One hundred kisses

It happened 18 years back when I was just 24.I was working in a reputed office in Mangalore. I had joined the said office 3 years back immediately after my graduation. As I was very honest in my works, my Manager liked me very much. He was assigning many additional works to me every now and again. I was doing it up to his satisfaction without grumbling.

On a fine morning a new girl joined our office. The Manager called me to his chamber and introduced the new girl as
“She is Rosy Kurian from Kerala. She is joining our team today.”
I said to her “Hi Rosy. Welcome to our team and to our city Mangalore.”
“Thank you”
Boss told me to introduce her to all staff. So I took her around the office and introduced. After introduction I lead her to her table and said,
“This is your table. U can occupy this chair. Feel homely and comfortable here. In case you have any difficulty, you can approach me for any help”
“Thank you”
Next day she met me and said,
” I need some accommodation for my stay. I prefer a small house so that I can cook my food. Safety is very important. If any working girl is there to be my room mate, it will be good”
“Certainly I will find out one house for you. don’t worry.Give me few days time”
I started contacting people for a house for Rosy. I approached few men. In the process I met one old couple who were staying in the main house in the front and let out a small out house on the backside. The husband and wife were around 70 age and only two of them were staying there. Their children were all in different places on their professions. They were coming to Deepawali to the parents’house every year.
I met the couple and said,
” My colleague from Kerala is in need of a house for her stay. Is your out house available?”
“One girl Sheela is already there. She is working for a bank. She is also alone there. If she agrees your colleague can stay with her. We don’t have objection”
I took the contact number of Sheela from this couple and contacted her. Next day I took Rosy to that bank and introduced her to Sheela. After half an hour discussion with Rosy, Sheela agreed to accommodate her as room mate. So Rosy Kurian entered Sheela’s house as room mate. She got settled down soon. Sheela and Rosy became good company to each other.

Every week end and holiday Sheela was going to her village as her parents and brother were staying there. So on all holidays Rosy was alone there.
One day Rosy told me,
” Sheela goes to her village on all holidays. I am alone on such days. Alone means boring.”
“oh, is it?”
“Mohan, will you come to my house on holidays and spend some time with me and help to get rid of my boredom and loneliness?”
I agreed. From very next Sunday onwards I started visiting her house and be with her for one or two hours, just chit chatting. She was thankful to me for that. For me also it was a good time pass on holidays. Gradually Rosy told me to stay for more time. So I started to be with her from morning 10 AM till evening and sometimes till 8 PM also.
She expressed her desire to see different parts of the city.So on Sundays I was taking her to different areas in the city and made her taste food in different restaurants and ice cream parlours. Then I took her to nearby places outside the city like Udupi, Suratkal, Manipal, Malpe beach, Maravante beach, Murdeswar, Karkal etc on week ends. She enjoyed all her holidays in this way and it was a good engagement for me also.

Like this a year passed. Rosy had become very close to me. On some Sundays I used to be in her house just for chit chatting without going anywhere. We were playing some indoor games like Rummy or chess or carom or any other game that flashed in our mind.

Occasionally we were going to watch movies in good cinema halls. In the cinema hall Rosy was deliberately touching me. One day we were watching an English movie. There was a beautiful love scene. The heroine was in a bikini. The hero was kissing her. On seeing this Rosy was getting horny as I could hear the sound of her breath. Even I was in a mood to kiss.I turned to her and gave a lovely kiss. She silently cooperated and enjoyed.

Next day I went to her house as it was a holiday. As usual she welcomed me with smile. I was in a mood to play some games. She brought playing cards and said, “let us play Rummy”
” Ok. Shall we play with some stake. ? any small amount also OK”
“Even a small amount like 5 rupees is fine.Or u can have 100 rupees also. Or else any other thing you suggest”
She said,” you suggest. I agree to whatever condition you put. It is equally applicable to both of us”
“Then I have some condition in mind. I write down it in a paper and keep it in an envelope. We open it after the game is over. Whatever I write is applicable to both of us”
She agreed. I wrote down something on a paper and closed it. Our game started. She was trying to win with all seriousness but I was very casual. So I lost the game.She was the winner.
She immediately took the paper , opened it and read. Her face became pale with mixed feelings. She was angry with me for writing that condition as stake.
In fact, I had written as “THE LOSER SHOULD GIVE 100 KISSES TO THE WINNER”
I teased her by saying, “Rosy, don;t worry. I had already kissed you once in the cinema hall. Balance 99 only I will give today”
She could not control her feeling for a moment. She was getting hot. Her face turned red. She took courage and said,
” OK. I have won. you have lost. You can give me 99 kisses or even more now. But not like the one in the cinema hall. Every kiss should be long for minutes. You are free to kiss every where. But one condition is there”
” which condition?”
” you have to be in less cloths than me”
I did not understand, But agreed.
She went inside her room and came back in just a panty and bra. Very bold girl Rosy.
Now I had to be in less dress than her. So I removed my shirt, pant, banyan. She told me to remove underwear also. Hesitatingly I removed my underwear. My dick started raising.She was watching my raising cock. It became very hard. She was watching it with all curiosity. Perhaps she saw a man’s manhood for the first time in her life.
When she was observing my hard dick,I went near her and said, “Hold it in your hand and feel how hard it is”
She held it and said, “Very hard and very hot also”
I held her head tight and kissed her lips for five minutes when she was holding my cock. Then observed her face. She was happy. So I started kissing her on her cheeks, nose, forehead, neck and so on.
I told her ” You can kiss my cock, if u want and suck it.”
She kissed and took my cock in her mouth.
I kissed her all over her body. Forcibly removed her bra and kissed the boobs. and took the brown nipples in my mouth,
I kissed on her belly, back and hips, thighs, foot etc. I pulled her panty down and kissed her pussy. It was the first time in my life I saw a grown up girl’s pussy. There was black hair.

Total kisses I gave her might be to the tune of not 100, it could be 500. I was in a mood to fuck her. But did not dare to insert the cock into her vagina. On that day our game was over with kissing, licking and sucking only. I went home.

She did not talk to me for next 5 days.In the office also she avoided me. On the next Saturday She met me and said, ” Tomorrow you must come. And continue what was left out on last Sunday”

Next day I went to her house with a mind set to fuck her. Carried a packet of condoms with me. I had selected good quality dotted condoms with strawberry smell.
When I pressed the calling bell at 10 AM, Rosy opened the door.I was shocked to see her. She was wearing a red panty and bra + white transparent midi. I went inside and she took me straight to her bed room.
“No Rummy or chess today. Assume that you have won and I have lost. The condition is that the winner should fuck the loser till the loser says to stop”
I undressed and she took my cock in her mouth and started sucking. I licked her pussy. Then I mounted on her and tried to insert my hard cock into her vagina. But I could not do it as both of us were not experienced. I went on trying again many times. Finally My cock was successful in puncturing her hymen and entering her vagina at 5 PM. My cock went completely inside her vagina. We both were happy.

After breaking the virginity I started pumping and she was crying ” pain, pain. U stop”
I said, let me cum and stop. I took a packet of condom and opened it. She asked me,
” is it nirodh?”
“Yes. good quality Nirodh. Imported one. Just to ensure that you don’t become pregnant. It is for your safety only”
I fixed the condom and entered her vagina again. Pumped very hard without caring for her pain or comfort, jerked and then removed the cock. By then the cock had become small. The condom was full of my semen. I removed it and showed to her. She smiled.
We took rest for some time.Then I got up, dressed up and got ready to go home. She went to bath room and freshened herself and came to send me. She said,
“Let us repeat this next week also”
We repeated it not only on next Sunday, but almost on every holiday. We enjoyed like husband and wife. In those days the concept of LIVING TOGETHER was not there. Otherwise we could have done living together.
Two years later she left the job and returned to Kerala to pick up some other job. On the previous day of her return journey< we had full night fucking session. And that was my last fuck with her. After returning to Kerala, she never contacted me, not gave her address or contact number. But I have not forgotten her even after 18 years. Now I am married. I live with wife and two kids. Almost every night I fuck my wife. And when my cock enters wife’s hole I imagine that Rosy is lying under me. I had taken few panties of Rosy. I have them with me now also as mementos. Occasionally my wife wears them with out knowing that it is of another lady. And when my wife wears them, I feel that Rosy is before me. for me Rosy is an angel. And my wife is the representative of the angel.

Added by Mohan

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