My wife is sleeping with who?

I had had no clue why he had called me in. This announcement was about the last thing in the world I could have imagined, and it felt like a knife stabbing me in the chest. “No!” I yelled, jumping to my feet. “That’s a lie! How can you say such a terrible thing?”

He had pulled back from his desk when I jumped up, but after he realized that I wasn’t going to assault him he settled back in his chair and looked over to his director for help. The director stood up and began to pace around behind Ben. “Thomas, I know this comes as a shock, but it happens all the time. You’ve got to face it like a man.”

“No I don’t,” I said angrily, “because it isn’t true. You’re wrong, you’ve made a mistake.”

The two of them looked at each other and then the director shrugged his shoulders. “We didn’t want to get into the gory details, but I guess there’s no other way to convince you.” He gave a signal to Ben, who began calling up a file on his computer.

The director went on, “This call was actually recorded on Christmas Eve, but because of the holidays we didn’t get around to analyzing it until early this morning. After we heard it, Ben called you to come in.” He nodded at Ben, who had the file ready to play. Then he looked at me again. “You better sit down to hear this.”

Ben clicked his mouse and Ginny’s voice filled the room. Between the quality of the cellphone she was using and the computer playback, the sound fidelity wasn’t high, but there was no mistaking whose voice I was listening to.

“I hate it that we can’t be together these next two days,” she said in a tone of voice I hadn’t heard in a long time.

“What’s the matter, baby, didn’t I give you enough loving to tide you over last time?” a male voice asked.

“No, never,” she said with passion. “Making love to you has just the opposite effect. Every time you do me I wind up wanting even more. You’re like a drug to me.”

I thought for a second that I was going to be sick. Ben shot me an anxious glance and gestured toward the computer, offering to shut off the recording. But I waved him away – I had to hear it.

The man’s recorded laugh startled and enraged me. “When do you think we can we get together again?” he asked.

“Well, Christmas Day is definitely out,” Ginny’s voice said, “but I’ll find a way to get out of the house the next day. I’ll tell Thomas my girlfriend has the blues and needs comforting. That always works on him.”

That little revelation made me grind my teeth.

“What would you want me to do to you if we could be together now?” the man’s voice asked teasingly.

Ginny’s voice grew huskier. “If you were here now, I’d want you to play with my nipples. I’d want you to pinch them and bite them until they’re about to burst.”

“Then what?”

“Oh, baby, I’d like you to stick your big cock in my mouth and let me lick it and kiss it until it’s as hard as my nipples.”

“And then . . .” he asked suggestively.

“I’d like you to rub your cock all up and down my little pussy until it gets all slippery and wet for you. And then when I couldn’t stand it anymore I’d want you to hold my hips and slide it into me so slow and nice. And I’d be trying to buck up against you and make you drive it into me, but you’d keep holding me and teasing me until I was about to scream.” I heard a shudder in her voice. “Oh, baby, I’m starting to get all creamy just thinking about it.”

Please wait…

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