My First Time, Feels Like the First TIme

“The next problem is the three guys who are swimming in the pool back there, who just happen to be my best friends.”

“We could be careful, and they’d never find out.”

He gave me an exasperated look.

“Even if they weren’t my best friends Melanie, you don’t mess around with the little sister of the three nastiest rats in the shithouse.”

That brought a big smile to my face because that’s exactly what they were.

We silently sipped our tea for a few moments. I was losing the battle, and I desperately needed to turn this around.

“Okay, Anthony… You don’t think I’ve noticed the way you look at me when you’re here?”

He looked down self-consciously.

“You’re beautiful, and I’m a guy, of course, I’ve noticed you.”

I could feel myself blushing. It was the first time that anyone called me beautiful.

We looked into each other’s eyes.

“Fortune favors the bold Anthony, and sometimes you just have to take what you want.”

He gave me a disconcerted look.

“You’re making it really difficult for me to do the right thing here, I hope you know that.”

I gave him a self-assured look that I very clearly wasn’t feeling inside.

“I’ll put my cards on the table, Anthony. It’s either going to be you, or my second choice, but one way or another, this is gonna happen.”

I hadn’t thought this through enough for there to even be a second choice, but he didn’t know that, and hopefully, he wouldn’t call my bluff.

He paused for a few moments as he thought.

“I’m taking my life into my own hands here, but okay.”

I gave him a big flirty smile. Victory!! It also taught me a valuable lesson that I’ve used many times thereafter. If you appeal to a man’s base instincts, more often than not, you’ll get what you want.


Day One

It was Monday and I agreed to meet Anthony after school at his house. It really was the perfect location because he was an only child, and his parents both worked.

I felt bad lying to my mother, but under the circumstances, I really didn’t have much of a choice. I told her there was a new tutoring program after school in the library and I could get the service hours I needed for the National Honor Society by assisting other students. She loved that I was ‘helping’ my peers and agreed to let me do it, as long as I was home for dinner. It was perfect because it gave me a solid two and a half hours where no one would question my whereabouts.

The only problem with my perfectly devised plan was my very nauseous stomach that was in no way cooperating. I was so nervous and apprehensive; I knew if I didn’t settle myself down, I was going to vomit. Needless to say, it was very difficult to get through the day. I found it nearly impossible to concentrate in my classes, and even Jenna and Erica’s sex talk and snide comments didn’t seem to bother me.

“Mel, are you sure you don’t want to go to the nurse?” Danielle said, with a concerned look in her eyes during our math class.

“No, I’ll be fine. I think I just ate something bad for breakfast.”

“Your face actually has a green tint to it.”

“Just get your math problems done Miss nosey,” I said, while gently rubbing her thigh.

Please wait…

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