “Actually, could you close your eyes? I want to try something. I – I’ve tried it on myself and I want to try it with you.” At this point, Kate thought, she would agree to just about anything if the other woman would just keep touching her.

“Okay,” Kate said. “I’ll close my eyes – I trust you.” She felt Jessica stand and move away from the blanket. The light breeze cooled the sweat that had formed on her body from the afternoon’s activities and she had to restrain herself from reaching town to touch herself.

She heard some rustling and interpreted that Jessica was getting something out of the knapsack they had brought with lunch. She tried to remember what she had seen the other woman pack but drew a blank. Her brain just wasn’t working right now.

Jessica had returned to the blanket, and Kate felt hot breath on her pussy. She licked again along Kate’s outer lips and – miracles – swiped along her slit to her clit. Kate moaned loudly, grateful they were so isolated here. Jessica flicked her tongue back and forth on Kate’s clit and dipped it lower to her cunt.

“Oh my God,” Jessica said again, “you taste so good – and so different from me.” She licked from Kate’s pussy to her clit and back down again, drawing the juices all over her smooth slit. Kate groaned when she felt a finger inside of her. She pressed down against it, wishing it in deeper. Jessica added a second finger and then a third, her tongue flicking around the hole and occasionally connecting with the clit, teasing Kate and leaving her wanting more. Just as Kate felt her orgasm start to build, Jessica pulled away.

In a moment, however, Jessica’s fingers were replaced by something cool and hard against Kate’s cunt. Her eyes flew open. Jessica was holding the whole English cucumber from their lunch bag against Kate’s pussy and was slowly pushing it in. Fuck it felt good! Kate couldn’t believe how full it felt inside her. Jessica withdrew it slowly and pushed it in again farther. Kate moaned loudly. She pressed her pelvis towards the hard cucumber, revelling in the sensations, aching to have more of it inside her. It was definitely thicker and longer than any cock – or dildo – she had experienced.

Jessica bent to lick again at Kate’s clit, pushing the cucumber in as far as it would go. The combination of her tongue and the hard full feeling inside of her quickly brought Kate to orgasm. She came in a powerful gush, crying out and lifting her hips. The electric shocks travelled all the way from her toes and for a moment, she forgot where they were. Just as well they were alone, she thought. Jessica withdrew the cucumber as her spasms faded, placing it next to her on the blanket.

She straddled Kate, rubbing her pussy against the older woman and kissing her mouth. “Did you like that?” she asked.

“That was incredible,” Kate responded. “I can’t believe you’ve never had sex with another woman – you’re a natural,” she told her.

“Well, I’ve had lots of experience on my own,” Jessica said, blushing and kissing her again. Kate could feel the girl’s pubic hair brushing against her upper thigh. Kate was still horny and from her movements, clearly Jessica was too.

“Was there anything else you wanted to try?” Kate asked, curious, running her hands over Jessica’s hip and butt. Her skin was like creamy silk.

“A few things,” the girl replied, smiling and moving down to sit between Kate’s legs. She caressed Kate’s breasts, marvelling at their size and fullness – Kate was easily a 38D or DD, depending on the bra. Jessica reached again for the cucumber, using it to rub Kate’s clit, spreading her lubrication over her naked pussy, then on her own clit. She continued this back and forth until the cucumber was slick with their combined juices. She pressed one end into Kate’s pussy and slid forward until she could slide the other end into her own. Kate reached out to gently stroke Jessica’s clit with her thumb and Jessica did the same to Kate.

Jessica slowly pressed her pelvis forward, supporting the cucumber with one hand, moving it slightly in and out of both pussies. Kate propped herself up on one elbow, watching the green vegetable as it fucked them. The sight of the hard long cucumber sticking out of Jessica’s cunt and into her own was so kinky, she felt an erotic tingle deep in her stomach from the view. Incredibly, she felt another orgasm build quickly and noticed that Jessica’s breathing was also becoming heavier. Jessica moaned loudly as she came, sending Kate over the edge with her.

Jessica placed the cucumber on the blanket again and collapsed next to Kate, spent. She rolled over and kissed her deeply, rolling her tongue over the older woman’s, and running her hands over her body.

“Your skin is so soft,” Jessica told her. “I don’t want to stop touching it.”

“Well, you had better stop or we’ll never finish our inspection,” Kate said ruefully, “And then they might send someone to find out what’s taking us so long.”

She leaned over and sucked briefly on one of Jessica’s nipples, squeezing her firm ass, asking, “Don’t some people camp on some of the sites rather than in the main lodge tonight? Any chance we could find an isolated tent to share?”

Jessica’s eyes sparkled as she responded, “I have just the place in mind.”


Jessica unrolled her sleeping bag, unzipping it completely and stretching it over the floor of the tent. She had chosen the most remote of the sites on camp. Most of the other volunteers had decided to remain in the lodge or camp on the site closest to the waterfront.

Kate spread her own sleeping bag on top of Jessica’s, setting her flashlight to the lantern position and checking that the tent flaps were closed. Dinner with the rest of the group had been interminable – all she could think of was Jessica’s hard body, her hands and tongue, and what she wanted to do with her tonight. They had sat next to each other at the long benches in the lodge, thighs pressed together, hands brushing each other whenever they moved.

There had been one moment when they were packing their supplies for the night and Kate had pressed Jessica up against the storage room door, kissing her passionately and pressing their hips together. Jessica had slid her hand down Kate’s pants to cup her ass, sneaking a finger between her ass cheeks. Kate had slipped her hand into the younger woman’s bra to pinch her nipple, enjoying the quiet gasp it evoked. They had stood there, kissing and grinding for several long minutes, eventually reaching down the front of each other’s pants to feel for the hot wetness building there. Kate felt like a teenager again. They might have gone further if they hadn’t heard footsteps in the hallway.

It was a beautiful night and normally, she’d be outside gazing at the stars and reminding herself of the prominent spring constellations. Tonight, however, she had more interesting plans.

She stood and reached for Jessica who had moved to stand next to her. The girl leaned forward to kiss her and Kate was reminded again how soft and pliable her lips were. Though she enjoyed men wholeheartedly, there was nothing like kissing another woman. Kate’s hands slid up under the back of Jessica’s t-shirt to unclasp her bra then moved around to cup both breasts in her warm palms. She lifted both Jessica’s shirt and bra over her head and dipped her head to roll the nipples with her tongue, teasing and nibbling at them. Jessica seemed lost in the sensations, closing her eyes and throwing her head back.

Kate undid Jessica’s pants, slipping her hand down her panties, feeling for the hot cleft. She was initially shocked at how wet it was though she realized that she was likely no different. The complete surrender of the girl’s body to her touch was intoxicating and she revelled in it. Feeling the slippery wetness of her pussy, she couldn’t help but raise her fingers to her mouth to taste it. It was muskier now than it had been at the beach and even more erotic. She needed to have more of it.

She slid the pants down Jessica’s legs and off, one foot at a time. The young goddess was naked before her, the dim light of their flashlights casting shadowy contours on her body. Kate knelt before her, running her hands up the smooth legs, cupping her ass. She leaned forward to take in Jessica’s scent, feeling a pulse in her own pussy as she did. She flicked out with her tongue to lap at the girl’s slit, teasing and sucking at her clit, feeling Jessica’s hands resting on her shoulders for support.

“Lie down,” Kate told her and Jessica complied without a word, spreading her legs for more intimate attention. The tent suddenly seemed far too warm. Kate quickly removed her clothing and knelt between her lover’s legs.

She spread the wet folds of Jessica’s pussy lips with her fingers to expose her clit, hard and engorged from all the attention. Kate’s tongue continued its long strokes, reaching lower, past her cunt. Jessica made a soft sound of pleasure and raised her legs, giving Kate better access. Surprised but pleased, Kate extended her tongue’s attentions to Jessica’s ass, flicking and teasing before returning to her clit.

Jessica grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up. “I want to lick you at the same time,” she said.

Kate smiled at her. “I think we can arrange that,” she said and positioned her pussy over the other woman’s mouth. She was a few inches shorter than Jessica but fortunately most of the girl’s height was in her legs so they lined up quite well. She felt Jessica grab her ass as she lowered herself and spread her legs. She couldn’t access as much of Jessica’s pussy with her mouth in this position but reached her hard clit easily. She opted to use her fingers on the girl’s pussy and used the slick digits to tease her asshole too.

She moaned as Jessica’s tongue connected with her clit. She was already so wet for her and the girl was a genius with her tongue. Kate felt at least one finger enter her pussy and a moment later, something teased against her butt hole. Jessica must have used Kate’s own lubrication because the finger slid easily into her ass. Kate wondered if the girl was doing to her what she wanted for herself and decided to try returning the favour. The loud moan from the other woman reassured her that her instincts had been right.

She sucked and licked at Jessica’s clit, pressing gently in and out of her pussy and ass and feeling the same care on her own sensitive parts. Jessica’s cries became louder just as Kate felt her own orgasm peak and the girl came moments after.

Kate eased off her, resting on her elbows to take some of her weight off the other woman, kissing her and pressing their pelvises together. She couldn’t believe she was still horny but she wanted more. Jessica obviously had the same idea. She rolled Kate onto her back, scissored their legs and pressed their pussies together. The rough feeling of Jessica’s hair on her cunt stimulated Kate’s clit and she moaned. Jessica leaned back, her hands supporting herself as she moved her pelvis rhythmically against Kate. She was making soft sounds of pleasure and Kate could see the gleam of sweat on her body in the dim light.

Jessica groaned as she thrust her cunt hard against Kate, coming again. Kate wasn’t done though and she gripped Jessica’s hips firmly, rubbing herself toward her own orgasm. She was momentarily shocked to hear Jessica whisper, “Yes – fuck me. Fuck me, Kate,” but it passed as she felt the familiar heavy tingle start in her clit and extend through her pussy and to her nipples. She yelled as she came, her cries mixing with Jessica’s as the girl also came a final time.

Jessica kissed her and curled her long body against Kate’s, resting her head on the woman’s breasts. She sighed contentedly and said, “Do you think we can convince the others that we forgot something on Sunset Island today? Like maybe a first aid kit or sunglasses or something? Then we’d have to go back to get it tomorrow…”

Kate laughed softly and stroked the girl’s hair gently. “I think we can come up with something.”

Added by DragonflySong

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