My Favorite Aunt

A minutes later, Perry brought their wine order out and poured each a glass. As he was about to put the bottles on the cart, I stopped him and asked if he would just leave them and add them to our bill. Perry smiled greatly and left them. Jean was curious now.

“Why?” she asked simply.

“We both have a lot of memories that hurt. This is the elegant way to dissolve many of them. Afterwards, we can either paint the town red or stock up on the way home. Much can disappear in this universal solvent as can more potent potions of patriarchal partaking of the more prodigious poison.” I said. She laughed as her face lit up in surprise.

“You really mean we should get plastered tonight?” she said.

“I partake in extreme patriotic latitude when it comes to this magic solvent.” I said and put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her tighter to me. “A toast to a most magnificent celebration of being the only two lonely people on the planet tonight.” I said raising my glass.

She raised her glass and said, “To our everlasting companionship. May we never feel lonely when we’re together.” Their glasses clinked and made a tiny musical note then downed their glassfuls in large gulps.

Chapter 2
Upon finishing out meals, we were both tipsy and thought it best to save some of the night for more spirits elsewhere. After paying the check, they both went to Morgan and asked for a cab. Morgan did so immediately.

“I trust your stay with us was enjoyable?” asked Morgan.

“I think I had the best lasagne I have ever had. Thank you for a wonderful meal.” I said.
Morgan nodded and looked at Aunt Jean. “And how was Mrs. Logan’s meal?” he asked. Aunt Jean had a grin on her.

“It was truly wonderful and my here knows more about wines than he let on. That Pinot Noir was excellent.” She said. I missed the “husband” part and looked at Morgan with one eyebrow raised thinking about his addressing my Aunt as
“Mrs. Logan”. I felt a finger on my lips as I was about to open them to protest but I kept silent after that. Aunt Jean pulled me toward the door holding my arm as if I was leading her.

AS we got outside, the warm night air seemed to have a calming effect. We sat silently and waited for the cab to show up. Once it did, we piled into the back and told the driver to head to the nearest classy bar.

After we arrived, we headed straight for any corner table or booth we could find and sit down. When we found one, a waitress was already waiting to take our orders. I ordered a Rum and Coke while Aunt Jean ordered a Bloody Mary. She sat next to me and we listened to the live music onstage. It wasn’t loud but loud enough. The waitress returned with our drinks then promptly left our table. We sat there taking sips and watching the band play.

After half of her drink was gone, she leaned over into me. I settled back and let her get comfortable. The waitress came back to check on us and we both ordered Margaritas for our next round.

“I like this place Aunt Jean. You have excellent taste as usual.” I said. She looked up at me and smiled. She then reached up behind my head and pulled my head closer to hers and kissed me on the lips. Not one of those family type kisses but a short one albeit deeper kiss. My mind seemed to have gone totally blank at that moment and as I started to kiss her back, she pulled away and held my gaze.

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