My Sensitive Son . Ch1

I have always been shy, quiet and calm. I’ve never been something above normal, at anything, at any stuff you would imagine. Just an ordinary woman at her 40s. A boring job at a boring office, so boring that even talking about it bores me, watching TV, Cooking and cleaning. So ordinary and routine.

I lost my husband to a car accident. I was happily married and I think my life was so much better before his death. It’s been 9 years now… 9 years on my own, 9 years just me, Mona. I believe my passion died with that car accident, … it died and made me this boring, fat, unattractive mom.

I have a son. He is the only interesting thing in my life, maybe the only reason I am alive. Luis is a college student and to be honest he is really smarter than me. He is the only hope I have in my boring life. I’ll do anything I can to make him successful and I think I am doing a great job- perhaps the greatest thing I’ve ever done.

Luis studies in our town, so he is always around. We have a great connection based on respect. He never talks loud with me, and honestly I have never seen him angry or even depressed. He really cares about me and I have the same attitude too. Sometimes I think he is too romantic, he really gets me and I am completely happy to have him around the house.

Last week I was watching TV. I was in living room and spread myself on the big couch. It was 6 pm and I heard the door opened. It was Luis. He seemed a little tired cause he left early in the morning. I kind of missed his face. I turned my head to see his beautiful brown eyes. He was obviously tired but as soon as he saw me, a big charming smile came on his face.

“Hi Mom”
Luis told and came to living room. I rose and sat on the couch to give him some space. I straightened my skirt as he approached the couch and reached his right hand to shake mine. It’s our special tradition, we always shake hands, no matter what.

“Hi sweety. How was your day?”
He sat next to me, kissed me briefly on right cheek and let my hand go.
“Not good enough.”
He said reluctantly.
“Something is wrong Lu?”
I raised my eyebrow curiously and continued. He seemed unwilling to talk.
“Never mind Mom. It’s not a really big deal, I am just a little tired. What are you watching?”

I dropped the conversation because I knew him very well. He is really smart and wise so you should never continue these situations. That would make him a little uncomfortable and that’s the last thing I want.

“Some comedy show. Let me make you some green tea. Change your clothes and tea will be ready honey. ”
I told him and stood up. I wanted to go to the kitchen when I saw his tired and sad eyes. His eyes have always been this innocent and when he is a little sad, I definitely notice. I couldn’t help myself, grabbed his head and placed a strong, loud kiss on his left cheek. I love the way his stubbly face feels on my lips.

“Don’t be sad young man, please!”
“I’m not Mom. Don’t pamper me young lady!”
I gave him a big loving laugh and headed to the kitchen. He says funny sometimes which I really like. I grabbed our blue teapot and began to make green tea, Lu’s favorite drink. After 10 minutes I poured tea into two small cups and returned to the living room.

He was already there, sitting on the couch, reading a book. He changed his clothes. He wore a white t-shirt and long shorts. I put the cups on the table and sat close to him. He smelled great. It was nothing unusual. He always wears a remarkable amount of perfume, I love his taste, especially in scents.
“What a magnificent smell Lu! What are you reading handsome?”

He looked at me with those big eyes and showed me book’s cover. Beautiful Disaster. He was reading another romantic book.
“Good choice. It’s the time, Drink your tea son. ”

He started to drink his tea silently. He still seemed a little unhappy and it bothered me.
“Seriously, what’s wrong honey? What happened out there today?”
“Nothing Mom, nothing happened outside.”
“So something happened inside! What is that?”

He was reluctant and quiet again. He finished drinking his tea.
“Come on honey. What happened here? Is it me? What’s wrong about me?!”
“Jesus! No mom, It’s not about you. It’s about me. But seriously I can’t tell you.”
I got curious as hell. What did I do wrong? I have always been so gentle and kind to him.
“Why not? Do you afraid of me? Are we not that close? What is it Lu?”

He took a deep breath. His face got kind of red.
“Do you want the truth? I should leave you so soon. I miss you already.”
I got shocked, worried and at same time, excited!
“Did you want to hear that? You raised a Mommas boy.”

Lu continued. He was too sad at that time. I look at him, sitting sad, I wanted to hug him tightly.
“What are you saying honey? Where do you want to go?”
“In a few months, I will graduate from college. You know the city, I should leave here to find a real job.”

I have not seen him this sad, never before. I grabbed his right hand in my palms, brought it to my lips.
“You are right Lu. I don’t know what to say. We will do something by then, don’t worry…”
I really didn’t know what to say. I just kissed his big hand. I starred in his sad eyes and kiss his hands again.

“Don’t be sad son. We still have a few months. And when you leave here, you will meet a wonderful girl, so better than your previous girlfriends. You won’t be alone son and you won’t miss this fat old mother of yours, of course!”

He pulled his hand back but didn’t break our eye contact.
“Fat? Old? Have you ever seen yourself in a mirror mom?”
My heart beat fast. At least faster than the last few years. His perfume was still great.

“You are the best looking mom I have ever seen. And that’s just your appearance. Your personality… That’s why I cannot leave you. Never. Ever never!”
His face was like he was going to cry! I knew that he was a sensitive man, but I have never known him this way. I got so emotional. More than whole of last few years, combined!

I opened my arms and whispered with sob. “Come here honey.”
He leaned toward me and released himself in my arms. His head was against my breasts and I could smelled his hair. I start smelling his brown hair unconsciously.
“Don’t be sad, please. I won’t let that happen, I will be there for you, always”. I whispered quietly into his ears.
“How mom? How would you do that?” He didn’t move a bit.
“I’ll come with you, wherever you go.” I said in a really low voice.
“What?” He said and pull his head back, looking right into my eyes again.
“What? What should I do without you? Who I have here except you?”
“Are you serious mom? Do you say this to just comfort me?”
“No kiddo. I am so sure. I really don’t have any reason to stay here if you go.”
He paused for a few seconds, just looking at me with his large killing eyes. And suddenly he attacked me! He started to kiss my face. First kiss on my right cheek, second one on the left, third on the forehead. I love his tender lips.

“Stop idiot. You are killing me Lu!” I told him and pushed his face from mine. I got hot somehow and filled with lots of boiling emotions. I smiled at him and starred into his eyes. I noticed his soft lips. I put my hand right behind his head and pulled him gently to me. I kissed his soft wet lips.
I couldn’t believe myself. I have never kissed my son on the lips. But my God, what a lip he had! His lips were soft and relishable and I didn’t want to stop. Exactly two seconds passed, I opened my eyes and saw him. Lu closed his eyes but his face looked a little surprised. I broke the kiss and looked at him.

“Ah, I, I… I … Yeah son, I will come with you, don’t worry honey.”
“T.. Thanks mom. You have no idea how much I love you.”
“I love you too sweety. Let’s make dinner and release the sadness.”
“Roger that ma’am. As you wish!”

We left the couch and went to the kitchen. I was still emotional but the mood was so happy, for both of us. We wanted to cook spaghetti, Lu’s favorite food. After an hour of fun, we made it together. Then Lu made the table ready and we finished our dinner. He was so happy and completely relieved. He looked at me differently but with the same amount of love and passion.

After dinner, he stood up to wash the dishes. I wanted to stop him but he insisted firmly. “Go and get some rest Milady. Your feet need some relaxation.“ He said passionately and started washing.
“Just my feet?!” I replied with a little naughtiness.
“Not bad mom, not bad!” He told me with a big laugh. “No, not just your feet. Your whole body need some rest to remain gorgeous.”
“Come on big guy! Don’t exaggerate. I am too ordinary to be gorgeous.”
I was flattered but to be honest, I didn’t get his joke about my body.
“I’m serious mom.” He said with a serious tone as he washed the plates. “Don’t get me wrong. But I love your figure and shapes. I always have.”

I was still sentimental from the afternoon and he wouldn’t stop saying great things about me. I left the chair, walked toward him and hugged him tightly from behind.
“Stop it Lu! You are getting yummy and yummier tonight, boy. And I just eat lots of spaghettis, I’m totally full!” I whispered into his ears as I pressed his back tightly. At 5.2 ft., I had to rise a little to whisper into his ear cause he was 5.7.

“I’m telling the truth Mom. Look at your face, everything is gorgeous, you can’t find a single flaw in your pretty face. And your body is fanta…”
I put my right hand on his lips to make him stop. He was making me hot and I was afraid he would understand it! I looked at my finger which was on his pink desirable lips and I wanted to kiss him again!
“Ok son, I am really full. Don’t make me eat you as my desert!” I said quietly and kissed his cheek, long and slow. “Finish the dishes, it’s getting late honey.”
“As you command, my elegant mommy!

Later that night, When I went to the bathroom to pee before sleep, I noticed something. I knew that my son made me emotional but I couldn’t believe how much… my old black panties got so wet! I touched it with my finger and it was super thick and moist. I brought my fingers to my face and smelled it. Oh my God! I almost forgot this scent. It’s been almost a decade since I felt this way. I sat there on the toilet for a while, pissed and brushed my teeth and headed to my bedroom. I changed into my old ragged nightgown and looked at myself in the mirror… Am I beautiful?!

I woke up at 9 the next morning. Lu had left the house. I stood up in front of mirror, thinking about my appearance again. 141 lbs. for a small 5.2 ft. woman at her 44 years age- certainly not a super model but not that bad I have thought. I removed my nightgown to take a closer look. Big breasts, 34F or maybe even bigger… not bad for a short woman. Average butt, a brown-pink big vagina, it is really big, I have to say. Brown hair and white smooth skin. Small nose and small lips, sort of big brown eyes and hard-angle thick eyebrows. I always love thick eyebrows.

I was watching myself and kept thinking about my face. Not bad overally. I left the bedroom, washed my face and got ready for work. I had the feeling to wear a little more makeup, because normally I don’t do that. But I ignored my feelings and headed to work.

During the day I was thinking of Lu’s comments. When I returned home it was 5 pm. I entered the house and understood that Lu was not home yet. I had the makeup feeling again! So I went to the bathroom, took a quick shower, headed up to the bedroom again and found the mirror. I Stood up against it and looked at my face again. I wanted to look better for me, I needed to be pretty, I could be more beautiful.

I started with my eyebrows and a pencil. I made my eyebrows a little browner. Then I grabbed eye liner and began doing Classic Cat on my eyes… it was a little more than always, at least more than the last 9 years! Then I picked up my pink lipstick and put a substantial amount of lipstick. I didn’t wear other makeup stuff like cream or any powder, I knew that Lu always kisses my cheeks.

I looked into the drawer but I couldn’t find many options. I saw a pink T-shirt and an old jean, probably for 15 years ago! I wore those and looked at me again. I left my hair open and it came to my shoulders. I was looking myself when Lu arrived home. I heard him at the doorway and went to see him. As I saw him, all of last night emotions, came back!

“Hey honey. Welcome home!”
He looked at me, suddenly his eyes widened a little and I noticed it.
“Oh… Hi mom. You look super gorgeous today.”
He walked towards me and shook my hands as usual. But he never broke the eye contact. He wanted to eat me with his eyes!
“Thanks sweety.” I said as I shook his hand.

“I love your eyes makeup. They’ve not been more beautiful, ever!”
Did he understand my makeup? Does he always pay attention to me? This much?
“Thanks a lot Lu” I told him with a blush on my face.
“No really mom, they are breathtaking. I want to starred at them forever. Can I? He said with his cute voice.
“Stop it idiot, Don’t exaggerate again.”
“I am so serious around hot girls.” He continued seriously. “And your lips. They are a great match for your tasty t-shirt. You look fantastic today mom.”

I got all wet again. He was killing me with his mouth. “Oh son. Don’t be super delicious again, I am hungry today!” I said jokingly.
He was still looking at my face. I could feel his breath because we were close. He still didn’t leave my hand. I didn’t know he loves makeups this much. He is really astute I guess.

“Mom. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” He kissed my hands as usual.
“Oh Lu. Stop it! Thanks a lot honey.” I giggled and released my hand. “That’s nice of you.”
“No, really mom. I love you so much, especially with this new look!” He said with a smile. He leaned to kiss my face.

“You smell great! What is your perfume Mom?”
I got emotional again. I didn’t have time to wear a perfume. He was surely exaggerating. “Come on Lu. Be real. I don’t wear any perfume.”
“Oh… I… I don’t know then. I love your scent though. Your cheeks smell wonderful…” He interrupted himself and kissed my right cheek gently.
“Oh Lu!” I whispered and closed my eyes as he continued kissing my cheek. He planted many kisses on my face. “Stop it Son!”

He pulled a little back. I opened my eyes and watched his passionate sad face. I didn’t know why but I put my right hand behind his head and pulled his face to mine. I kissed his beautiful lips slowly. “Don’t be sad son.”
He laughed a little and looked at me again. He wanted to eat my whole face with his eyes but he was fighting with himself! “You are awesome Mom. So can I kiss your face again?!” He said shyly.

“No you can’t, son” I told him. He got shocked and confused. “Because I’m gonna kiss you first!” I kissed his lips harder this time. Emotions got through me and I was acting a little unusual.
I didn’t leave his face and my hand was still behind his head, grabbing him tightly. My nipples got hard and stiff and I could feel them touching his shirt.

“Are you happy now?” I broke the kiss and giggled a lot. “Do you like your old Mom’s kisses?”
He was silent. He looked so strange and I could swear his eyed was filled with so much passion… or even lust! He didn’t say a word, grabbed me by waist and pulled me up. He pushed his lips to mine and picked me up in the air.

He walked me towards the kitchen, while I was in his arms and we locked our lips. He put me on the kitchen counter and stand in front of me. We still locked our mouth together. I was totally surprised but his lips were so good and I kinda forgot about what he was doing. He was kissing my lips but suddenly he opened his mouth and did something super strange… He really swallowed my small lips into his mouth! That was not just kissing anymore, He was French kissing me aggressively! I broke the kiss and took a deep breath.
“What are you doing Lu?!” I told him with a smile on my face. “You were choking me!”

I looked at his face. His face was happy for sure. His lips were pink and wet!
“I’m sorry Mom. I didn’t want to bother you. Your beauty made me crazy and I was not myself for a minute.” He said shyly again.
“You didn’t bother me son. I just didn’t expect it.” I looked at his eyes and he was a little sad again. “Don’t do that with your eyes son. Come here idiot”

I gently kissed his lip again. Opened my mouth a little and touched his lips with my tongue. It was too short to notice. “Let’s drink some tea Lu!”
I left the counter, went toward the closets to grab two cups. I noticed a huge bulge in his pants! Oh my God! He definitely loved his mom. We were doing some sick stuff. The only problem was that I really loved him… I really loved his kisses and his love! He was really sensitive and that made me so wet and alive!

I made a little tea, grabbed some chocolate and candy and went to the living room and sat on the big couch. Lu was still in his room so I went to my room for a quick makeup. He ate all of my lipsticks so I put a little more on my lips. I wanted to put pink lipstick on, but instead I went for the red one. I looked at my face again. “Yeah, I am beautiful.” I told myself. I wear a considerable amount of red lipstick and returned to the living room.

Lu was sitting on the couch. He changed his clothes into some loose shirt and pants. His pants were so loose specially. I smiled at him and walked toward the couch. He noticed my lipstick and smiled back at me.
“What a great color Mom!” He told me passionately. “You look fabulous”
“Thank you naughty boy.” I giggled and sat beside him. “I had to change my lips cause somebody attacked them earlier!”
“Oh.. Sorry mom. That’s not my fault though. It’s yours.”
“My fault?” I said with laugh as I handed him his tea.

“Totally.” He picked his tea cup from my hands. “Your lips are tempting… They looked great and they tasted great too!”
“Lu! Stop it honey. It’s a little wrong but flattering son. Thanks anyway.” I grabbed my cup and opened a chocolate and put it in my mouth.
“I know that Mom. But honestly I kissed you with nothing but love.” He drinks a little of his tea. Put his cup on the table.

“Oh sweety. I know you did. You are my sensitive Lu anyway.” I told him and finished my tea and put it on the table. I still had a little tea and a big amount of chocolate in my mouth. Suddenly Lu attacked me again!
He pushed me toward the couch and kissed my lips again. I couldn’t do anything but swallowing the remaining tea. He pushed me real hard to the couch and I was crushing under his big body. He kissed me hard on the lips and hugged me harder. I knew I should have said something but it was a great pleasure for me. Something that I forgot for almost 10 years. I somehow got alive. I was too sentimental to stop my son.

I was still sitting on the couch with Lu’s pressure on me. He opened his mouth and waited for mine. I opened my lips and let him in. His tongue came into my chocolate filled mouth. Our tongues touched and our breath got heavier. I was completely making out with my son and the problem was that I still loved it!
I pushed his face and broke the kiss. “What are we doing Lu?”

“I… I don’t know exactly. I just don’t want to stop mom.” He said with complete lust! “I have never kissed a better lip. You feel so different and delicious mom. I love your chocolate red mouth.”
“Oh Lu. I’m sure this is totally wrong.” I told him and swallowed my chocolate saliva filled mouth. “But I love your lips too!”

He didn’t say anything. He just grabbed me again and made me lie on the couch. He lied exactly on my body and started to eat my lips again. Yeah, that was not kissing or making out. That was total swallowing… He wanted to eat my mouth!
We were on the couch, kissing and making out. His breath got heavier and heavier and I could feel his huge cock against my pussy. Oh my God. He has a great Cock!

He kissed me for several minutes. I wanted to kiss him back but most of the times he didn’t let me. He was not professional at all! But his passion was driving me crazy and I really loved his work. He started to move across my body and I could feel his cock at the whole time. Suddenly he broke the kiss and looked at me with a strange look. His cock started to grow even more and I felt something strange… He was cumming into his pants.
He had an orgasm just by kissing me. Oh my God, my son should be a virgin definitely!

The room was filled with the scent of sweat, saliva and pure sperm. He came for at least 10 second and I could feel his moisture with my wet pussy. I kissed his lip again and smiled at him.
“You came my son, didn’t you?” I whispered into his ears. “Relax son, it’s okay.”

“I’m sorry mom. I… I don’t know what happened in…” I kissed his lips again to make him stop. We didn’t move for a couple of minutes. I grabbed his head as I was playing with his hair.
“Mom, Do I have a problem?!” He asked sadly.
“No! No son you don’t.” I tried to calm him “You just got too excited. Exactly like me!”
He turned his head and looked at me. “What? Did you…?”
“Yeah honey. I am so excited right now. I am wet down there.” I giggled shyly. “I think we love each other so much. And your love came out of you!

“Oh… I’m sorry Mom. That’s right. I Love you so much, you can’t even guess how much!” He said as his cock began to grow against my wet pussy!
“I can guess son” I told as I touched his cock with my pussy. “You are hard again, how is that even possible?”
“I don’t know mom. I have never slept with a girl. They don’t get me usually.”
“I know sweety. I know you.” I kissed him hard and grabbed his cock with my hand.
“What are you doing mom? He broke the kiss.

“I… I … I … don’t know Lu.” I said as I retreated. “You’ve so grown up honey!”
“This is embarrassing Mom.” He said shyly. “I’m going to my room. Excuse me.”
“Hiss honey. It’s really okay.” I tried to make him calm. I grabbed his back and pulled himself to me. I kissed his lips again and opened my mouth. But he pulled his strong body back. He was too big for me!
“I should be alone mom.” He stood up with a big wet spot on his pants. “Sorry!”
I watched him as he was walking toward his room. His cock was still huge. Oh my God! He is so huge and beautiful!

I went to my room to change my clothes. I got naked to take a good look at myself. My pussy was super wet. I grabbed my wet jeans and brought it to my nose. It smelled strange with a mixed scent of pussy and cock juice, our love juice! I closed my eyes and inhale deeply.
I changed my clothes and my underwear. I had a new feeling, I wanted to look sexy and hot, more than ever! So I wore a black tank top that barely reached to my pants and showed a little cleavage. Then I put a black cargo. I got a little fat since 10 years before so honestly my clothes were tight. But I loved the way I looked in them.

I looked at my face in the mirror. I didn’t have any lipstick again! My eyes were still good but I wanted them to be hotter. I put a little more eyeliner and black shadow. I used a new lipstick with a dark red color.
I went to the kitchen to make dinner. I wasn’t in the mood of cooking so I ordered a pizza on the phone. I drank a glass of water and waited for Luis to come. But he didn’t want to show himself. I went to his room and knocked on his door.
“Are you ok honey?” His room was so quiet. “Can I come in Lu?”
“Yeah mom. Come on in.”

I opened the door and saw him, lying in his bed. I walked toward him. He didn’t look at me and was staring at the ceiling. I sat on his bed. He still didn’t look at me.
“Why are you sad Lu?” I said as I put my hand on his face. “Shouldn’t we kiss like that?”
He didn’t respond. He was embarrassed and shy obviously.
“Didn’t you like my lips?” I said as I put my hand on his beautiful mouth. “Because mommy loved yours…”

I leaned my face to meet his. He looked at me at this time with those big eyes. I closed my eyes and kissed his lips gently.
“It’s not wrong son.” I broke the kiss “We just love each other. That’s all.”
“Yeah. I mean you are right.” He looked at me. “But I… I came in my pants because of your… your sexy lips!”

“So what?” I giggled. “You got too excited. Exactly like me.”
“Really mom?! Did you enjoy it too? Isn’t it wrong?! I mean…”
I stopped him with my mouth. I kissed him suddenly.
“Of course it is not normal.” I said between kisses. “But we are not normal. Not anymore. I love you more than anything Lu.”
“I love you mom. You make me excited.” He kissed me gently.
I was kissing him slowly as the doorbell rang. I stood up to get our pizza. I left his room.

“Oh god! You look even better mom.” He said as I was leaving his room. “I love your style!”
I smiled at him and left his room. I paid the delivery guy and walked toward the kitchen.
“Dinner is ready love.”
“Ok mom. I’m coming.”

I made the table ready. He came in a few minutes with a new short and the same shirt.
“Let’s eat. I’m super hungry Lu.” I grabbed a slice and started to eating. I was hungry but I ate slowly so that my lipstick won’t come off.
He looked at me during the dinner. His look was awesome and made me feel young and fresh.
“What?” I said between eating. “Is it something on my lips or eyes?”
“No gorgeous!” He said with a big smile on his face. “Just checking your incredible face.”

He called me gorgeous. I swear I felt juice was coming out of my pussy, just with that word!
“Stop it Lu” I laughed hard.
“You are so beautiful. Your makeup is getting better and better!” He said while chewing pizza.
“I’m glad you like it son.” I told him as leaned in and kiss his full mouth gently. He kissed me back so hard. He opened his big lips and kissed vigorously again.
“That’s the most delicious lip-pizza I’ve ever eaten!” He said with a big smile. “I still want more!”

He stood up. Grabbed the pizza box and put it on the counter. Then he picked my whole body up and put me on the counter too!
“I want to finish my dinner Mom.” He grabbed another slice and brought it to my face. “Take a bite gorgeous.”
I giggled and eat a little first. He immediately kissed my full mouth and opened his mouth. He started to French kissing my pizza filled lips and shared it with himself. Our saliva was rising as we ate. He put his other hand behind my head and started to kiss harder. He was killing me again!

I didn’t know how we finished pizza because I lost the time! “That’s all mom. We finished I guess!”
“I think so.” I giggled at him. He suddenly took his tongue out and licked my nose and cheeks real hard.
“Some pizza was remained!” He looked at me. “Now we are done.”
I wanted to kiss him again but he didn’t let me. He kissed me with his open mouth and he grabbed me again. He started to French kissing me again as he walked me in his arms toward the living room. I was in his masculine arms like a little baby. He never broke the kiss and I was really enjoying it. He put me on the big couch again. I could feel his enormous cock against my belly.

“You are hard again son.” I broke the kiss. “How is it possible to get this big in a few hours?”
“I… don’t know mom.” He said with a big blush on his face. “It’s your awesome face I guess. Specially your… your lips!”
“Oh Lu!” I told him as I reached down to his cock. “So your big thing is for my lips?”
“Ohhhh.” He whispered into my ears as I rubbed his cock with my right hand. “Stop it mom!”
“I don’t want to.” I told him totally out of my minds! That was not me at all! “I want to feel your hard manhood boy!”
“Oh stop it mom. I can’t take it anymore. You make me feel strange. Mo….”

After just 10 or 15 seconds, his cock began to grow even harder and I couldn’t believe that he was about to cum! He came again, in his shorts and with the least stimulation! I should have thought less of him because that was not something mature. But instead, I loved his fast cumming! It made me think I am super hot and sexy.
“Easy honey.” I whispered softly. “Calm down. Relax, it’s okay.”

He came spurt after spurt. I couldn’t see that but his short got wet so fast and a sexy smell got into my nose. My hands got moist but I remained them on his huge dong. After a minute I kissed him gently and left the couch. He was on the couch, breathing slowly.
I went down and kneel in front of him. I started to pulling his pants down. He opened his eyes and looked at me with a big surprise in his brown eyes.

“I just wanted to feel it. It’s so huge Lu.” My smile faded away as I touched his huge cock.
“Oh Mommy…”
“This is completely wrong and it should be disgusting.” I whispered into his ears. “But I want to see your COCK, boy!”
The smell of his cum was maddening. I hated my husband cum and to be honest I thought sperm is gross. But his smell… What was happening to me?
“Ohhhh Mom.” He said loudly.

I pulled his shorts down. He was still hard. Honestly it was so big that it was like he never came in his life! Finally, I saw it… It was gorgeous, I thought to myself that it is more beautiful than my face! I wanted to kiss it, I couldn’t believe myself. I wanted my son’s cock more than anything in the world!
“Relax big guy.” I said with a sexy voice. “How can you be this hard after coming twice?” I told him and kissed his cock’s wet head. Oh, it tasted great!

“Mom, What are yo…” He stopped talking when I put his head in my mouth. His cock taste like total semen because it had cum all over it. He didn’t get soft at all and I think he was hard all day.
“Mmmm.” I moaned as I sucked his cock. I started to lick his entire cock with my tongue. I loved his sperm so much, even though it tasted strange and kind of heavy. After a few seconds I cleaned his whole cock. He was so huge and I couldn’t suck his entire cock. I think I never can!
I sucked his cock for a minute. I was just getting used to its size but I mainly sucked his head. I noticed his breath was getting faster and harder and he pushed his cock to my mouth. I looked at his face and saw that he finally opened his eyes. I thought I can give a him a long blowjob so I just started to suck him deeper. The first time I went a little deep he shouted so loudly.

“Mom, pull it out, I would make you dirty!”
I looked at his face and smiled at him. I had never had sperm in my mouth but I wanted Lu’s! I got back to his cock’s head, locked my mouth around that and waited for his cum. He came, unbelievably hard and with a huge load. His first sperm got exactly on my throat and I felt like vomiting! But I didn’t want to ruin the moment. So I just controlled myself and a little tears came out of my eyes. His second thick spurt landed on my tongue and felt horrible. Honestly I didn’t like it but I loved the thought of swallowing his cum. After a few seconds he stopped but my mouth was filled with his smelly cum. I looked at his surprised eyes and start to swallowing hard!

It didn’t taste good, it was really heavy. I loved the idea of swallowing my son’s cum. I sucked harder and harder till my mouth was totally empty. I pulled his hard cock out of my mouth and looked at his face. He was looking me shockingly!
“You sucked and swallowed me mom!” He said happily. “Ohhhh. I love your small lips.”

He told me that and put his hands in my hair. He pulled my face toward his cock and rubbed his hard wet dick in my face. I didn’t say anything and just watched his huge manhood.
“You liked me as I did?” He was talking with a huge lust in his voice and obviously his cock! “You have to like it Mom, cause I’m gonna fuck your gorgeous mouth, again and again.”
I was still quiet. I wanted to say something. “I.. I …”

He didn’t even let me start and poked his enormous cock against my lips and I had no other option but swallowing it.
“Oh… It’s awesome mom. I can put my cock in your mouth forever!” He said loudly and started to pulled my hair aggressively. “Blow me! Blow me you slutty little mom!”
I started to suck again. I couldn’t do much this time because he didn’t let me at all! He was really fucking my face and put as much as he could in my mouth. I started to gag as he was brutally facefucking me. I tried to stop him but he didn’t pay attention to me. After a few seconds I felt his cock right in my throat! I swear I felt it in my neck and I was getting used to this kind of new fuck!

“My cock ruined your eyes makeup Mom.” He shouted and continued to screwing my head. “I love your saliva filled blowjob!”
He released one of his hands from my head and grabbed a good amount of my saliva. My whole face was wet because of tears and saliva and he put his hand in saliva…. He brought his hand to his mouth and tasted a little.

“Gross!” He said with hand in his mouth. “It tastes a little like cum. I love it from your mouth Mom.”
He said as I was still blowing him. I was surprised by him a little but I had too much excitement from his brutal lip fucking to say something! I was sure that he fucked my head without stop for 5 minutes. He could control himself after 3 times cumming after all!
“Open your little mouth mom.” He said with a hurry in his voice. “I want to see my cum on your tongue!”

I started to open my mouth and tongue as he grabbed my head by hair. He was rubbing his cock with his hands in front of my face and I was sure he was close to cum.
“Cum for me Lu. I love your smelly juice on my tongue, I’m a thirsty slut for my big son!”
“Oh… talking dirty with your sexy voice.” He told me with a little surprise. “Here it comes… Take it you little gorgeous whore!”

He started to cum, for the fourth time this evening. His load was not huge at all. His first spurt was the biggest and landed on my tongue, nose and chin. But the second and the third went exactly on my tongue. After a few moments, I looked at him as he started to release my head and hair. I took his fully erect cock in my mouth and sucked it gently, with my mouth filled cum. I took last drops, let his cock go and looked back at him.
“Ohhhhhhh mommy.” He was watching me the whole time. “I love your beautiful lips!”

I swallowed all of my mouth contained with a one big gulp.
“Ye…Yeah son. I love your thick cum and I can’t believe it!” I told him as I grabbed the sperm from my nose. “I can’t get enough of it.” I pointed out on my sperm finger on him and swallowed it!

To be continued…

Added by PeterSkids2

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