My Indian Slut Wife: Indian wife and husband discuss her taking on other lovers

My wife and I discuss her taking on other lovers … Please read my prev story My indian Slut wife..

My mother-in-law was visiting us for the evening. She lived nearby, not too far from where we had purchased our house some time ago. In fact, one of the factors that made us purchase this house was its proximity to Poonam.

Poonam Sharma, my mother-in-law, was a fifty plus year old Indian lady, widowed just prior to our marriage. She lived by herself, and Vidya dropped in at her place almost daily or every other day in the morning, right after I left for work. Vidya would spend some time with Poonam, before heading to the gym. Sometimes my mother-in-law would also join her using Vidya’s guest pass.

It wasn’t that Poonam really needed to join the gym – unlike other older Indian ladies she had managed to keep herself in decent shape. Just like Vidya, she always used to watch what she ate (not easy with the lavish use of ghee in many of our Indian dishes!), and even at her age she would regularly go for a run early morning in the neighborhood. Yes, her big boobs were now starting to sag, and there were some slight wrinkles on her face, and her hair wasn’t completely black any more, but Poonam still looked at least ten to fifteen years younger than other women her age. I was very proud of my mother-in-law.

Her daughter Vidya, my wife, had inherited Poonam’s good looks and her healthy habits. Like her mother, Vidya kept herself quite fit and athletic as well, despite marriage. Vidya often used to tell me that her mother was her inspiration.

We had all just finished our evening tea, and were sitting in the living room.

“Mama! Look at your butt!” Vidya suddenly told Poonam, after she reached for the samosa plate again. “It’s bulging!”

“It’s not!” Poonam indignantly stood up and turned around to look over her back. “I have a nice butt.”

“No, mama!” Vidya shook her head dismissively. “You need to hit the gym again. You don’t want to let yourself go, like my dear fatty here.”

Vidya giggled as she poked me in my tummy. I could only grin meekly.

“Ok, honey, guilty as charged!” I laughed nervously, patting the slight pudge around my waist.

“C’mon, jamai babu!” Poonam turned to me. “You are only slightly healthy.”

“Jamai babu” is what Indian mothers-in-law often called their sons-in-law out of respect.

Poonam then stood up, and turned around so her back was to me, and bent over. She then turned her neck slightly and asked, “Do you think I have a big butt, jamai babu?”

I nearly chocked on my samosa. I blushed bright red as I looked at my mother-in-law bent over, her butt right in front of my face, and then at my wife, Vidya, who had a naughty smile on her lips.

“Oh, mama, you are embarrassing Rajesh.” Standing up, Vidya came close to her mother, and gave her mother’s butts a squeeze. “That’s a lot of meat, mama. You are joining me in the gym tomorrow.”

“Well, OK, dear, if you want an old woman with you.” Poonam replied, as Vidya continued to squeeze her butt cheeks. “I would slow you down at the gym.”

“You are no old woman, mama.” Vidya made Poonam stand up straight, hugged her and gave her a quick kiss on her cheeks.



Then Vidya turned back to me. Poonam giggled and once again bent over, jiggling her butt in front my face. Vidya laughed.

“Well, dear husband, you didn’t answer mama’s question. Does she have a big butt?”

As she said this, Vidya raised her hand. Poonam was still bent over, her butt thrust out at me. Vidya brought her hand down sharply.


My wife spanked her mother’s butt playfully. “What do you think, hubby?”


“Mummy …” I managed to croak. “You look quite fit … to me.”

“No … but what about her butt?”


“Um … darling … her butt … looks quite good.”

“Why thank you, jamai babu.” Poonam wriggled her butt playfully before standing up straight. Vidya winked at her and nudged at me. I was now trying to discreetly place a cushion over my pants, trying to hide the bulge of my raging boner.

“Alright, beti.” Poonam laughed at my blushing face as she took her seat back. She then turned to her daughter. “I will join the gym, but on one condition. You will find me a handsome fitness instructor there.”

Vidya laughed. “OK mama. Done! You can have mine if you want.”

Vidya sat down beside me and wrapped her arms around my neck. After kissing me on the lips, Vidya then swiftly snatched the cushion away from my hands, exposing the rising hump in my pants to all.

“Did mama’s butt make you all excited, dear?” She asked, giving me a kiss on my cheek.

“Um …”

Both mother and daughter laughed as I blushed with acute embarrassment.

My mother-in-law Poonam’s relationship with her daughter (and my wife) Vidya was different than the ones she had with all of her other children. None of her other daughters, for example, would have grabbed their mother’s butt, let alone have the audacity to spank it. Vidya alone had the sass to nudge and wink at her at my futile attempt to hide a boner. Poonam and Vidya were less mother and daughter, and more of friends and sisters. I also felt Poonam was also less inhibited with Vidya when it came to physical touching.

Two days ago it had been us who were visiting her, and after dinner we were watching some TV.

“Vidya,” Poonam suddenly told her, turning around to face her. “I think I am beginning to sag. I wanted you to take a look.”

“Sure, mama.” Vidya responded, as if it was no big deal. “Let me see. Please stand up, and go over there by the mirror.”

“Yes, beti.”

Vidya then turned to me.

“Darling, would you please stand up and go by the door?”

“Yes, dear.”

I obediently stood up.

“Good,” Vidya smiled at me, before issuing her order, “Now please turn around so your back is to us, dear.”

“Yes, darling.”

I slowly made my way out of the room.

“I am always amazed as to how obedient my jamai babu is, Vidya.” I heard Poonam tell her daughter. “Unlike other Indian men who might be chauvinistic or have an ego when it came to listening to their wives, Rajesh humbly does whatever you ask of him.”

“Yes, mama.” Vidya replied. She was probably smiling triumphantly at her mother’s characterization of me as obedient. “Rajesh simply adores me.”

I now stood near the door, my back to the women, awaiting further instructions.

“No peeking, OK, dear?” Vidya yelled at me. “I am going to check up on mama’s boobies.”

“Umm…” I was quite hot under my collar. “Yes, dear.”

I just realized there was another mirror in the hallway. It was positioned just in the right place so I could actually see, if I turned my face slightly, what was happening inside the room.

Vidya came up close to her mother and stood across her. She raised her hands and gently cupped Poonam’s breasts.

“Hmm.” Vidya mused aloud. She squeezed her mother’s right breast, and then the left.

“They appear firm, mama.” Vidya gently pinched the tip of Poonam’s right nipple, and then the left. “Do you want me to take a closer look?”

“Would you, dear?” My mother-in-law asked her. “I was wondering if I should change my bra size or get a different type of bra for support.”

“Sure, mama.” Vidya started to unbutton her mother’s blouse.

“No peeking, husband!” She suddenly called out, even though I hadn’t moved. “I am taking off mama’s blouse!”

“Er … of course, dear! Yes, dear.”

I wondered if they knew I could see it all. I was now quite hard, and started to gently rub myself over my pants.

Once Poonam’s blouse was unbuttoned, she raised her arms and Vidya took off the blouse. Then Vidya went around her back and unhooked the bra. It fell to the floor and my mother-in-law’s boobs fell free.

I had to practice the utmost self control to not start ejaculating right there. My mother-in-law had massive breasts, with big areoles and nipples to match. It was clear where Vidya got her genes from. Wow!

“Ah, I forgot how big your breasts are, mama!” Vidya exclaimed.

“You have big ones yourself, beti!” Poonam replied, smiling. “And all the problems of big breasts along with it!”

Vidya cupped her mother’s bare naked right breast and started to grope her.

“I don’t know, mama.” She bit her lip as she kneaded Poonam’s breasts. “My boobs have always made me a favourite of the guys, you know!”

“Yeah well.” Poonam’s body gently swayed as her daughter pressed her puppies. “Try jogging with these. You are a young woman! I can’t find a sports bra for me and can’t exactly wear a tank top when I go jogging, and they bounce around all the time!”

“Sometimes I have trouble sleeping.” Vidya confessed, as she switched her attention to Poonam’s left boob. “But then I get your jamai babu to suck on them and I sleep fine!”

Both the ladies laughed. Vidya then stood back.

“No, mama. You are not sagging.” She declared. “And no lumps either, you’ll be glad to know.”

“Thanks, beti!” Poonam bent down and started to put on her bra again. “It’s a relief.”

“Speaking of relief …” Vidya giggled. “I’d better go and give my husband some!”

Such was the open relation Poonam had with Vidya. It just evolved into that type of mother-daughter bond. I had once asked Vidya how she was so free with Poonam.

“It must be due to the first time she caught me,” Vidya had answered after some thinking, “When I was in high school, I was fooling around with the neighbour’s son in my room. Rather than beat me or punish me, my mother sat down with me, and taught her all about sex, and safety.”

“Really?” I was surprised. “That was mighty progressive of her!”

“Yup!” Vidya replied. “She always told me, ‘Be safe! Don’t let the boys do what they want; rather you be in charge.’ And I have always followed that.”

“You have a personal fitness instructor? A man?” Poonam asked, bringing my thoughts back to the present. “And jamai babu doesn’t mind?”

“Ah, Rajesh.” Vidya threw her head back and laughed. She then embraced me and gave me a passionate kiss, with her tongue going down my throat.

I just sat there, letting Vidya have her way with me. Her hands slightly caressed me down there, even as she pressed her lips against mine. My mother-in-law watched, amused.

“My husband loves me.” Vidya told her mother, grinning, after finishing the kiss. I had by now given up all attempts to decently hide my erection. “He doesn’t mind another man being with me, as long as I tell him, hehe.”

Once again mother and daughter had a good laugh.

“Oh jamai babu.” Poonam grinned at me. “You are unlike all Indian men. Vidya is lucky to have found someone like you.”

“No, mummy.” I looked adoringly at my beautiful wife. “I am lucky to have found someone like your daughter.”

Later that night, I got into bed. I was completely naked, while Vidya was in a two piece lingerie. I started by kissing Vidya’s toes.

“OOOH yes.” Vidya murmered. “Do that. Suck on my toes, darling.”

I nibbled each of her toes, before licking the bottom of my feet. Vidya then turned over so she was lying on her belly.

“Kiss my bum, Rajesh.”

“Yes, dear.”

“Kiss it good, honey. I am your mistress and you should want to please me.”

“Yes, dear.”

Vidya’s bottoms left nothing to the imagination – the thin g-string panty exposing her round fleshy bums. I pressed my mouth to her ass and placed lots of gentle kisses on her ample behind. I made sure to suck on her big booty, placing my lips on the flesh of her rear and smooching for all I was worth. I slid my tongue down her rectum and made her rear canal all wet. Vidya loved it when I abased myself like that.

“Spank me, darling.” She suddenly commanded.

I raised my hand and spanked her buttocks. Her flesh shook like jelly as I hit her, gently, again and again.

“OOOH YES.” Vidya then turned around and smiled.

“You spank me so gently. My other lovers used to spank me hard, and rough.”

“Yes, dear.”

“Now come here, sweetie!”

We were cuddling and kissing. Vidya kissed me quite passionately, her hands moving down to my manhood. I was quite hard, and close to my edge.

“Darling.” Vidya suddenly told me. “I feel I owe you an apology.”

“An apology?” I looked at her, puzzled. “What for?”

“This evening. You know. When I told mama that you wouldn’t mind me with my gym instructor if I told you about it.”

“Oh that!” I tried to laugh it off. “What’s that to apologize for?”

“No.” Vidya shook her head. “You are my husband and you deserve respect from me. I should be more discreet about my affair.”

Oh yes, The Affair.

It’s been almost five months since my darling wife’s torrid affair with Ramu the milkman had ended. Ramu, the tall, dark, well built, low class labourer who had his long pecker buried deep into my fair, gori wife Vidya on an almost daily basis for months.

Ramu had to go back to his village for some emergency, and although he promised to come back, Vidya hadn’t heard anything back from him since. I am sure she missed him – and his huge cock – but our marital life has since gone back to normal. I mean, for a change, I wasn’t the other man in my own marriage any more.

Even though it had been my idea for her to have an affair, I had been worried that Ramu was stretching my wife’s cunt beyond repair. After the affair had ended, I fretted about whether I could truly satisfy my wife. It turns out I needn’t have worried.

Vidya was once more playing the role of my perfect gorgeous trophy wife. She would get up early every morning to make me breakfast, and give me a good, wet, sloppy kiss before I left for work. She would be rubbing my groin all the time as we kissed on the doorstep, giving me a terrific hard-on that would remind me of her the whole day. Once she had reached the gym, in between breaks of her workout, Vidya would go to the bathroom and take pictures of her buttocks clothed in tight spandex and send them to me via Snapchat, just to titillate me. I knew for sure what all the other guys working out in the gym must be ogling at when Vidya was working out – her big buttocks!

After Vidya was done, she would return home and later in the day, start making dinner just in time for me to come home and enjoy. And later at night, depending on Vidya’s mood, we would have sex.

Of course when I say we have sex, it’s mostly me carrying out Vidya’s orders to satisfy her as she wished, and in the end Vidya allowing me to cum (sometimes inside her). I didn’t mind of course, I loved to obey and serve my goddess Vidya as she wanted me to. I mean, one has to only look at her! I was the envy of all of my friends, and I am sure behind our back their wives would question how I managed to land a bombshell like Vidya. My wife was tall by Indian standards; she was 5’8″ and kept in very good shape. Her gorgeous curves emphasized her humongous breasts, which she made no effort to hide (thank goodness!).

With her wide hips, and what was once described by my former boss Gaurav as a “very spankable ass”, Vidya could give any guy an instant hard on. She was a sex goddess, and she was my wife. Why wouldn’t I be just happy to be with her, sharing the same bed as her, licking her foot, sucking her gaand (ass) or depositing my cum into her?

It helped that I knew my place. I wasn’t really well built, and I had a very small penis. Vidya had laughed on our wedding night when she had pulled down my underwear. She wrapped her hands around my penis and her hands completely engulfed my manhood – and then she burst out laughing.

“I am sorry, darling, I…” She was apologizing in the midst of her laughter. I was croaking as Vidya examined my flaccid cock and continued to say, “I am sorry, darling.”

“No, I am sorry.” I told her. “I know I don’t have a large penis, and I know I can never measure up to your standards, so I am sorry.”

“Oh, no, don’t be, darling.” Vidya had placed a hand on her mouth to muffle her laughter. “I am sorry I shouldn’t have laughed. But don’t worry; I knew exactly what I was getting into. I always figured you had a very small penis.”

We had dated for some time before marriage, but Vidya never allowed me to have sex with her. As she told me, she was ‘saving me for marriage’. I was a virgin, and she wanted to take my virginity on our marriage night. I of course was under no illusion; I knew she had been a promiscuous lady. When we made our wedding list, Vidya pointed out the names of various men on her side of the list and told me so-and-so had butt fucked her, and so-and-so had taken her pussy, and there was also a list of men who had gotten a blowjob from her. It made me deeply aroused, and emasculated, to know that many of the guests at my wedding had managed to penetrate my wife and I hadn’t yet.

After our marriage Vidya then proceeded to train me in sexually satisfying her.

It took some time of course. I am ashamed to admit I didn’t last long on our marriage night. Who could, with a woman like Vidya rubbing her dainty finger nails across your scrotum? Just to see her walk from the bathroom to our bed was enough to make me cum. Vidya’s swinging buttocks as she sashayed like a model could leave any man breathless. She did not hide the fact that my penis was small – she called it “small, cute, and functional”. And so gradually she instituted a few ground rules for the bedroom; rules that I was only too happy to follow, since it gave her pleasure, and giving her gratification allowed me to have pleasure.

I knew I could never give her full satisfaction with my small appendage, so I learned how to finger her and lick her to orgasms, and how simple things, like kissing her toes, or presenting my cheeks to be slapped, or even following her Clothed Female Naked Male rule (which stated that once we retired for the night to bed I was to completely strip, and Vidya would remain clothed as she wished) gave her delight.

Thus, depending on Vidya’s mood, I would be naked, kissing the bottom of her feet, and then slurping her asshole, before flicking my tongue at her crotch. Other times she would then have me finger fuck her to an orgasm, and then I would present my bum to her. A few smacks, before she would tell me to turn around. She would then proceed to slap my face.

Slapping me gave her a lot of joy. At first I had flinched at her slaps, but now I have gotten used to it. She would slap me until my cheeks were bright red and she would feel another orgasm coming. After that, she would hold me by the ears and pull them tight, and then tell me to climb onto her. Fully wet, her vagina would then be easy to slide into as she would then tell me to cum. I would cum quickly following all of this, emptying my seed into her, before thanking her and kissing her for a very enjoyable time. She would laugh every time I thanked her for sex. It was now an unwritten rule in our life that I would have to thank her every time she allowed me to cum. After all of this, cuddling together, we would then spoon and go to sleep.

So I am one husband who is not ashamed to say I have no problems with letting my wife Vidya be the boss in our marriage – I was just glad to be along for the ride. I just couldn’t believe a guy like me was having a gorgeous sex goddess like her all to myself to enjoy.

Well, not all to myself, if I have to be completely truthful.

When we married, Vidya had no intention of straying. As she put it, her slutty days were over, and she wanted a marriage on her terms – where I would provide for her, serve her, obey her and in return she would be the virtuous Indian wife of my wettest dreams. Fate, we later realized, had other ideas. Some women are born not to be ever caged.

Of course, and I am embarrassed to admit it, there were some good moments about her affair with Ramu. It’s not easy to be a man and admit that your gori (fair) wife being fucked by the dark, lowly labour class milkman gives you the thrills, but the fact that Vidya was being regularly pounded by a man with a much bigger cock than mine, a man who could last several times longer than me, and whose recuperative powers were phenomenal had its benefits.

For one, Vidya was in a very good mood the whole time she was having the affair. I guess that having a cock that went deep into one`s pussy for a change can put any woman in a good mood.

Second, whenever Vidya was getting pounded by Ramu, she would taunt me and my manhood, much to Ramu’s pleasure. Afterwards when I would return from work, she would recount the day’s action to me, while slapping me as a punishment for being a willing cuckold. Then she would give me a mind blowing sex with her as a reward for letting Ramu hump her. Never once did she say no to me for sex during the affair. I guess she felt some pity for me, and even though all I was getting was scraps of pity sex, I was grateful for that.

Of course even as she would spread her legs for me, and I would wiggle my tiny penis around inside of her, I knew she could feel the difference between my little weenie and a real baby maker like Ramu’s. Still, I was just glad she was allowing me to deposit my cum in her at all, even as she had access to a monster cock.

Later on, as I would lie in bed, my balls completely drained, Vidya would snuggle, give me a deep kiss and tell me that I was the best husband in the world. It would make my day just to hear her say that.

That had been five months ago, and our life had gone back, as I said, to some semblance of normal. For a change, I was the only one enjoying my wife in bed. Yes, sometimes Vidya did take Ramu’s name during sex, and at other times she confessed sometimes when the doorbell would ring she would hope it was Ramu, but overall she was content to just be my wife and a one-man-woman for a change.

“I am sure your mother thought you were only joking.” I told Vidya, in response to her apology. “She’s not going to think you actually have affairs and I am cool with it.”

“Only one affair.” Vidya corrected me. “You talk sometimes as if I was part of a gangbang.”

“I am sorry darling. I didn’t mean it that way.” I apologized immediately, tactfully neglecting the fact that Vidya had also slept with my boss Gaurav.

“And remember,” Vidya reminded me, somewhat angrily. “It was you … my own husband … who thought it would be cool to see another man fuck his wife.”

“I am sorry, darling. I swear I didn’t mean it that way.”

“Yes …” Vidya was seemingly lost in thought, before she shook her head again. “Nevertheless, I shouldn’t have said it. I don’t want my mother to think you are some sort of na-mard, or a cuckold.”

“It’s OK, darling.” I told her. Vidya’s mood changed immediately. She beamed, and gave me a wet kiss.

After sometime, as we hugged, I asked her, “Do you miss Ramu, darling?”

“Hmm.” Vidya gently stroked my dick. “Do you want me to tell the truth, darling, or pump your ego?”

We both laughed. Vidya wrapped her hands around my penis.

“Such a cute penis you have, dear.” She giggled. “Look! It’s almost as big as my pinkie. Are you hard, honey?”

“Er … almost.” I admitted.

“Hmm.” Vidya chuckled. “Sometimes I can’t tell.”

I noticed that Vidya hadn’t answered my question on whether she missed Ramu.

“Darling.” I asked her another question. “Do I satisfy you?”

Vidya stopped stroking me and looked at me, surprised.

“What sort of question is that?”

“No, I mean it.” I told her with all urgency. “Do I satisfy you? Is our sex life pleasurable for you?”

“Darling … I …” Vidya started to say something, but then stopped. “Why are you asking me all of this now, sweetie?”

“Well …” I didn’t know what had suddenly come into me, but I wanted to get something off my chest. “Sometimes when we are having sex, I do feel I am not enough for you, darling. Do you actually enjoy our sex?”

Vidya was silent for a few moments.

“Yes.” She replied. “I do enjoy our sex, darling. It’s … different from my other lovers, for sure, but I do get pleasure out of you, dear husband.”

“Oh.” I was happy to hear that. “Then you don’t miss Ramu, do you?”

Once again, Vidya was silent for some time.

“I do miss him.” She admitted. “You are not exactly big, my dear husband. So I miss my lover. But … only sometimes.”

“But …” I pointed out to her, “You did say you enjoyed sex with me.”

“Yes,” Vidya sighed, perhaps getting tired of my questions. “I do. I enjoy sex with you. But … I enjoyed the sex with Ramu more. Size does matter, darling, at least for me.”

I gulped. I had something to say to her. It’s been something that had been on my mind for the last month or so.

“Vidya.” I told her. “I am so sorry I am not able to completely satisfy you in bed.”

“But honey …” My wife started to say something but I cut her off.

“I am really sorry you don’t get from me what you really need. If you want to have another affair …” I trailed off.

Vidya was silent for a while. Then she leaned in and kissed me. It was a deep kiss, her lips locking on mine, her tongue probing deep into my throat. Her hands swiftly stroked my turgid manhood.


Her kiss was long and sensuous.

“Are you sure, honey,” Vidya said, “You want me getting fucked by other guys on a regular basis? Their big dicks deep inside me, or in my mouth, cumming all over my body, or in my pussy if I let them? And then me coming home to you smelling of sex with my pussy all stretched out and giving you sloppy seconds?”

“I love you honey.” I told her truthfully. “If you really need a bigger dick from time to time, I will understand, honey. As long as you … you still cherish and respect me, honey.”


“Oh, darling! I do, I do! I remember when it was with Ramu, I felt so grateful to you for being secure enough in our love and sharing me with another man.”

“Thank you darling.”


“We are special.” Vidya told me. “Not like other couples who live by boring rules. But yes, you are a cuckold.”

I couldn’t hold it any more. I started to cum. My dick jerked and twitched as it spurted out cum onto her hands, my legs and the bed.

Vidya said nothing, but continued to kiss me, and stroke me with her hand, until my dick became flaccid.

“Oh babydoll.” She gushed, smiling. “Just the mere thought of another man humping your slutty wife’s pie hole has made you cum this time! This must be a new record.”

I said nothing, embarrassed.

“Don’t worry, darling. I love you.” Vidya continued to rub me, her hand sticky with my cum. “I will tell you something. I am not interested in other men. No, really! I love you! An affair is nice and all, but you take care of me so well, Rajesh.”

I looked at her. I had tears in my eyes.

“Thank you, Vidya. I really appreciate it.”

We both kissed for some time. Vidya gently kneaded my balls. It was clear that she was trying to get me hard again.

“Of course …” Now Vidya started to say something. “Do you really want me to have an affair, sweetie?”

“I …” I bit my lip. “I love you, Vidya, I want you to be happy in our marriage.”

“Even if I find pleasure in the arms of another lover?”

“I …” I knew what I had to say was hard. “If you are happy and you still love me, then yes.”

Vidya was silent for some time. Her hands continued to touch and stroke my manhood. I was slowly getting erect again.

“In three to four years, we have to start a family.” Vidya suddenly thought out aloud. “And we also have your career to think about then. If you are promoted to the head offices or some other regional office, we will be moving to another city.”

“Er … yes.” I wasn’t sure where this was heading. “I am well placed in my company though, and pretty soon I will be up for another promotion.”

“Of course.” Vidya absent mindedly flicked my balls. My penis reacted and I was now quite erect.

“The thing is …” Vidya looked at me with bright wide eyes, even as her hand caressed my hardness. “I hope this is just you talking about me with another man, and not you thinking of another lady.”

“No! No!” I protested vehemently. “Vidya, my dear, my darling, my goddess! How can I think of another woman when I am married to the best, spiciest, a tadka desi maal like you? You are an item girl, babe. I love you! I adore you … and I just want you to be happy.”

Vidya seemed happy at my words and broke into a smile. She leaned in and kissed the tip of my phallus, before continuing to rub it. She also gave me a wet kiss.


“If I do have an affair …” Vidya said. “You know me. It won’t be a one night thing, but probably for a period of time.”


“Yes, dear.”

“I will decide with whom, and how much to share the details with you, Rajesh.”


“Er … yes, dear.” I was a bit surprised. I thought I would be purview to her discretions. “But … please do tell me the details, darling. I would like to know.”

Vidya gave a little laugh, and then gave me another kiss.


“You little cuckold.” She taunted me. “I love you.”

“I love you more, Vidya.” I told her truthfully. “Just, you know honey, please be discreet.”

“Of course.” Vidya nodded.


“I don’t want a scandal any more than you do.” Vidya told me. “And it will be an affair, nothing more.”


I nodded. I was now quite hard. Vidya snapped her fingers.

“OK darling. Enough talk about what a slut I am. Now go do your husband duties and use your penis on your wife. Let’s see how long you manage to last this time!”

“Yes, dear.”

I mounted Vidya. Her talk had gotten us both quite aroused, and she was wet as well. I began to pound her.

“Oh yes! OH YES!” She started to pant and moan. “Fuck me, you cuckold.”

That did it. All our talk, and the thought that my wife could soon start another affair, made me go over the edge. My hips buckled as I began to cum into my wife’s hole. Not for the first time, I wondered which other man would soon be cumming into her hole as well.

Added by spankedboy

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