My cousin, my escort

My cousin, my escort

Paying for sex is a lot more complicated when you’re family

It’s amazing what little details a person notices when they’re trying to think of something, anything, to take their mind off of a stressful situation.

As Tony sat in an unfamiliar bed roughly an hour away from his home, his brain scanned the room around him looking to find something to focus on besides the lump in his throat, his elevated heart rate and the thoughts about why he was there.

He could hear the low hum of a muted television to his left. A half hour or so ago, he was watching a replay of a fairly boring episode of Modern Family and trying, unsuccessfully, not to stare at the clock on his cell phone.

To his right, there was a hint of an orange or yellowish light coming through his hotel room’s blinds. It looked like the headlights of a passing car.

“Was that her? Is she here?,” he wondered to himself as he got out of bed and looked through the blinds. “No. It’s not her. Not yet.”


Even though Tony knew this was a tourist hotel, and assumed it would be busy on a week night, he looked around at the cars driving in and out of the parking lot around him and couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps this hotel was TOO busy.

Maybe he made a mistake booking it? What if someone he knew saw him check in?

The questions swirled through his mind as the minutes passed. He was nervous, and with good reason.

After 38 years of leading what some would call a “boring” life—-one where a person goes to college, meets their partner, gets a job, gets married and buys a house—-Tony was about to do something he never thought he’d have the courage to do: He was going to pay for sex.

For over a decade, he’s had this particular fantasy and, in just under 20 minutes, he was set to experience it for the first time.

Whenever he pictured this moment, he assumed he’d be excited. He thought he’d find it erotic. But now that it’s here, all he can think about is finding a way not to throw up.


Three hours earlier, in a room far warmer and more welcoming than Tony’s, Cassie stood in her kitchen and had only one thing on her mind: Text notifications can be a real pain in the ass.

Standing in her kitchen wearing nothing more than a t-shirt and a pair of black leggings, Cassie had just finished washing the last of her dishes from dinner the night before when she heard the familiar buzz of her phone going off.

She was always conflicted when the sound came.

On the one hand, that little black box on the counter that she feels chained to at times makes it possible for her to live in this house. If she doesn’t answer a potential inquiry fairly quickly, someone else might and when you’re working in the sex industry, the only thing more frustrating than being on the clock all day is being on the clock all day and having nothing to show for it.

This lead was promising. This might actually happen.


Thumbing her password into her phone, Cassie jumped over to her email and saw the reply she was waiting for.

It was him. It was Roger.

Roger? What a stupid name.

Well, okay. It’s not THAT stupid a name but it’s a stupid name for someone to make up as an alias and there’s just about no chance the person she’s been communicating with for the last week is actually named Roger.

Not that she has some moral high ground to stand on, of course. As far as “Roger” knows, her name is Alyssa. Yeah, it’s not terribly creative but in an industry where everyone is named Candy, Fantasia or Destiny, it’s easier to be subtle than creative when picking out an alias.

Cassie had run through her screening process dozens of times now and you can just tell when someone is using a fake name. But this guy sounded sweet.

Right from his first email, a bashful inquiry asking for more information on her booking process, she could sense “Roger” was her ideal client. He was well spoken, patient while he waited for her to reply and his requests were about as mundane as you can get in the sex-for-money trade. It’s a far cry from what she’s used to, she thought as they communicated back and forth.

Maybe that’s why she let him get away with the made up name. Maybe that’s why she didn’t press him to send her references from other escorts or a photocopy of his ID with a link to his Facebook profile and LinkedIn page.

“You’re making a mistake.” she said to herself, more than once.

If Cassie had followed any of the regular steps of her process, she might have avoided the awkward situation she’d find herself in later tonight. But this guy seemed genuine and, hell, if things went sideways she could just knee him in the balls and take off.

Overconfidence was her second mistake.

Her third was taking his money.

When Roger was hesitant to give her his ID, Cassie told him she wouldn’t continue their conversation without a 50% deposit. It was sent moments later. He hesitated to give her too much information but had no trouble sending her half the money up front?

“Yeah,” she thought. “He’s definitely married.”

And that’s how she got here. The phone chimed just as Cassie thought it would. He’d just sent the rest of the payment.

A cop wouldn’t do that. Someone who might be a risk to your safety wouldn’t leave that kind of paper trail, even if it was just electronically. Hell, anyone who knew anything about the sex-for-money business would know paying in advance is just asking to get burned. Clearly, this guy hadn’t done this before.

Paying for her services meant there was no turning back for Roger, or whatever his name was. All Cassie had to do was show up.

They could proceed. She was willing to take the chance.

As Cassie looked over at the outfit Roger has requested she wear, she couldn’t help but think this would be a good night. Sometimes it’s important to build trust with a new client. It’s how to create regulars and regulars are a lifeline for girls in the sex trade.

So what if he was married? Her job is to please her clients, not play marriage counselor.

If she knew who she was talking to on the other end of those emails, she might have played things differently.

Then again? Maybe not.


Tony looked down at his clock again. Barely five minutes had passed since the last time he checked.

He closed his eyes and let the feel of the room overtake him. The hum of a busy parking lot was both comforting and concerning but it was the smell that really stood out.

Even though he knew from the minute he walked into this hotel that his room was clean but it almost felt … too clean. Like it was too sanitized. Like someone came in and wiped down every inch of the room with Lysol and took any sense of personality with it.

Those were Tony’s thoughts as the clock ticked closer to 8 p.m. He looked at his hands and could see beads of sweat forming on his palms. He was nervous.

Tony was trying, and failing, to do whatever he could to stop from focusing on why he was in this room.

Tony was a married man, happily married in fact. And he’s not proud of what he’s doing here but, honestly, it’s for the best. Spiritually. Mentally. Physically.

Kayla would understand.

Tony’s wife knew he would end up doing this one day — he’d been open about this fantasy for most of their marriage — and while their relationship might not be as physically satisfying as he wanted it to be, it’s otherwise absolutely perfect. He loved her. She loved him. But he needed something different.

When you’d been together with someone for close to two decades, that’s just the way it was. You could still love each other and be there for each other but, physically, you couldn’t expect the excitement to still be there the same way it used to. And if you hadn’t lost your need for sex, but your partner had, it’s impossible to bury that thought forever.

He’s not cheating.

No, really. He’s not.

His wife knew this would happen.

There aren’t a lot of people who would understand the deal Tony made with Kayla on their last wedding anniversary but it was completely on brand for their relationship. Permission to hire an escort? What kind of wife would allow that? It was practically unheard of in their small Florida town.

But she did. And bless her heart for it. Kayla understood that what her husband was asking for was strictly a physical release. It’s really no different than jerking off to porn or using a Fleshlight. In fact, the only rules she put in place were that no one else could know about it and they’d never speak to each other about it.

Kayla’s mindset was simple. When the man of your dreams, the one you’ve built a life with, asked you for something important to him, and explained why he needed it, there’s really no reason to say no. Not when you have that level of trust. Not when he’s spent his entire adult life giving you everything you wanted and more.

Kayla knew Tony wasn’t going to leave her for an escort he slept with once or twice. So, while she didn’t want to think about it, she didn’t mind saying yes when he asked for that pass almost eight months ago.

He still hadn’t used it though. Until tonight.

Maybe he was scared. Maybe he was nervous. For whatever reason, even WITH his wife’s blessing, Tony couldn’t help but think this whole thing felt wrong.


It felt wrong.

And “feeling wrong” is exactly what led to him contacting Cassie for the first time.


At 38 years old, Tony was the definition of a simple guy. He worked 9-5. He spent time on the weekends with his wife and his friends and complained on Reddit when the writers of his favorite TV shows botched the ending. He’s the quintessential mature, responsible man … who also happened to love porn. A lot.

Ever since Tony was a teenager, he’d watched porn almost every day. Sure, that’s not surprising. A lot of men do. But what started as a fun way to spend a few minutes forgetting about the tasks and world around him quickly turned into a hobby. There’s not a day when he wasn’t at least scrolling through videos on his favorite tube sites to see what’s new, even if he didn’t always masturbate to them.

Tony loved amateur videos more than overly-produced ones but, really, his interests tended to fall into videos that had a story or could at least be plausible.

That’s where he got his fetish for sex workers. It’s a popular genre. A guy hires an escort, pays her an undisclosed amount of money, gets what he wants and they leave.

It’s a simple concept on the surface but deep down? It’s wrong. Or, at least, the stigma around paying for sex and sexual exploration as a whole makes it “feel wrong.” That’s also what makes it exciting.

When done properly, escort porn takes the time to develop the relationship between the guy and girl before the sex starts and it makes the inevitable action between the sheets much more rewarding. You can’t just get right down to the sex. If you did, why would you bother creating a storyline in the first place? Why wouldn’t you just get your actors to smile, look at the camera and start fucking?

Escort porn is different. It takes the time to slowly build the erotic excitement that makes that sweet release feel special. That’s why he’s here, in the middle of a nondescript hotel room with a raging erection, waiting for the first escort he’s ever had the guts to contact for a real-life appointment.

It was bound to happen. You don’t fantasize about something for as long as he has thought about this without eventually giving in.

And fantasizing was what he’s been doing nonstop since Alyssa agreed to meet him.


It all started with an ad.

Bored one day and looking to find something exciting to jerk off to while his wife was at the grocery store, Tony checked out the local board on a website where men from his area gathered to talk about sex workers.

From time to time, he went on this site to fill his fantasies and let his mind wonder. Most of what’s on there is bullshit and he knows it but readers could usually figure out what’s real and what’s not and they almost always provided links to real escort ads, which are a great resource when you want to roleplay in your head and imagine hiring someone for sex.

Inevitably, Tony would read a description of one of the local girls, check out her ad and spend the next 10 minutes or so fantasizing how he would contact them, what he would say and how their entire sexual encounter would go.

Most of the ads were crap. Blurred out photos with piss-poor writing and obvious scams were all too abundant on the mainstream escort sites. But every now and again, if he was willing to sift through the garbage, he could find something worth thinking about.

Tony knew the minute he saw Alyssa’s ad that something was different. Instead of cheesy non-specific titles like “Sweet girl wants to make you feel great,” Alyssa’s ad was poignant and direct and oozed a certain type of sexual confidence that Tony couldn’t get enough of. Right from the title of the ad (“This is so much more than sex,”) he was intrigued.

“You’re not buying sex. You’re buying an experience —

Are you bored? Lonely? In a sexless marriage? Missing that spark that only comes from a new experience in an otherwise boring life? Hi. I’m Alyssa.


I’m a real, independent, brunette 35-year-old and I don’t have time for games. You know what you want and why you’re looking at my ad. I know how to make it worth your time and your money.


If you’re looking for a quick and easy fuck, I’m not the person for you. But if you want the type of experience you’ll still be thinking about in 20 years, I’m worth. every. penny.”

If there was ever an ad written specifically for Tony, this was it. And if the ad didn’t catch his attention, the photos sure did.

Alyssa’s profile had a handful of clearly well thought out photos on display and, unlike every other ad he’d seen on this site, they weren’t taken with a shitty cell phone in front of a mirror.

No, these were more than selfies meant to show tits and ass. These were art. The first three showed Alyssa wearing high-end lingerie, a black and white top that showed her curves. The next two were a little more risque and shot from behind her, showing one of the sexiest asses Tony had ever seen. There were two topless photos, where she hid her nipples from view in an implied-nude and the last few were full body, head to toe shots of her wearing dark lingerie, fish net stockings and sexy high heels.

The only thing missing was her face but, if you’d seen enough of these ads, you’d know it’s pretty common for girls to hide their faces to protect their identity from those looking to out them, harass them, or ruin their private lives.

The moment Tony saw Alyssa’s photos, he had a raging hard on that demanded attention. It wasn’t just the way this girl wrote her ad that struck him, it was the overall presentation from top to literal bottom.

This was clearly a girl who knew what she was doing. He did not.

It took Tony nearly seven hours, and two jerk off sessions in the bathroom, to work up the courage to actually send Alyssa an email through her own personal escort site linked in the ad. He chickened out at least four times, but once he sent that first message, he knew immediately he was in trouble if she responded.

She did.

And he was.


That first email came to Cassie the way they always do. In the middle of the night, while she was sleeping. Guys love sending these initial inquiries at ungodly late times.

It makes sense. You’re up late, winding down from work and ready to go to sleep so your brain turns to sex. Maybe you slog through another boring missionary-only, lights off session with your partner. Or maybe you jerk off alone.

Either way, it’s prime time for reaching out to a sex worker for your unfulfilled fantasy and while Cassie knew “Roger’s” inquiry was probably a waste of time like the other nine she got that day, it’s always worth responding to see where things go.

The key was to keep it simple, short and sweet. Never get specific about sex acts in an email, never tie sex acts to money. Set up a couple of obstacles to trip up your time-wasters or law enforcement officers looking to set up a sting.

It was a time tested system Cassie worked out from weeks of research on a sex worker Reddit board and DMs to real-life escorts who appeared friendly on Twitter. For a bunch of strangers selling their bodies, the sex worker community can be oddly reassuring at times and it helped her immensely when she was just started out.

Cassie’s first reply to Tony fit all her criteria. It took 30 seconds to send and she immediately put it out of mind. It wasn’t until he answered that email, paid half her rate up front and they actually set up a time to meet that this felt real.

That was a week ago. Tonight’s the night they agreed to get together and Cassie was ready to make quick work of her latest client. The faster you get them off, the faster you can go home. With a body like hers, that was never much of a challenge. It wasn’t always that way.

Cassie grew up as the youngest of three sisters and never felt particularly great about her appearance. For the first 16 years of her life, she looked like a stereotypical awkward teenage tomboy. She wore baseball caps, baggy t-shirts and ragged jeans and could not have cared less about her appearance.

It wasn’t until she caught a late growth spurt and suddenly had bigger tits and a shapelier ass than either of her siblings that things really changed, both physically and mentally. In a span of one summer, she went from being invisible to the opposite sex to the girl everyone of both sexes snuck a peek at when they thought she wasn’t looking.

And the boys? The same ones who used to be mean and make fun of her for her flat chest and awkward clothes were the ones suddenly tripping over themselves to have a chance at her.

Cassie’s attitude didn’t change too much internally as she grew up but she wasn’t stupid. She was always the same girl at her core but she knew her appearance was an advantage and she used it as such. In college, she always wore lower cut shirts when she was out with friends and she NEVER paid for a drink.

In fact, college was the first time she was ever asked if she’d trade sex for money.

His name was Greg. He was an ex-boyfriend but not someone you’d ever take seriously. Months after they broke up, Cassie ran into him on a night out at the local Irish dive bar. It’s a night she won’t forget and she still occasionally laughed about it when it popped in her mind.

“Hey Cass, I miss you,” Greg slurred. “Let’s hook up tonight. Come on. I just wanna have fun.”

“You’re drunk,” she replied, waiving him away. “Go home.”

“Come on,” he insisted. “I miss you. Let’s have fun. I’ll, like, give you some money or whatever.”

“I’m not a whore, asshole,” Cassie said, taking a drag from a half-smoked cigarette. “If you want a hooker, go online and get one.”

Cassie never fucked Greg again but she thought about his offer for longer than she’d ever admit.

Why not? She liked sex. She liked making money. And, hell, it was 2014. Sex work isn’t even that frowned upon anymore. Chances are, if you asked enough people, you’ll find someone who had sold nudes or stripped before. If they haven’t and they’re under 30, they’ve probably taken the photos and sent them to someone for free anyway. Why not make some cash while you’re doing it?


That thought lingered like a seed buried deep in her brain for a few years. Eventually, it grew into posting nude photos on Reddit to see what the reaction would be. Then selling custom nudes to her followers. Then, finally, getting propositioned offline again.

It wasn’t until 2017 that Cassie took money for real-life sex work and her first experience was about as boring as it gets. The guy was named Ed. He was a coworker at her day job in an auto insurance company and, while drunk one night, he offered her $300 to fuck. She turned him down. He wasn’t that attractive and she wasn’t interested.

But when he offered her $200 just to get topless and let him jerk off in front of her? Who could say no to such easy money?

He lasted five minutes. She didn’t actually have to do anything.

Immediately, she was hooked.

The more Cassie thought about becoming an escort, the more it excited her. Sure, sex with random people you meet on Tinder or in a bar is fun but sex with a complete stranger? When it’s also kind of against the law? There’s something hot about that.

It took Cassie until she was 31 before she thought about seriously doing it. It took her another 10 months to put up her first ad but, once she did, there was no turning back. On her best nights, she got paid to sit and listen to guys complain about their lives. On her worst, she had to fuck some unattractive mid-level white collar douchebag who could only last, maybe, ten minutes.

That was three years ago. And though she doesn’t take a lot of clients, Cassie’s built a steady customer base and only advertises occasionally when the need arises. She still has her insurance job but it’s mostly to keep appearances for her friends and family. The sex work was the real money-maker and, if she played her cards right, it would be the reason she’d retire decades before she would have otherwise.

Sex work is also how she started talking to Roger and tonight, she was going to meet him and they were going to have sex. It was going to be quick. It was going to be easy. And she was going to be $1,200 richer. Or … that’s what she told herself as she headed out the door to his hotel room.


The red glow of the hotel alarm clock read 7:59 p.m. Tony knew his date would be there momentarily. That still didn’t prepare him for when the knock actually came.

* knock knock *


“Oh God,” he thought. “Here we go.”

Tony had played this scenario out in his head a million times and he knew how he wanted to approach it but, it was still so different now that this was real life.

In porn, this is the moment where the viewer knows things are about to go down. The confident man opens the door, the escort comes in, they talk details and then the sex begins.

In real life, it’s so much more nerve-racking.

Tony looked at the clock one last time, took a deep breath and made his way into the bathroom right before the knock came. The way the room was laid out, it was the best way for him to make his first impression.

Tony had booked a nice little suite on the ground floor of a pretty busy hotel on International Drive, a popular spot for tourists going to and coming from Disney, which was 10 or so minutes down the road.

He chose the spot for its quick access to the interstate, because it was popular enough that people coming in and out at all hours wouldn’t seem odd and because he knew his wife hated tourists in her state enough that she’d NEVER accidentally discover him there. If you live in Florida, the last thing you want to do is deal with the zombie-like herds who come to the state, stuff their fat asses and triple chins into the same three chain restaurants and leave proclaiming it the best vacation spot in the world.

The suite was surprisingly bigger than he expected for the price and was organized in an ‘L’ shape with a kitchen area and a full-size fridge greeting visitors as they first walked in.

Tony used the fridge to store a few Gatorades for himself, a six pack of Coke, a couple of bottles of water and a bottle of champagne in case Alyssa was thirsty. He tried to cover all his bases with the beverages.

The room also had two tall chairs, a full working kitchen with oven and a sink and a beautiful marble counter. On the left of the kitchen was a bathroom, which had a small, enclosed shower, a large mirror over the sink and a full-size mirror on the wall.

It was the perfect suite for the tourist clients who usually booked it and, inside, there was a small living room space with a dark brown couch, a beige chair that was deceptively comfortable, a small wooden table to rest snacks on and two end tables with white lamps on them.

The living room led right into an open-area bedroom, which came equipped with a King size bed and a couple more end tables and lamps but was otherwise about as basic as could be expected.

Tony chose this room intentionally as it had everything he needed to play out the fantasy he’d had in his mind most of his adult life. He mentally envisioned this hundreds of times.

The plan was to leave the door slightly ajar, hear his companion knock, tell her to let herself in and seconds later stroll out of the bathroom casually to seem as confident as possible. He wanted to look like someone who had done this before and not a nervous rookie.

Now that this moment was here, however, he was anything but confident.

He heard her knock. His heart beat increased.

“Come in,” he said from the bathroom, grabbing a paper towel to wipe the sweat from his head one last time.

The door slowly opened and Tony took a look in the mirror over the sink one last time. He took a deep breath, gave himself a mini pep talk and prepared to walk out. Then he heard her first words. She was here. For real.

“Hello?,” Cassie said to an empty room. “It’s Alyssa. I’m looking for Roger?”

Tony walked toward the bathroom door and headed to the voice that called out his made-up name. The moment he saw her for the first time, he couldn’t help himself. Without thinking and before he could even process what he was witnessing, the words fell out of his mouth.

“Oh fuck.”


Five minutes earlier, Cassie had arrived to the hotel.

As she entered the parking lot, she went through her usual checklist in her head. It was a simple ritual but one that ensured her protection and allowed her to get into what she called her “hooker mentality.”

It’s an important mindset, especially for someone like Cassie who likes to keep her personal and professional lives separate. By only getting in “hooker mentality” when she was getting ready to meet a client, Cassie was able to treat that part of her life like a character she was playing. It made it much easier to distinguish between the person who went to work every day and seemed to be your average American business woman as opposed to the person who sucked dick and fucked for cash.

Cassie drove past the room Roger said he was in twice, scanned around for anything that seemed suspicious and circled back to the front of the hotel to park. No cameras. No suspicious vehicles. So far so good.

Cassie chose the closest spot next to the exit when she parked her car. The good news was, a spot like this made her feel much safer in case she had to make a run for it and return for the car later. The bad news was it made the walk to her clients’ room longer and left her more time to think and get nervous. Even in her third year doing this, butterflies were inevitable.

A few minutes before she arrived to the hotel, Cassie sent a text to her friend Jenny to let her know exactly where she would be if something happened, roughly how long they’d be and when to expect an “all safe” text later that night with a codeword only the two of them knew. That last part might have been a bit much but, hey, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Cassie had only ever been late with that “all safe” text once and that was because she lost track of time after a particularly great session with a client who paid her $3,000 just to eat her pussy. Too bad every client couldn’t be like that.

Still, it’s not the kind of mistake to make often. Not when you’re meeting strangers in private hotel rooms and doing your best to keep it under the radar from the people in your day-to-day life.

Cassie was meticulous in her planning of these sessions and that’s why she only had a handful that weren’t great.

It started with her appearance. She arrived at every client booking wearing run-down mom jeans and a loose-fitting t-shirt. Her hair was never overly done. Her makeup was simple but effective. It was much easier to blend in that way and she could fit whatever sexy lingerie she needed to wear and any hair and makeup products for last minute or needier clients in the travel-sized luggage case that she always had by her side for these types of dates

It’s especially easy to blend in at a place like the hotel Roger chose, one that serves tons of tourists who don’t know anyone else or pay attention to much beyond their own vacations and itineraries.

It helped, of course, that most of Cassie’s clients weren’t looking for the stereotypical “escort,” that people might see on TV. The ones wearing cliche high heeled shoes that would make walking more than ten feet impossible. The ones who have their tits out the minute they get ready to meet a client. The ones whose appearance practically screams “pay me to fuck.”

If Cassie were escorting in Vegas, which she ruled out pretty early on in her career, she might have approached the job differently. Maybe she’d look more like the stereotype.

Serving clients in tourist-friendly Orlando, though, was much easier than Vegas and it allowed her to stay close to home. That was important. She didn’t to live too far away and have to alter her day-to-day life with friends and family. But she wanted to be far enough away that the risk of running into someone she knew was pretty low.

Orlando offered the perfect balance. After all, if you live in Florida, the last thing you want to deal with are the vacationing tourists who ruin everything.

Cassie did live the escort lifestyle in other ways. She had all the sexy clothes expected from a woman in her position and more sex toys than she ever thought she’d own but most of that stuff stays tucked away in boxes in her closet unless needed for a client.

The clients rarely asked for them but when they did? She’d happily oblige … but not until she got to their room and dressed up in the bathroom on site. Safety was always the top priority and keeping her appearance mundane until it was time to get to work kept her off the radar of those who might object to seeing a paid sex worker on their property.

Roger’s request for her outfit played right into her comfort zone. He wanted to see her in all black, with black stockings on and a garter belt. He also asked her to bring a sexy black bra and thong and she had that all in her bag. What’s more, he wanted her to wear normal clothes on top of that and start their session by stripping for him before giving him a lap dance.

It was about as basic a request as you can get in this line of work, Cassie thought, and given her experience with those types of customers, they usually popped seconds into the session so she figured it wouldn’t be a particularly long night. Still, she DVR’d her favorite show that night just in case things went the full hour she had been paid for.

Cassie hadn’t seen a photo of Roger prior to her visit but she expected him to be like the majority of her clients. Slightly chubby, balding, mid 40s and completely awful at pleasing a woman who wasn’t getting paid.

She checked her face in the rear view mirror of her car one last time before leaving. Her eyebrows looked great, there was nothing in her teeth and she was ready to go.

It took her a few moments to reach Roger’s hotel room and, when she did, she noticed the door was slightly ajar, with the slide-lock that provided extra security propped in between the door and the hinge to allow guests to come in at ease.

Still, she knocked. It was the professional thing to do.

“Come in” she heard a voice say.

Cassie opened the door and saw a pretty nice, but empty, hotel room.

“Hello?,” she said to an empty room. “It’s Alyssa. I’m looking for Roger?”

She saw the bathroom door to her left was open and knew her soon-to-be client was about to come out. The moment she saw him, she couldn’t help herself. In an instant, her “hooker mentality” was shattered, her mouth was opened and the words poured out.

“Oh shit.”


Two profanities. Uttered a split second apart. From two people who both knew why they were in this hotel room but couldn’t work up the courage to talk about it.

It had only been about 30 seconds since Tony walked out of an empty bathroom and ran into his cousin Cassie but those seconds felt like years.

Neither knew what to say next. What could they say? They were both busted. Their secrets that they had spent so much time and effort to keep, gone.

Tony spoke first. Not because he wanted to but because he had to.

“What the fuck?” he asked.


“What, what, what are you … why are you … huh?” he stumbled out.

Cassie wanted to cry. She didn’t even hear Tony’s words.

It’s not that she thought she was too smart to get outed as an escort. That was part of the job. But she didn’t expect it to be a member of her own God damn family who caught her in the act.

He must have known it was her. He must have been able to tell from the ad. Or the email address. Or the something. Anything. It didn’t make sense. She was so careful. She made sure to get his name and his referen…


In an instant, Cassie thought back to all the moments she defied her usual screening process in the lead up to this encounter. How could she be so stupid.? Worse, what the hell was she supposed to say now? She was busted. One hundred percent.

“What are you doing here?” Tony asked again, this time more sternly.


That’s it.

Cassie finally figured it out.

“Hold on. YOU? YOU ordered an escort?” she couldn’t stop herself from asking that question in a way that sounded like she was shaming him. In reality, that wasn’t her intent but she didn’t know that. She was scared and just trying to make sense of this entire situation.

“YOU’RE an escort?” Tony asked back.

Neither spoke for what, again, seemed like forever.

“I’ve got to …” Cassie stuttered. “I’ve got to get out of here.”

Before Tony could process what just happened, Cassie turned around and bolted out of the room. It took the sound of the door bouncing hard off the hinge to shake Tony from his frozen state.

He didn’t say a word. He walked over to the couch in his room and sat down on it, awe-struck at the sheer stupidity required to order your own fucking cousin as an escort.

If he wasn’t so scared about what would happen next, he would have found this whole scenario hilarious. In reality, it was pretty funny. But not right now.

Right now he wanted to throw up.


The moment Cassie finally processed what she was going through, she knew she had to get the hell out of this hotel room.

Grabbing the luggage case she placed on the floor when she walked in, she turned away from her cousin, grabbed the handle of his hotel room door and flew out of that room. She could hear the door bounce on her way out. Cassie bolted for her car. She walked faster and with more purpose than ever before. She. Can. Not. Have this discussion. Not with him. Not with family.

He wouldn’t understand why she was doing what she was doing. It’s one thing to idolize the classic Hollywood hooker stereotype that everyone who does sex work is damaged or looking for love but that’s really not her. She does it because she wants to and when you’re trading sex for money, there are people who get it and people who don’t. No way would HE get it.

Speaking of … what in the fuck was he even doing there? Tony was a normal guy and in a happy marriage. Was he really cheating on Kayla? He’s the LAST person she would’ve expected that from.

“I’ve got to get home,” she thought.

Cassie made it all the way to her car, tossed her luggage back into her trunk and turned the key into her ignition before she realized she couldn’t go anywhere. She was stuck.


She might have wanted to leave. Every bit of her instinct was that she needed to leave. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t leave it like that.

She sat in her driver’s side seat with the ignition turned on and the seatbelt warning beeping for at least five minutes before she knew what she needed to do.

She got out of the car.


What do you do when your family finds out you tried to pick up an escort?

Tony sat on the dark brown couch in his hotel room wondering that and trying to play out how that talk would go with his mother, sister, brother and inevitably his wife.

Now, his wife wasn’t likely to be upset because they did have an understanding but the entire point of their agreement was to not have it come up in their day-to-day lives. Trying to hire your cousin to have sex with you for money was the exact opposite of that.

“How was I supposed to know?” he thought.

Thinking back, there really was no way he would’ve known it was Cassie in those ads. For one thing — and, yes, he knew this is a stupid thing to say — she wasn’t using her real name.

For another, none of her photos had shown her face.

Frankly, he’d never thought of his cousin in a sexual way before. How was he supposed to know that’s what she did for work? He wasn’t all that close to her, really. Sure, they saw each other at family gatherings and would chat for a bit but she’s the LAST person he would picture doing sex work.

Oh God.

She’s a hooker.

She’s a fucking hooker.

Tony tried to wrap his head around the decisions that had led to this moment but it was Cassie’s that concerned him the most. How long had she been doing this? Did she really sleep with strangers for cash? How could she do that to herself? That’s so disgusting and shameful.

The irony that Tony hired her for the very thing he wanted to mentally shame her for wasn’t lost on him.

“You know what?” he thought. “Who the hell am I to judge?’

Cassie might have a million reasons she does what she does but exactly zero of them were Tony’s business.

After all, if she really cared what he thought of her chosen field, she would have told him about it long before she walked into his hotel room. And judging by the quick way she stormed off, it was clear she wasn’t interested in having that discussion now.

Would they ever talk about? It’s hard to tell. That’s just not something easy to bring up in conversation. Maybe in a few years they’ll be able to laugh and joke about it but, even then, that sounded delusional.

What was more likely, he thought, was that this would make every family gathering they were both at incredibly awkward for the rest of their lives. No way would she want to bring it up, he thought. And it’s not like he’d be eager to do so either.

It took a little while but the fear Tony felt in the immediate moments of walking in on Cassie eventually faded. In its place came a rush of embarrassment and he felt like an idiot.

“Only a dumbass would try to hire his cousin to be his escort.” he thought, cupping his forehead in his hands and rubbing his temple.

And he’d already paid her. In advance. Say goodbye to that money.

What a stupid decision. What a dumb night. Fuck this.

It took a few minutes for Tony to get over his stupidity but when he finally accepted he’d have to cut his losses, he felt ready to get off the couch and pack his stuff for an unexpected early checkout.

The moment he got up, though, he heard the one sound in the world he really wasn’t prepared for.


It was a knock at his door.


“What the fuck am I doing? What the fuck am I doing?”

Cassie must have asked herself that question ten times as she walked back to her cousin’s hotel room. She didn’t have her luggage this time and any and all of the confidence she walked in with the first time was long gone.

She really should have left. She can feel the weight of that decision now more clearly than ever before. But something kept stopping her. She had to fix this. It was too risky not to.

She didn’t know exactly what to expect but she had hoped her cousin would answer and they could talk about this like adults. Yes, it was going to be awkward but she had spent too long building this life to let it be ruined by a 20-second misunderstanding.

She knocked again.


Tony froze the moment he heard the sound at the door. In the back of his mind, he knew who it was but he held out hope that maybe it was housekeeping coming to clean the room.

“At eight o’clock at night?” he asked himself silently. “Are you stupid?”

Nope. He knew Cassie was on the other side of that door and, if he opened it, things were about to get weird. She knocked again.

“Come on, open up,” she said.

Tony opened the door a crack, looked outside and saw his cousin standing on the other side of it. Just as he feared. She looked flustered but that didn’t change the fact that she was quite literally the last person in the world he wanted to talk to right now.

“Can I come in?” she asked.

“I guess,” he replied.

“Look,” she said. “I don’t want to have this talk any more than you do. Trust me.”

Tony let her in against his better judgement and hoped whatever she had to say would be quick and to the point so he could get out of here and forget this whole thing had ever happened.

He walked over the fridge and grabbed a bottle of the Gatorade he had bought earlier that afternoon, back when he was looking forward to being in a hotel room with the knockout he saw in the ad. Before he knew who that body belonged to.

“Okay,” she said. “I know this is weird. I know. I’m sorry for leaving like that but, I … I really don’t know what to say.”

“Yeah,” he replied. “Me either.”

“So we’ve got to talk to about this. Obviously.”

“Yep,” he said, dejected.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” she said. “And I know you didn’t expect me.”

“That’s an understatement.”

“But here we are,” Cassie said, thinking hard about what she was going to say next. “We’re adults. And we’re family. And I don’t think this needs to be a big deal. You found out what I do to make money. I found out you cheat on your wife with escorts.”

“Hey, fuck you,” Tony responded, pissed off for the first time. “Don’t try to blame me for this shit and act like I did something wrong here.”

“And I did?” Cassie said.

“Well, you’re the one selling pussy.”

“You know what, fuck you too asshole,” Cassie said, fuming. She considered leaving yet again.

The two of them let the silence hang in the air. They’d both crossed a line and this conversation wasn’t going where either of them wanted it to.

Cassie and Tony both needed to leave this room without making the other person an enemy. If word of this got out, it would be bad for both of them, especially if it got around to other family members. Cassie had no desire to explain her career choices to her mother or sisters and Tony had even less desire to try to talk to anyone about his sex life with his wife.

Yet there’s exactly where he took the conversation next.

“I’m not cheating on anyone.” he said.

“Oh bullshit,” Cassie said. “You think I don’t remember our emails? Is this the point where you convince me you were hiring me to tell me how wrong being an escort is?”

“I never said that,” he replied. “All I’m saying is I’m not cheating on anyone. Kayla knows I’m here.”

“She WHAT?!?!?!” Cassie said, shocked.

“She knows I’m here,” Tony said.

“I don’t buy it,”

“No, seriously. She does,” Tony said. “We have an arrangement. It’s not like a, I mean I guess it kind of is but it’s not … anyway, I’ve never done this before but I’m not cheating. I’ve always wanted to hire an escort and she … well, she kind of said I could.”

“YOU TOLD YOUR WIFE ABOUT ME?” Cassie was practically screaming at this point.

“Obviously not, dipshit,” Tony replied, growing more annoyed with every word. “I didn’t know it was going to be YOU who showed up. I hired an escort three towns over from my house, away from where I know ANYONE and YOU showed up? What are you even doing here? Does your mom know what you’re doing?”

“It’s none of her business and it’s none of your business,” Cassie said.

“Like hell it’s not,” Tony replied. “It might not have been my business ten minutes ago but it damn well is now.”

“No, it’s not,” Cassie said, matter of factly. “And, frankly, I’m only back here to tell you to mind your fucking business and keep this to yourself.”

“Or what?” he said.

“Or I’ll kick your ass,” Cassie said. She didn’t want to but the comment broke her mood and she laughed. She knew there was no chance she could physically intimidate her cousin. He easily had 120 pounds on her and she’s not exactly the ass-kicking type.

“Honestly, I’d like to see you try,” Tony said, happy for the little hint of a lighthearted break from the tone they’ve had thus far. “I’ve already paid you so I guess I may as well get something for my money.”

“I mean, obviously I’m going to give you your money back,” Cassie said. “I’m not a bitch.”

“Yeah, I know,” he replied.

Another awkward moment of silence. Tony stared at his phone, unsure of what he was looking for but knowing it beat the hell out of looking his cousin in the eye right now.

“So what now?” he said, breaking the quiet.

“What do you mean?” she said.

“Well, this isn’t how I envisioned tonight going,” Tony said. “And, honestly, I think I want to cut my losses and get out of here.”

“Okay,” Cassie said. “That’s fine with me.”


“You’re not going to tell anyone about this, right?” she asked.

“Tell them what exactly?” Tony wondered. “That I spent ten years working up the courage to hire an escort and the first time I do, I get my freaking cousin?”

Cassie didn’t see it coming but that line broke her. She couldn’t help herself. She started to laugh uncontrollably, right in Tony’s face. Her laughter, coupled with the ridiculousness of the situation he found himself in, made him break too.

“Yeah, that sucks, dude,” Cassie eked out. “That’s … well, that’s …. that’s something.”

It took Cassie a few moments to recompose herself but she felt a lot better about things and was relieved at how this conversation had turned out compared to how it started. As awkward as running into a family member was in this situation, at least with Tony she knew she could joke about it. They weren’t really “close” as cousins but they had a decent enough relationship that they could find the silliness in this.

“I, uhh, I just need to know you’re not going to tell anyone about this, okay?” she asked. “It’s really important.”

“How long have you been doing this?” Tony asked.


“I just … I have to know,” he said. “How have you kept this secret?”

“Luck, I guess,” she said. “I never thought I’d run into something like this. I’ve been so careful. I guess I fucked up. I should have made you send me your ID or a reference or something. If I knew it was you, I would have never shown up.”

“Thanks,” Tony replied. “That does wonders for my confidence.”

“Come on,” Cassie said. “You know what I mean.”

“Nah, I get it,” Tony said. “Your secret is safe with me. As long as you don’t tell anyone it was me you ran into.”

“Ahh damn,” she replied. “I was just getting ready to tweet about this and tag you. Can you imagine how many likes I’d get if I let everyone know I almost got paid to fuck my cousin?”

“I mean, technically you did get paid,” Tony said, laughing.

“You know what I mean, jerk,” she said.

“Yeah, yeah, fine,” Tony said. “We both take this secret to our graves.”

“Good,” Cassie said, breathing a sigh of relief.


Cassie and Tony spent the next 20 minutes unsure of what to do next. On the one hand, they both wanted so badly to leave this room. On the other, they didn’t want to be the one to make the first move to exit.

So they did what any pair of cousins would do. They talked. A lot.

For 20 minutes, they each tried to make things as easygoing as possible and, if you happened to walk in on them, you’d think they were just catching up and casually hanging out.

Tony told Cassie all about his work and the projects he’s been doing around the house. Cassie told Tony all about her friends and the random Zumba class she started taking once a week.

It’s hard to describe how relaxed this all felt, Tony thought. It’s almost like this misunderstanding was a good thing and might even bring them closer together.

“So I have a question,” Cassie said. Tony knew immediately based on tone alone that those comfortable feelings were about to go out the window.

“Shoot,” he said.

“Why am I here?” she asked.

“Come on now,” he said. “You know why.”

“No, no,” she said. “I’m not asking why am I here in the literal sense of why did you call me. I’m asking why you hired an escort. Sorry. Attempted to hire an escort.”

“You wouldn’t understand,” he said.

“Try me,” she replied.

Tony spent a good 30 seconds trying to figure out how to phrase his next statement but it still came out more awkward than he intended. Talking sex with any family member, let alone one you just found out is a sexual professional, is not easy.

“I wanted to try it,” he said. “It’s a fantasy of mine. Has been for years.”

“Okay but why an escort?” Cassie said. “You said Kayla is okay with it, which I still can’t believe. Why not just jump on Tinder or something and find someone else to get your rocks off with?”

“The sex isn’t really the point,” he said. “I can’t really explain it and I definitely don’t want to explain it to you. This is really fucking weird.”

“Listen, I don’t know what you think I do when I’m working with clients but half my job is listening,” she said. “Try me.”

“I like the fantasy,” he said. “I love Kayla. You know that. There’s no one I’d rather spend my life with but sometimes … sometimes I just have needs she can’t fill.”

“Ahh,” Cassie said, nodding.

“She’s amazing but she’s my wife,” he explained. “And when you marry someone and you’re with them for years, the sex just … “

He really didn’t want to say this part.

“The sex just isn’t as exciting as it used to be,” he finished.

Cassie let that statement hang in the air for a moment.

“It’s not that we don’t have sex,” he said. “We still do. But it’s not very often and, when it does happen, it doesn’t have that same feeling that it used to.”

“Okay,” she said, letting him finish.

“I just wanted to feel that again,” he said. “That feeling of doing something new. God, I sound like a douche. I figured I’d hire someone for that. A professional. Plus, it’s always been a fantasy of mine to meet someone new, give them money, fuck like an animal and say goodbye to them. No strings attached.”

“Ahh,” she said. “Now I get it. But why me? You definitely saw my photos. You mean you didn’t know?”

“Didn’t know you were fucking hot?” Tony said, immediately regretting his phrasing. “Sorry. That’s weird.”

“Yeah it is.”

A few moments passed.

“So why are you here? Why are you an escort?” Tony asked.

“I already told you that’s none of your business,” she said, chuckling as she spoke so she didn’t make things tense again.

“Come on,” he pleaded. “You asked me a question. I’m asking you one. I thought we were having a heart to heart. What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean?” Cassie asked.

“I mean,” Tony said, preparing to emphasize every word. “What. Are. YOU. doing HERE.”

“Do you really need to ask that?” Cassie sighed. “Fine. I’ll bite. But only because you were nice and answered my question first. After I leave this room we’re never talking about this again.”

“Deal,” Tony said.

“I’m here because I’m an escort,” she said. “And I’m an escort because I like being an escort.”

“Seriously?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she said. “I’ve been doing it for like three years. It’s crazy good money, it’s a lot of fun and most times I’m not running into people I know.”

That line got a laugh out of Tony. Cassie decided to let her guard down a little bit.

“Okay so, like, this isn’t anyone’s business but my own but I really like doing this,” she said. “I like getting paid to make people happy and I like having a job I know helps me help people.”

“You sound like a social worker,” Tony joked.

“Fuck you,” Cassie said, laughing. “Yeah. Make fun of the escort. How original. I’m not trying to be Julia Roberts or whatever. I’m not ridiculous. I know what this is and why I’m doing it. I get paid to have sex for a living and it might not be ‘normal’ or whatever but I help people.”

“Uh huh,” Tony said.

“Seriously,” she said. “I have clients I’ve seen for YEARS who treat me incredibly well and tell me every time I see them that I’m the only thing they look forward to.”

As Cassie spoke, Tony couldn’t help but notice she really sounded convincing. She was either an incredible actress or she really did believe these things about sex work.

“It’s not just about the sex,” she said. “It’s about making a connection. It’s about being able to be vulnerable with someone. It’s about having fun.”

“By fucking,” Tony said.

“Well, yeah,” Cassie replied.

“If you love your job so much, why do you charge for it?” Tony asked, genuinely interested in where Cassie would take the next answer.

“I’m REALLY good at my job,” she said. “Why shouldn’t I get paid?”

Cassie and Tony looked at each other and both laughed. What a perfect way to end an odd evening.

“Anyway, I’ve uh, I’ve got to get going,” Cassie said, texting her friend Jenny that she was headed home.

“Alright,” Tony said. “I guess I should get out of here too.”

“Look, I’m sorry,” Cassie said. “I know this didn’t turn out the way you planned.”

“It’s fine,” he said. “It kind of is what it is.”

“So I can keep the money then?” Cassie said, with a smile on her face.

“Nope,” Tony said. “I’m gonna need that cash back so I can buy as much alcohol as it takes to forget all about this.”

“Fair enough,” Cassie said. “I’ll Paypal you when I get home.”

“Cool,” Tony said, making his way back over to the bed to watch some TV while he waited for the coast to clear and make his way out of the hotel. “I guess I’ll see ya later.”

“Yeah,” Cassie said, grabbing the door. “I guess so.”


Cassie walked out of Tony’s hotel for the second time and, somehow, felt worse than before.

Even though the conversation went great, and she wasn’t mad anymore, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. She was sad for him. What a shitty way to ruin a clients’ fantasy.

“He’s not a client, idiot,” she scolded herself. “He’s your fucking cousin!”

But what was she supposed to do? She wasn’t going to sleep with him and the few escort friends she had, all had their own booking processes. There’s no way she could call one of them to fuck her cousin — what a strange statement by the way– and she definitely couldn’t do so without raising red flags and making them think she was trying to set them up.

And, even if she wasn’t, who tries to get their FAMILY MEMBERS laid?

Cassie got back to her car and looked inside to make sure her luggage was still where she left it, a habit she picked up from living in shitty neighborhoods most of her life and never quite trusting those around her. It was. She felt relieved.

“I’m in my car,” she texted Jenny.

“How was it?” Jenny asked.

“It was a dud,” Cassie said. “Nothing special.”

“Bummer,” Jenny said. “Let me know when you get home. And if you want to hang out this weekend, I’m free Saturday.”

With that, Cassie ended the conversation and got ready to drive home. For the second time in the last 40 minutes, she had her key in the ignition. She started her car, carefully backed out of her spot and made her way to the exit. As she waited for the car in front of her to turn left out of the parking lot, she looked down on her phone one last time.

Then she had a thought that changed everything.


The third knock nearly startled Tony out of his shoes. Literally.

As he stood close to the hotel room door getting ready to head out, the sound jolted him out of the mental prison he’d locked himself into since Cassie left the room minutes earlier.

“Shit,” he thought. “What now?”

Resigned, he opened the door to see his cousin standing there with her luggage in tow again.

“Okay, so this is weird but hear me out,” Cassie said, barging right back into the room without waiting for an invitation.

“Sure, come on in,” Tony joked sarcastically. “Make yourself at home. It’s not like I was about to leave or anything.”

“Don’t make this more awkward than it needs to be,” Cassie said.

“Make what awkward?” he asked.

“This.” Cassie said.

With that, Cassie dragged her suitcase up onto the hotel bed.

“I don’t feel right leaving the way I did and I don’t think you do either,” she said.

“Umm…” Tony stuttered, unsure where this was going.

Cassie pulled her phone from her pocket, typed in her password and opened up the email that set all of tonight’s events in motion.

“Hey Alyssa,” she read. “I saw your ad online and wanted to reach out to book an appointment with you.”

Tony didn’t need to listen. He knew what the words in that email said before they were spoken.

“Stop,” he pleaded.

“Just listen for a minute,” she replied, returning to the email. “I’m looking for someone to fulfill a specific fantasy of mine and I think your the girl– by the way, you used the wrong form of that word here.”

“Are you really trying to teach me grammar right now?”

“I’m just saying.” Cassie continued. “I think ‘your’ the girl. I like your attitude and love the way you look in your photos. You’re so sexy.”

Tony couldn’t help but blush from embarrassment knowing he called his cousin sexy. Whether that was his intent or not didn’t matter. He said it and he said it based on the photos she posted. Family member or not, he liked her body and admitted it.

“My fantasy is super simple,” she continued. “I want to hire you to come to my hotel room, get dressed super sexy in all black, strip for me, give me a lap dance and see what happens from there.”

Tony was mortified.

Thank God he didn’t get into specifics of the sex acts he really wanted. They weren’t weird or anything but hearing his cousin talk about how he wanted her to blow him and let him fuck her for an hour would have been too much to take.

“I’m STD clear, super discreet, yada yada yada,” Cassie read, trailing off before she could finish the email. “You know the rest.”

“Yeah, I do,” he said.

“Okay,” she replied.

“Okay what?” Tony asked.

“Well, let’s talk about it for a second,” she said.

“Can we really not?” Tony pleaded, already beyond embarrassed and just looking for a way to get out of this room without crawling out of his skin.

“No, no,” she said. “I just want to talk.”

“About what?”

“A striptease? A lap dance?” she asked.

“Yeah?” Tony asked, still unsure what she was getting at.

“I mean …” Cassie paused. Was she really about to say what she came into this room to say? “I can do that.”


The words hung in the air like moisture on a humid day.

“What?” Tony asked.

Cassie didn’t know what to say next and almost immediately regretted those last four words when they slipped from her mouth. But there was no turning back now. She said what she said. The only thing left to do was to see where things went next.

“I can do that,” she said. “I can give you a striptease and a lap dance.”

“You want to strip for me?” Tony said, his brain still not processing this as real. “Me? Your cousin?”

“Shit,” Cassie said, defeated. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Just forget it. I don’t know-“

“Don’t know what?”

“I don’t know why I said that,” she said, feeling her face turn bright red. “I just, I was in my car and I was getting ready to leave and I felt bad.”

“You felt bad?”

“I felt bad,” she continued. “Just, look, this isn’t what either of us wanted but I wasn’t kidding earlier. I like doing this and I like making people feel good. I don’t like … I don’t like this.”

“Well neither do I,” Tony said. “This is pretty much the most embarrassing moment of my life.”

His words stung her more than he realized.

“Yeah, me too,” she said.

Great. Another uncomfortable silence.

Tony spoke first.

“What do you mean you’ll strip for me?”

The thought was almost too taboo to even entertain.

“I mean, if that’s what you want,” Cassie said, more unsure of herself than she’d ever been in a sexual situation before, at least since she awkwardly lost her virginity. “If that’s what you want, I’ll do that. It’s just a striptease. It doesn’t mean anything.”

Tony couldn’t believe this. Of all the ways he thought tonight was going to go, this was most certainly not how he pictured it.

“If it will make you feel better, I’ll strip for you,” she said once more. “It’s not like I have anything you haven’t seen before. They’re just tits and ass.”

Tits and ass.

The words sent an unsolicited jolt of electricity through Tony’s pants.

“I won’t look at you and you can pretend I’m someone else,” she said. “I just, I know I ruined this for you and I know you’re the type of person who will never live this down in your head. So if a little striptease makes you feel better, what harm can it really do? Who cares? It’s not going to be anymore awkward than this night has already been anyway, so whatever.”

Tony thought about it. In a way, she was right. This night couldn’t get more awkward and he already admitted to liking her body when he didn’t know it was her he was referencing, so what harm could it cause? It’s not like this wasn’t already beyond awkward. He may as well get something for his money.

He really took a moment to look her over, head to toe. Cassie could feel his eyes scanning her and wondered what he was thinking.

The thought of giving her cousin a striptease and a lap dance was one she came to pretty quickly in her car but now that she’s back in this room and it was becoming a very real life possibility, she felt nerves like she’d never felt before.

“What am I doing?” She wondered to herself. “Am I for real right now?”

The moment she noticed Tony’s eyes scanning her body, she watched them fall rapidly to the floor. He was still embarrassed.

She had an idea.

“Okay. I get it,” she said. “This is weird, right?”

“Yeah.” he said.

“Alright,” she said. “So don’t think of me as your cousin. I’m just Alyssa. I’m the girl you hired to do a job and I’m here to do that job.”

“What?” he replied. “We can’t have sex!”

“No!,” she said, confused. “That’s not what I meant.”


“I’m here to do a job and that job is to strip for you,” she said. “Let’s forget we’re related. Forget it’s awkward. Let’s just do it, have some fun and then we’ll go our separate ways.”

The thought excited Tony. He couldn’t pretend it didn’t. Moments earlier, he had to look away from his cousin as he felt the familiar feeling of blood rushing to his dick while picturing her naked.

“You could have just said you want to keep the money,” Tony joked.

“Shut up,” Cassie countered. “Do you want me to do this or not?”

“It depends,” he said. “Are you really going to wear the outfit I asked for and really go all out or just going to plop your titties out of that 90s soccer mom outfit? I’ve got to be honest. You don’t exactly look like an escort right now.”

“Hey, asshole,” she chuckled. “You’re lucky I’m even willing to show you anything.”


“Yes, I’ll put the full outfit on,” she said. “But if I’m doing this, I’m keeping the money.”

“You can keep half,” Tony countered.

“What?” she replied.

“You’re only doing half what I paid for and, honestly, your rate is a little ridiculous anyway,” Tony said, half serious.

“Fine,” she said, matter of factly. “Half for me, half for you. And don’t knock my rates. Trust me, I’m worth every single penny. Do we have a deal?”

Tony thought about it for a second. If his cousin kept half the money he’d already paid her, that would be $600. So, essentially, he was paying $300 for a striptease and $300 for a lap dance. Expensive, sure. But he’d already spent the money anyway and a few minutes ago, he thought he lost it all anyway.

“Okay,” he said. “Deal.”

And, with that, Cassie and Tony had come to their first of many taboo arrangements.


What exactly are you supposed to do while you wait for your cousin to get dressed up so she can give you a striptease and a lap dance? Tony mused.

Admittedly, that’s not a question most people would have to ask, he thought.

Still, it’s the exact scenario Tony found himself in, roughly 45 minutes into what was originally supposed to be his one-hour session with an escort named Alyssa. In an alternate universe somewhere right now, he’s fucking a woman he’s not related to and getting ready to cum. In this one, though, he was sitting awkwardly on his hotel couch still not 100 percent convinced his cousin Cassie was being serious.

If this was a joke, it’s one of the cruelest he’d ever seen.

At that same moment, Cassie wasn’t exactly sure how serious she was either.

Tucked in the same bathroom where Tony psyched himself up before answering the door earlier, Cassie looked at herself and couldn’t believe what she was (probably) about to do.

Thank God for mirrors, she thought. Cassie hadn’t been shy about her appearance in a while but everyone had self doubts now and then and this was certainly a time ripe for insecurity to creep in.

She knew she looked good. Enough men turned their heads and snuck peeks at her on a daily basis that it would be impossible to deny. But it’s one thing for horny guys to want to fuck you, it’s another to convince yourself you’re attractive. That’s where the mirror came in. It was always Cassie’s source of confidence when her younger tomboyish self tried to take over her head space and cast doubts in her mind.

Fully dressed in the lingerie Tony asked for, she looked like a porn star. A hot one. And even with the extra layer of clothes she put over said lingerie, to make the striptease more exciting, she knew she was a knockout. There’s a reason she can charge $1,200 for an hour of her time and men like her cousin were willing to pay it.

He paid for this. What a weird thought.

Cassie took a long look at herself and worked up the nerve to proceed.

She tried to picture what it was about her body that made even her cousin — her own cousin — want to fuck her. At 5′ 6” Cassie was slightly taller than most of the girl she knew. She proudly rocked her 38-24-36 frame, knowing they were measurements most women would kill for.

Tonight, she was closer to five-nine, counting her red, double-strapped shoes. And the best part was, once she tossed on that top layer of clothing, nothing about her appearance immediately screamed hooker. Not at first.

She was wearing tight, acid-washed jeans with small, pre-cut holes on the thighs. At the right angle, her sexy stockings underneath could almost be made out. Tony had asked specifically for the stockings and garter belt.

“God, that’s so weird,” she thought, remembering who she was getting dressed up for.

Cassie loved the way she looked in these jeans. They really compressed her ass in place and gave it that stereotypical ‘onion booty’ shape. Her upper body didn’t look bad either as she had an orange top on over a beautiful but bold black bra underneath. Looking at her objectively, you could tell she had large breasts but that wasn’t shown with excessive cleavage. She loved the reveal too much to give that big a hint.

Tony was going to lose his mind when she took off this shirt and he saw her bra, she thought. And when she took that off? Hell, he might just cum.

“Wait,” she thought, catching herself. “What the fuck am I thinking?”

Alone in this bathroom, it was easy for Cassie to get into her “hooker mentality,” but it was hard to stay too long given the circumstances of this particular client.

This striptease wasn’t meant to be sexual, she kept reassuring herself. It’s a simple matter of biology. Tony was a guy. He wanted what all guys want.

“He wants tits and ass,” she thought. “I’ll show him tits and ass. Nothing more to think about. That’s it. That’s all.”

No matter how many times Cassie told herself this wasn’t a big deal, deep down she knew differently. There were just so many variables she couldn’t predict. It’s MUCH different when the client is someone you know. And a family member? There’s no playbook that tells you how to handle that when you become an escort.

Sure, she’d stripped for clients before. It’s a common enough fantasy for guys who like to be teased or know they’re going to blow their load almost immediately.

And lap dances? Who hasn’t jokingly given a friend a lap dance for the fun of it? Maybe that’s what this will be. Fun.

Still, the question kept creeping into her mind as she checked one last time to make sure she didn’t have any lipstick on her teeth and brushed away the little flyaway strands of hair around her bangs that always gave her trouble when she was nervous and sweaty. It was hard not to sweat when she thought about what could happen next.

What if he likes it and wants to go further? What if he tries to touch her? If she’s giving him a lap dance, surely she’s going to feel his dick? What if he gets hard?

Cassie’s brain was slammed with these thoughts. One after another after another. She looked at herself in the mirror one final time and shut her brain off.

“It’s fine,” she thought to herself. “You’ve got this. You’re in control. You’re the professional, he’s just a client. This will be over in ten minutes and then you’ll go home. Ten minutes, $600. Ten minutes and then you go home, get drunk and pretend it never happened.”

If only it were that easy.


It’s impossible to accurately guess how many times Tony pictured the exact scenario that was about to unfold. Sitting on his hotel couch, in the room he specifically chose because it had a couch like this and had easy, unobstructed access right to the bed, he always wanted his first time with an escort to start with a striptease and a lap dance.

There’s just something fun and exciting about the way the anticipation builds watching a woman peal off piece after piece of clothing. And the lap dance? Whew. To be that close to what you want and have to restrain yourself is a rush like no other. A good lap dance intoxicates you. A great one shuts your brain off and turns you into nothing more than a walking, talking, blood engorged penis that needs to be released.

But no matter how many times Tony role-played the upcoming scene in his brain, and no matter how many times he pictured various nondescript women doing it for him, he had never forseen a family member staring back at him. This time he would.

“What am I doing?” he wondered. “I can’t do this. I’ve got to get the fuck out of here.”

Those thoughts were gone the instant Cassie walked out of the bathroom.

The first thing he noticed was her shirt. In any other context, he would have never paid it a second glance but, this moment, it’s the only place his eyes wanted to be.

Cassie was wearing an orange top that hugged her curves tightly and really showed off her shape. He imagined what she would look like underneath, specifically how she might look in the bra he asked her to wear. Why a black bra? Well, that was simple. He’d always loved the contrast of dark clothing on a fair complexion. Something about it made it pop visually and gave him an extra little dose of adrenaline.

It’s such a sexy thought. One he specifically sought out more times than he could count. Black lingerie is, thankfully, super common in porn.

As he pictured his cousin in that black bra, his mind turned to what was underneath it for the first time. He never intended to but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought of Cassie naked before tonight. He’s a red blooded man and he’s known her long enough to see the way she transformed when she hit puberty. You couldn’t stop those thoughts from popping in every now and again, especially not when you’re a horn-dog teenager.

Save for the occasional glance at stray cleavage at a family function or holiday party, though, Tony never intentionally allowed his mind to wonder onto dirty thoughts of his cousin for too long and he was always quick to focus on something else. He just didn’t think of family like that. Until tonight.

“How do I look?” Cassie asked, the answer far more important to her self confidence than either of them knew.

“You look amazing,” he said.


Cassie made her way out of the bathroom with deliberate steps but it felt unreal, like she was watching someone else play a first-person video game of her life in that moment. She must have made similar walks like this hundreds of times and, sure, there were always butterflies but it was never this bad before.

“I love that top,” Tony said.

“Me too,” she said. “I’ve had it for a little while now. It’s super cute.”

Neither Cassie nor Tony knew what to do next. Neither wanted to be the one to advance this little game to the next phase.

Tony once again broke the silence. Not because he wanted to but because it was too painful not to.

“So …” he said. “Are you, like, okay with this?”

“Yeah,” Cassie said. “It’s no big deal.”


“Okay,” Cassie said, taking a deep breath. She reached and unlocked her phone again. On the counter next to it was a bluetooth speaker she had pulled out of her luggage case a few minutes ago and brought with her for this exact moment. It was a clear cube and changed colors as you listened to music on it. You could also put it on a stationary color. She chose black because it seemed fitting given her cousin’s outfit request.

“What kind of music do you want to listen to?,” she asked, opening up her Spotify account.

“Uhh,” Tony stammered. “I’m okay with whatever.”


Cassie immediately searched for and played the theme song for the kids show Paw Patrol. It was a joke meant to lighten the mood and it did just that.

“Are you serious right now?” Tony laughed, jokingly falling over on the couch. “OK. Let me be more specific. NOT THAT.”

Cassie laughed, shut off the silly kids show theme song and knew exactly what she needed to search for.

She was a big fan of Spotify. It never disappointed her and it wouldn’t tonight. For a music app with unlimited tracks and artists available, it was ironic that the biggest feature she loved was something the creators likely never put much thought into: Community-created custom playlists for just about any mood.

Whether she was working out and needed some high intensity rock music to elevate her heart rate or wanted some relaxing and soothing background noise while she wound down and read a book before bed, she could always find the exact music she was looking for by hitting the search bar.

Tonight was a bit different and a situation she’d never been in before but the app proved itself worth the ten bucks a month she paid once again.

Cassie typed in “Strip Club music” and found a ton of options but it was the first playlist that popped up, which was aptly titled “Strip Club Playlist” that caught her eye.

A mix of 80s hair metal like “Cherry Pie” by Warrant, “Here I go Again” by Whitesnake and “Girls, Girls, Girls” by Mötley Crüe, the playlist took classic strip club songs and combined them with the more recent rock and pop hits you’d actually hear if you went into a club today. She knew this because strip clubs were one of her favorite places to go with her girl friends and a great place to get ideas for sexy outfits for the photos she paid to have taken for her ads.

The playlist was the perfect mix of music for this occasion and, she knew, it would get her into the right mindset.

As she thumbed through the selections looking to find a good starting point — which was crucial, she learned, because you have to set a strong tone right from the beginning when you’re giving a lap dance — Tony asked a simple question that Cassie had been dreading.

“So, uh, how do we do this?” he said.

Immediately, she was nervous again.

“Alright, ground rules,” she said. “Let’s try not to make this awkward.”

Easier said than done.

Even though Tony was on the couch in front of her and she was a good five or so feet away, she was already closer to him in an intimate setting than she ever planned on being. While she was in the bathroom, she told Tony to move the small wooden table that was in front of the couch and there was now nothing between the two of them but a couple of feet of space and uncomfortable, unspoken thoughts.

“Err, more awkward,” she corrected herself, steadying her voice so that what she said next sounded completely unemotional.

“So, I’m going to strip down to my lingerie first. I’ll do that from over here. You can watch me, you can stare but absolutely nothing more than that. If you feel things tightening up ‘down there,’ you can make adjustments but don’t be weird about it. What you do when I leave is your business, not mine and I don’t want to think about it.”

Cassie took a deep breath. Already these rules were helping her feel more in control and doing wonders for her confidence.

“When I’m down to my lingerie, I’ll dance for you for a little while and try to keep it sexy,” she said. “When I’m ready … and ONLY when I’m ready, I’ll give you your lap dance.”

Tony nervously nodded. Fuck. She might really do this.

“Nothing funny,” she warned. “If you make this weirder than it already is, I’m leaving. You can talk, you can ask questions, I won’t punish you for that. I get it. It’s strange. But don’t get pushy. Don’t make me feel weird, okay?”

Tony took a breath and nodded.

“And no touching,” she said. “Absolutely no touching. If I’m OK with you touching after we’ve started, I’ll tell you. If you’re not sure if you should, don’t. If you think you should, ask first. But I don’t want to ruin this and I don’t want it to get uncomfortable. Let’s just do the tease and the dance and call it a night. Are we clear?”

“Definitely,” Tony said. “I have one question though.”


“Are you …” Tony really didn’t want to complete this next sentence but he had to know the answer. He had to. “It’s totally cool if you’re not going to but are you … are you planning to … will you … how much are you, uh, going to show?”

Cassie sighed. It was a perfectly reasonable question and one with an answer she didn’t want to verbalize.

“That depends on how this goes,” she said. “I really can’t say. I don’t know. I don’t want to think about that right now. I want to make this fun for you and maybe I’ll show a good amount but I’m not going to do anything I don’t want to do. Let’s just see how this goes. Okay?”


“Good,” she said, scrolling through the playlist one final time and picking out four songs she wanted to play in a specific order. “Let’s get started.”


Tony was never as nervous in his entire life than he was in this moment right here, right now. His heart was racing. His palms were sweating so badly he had to wipe them on his seat. If Cassie looked at him right now, it would be impossible to see an adult man staring back at her. He looked like a nervous virgin getting ready to kiss a girl for the first time.


“Can we wait a second?” Tony said.


“I just need a second to breathe,” he replied, taking a deep breath.

“Let me know when you’re ready,” she said.

Tony closed his eyes and took short, rapid, deep breaths. It took about 20 seconds before he was in the head space for what was about to happen and, even then, he didn’t quite believe it.

“Hang on,” Cassie said.

She walked through the hotel room quickly, making sure the blinds were all shut and no one could see in. It’s bad enough she’s about to do this. She didn’t want an audience. An audience of more than one anyway.

On her walk, Cassie made sure to shut all the lights in the kitchen and bathroom. She couldn’t control the way this room looked and couldn’t shut off all the lights to make it “feel” like a strip club but this was close enough for a couple of songs.

“You good?” she asked Tony one last time.

“Yeah.” he said. From where Tony was sitting, he could see his cousin with her back to him. She looked nervous. He couldn’t blame her. He was nervous, too.

“Alright,” Cassie said, turning away from Tony and facing the bedroom. She took a breath, said ‘fuck it’ in her head and pressed play on the first of the four songs. “Here we go.”

The moment the music began, he could feel the tone in the room change completely.

Right from the initial drum beats, Tony knew what song was going to kick this off: Britney Spears’ “I’m a Slave 4 U.” An odd choice, to be sure, but one that certainly fit the strip club atmosphere he hoped they’d be able to create.

The song started with Britney talking in a sultry voice and for those first few moments, the beat was steady but clearly building.

As Britney spoke softly for those first 16 seconds, Cassie did nothing. She stood perfectly still but nodded her head song along with the rhythm. Tony could tell she was working up the courage to start.

Then the lyrics kicked in. As soon they began, Cassie started to move. Her movement was simple at first. Just a slight adjustment of her hips and a sway from side to side. She still hadn’t turned around. She didn’t feel ready to. Internally, this was the easiest part. She could pretend she was alone and dancing for fun. Cassie loved this song and was psyching herself up a second at a time.

The tempo picked up a little and, so too, did her swaying.

Now came the second verse and, with it, Cassie felt comfortable enough to let her feet move with the lyrics. She bucked her hips back and forward, in a rocking motion, picturing herself riding on top of her last boyfriend. It was a bit more suggestive than she thought she’d be this early.

“I’m a slave for you,”

The moment that first chorus started, she raised her arms in the air and slowly, seductively, took her left hand and guided it down from her right wrist to her upper shoulder. She bucked back gently as she did, moving her body like a wave from her pelvis to her chest. The rhythm was easy to maintain and flowed perfectly with the song.

It was already the hottest thing Tony had ever seen from a strip tease, no doubt because of who it was that was teasing him.

As the next verse began, Cassie slowly backed closer to her cousin. This was the longest part of the song lyric wise and she wanted to time this just right. She had started this dance a few feet away and the distance was comfortable. Now, one step at a time, she was removing the space between them and the uncomfortableness that came with it. As she did, she rubbed her hands over her head and lightly fussed with her hair.

She was getting closer to the next chorus and knew exactly what she wanted to do when it hit.

Cassie was three feet away. Then two. She stopped, waiting for the song title yet again. Swaying with the beat.


“I’m a slave for you”


For the second time, Cassie timed her signature move of this song with those words. This time, she kept her left hand extended in the air and rubbed her right palm from her left wrist to upper shoulder. Every movement was purposeful.

The minute she touched that shoulder, she was ready. There were still 30 seconds or so left in this track and she intended to use every single one of them. She turned her face to the right and locked eyes with her cousin for the first time.

He’d never forget the look on her face. Nor she, his.

“Get it get it, get it get it (oh) // Get it get it, get it get it (oh) // Get it get it, get it get it (oh)”

She bit her upper lip. He adjusted in his seat. She knew she had him. He was putty in her hands and she was in complete control.

As the song faded toward its conclusion and the last chorus started, Cassie stopped dead in her tracks and began to walk away from her cousin. One step at a time. She could feel his eyes locked on her ass.

The song ended. Tony couldn’t believe what he just saw. She hadn’t taken a single piece of clothing off and he was already sporting the hardest erection he’d had in years.

He was hard. For his cousin.



The second song started in an eerily similar way to the first. Cassie was back in her initial position and the first thing Tony heard was the thumping of hard-hit drums and someone shredding a guitar.

He didn’t recognize the song at first and for the opening 30 seconds, Cassie mirrored her moves in the Britney song, letting her head bob to the beat and her hips sway from side to side. She added a head-banging move and tossed her hair from left to right as the drum sped up. She could have been an 80s music star. She looked it.

After 30 seconds of a steady beat, Cassie kicked off both of her shoes as the leader singer wailed “OOOHHHHH.” He followed it up with “OOOH YEAHHHHH.” She wasn’t wearing socks and Tony didn’t even notice the shoes were unbuckled when she’d started this striptease but now she was barefoot. It was the first hint of skin she had shown so far.

Tony knew this song as it played but he still couldn’t he place it.

Cassie was feeling the music too. She’d never struck him as a rock music fan but it was hard not to tap your feet to the beat of this track. It took 44 seconds for the lyrics to start but it may as well have been an hour. Tony’s eyes were transfixed and time was irrelevant.

“Jump back, what’s that sound // Here she comes, full blast and top down”

These lyrics sucked but Tony didn’t care. The beat was awesome and though he had a vague idea of what it was, he gave up trying to place it. He wanted to stay focused.

Cassie’d always had a guilty love of this Van Halen track. It was a huge hit a couple years before she was born but, as a kid, she ALWAYS rocked out when it came on. Even in college, it held a special spot on her iPod.

Her familiarity with it and the positive memories it always brought her made what she knew she had to do next a little easier. This is the song where everything was going to get a little more serious.

As the first verse wound down, she moved backwards again, inching closer to her cousin. She didn’t know if she had the courage for this next move but she was going to try.

“Don’t you know she’s coming home with me? // You’ll lose her in the turn.”

She was now two feet away. It was the closest she’d been so far.

“I’ll get her!”

This was it. It was now or never.

The moment she heard the all-too-familiar cry of “Panama!,”, Cassie sat on Tony’s thigh. It was their first contact and it sent a shockwave of electricity through his dick AND her pussy. She did NOT expect that and almost moaned out loud.

“What the fuck was THAT?” she thought, nearly jumping up but catching herself so she didn’t ruin the moment.

Tony caught his breath before it escaped. Holy shit. In the back of his mind, he remembered she said she would touch him eventually but in the four minutes or so this had been going on, he’d forgotten about it completely and it caught him off guard.

With every utterance of “Panama,” Cassie rubbed her body on top of Tony’s thigh. She could feel the heat rising from his chest and he could feel the heat of her ass on his leg.

Cassie was still fully clothed and her jeans were a bit rough on Tony’s thigh but he didn’t care. Not one bit. Cassie grinded on him for less than 15 seconds in all but it felt like an eternity for both of them.

It was hot. It was dirty. It was exciting.

As the second verse began, Cassie stood up and moved forward three feet. Tony hated to see her go but it would be worth it for whatever was next.

Keeping her hips moving from side to side, Cassie once again lifted her left arm up, moved her right hand down it from the wrist to shoulder and looked back at her cousin. This time, his look of shock was gone. It was replaced by a look she’d seen plenty of times. Pure lust.

“Thank God,” she thought. “He’s actually into this.”

She had him where she wanted him and not a moment too soon. It was time to start taking her clothes off and that look was crucial to building her confidence.

She looked Tony right in the eyes and licked her lips. Here we go.

As Van Halen tore through the second verse, Cassie unbuckled the belt of her jeans and, in one swift motion, pulled it out of the loops with her right hand. She swung it around in a small circle. She then moved the long end of the belt into her left hand as the guitar riffed and held her arms out, extended, with her face staring forward. She shook her ass left and right to the beat.

As soon as the next chorus started, she bent over completely, sticking her jean-covered ass forward and looked up at her cousin through her open legs. She could see him adjust his pants over what looked like the outline of an erection and it made her heart beat a little faster.

The song was slowly winding down and right on cue. She needed to act quickly for what she had planned next.

As the music of a steady guitar solo pushed her forward, she grabbed her shirt and the sides of her hips and playfully teased taking it off. In one slow motion, she lifted it up and over her head. She looked back at Tony again and smiled.

At the sound of a motorcycle revving up, Cassie unbuttoned her pants. She shimmied them off a tiny bit and the top of her panty line because visible for the first time. Tony felt the lump in his throat and the lump in his jeans both move at the same time.

Taking her thumbs and placing them in the loops of her jeans on both sides, Cassie eased her jeans down as slowly as possible.

“She’s blinding, I’m flying// Right behind the rear-view mirror now”

For the first time, Tony could see the black garter and stockings he’d asked her to wear. It was so much hotter than he had envisioned and the photos he saw in her ad did no justice to her ass in person. As she let the jeans fall to her ankles, Cassie could feel a wave of heat escape and a chill blow past her legs.

There were still roughly 30 seconds left in the song and one more chorus. She had timed it perfectly and, once again, as the chorus kicked in, she had something special planned.

This time it was a simple move but one both she and Tony were looking forward to.

She turned to face him for the first time.

They locked eyes. There was no pretense left. They were actually doing this. She was stripping for HIM.

As Van Halen belted out “Panama” for the last time, Cassie stood face to face with her cousin and walked quickly over to him. His eyes scanned her body from top to bottom and she could tell he was blown away by the way she looked in full lingerie and the bra she still had on.

“Jesus Christ,” he uttered.

It was music to her ears and she grinned.

Cassie knew the second song was almost over and she finished it simply, keeping her eyes on her cousin, moving her hands through her hair once again and taking two steps back.

It was the furthest she’d be from him for the rest of the set.


Two songs down. Two songs left to go.

Cassie didn’t know how far she was really willing to take this yet but she was getting bolder with every verse of the playlist.

Tony, meanwhile, was beginning to understand why she felt she was worth $1,200 an hour. He’d never seen her this way but she exuded a sexy confidence that you can’t put a price tag on. At this moment, right now, she was fulfilling his escort fantasy beyond his wildest dreams. It’s a shame she was his cousin. He REALLY wanted to fuck her.

“Shit man,” he thought. “That’s so wrong.”

Was it though? She’s clearly a professional. It’s what she does.

“No,” he scolded himself. “Don’t go there.”

So far, Cassie had kept this entire thing playful but sexy. She had two songs left but, deep down, she wasn’t sure how she was going to handle this next one.

Rocking out to 80s Van Halen music is one thing. But her next track was a slow rap song with a smooth vibe and what she had planned was so much more intimate than standing a few feet away wearing lingerie.

This would really test her.


Cassie started the next song with her back turned to her cousin. It wouldn’t last. It wasn’t meant to.

The song started with what sounded like a synthesizer and it was a beat Tony knew but didn’t quite recognize. As the lyrics began, he realized why. He’d heard the rock version of this song before and knew it was a cover of something but never heard the original rap version. This had to be it.

“I say he so sweet make her wanna’ lick the rapper”


Yep. He was right. Those weird lyrics were indisputable.

Cassie chose “Lollipop” by Lil Wayne. An odd choice given the song before it and probably the first time anyone has transitioned from Van Halen to Lil Wayne but Tony didn’t mind. She could honestly keep this up with that kids song from earlier and it wouldn’t stop his erection in the slightest.

Cassie was back in teasing mode. She swayed as Lil Wayne grunted and the beat changed ever so slowly. She didn’t need to look back to know her cousin’s eyes were burning holes through her. She loved it and could feel herself getting warm between her legs.

She kept this up through the initial lines of the song, if they could be called that. It wasn’t a traditionally structured song. It didn’t matter. Confidently, standing two feet away from Tony, she bent all the way over. He was staring right at her panty-covered pussy and needed every bit of his willpower not to bury his face in that sweet sight.

Cassie stood up, moving her upper body in a wave motion again, dashing her hips forward and back.

“Shawty wanna’ hump, you know I’d like to touch ya lovely lady lumps.”

Tony had no idea what those lyrics meant and didn’t care. The beat was pure strip club magic and created an atmosphere he was obsessed with. For the first time, he didn’t care that Cassie was his cousin. He was going to let his brain wander and go wherever it wanted to. He could feel his cock straining to be set free.

What came next wouldn’t make it softer.

Cassie took a deep breath and slowly walked backwards, between Tony’s legs until she felt the bottom of the couch hit her ankles. It was time.

“Lil’ mama had a swag like mine // She even wear her hair down her back like mine,”

Cassie shut her brain off the moment the first real verse started and slowly, painstakingly, sat on her cousin’s lap.

For a moment, Tony thought he was about to cum. Everything he wanted was right in front of him. His cousin, who he shouldn’t be doing this with, was sitting on his lap and grinding on his dick.

Cassie could feel her cousin’s rock hard cock pressed against her butt and was so glad she was facing away from him because the thought made her open her mouth shocked. She knew he liked it from his intent stare but this was more than confirmation. This was a rock. hard. dick.

There was no pretending anymore. Cassie turned her cousin on. And he was turning her on. Whatever they were doing, no matter how right or wrong it was, they were both enjoying this. A lot.

As she sat on Tony’s lap, Cassie mimicked her grinding moves from earlier. Tony couldn’t see her face but he didn’t care. He threw his head back and enjoyed the feeling of her ass rocking back on him. Tony was still fully dressed and there may have been a couple of layers of clothing between them but there was no denying this: His cousin was grinding on his dick.

Right around the time Tony wondered how much of this he could take, Lil Wayne moved to the first chorus of the song. The grinding lasted less than 30 seconds but, fuck if it didn’t feel ten times that long.

Tony was thankful Cassie got up as the chorus started. His head was spinning and he didn’t know what to do or what to say. He wouldn’t get a chance to recover.

Cassie turned to face him again. She locked eyes with him again and bit her tongue as she moved her hands through her hair. The second chorus was seconds away and she was aching to proceed as she moved closer.

“Shawty wanna’ thug, bottles in the club” the song continued as Cassie lifted her left leg and put it past Tony’s right hip and onto the couch. She did the same with her right leg and slowly lowered herself on top of him.

“Fuck!” he thought.

Cassie looked right into his eyes and sat on his lap. Tony didn’t know where to look. For a little over 25 seconds, she rode him slowly and sensually. Tony didn’t want her to stop but she did.

This was a striptease and she sure was leaning heavy on the tease part.

As the next verse started, Cassie stood up again. She could feel the reluctance in Tony’s eyes but she needed to him to pace himself. She hadn’t even taken off her bra or panties yet.

“Holy fuck,” she thought. “Am I really going to go that far?”


A simple look at her lust-stricken cousin told her the answer, even if she wasn’t ready for it.


Over the course of the next verse, Cassie let her hands roam over her body much more freely but stood a foot away, letting Tony soak the image into his brain. She cupped her tits suggestively and bent forward, giving him an eye-full of her cleavage. There was no way he’d be able to resist jerking off when she left. The thought was so naughty, she could feel her nipples harden a bit.

The song was halfway over and she had him exactly where she wanted him. She could ease off the gas pedal a little bit and she did, moving to casual dance moves and swaying from side to side, never losing her cousin’s gaze.

In reality, she was gearing up for what she knew would be a hot finish to the song.

After a minute or so of dancing from a distance, Cassie heard the words she was waiting for.

“C-Call me, s-so I can make it juicy for ya”

She moved forward. Once again, she placed her legs outside of Tony’s and sat on his lap.

He was in heaven.

She didn’t grind initially, instead staying still and moving her hands through her hair again. Tony loved that move. Once she started moving her hips back and forth, though, it’s all he wanted to experience.

Tony felt Cassie press her body down hard on his dick. She was giving him a slow, purposeful grind. There was no denying this. They were dry humping and he loved every second of it.

All he wanted to do was squeeze her ass. Or touch her tits. He couldn’t decide. But he remembered her rules and didn’t want to fuck anything up.

Arching his back up just a little, Tony repositioned himself so he could sit up a little straighter and leaned into his cousin’s ear. The feeling of his lips so close to her gave Cassie goosebumps.

“Can I … Can I touch?”

It was the most taboo question Cassie ever heard, yet it sounded so innocent.

“Okay,” she said.

Tony didn’t want to overplay his hand. Not yet anyway. He decided to play this slow and reached behind Cassie, cupping her ass. The feeling sent a wave through her and, for the first time, she could feel herself getting wet. It briefly snapped her back to reality and she stood up.

“Shit,” Tony said, figuring he messed up.

Cassie turned around and lowered herself back down, facing away from Tony as the song finished. For the final 20 or so seconds, Tony slowly thrust himself against his cousin’s ass, pulling her closer and matching her rhythm. He couldn’t believe she was letting him do this. It was almost like she was as into it as he was.

It was hotter than almost any sex he’d ever had.

The song came to an end and not a moment too soon as Tony would have absolutely cum if he kept up that pace much longer. His body was aching for release but it was still wrong. She’s still his cousin. He can’t shoot a load to his cousin.



“Jesus,” Tony said as the third song ended. “You’re killing me with this. That was so fucking hot.”

Something about the way Tony said those words excited Cassie. She’d never thought of him sexually before but she was starting to.

Still, it was important not for her not to get too aroused. She didn’t want to do anything she’d regret later.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” she said, laughing.

As the fourth and final song began, Cassie felt an equal amount of nervous anticipation and dread. She was having way more fun than she thought she would but it was coming to an end very soon.



For the last song, Cassie wanted something faster and more club-like. It would help her set the tempo for what she had in mind and was so fast paced, she wouldn’t have time to second guess herself. After all, it was important to end on a high note and she knew exactly what that meant, even if Tony was clueless about what was happening next.

It took Tony two seconds to figure out what song she chose next. It would have been hard not to since it literally begins with Pitbull introducing himself as “Mr. Worldwide” and bringing in T-Pain.

Cassie selected “Hey Baby (Drop it to the Floor),” a song Tony hadn’t heard in a while but an ear-worm that sticks with listeners once they do. Not that he’d need any help to remember this experience.

Cassie started the song, walking a few steps away from her cousin and for good reason. She needed a little bit of space for this next part.

With her back to Tony once again, Cassie ran her arms all over her body and took a deep breath. This was it.

“Hey baby girl what you doin’ tonight // I wanna see what you got in store,” T-Pain blared.

Everything Cassie was doing now was by choice but it was hard to feel like she had any control. She let the music move her and, right now, the music moved her hands behind her back and toward the clasp of her bra.

“Oh my God,” Tony thought to himself. “Is she gonna …”

She did. She unhooked her bra.

With nervous anticipation, Cassie looked back one last time and smiled at her cousin. She kept her back to him as she took her bra off and threw it over her head.

Cassie lifted her hands in the air and Tony knew on the other side, she was completely topless. He would have given anything to see her like that. He didn’t have to wait long.

As Cassie slowly backed up toward him, hips first, she covered her breasts with her hands and, as the chorus kicked in, she turned around.

“Ooh baby baby, la la la la”

Tony’s eyes were begging her to move her hands. Cassie waited a few seconds and gave in, lifting her her hands back to her hair.

She was topless. In front of her cousin.

He could see her bare tits.

And, fuck. What a pair of tits.

Tony’s eyes nearly popped out when Cassie lifted her hands and whatever part of the brain is responsible for turning what you see into concrete thoughts had stopped working for him. He couldn’t stop looking and he could feel his dick throb.

Her tits were perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Cassie had no visible tan lines, in part due to the beautiful Florida sun and the topless sunbathing she did at least twice a week. She had a pair of large C cup tits and they were bell shaped. Her areolas were well defined, circular and positioned perfectly on her breasts. And her nipples? Right now they were rock hard.

Tony loved his wife. Very much. But this was another level of sexual attraction. He couldn’t remember a sexier pair of tits.

“God damn,” he said audibly.

Cassie laughed.

As the first chorus ended, Cassie refocused. It was almost time for the grand finale of this whole experience. She lowered herself on his lap once again, facing him with her bare breasts out, inches away from his face. Tony reached out to touch but she playfully slapped his hands away.

As the first Pitbull verse began, Cassie stood up again. She sat on the ground this time, much to Tony’s surprise, and opened her legs, giving him an unobstructed view of her still panty-covered pussy. It wouldn’t be covered for much longer.

As the words spilled forward, Cassie pushed the envelope a little more, moving her hands between her legs and raising her eyebrows at her cousin. She teasingly touched the top of her mound and moved her hands under her panties, touching her pussy.

She could feel her wetness. She was aching to be touched but knew she couldn’t do anything about it. Not now. She needed to focus.

Cassie spun around, stomach first on the ground, and lifted herself up like she was doing a push-up, sticking her ass directly in front of Tony’s face. She was maybe four inches away from his face and he could smell her body. She smelled like lavender and hormones. For the first time, he wondered if she was aroused or just a really good actress. In her line of work, it could be either.

Cassie stood up straight and bent over to touch her toes. As the second chorus started, she slipped her thumbs in the side of her panties the way she did her jeans earlier. Slowly, she lowered them. In an instant, they were gone.

Before Tony could even think about what he just saw, she lowered herself on his lap once again, facing away, and grinding his dick harder than she had so far as the chorus kicked in.

“Ooh baby baby, la la la la la la la”

Tony was in visual overload. He didn’t know what to focus on as he watched his now nearly naked cousin grind herself on his cock. She still had the garter and stockings on but, for all intents and purposes, she was fully nude and he was fully hard.

“Fuck it,” he thought.

Tony let his hands roam free on her ass and found no resistance stopping him this time.

Cassie arched backwards and leaned against Tony’s chest. In an instant, she felt his hands reach around and cup her tits.

“Holy shit,” he thought, cupping and kneading his cousin’s perfect breasts, occasionally flicking her hard nipples and trying not to cum. “These are amazing.”

She ground her ass into his dick even harder, working her cheeks along the path of his shaft from top to bottom. She could feel her body squeezing and stroking his cock and felt his balls tighten up. If this was a normal client, she would keep doing this until right before they came. She’d stop, pull out their dick and bury it deep in her pussy. But this was her cousin. She couldn’t do that.

She wanted to. But she couldn’t.

Cassie let Tony’s hands feel her up for a few seconds but this wasn’t how she wanted to end things. She stood up, turned around instantly and found herself face to face with him. She could feel his dick twitch beneath her. This was it. Big finish.

As Pitbull launched into the third verse, Cassie let go of all inhibitions. She took her hands and ran them through Tony’s hair. She moved her lips slowly past his, came back around and bit his bottom lip ever so slightly. Each move was driving him crazier than the last.

She could feel his legs twitching as he thrust into her, his body yearning to feel the tight grip of her pussy lips wrap themselves around his cock, only to be denied by his layer of underwear and jeans. It was all that was stopping the full length of his shaft from plunging deep inside her and they both knew it. They both wanted it.

“You like that?” she asked.

He couldn’t answer. Not coherently anyway. A caveman-like grunt would have to suffice.

Cassie pressed on anyway.

“You like that?” she asked again. “Tell me you like it.”

“I love it,” Tony replied. Cassie leaned her head forward. Her lips were right next to his ears.

“Hmmmmmmmm,” Cassie moaned every so slightly. It was enough to make Tony gasp.

“Come on,” she whispered seductively. “Let me feel your dick.”

“Fucccccck,” Tony groaned.

Tony picked up the pace and was pushing himself hard into Cassie. She could feel every inch of it now, the muscle memory between her thighs painting an exact image of what it looked like, how long it was, the thick head at the top.

She wanted more. She needed more.

With one swift move, Cassie took her hands and guided them down to her aching lower lips. She rubbed the outside of her pussy and moaned as she did it but that’s not what the trip was meant for. This time, she went lower and didn’t stop until she felt her cousin’s pants, felt the throbbing member yearning to be free from inside.

She touched the top of Tony’s dick and could feel its head. She moved her fingers around the sides and started to slowly, meticulously massage the shaft underneath. Her hands felt like heaven.

“Hmmmmm,” she moaned in his ears again. “That’s a nice, fat cock you’ve got for me. I bet you want to take it out and shove it down my pretty little throat until I gag. I want it too. I want to gag on your dick.”

“Oh yeah?” Tony groaned. “I bet you do. You want to be my little slut?”

“I’m no one’s slut,” she said. “Especially not yours. You couldn’t handle it. If I took your dick out right now, you’d bust before I even touched it. What makes you think you could handle it? I’m going to make you cum without even taking it out of your fucking pants.”


“That’s right,” Cassie said, her hands picking up their pace. “You think I’m the slut? No. You’re my slut. And you’re going to do what I say. You want me? You want me to suck that fat cock? You want to cum in my mouth?”

“So bad,” he said.

“Too bad,” she said. “That’s not what’s going to happen. I decide what we’re going to do. You cum when I tell you to. And trust me, if you think this lap dance is hot, you couldn’t handle me sucking your dick, milking every drop of cum out of it and down my throat. And this pussy? Please. You think you could handle it? You want to fuck me? “

“I do.” he replied.

“Then tell me you want it.” she said. “Tell me you want this pussy.”

“Ughhhhhh,” Tony groaned. He was close. “I want your pussy so bad.”

“Close your eyes,” she instructed. “Now!”

Tony obeyed. He was in no position to object. In that moment, Cassie had complete and total control over every cell of his body and she could make him do whatever she wanted.

Tony was screaming in his mind. He wanted so badly to watch what she was doing but he couldn’t. She told him not to.

But he could still feel her, feel the full weight of her body on top of his, at least for a moment until she started to slink down between his legs. He had no idea what she had planned and didn’t care. She could do whatever she wanted to him. He was hers.

Seconds after he closed his eyes, Tony could feel his cousin’s warm breath on the top of his pants and his senses exploded. It was so much hotter because he COULDN’T see what she was doing. He wanted to. So badly.

Even though her touch was just through the cloth of his pants, Tony immediately thought the sensation was going to make him cum. He could feel her tongue tracing lines on his rigid cock and felt the shape of her mouth as it touched the head of his dick.

Cassie loved teasing him and used his momentary blindness to shove two fingers in her pussy when he wasn’t looking. She moaned and felt her mouth water as she pressed her lips against his cock. Now was not the time for her to please herself, she thought, we’re almost done.

Cassie pulled herself away and, as she did, Tony opened up his eyes again just in time to watch her sit back up on his lap.

The song was starting to wrap up. Was she really going to do this?

She was.

As the last chorus kicked in, Cassie leaned back, bit her cousin’s ear and started grinding fiercely.

He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t need to speak.

“Come on,” she said. “Come on. I know you want to.”

“Want to what?” he muttered, dazed and overwhelmed by the feelings in his head and his pants. Tony struggled to hold on as Cassie bucked back and forth. He could see her glistening pussy rubbing against him and he didn’t know how much more of this he could take.

“I know you to want to cum,” she said. “Do it. I want to feel you cum.”

Holy. Shit.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Just do it,” she said. “Let go. Uhhhhhhh. Feel me. Uhhhhh. Feel my ass riding your dick. Feel my pussy rubbing against you. Cum for me.”

Tony didn’t need any more encouragement and was sick of having no control. He lifted Cassie up with his right hand, spun her onto the couch and got on top of her. Now he was the one grinding into her and, pants or no pants, he could feel her wetness on the head of his erection.

“Yeah,” she said. “Take it. Take it. Fucking do it. Come on. Come on. Cum for me.”

Tony was close. He was so close.

“Picture it,” she said. “Picture it. Picture your hard dick filling me up. Picture burying it deep in my cunt. Let me hear your balls slapping against me. I want you to feel me. Right now. Feel my pussy. Feel how hot it is for you. I want it. I need it.”

Tony reached down and traced his fingers along the underside of her slit. She was steaming and trembling. And moist. She was soaked.

“You’re wet?” he said, almost surprised.

“Yeah, I’m wet.” she said. “I want you inside of me but you’re never gonna get it. This is as close as you get so you better enjoy it because the song is almost over. You want to cum? You want that release? You better do it right now. Shut the fuck up and cum for me. NOW.”

Cassie swung her body around Tony and was back on top of him. She was back in control. This time, it was in the cowgirl position and as she ground her pussy harder and harder, she could feel it. It was about to happen.

“Give me that cum,” she moaned. “Fucking give me it to me right now.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Tony groaned. “Fuck. Tell me. Tell me to cum.”

She wasted no time.

“Come on cuz,” she said, leaning hard into the taboo and blurring all the lines of the reality they had tried to forget momentarily. “Come for me. Shoot your hot load all over me. Let me feel it. Let me feel it. Cum all over me.”

“UGHHHH,” he responded. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. I’m …. I’m …. Uhhh …… I’m cumming. I’m cumming.”

Even with the clothes between them, Cassie could feel that first spurt come roaring out of his cock. Then the second. Then a third. What she wouldn’t give to have it hitting the back of her throat. She loved the taste of cum and she wanted her cousin’s so badly in that moment.

But she wouldn’t get it. Not now.

Their time was over.

But what a time it was.

With a smile on her face, Cassie let her body collapse on top of Tony’s and slowed the rhythm of her thrusts. As the song came to a close, she whispered one last time in his ear.

“Hmmmmm,” she said. “That was fucking hot.”


Cassie loved this part of being an escort. She loved the minutes right after a client shoots his load and the world goes quiet.

As she lay on top of her cousin and felt his upward thrusts slowly subside, she closed her eyes and let the quiet wash over her.

She had enjoyed herself so much more than she thought she would and things went wildly past the point she initially intended but she loved every second of it.

So did he.

She could still feel his hands on her ass. She could still feel his touch and though he may have cum, she was still slick and yearned to be filled. Cassie knew she was going to have to pull her car over somewhere private after she left here and shove one of the vibrators nestled into her luggage case deep into her pussy until she exploded. There’s no way she could drive like this.

As the two of them caught their breath, the only sound in their hotel room was that of the cars passing outside. The quiet almost made their situation feel normal.

Cassie waited for a few moments and reveled in the aftermath of a job well done, letting her cousin get his final touches in — he apparently loved feeling up her tits — before rolling over to his side and sitting on the floor near the couch they were on.

As far as stripteases and lap dances go, it was the hottest one she’d ever given and she was shocked at how much sexual chemistry the two of them actually had. It was one of the more passionate experiences she’d had as an escort and it was with her cousin of all people.

If he were anyone else, they’d be fucking right now. Whether or not she was paid to be here. Lord knows she wanted it.

Cassie took a look at Tony’s face. She could tell he did too.

“Jesus Christ,” he said, his breathing slowly returning to normal. “That was incredible.”

Cassie laughed. She didn’t want to move. She didn’t want this moment to end.

“I’m glad you liked it,” she said, smiling.

Cassie waited a few more minutes to regain her composure. When Tony wasn’t looking, she guided her fingers back to her pussy to see if she was still wet. She was. Just as she thought.

But it would have to wait. Now wasn’t the time.

Cassie reached to her right and grabbed the underwear she had taken off a few minutes earlier. She stretched her legs and felt a satisfying pop. That couch was rough on her ankles and it felt good to stretch out the knots.

Pulling her panties up and over her stockings, Cassie shimmied her butt up high enough to get them on all the way without standing up. She was still topless, though, and Tony’s eyes wouldn’t leave her tits. He knew he probably wouldn’t see them again and wanted to burn them into his memory.

“Liked it?” he asked. “I loved it. It was one of the hottest things ever. Did you have fun?”

Cassie blushed at his words.

“This stays between us right?” she asked sheepishly.

“Of course.”

“Yeah. I liked it too,” she said, lowering her voice so no one heard her admit something so taboo.

Tony wasn’t sure what to say. On the one hand, he knew she was into it when she rode him. He could see her pussy glistening and, escort or no escort, no one can fake it that well. On the other, it’s still his cousin and that had to mean something. Right?

After what they just did, did right or wrong even matter?

“Was it everything you hoped it would be?” she asked.

“Mostly.” he said.

“Mostly?” she wondered, slightly surprised.

“Yeah, mostly.” he repeated. “That was the hottest lap dance of my fucking life. But, Jesus Christ what I wouldn’t give to keep going.”

So he wanted it too and wasn’t ashamed to admit it. Interesting.

For a moment, Cassie entertained the thought. It wouldn’t be that difficult to keep going. She wanted to feel him again. To taste him. She wanted to take everything he had to give and make it an experience he never forgot.

Though, she likely already had.

All she had to do was say yes and they’d be right back where they left off. She pictured him lifting her up and throwing her back on the couch, burying his face in her pussy and eating her out until she couldn’t take it anymore. She fantasized about him face fucking her until she gasped for air. She could see herself with her head buried in the cushions, her ass in the air and her cousin plowing into her from behind.

She wanted all of those things. She wanted them so badly. Her inner monologue was no help.

“Why not?” she wondered to herself. “We’ve already done this much. Would it really be that big a deal?”

Try as she might, though, she couldn’t shut off that small but important part of her brain that said it was wrong.


Somewhere in the time since the last song finished, reality set in. What she just did, she did with a family member. Hot or not, satisfying or not, it wasn’t right. You don’t do those things with your relatives.

Cassie had been so wrapped up in giving Tony a good time that she didn’t even really process what they had done until right now. She relived it for a moment in her head. The teasing, the bending over, the stripping of her clothes. And the finish.

Oh, man. The way they finished.

“Oh God,” she thought, feeling a rush of embarrassment. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why did I have to go there? Why did I have to think that? What the fuck.”

She’d dry-fucked her cousin to completion. He came because of her.

He came because she begged him to. No, commanded him to.

There’s no taking something like that back. You can’t undo an orgasm.

Worst of all, she knew, deep down, that if that song had lasted even two more minutes, she wouldn’t have been able to control herself and she would have let him fuck her. She would have had sex with her cousin and let him cum all over her face, on her tits or deep down her throat.

Cassie put her head in her hands and took a deep breath. The feelings of shame were creeping in. It was post-nut clarity without the benefit of the actual orgasm.

“No, no, no,” Tony said. “Don’t do that. Don’t do that. Don’t ruin it. It was amazing.”

“What do you mean don’t ruin it?” Cassie said. “We shouldn’t have done that. It was too much.”

“Why?” Tony said. “Who cares what we just did? It’s just us. We’re adults. No one has to know. I had fun. You had fun. Don’t overthink it.”

Even as Tony tried to reassure Cassie that everything they had just done wasn’t a big deal, he couldn’t stop staring at her bare tits and he could feel his dick stir yet again.

“Jesus,” he thought. “Already?”

The sight of yet another erection for his cousin wasn’t something Tony planned on. It hadn’t even been ten minutes since he came and he wanted to do it again? What was he? A teenager?

“Look, I gotta go,” Cassie said, covering her tits bashfully. “I really, really had fun but let’s not talk about this again. Like you said, let’s not ruin it.”

Tony sighed. “Okay,” he said. “Sure. We’re cool.”

“I’ll send you your half of the money back when I get home,” Cassie said, remembering they had made a deal before the striptease, a time that honestly felt like years ago right now.

“Keep it,” Tony said.

“Huh?” Cassie asked.

“Keep it,” he repeated. “You earned it.”

“I can’t,” Cassie said. “It’s not right. You didn’t get what you paid for.”

“There’s still time,” he said.

Cassie let out a snicker. He was relentless. She looked at the clock. It was 9:15 p.m. She’d only been here for a little over an hour but, already, so much had happened.

“Oh yeah?” Cassie asked. “Time for what?”

Tony paid for an hour of her time but, in truth, she only gave him about 20 minutes of the escort experience he ordered. She could just say ‘fuck it’ and let him get the other 40. Let him get the “full experience” they both wanted.

No. She had to say no. She had to be strong enough to stop this for both their sakes.

“You know what I mean,” Tony continued, careful to choose his next words delicately. “Like I said, that was amazing. It was exactly what I wanted but I want so much more. Look at me. I’m already rock hard again.”

Cassie looked down at her cousin. He was.

“I just …” he trailed off.

“Just what?” she asked.

“Never mind,” he said. “It’s stupid.”

“No,” she said. “Tell me.”

“I just wish you were literally anyone else in the world,” he said. “I want to do so many things to you right now.”

Cassie stifled a laugh. She knew she shouldn’t have had that reaction, especially not to her cousin’s face, but she couldn’t help herself. It’s one thing to give someone a little strip tease. It’s quite another to actually fuck them. There’s an entire strip club industry that operates on that distinction. And those girls aren’t dealing with relatives.

“You know we can’t do that,” she said pointedly, finally finding her bra and strapping it back on.

“I know,” he replied.

“It’s bad enough we did this,” she said. “I don’t know how we’d feel if we went further.”

“I’d love to find out.” Tony said, rubbing his dick through his pants.

“Quit that,” Cassie said, averting her eyes. “I don’t want to think about you stroking your dick.”

“I can’t help it,” Tony said. “I’m sorry. I’ll stop. I don’t want to make this weird.”

“Thank you,” she said.

“Seriously, though, that lap dance was insane,” he said. “If that’s how you dance, I can’t even begin to imagine how you fuck.”

Cassie laughed. In literally any other context, that comment from a family member would have offended her beyond belief. Now, it seemed like a genuine compliment.

Cassie started putting her jeans back on and Tony was trying to find a way, any way, to keep this conversation going. Maybe he could somehow wear her down and convince her to take things further if she just stayed a little longer. He already saw her resistance melting. Plus, she had to still be turned on. It’s not like she came yet.

“Fuck, you look so good,” he said.

Cassie smiled.

“I can’t believe we’re talking to each like this,” she said, trying to gloss past the compliment. “What do you think your mom would think? What do you think my mom would say if she knew I felt you getting hard and talked to you like that?”

Tony chuckled. It really was ridiculous.

“Good thing they’ll never know,” he said.

“Yeah,” Cassie nodded. “It was fun. But we can’t tell anyone. They wouldn’t understand.”

“Totally,” Tony said. “Our secret is safe with me. Just tell me one thing. If I had fun … and you had fun … why’d we stop?”

“You know why,” she responded.

Cassie was mostly dressed now. She had put her jeans back on and her shirt was coming soon. In five minutes, she’d freshen up in the bathroom. In ten, she’d say goodbye.

“What if …” Tony started to ask a question but wasn’t brave enough.

“What if what?” she replied.

“What if I paid you more?”

Tony was grasping at ways to keep this going and the one he thought gave him his best shot was making his desire purely transactional. If he could get her to focus on the reason she was here — the money — maybe he could get her to forget about the incest part of this deal.

“I don’t want your money,” she said. “Besides, you already paid me. I can’t take more of it.”

“Well, yeah, I gave you $1,200,” he said. “But you already agreed to give me half of that back. What if I let you keep the original $600, the money I was going to tip you and maybe give you more?”

Cassie paused. She didn’t know what to say. On the one hand, she was a little offended. How dare her own cousin think he can pay to fuck her.

On the other … she was an escort so it’s … well, it’s kind of fair play on his part.

“I can’t take your money,” she said. “We shouldn’t have even gone this far. It was wrong and you know it. You might not feel bad right now. I might not feel bad right now but in a few days? In a week? A year? This is fucked up dude. I don’t know how I’m going to feel about this after tonight.”

“If you don’t know how you’re going to feel, why stop where we stopped?” he said. “Do you think it’s really going to make a difference to you that we ‘only’ had a full striptease and lap dance? And that you made my cum in my pants instead of on your tits?”

It was a great point but the suddenly vulgar way Tony described it made each word hit a little harder. Cassie was slightly surprised by his tone. Sure, the two of them had already crossed a pretty taboo line together but going further would make things worse.

Still, it’s not like they could go back. They’d already permanently changed their relationship and it’s not exactly black or white from this point forward. At best, what they were dealing were varying shades of grey.

‘We had to stop,” Cassie said, her eyes averting her cousin’s. “If we didn’t stop, we would have really messed up.”

“I don’t get it,” Tony said. “How can you be fine with fucking strangers for money but you feel guilty doing this stuff with me?”

“Well, I don’t know them,” Cassie replied.

“That makes it so much worse,” Tony said with a grin. “At least with me you know I’m safe. I haven’t fucked anyone but my wife in forever.”

“Those guys aren’t in my life though,” she replied. “I don’t see them outside of this and they don’t know who I am. They can’t out me to my mom, dad or sisters.”

“And I would?”

“You really don’t get it huh? It’s not that I don’t WANT to keep going,” she said. “It’s that we can’t.”

“Bullshit,” Tony said. “You get paid to have sex with people. I want to pay you to have sex. It’s not more complicated than that. Why are you looking at this so funny? It’s no different than any other night you’re on this job, except maybe that I like you like family and not just as an escort.”

Cassie could see Tony’s point. But she also knew he was only making that point because he was horny. He might feel differently if he wasn’t thinking with his dick.

She didn’t get a chance to retort.

“I’ll tell you what,” Tony said. “Let’s make a deal.”

“A deal?”

“Yeah, a deal,” he said. “You don’t want to fuck me? Fine. Would you suck my dick?”

“I can’t,” Cassie said after a momentarily pause.

“Okay,” Tony replied. “Would you jerk me off?”

“Umm …” Cassie said, taking a little longer this time. “I don’t think so.”

“Alright, so no touching me, got it,” Tony said. “What about letting me eat your pussy?”

Cassie shook her head no. She could see where this was going. Tony was trying to find her exact boundary. The only problem? She didn’t know where it was either.

“How about this,” he asked, rubbing himself through his pants. “Would you let me jerk off looking at you? No touching. No contact. Just let me jerk off staring at you.”

Cassie was stumped. A few moments ago, she had explicitly said she didn’t want to see that. But now, when faced with the idea of actually fucking her cousin or sucking him off, having him jerk himself off while she stood in the room didn’t seem that bad.

“You want to pay me to sit here and watch you jerk off?” she asked.

“I want to fuck you and I want to fuck you hard,” Tony said with a deep laugh. “But I’ll take what I can get.”

“So that’s what this is,” she said. “A big plot to work me up to fucking you?”

“Yeah.” he said. “It’s really no different than going a date really. Let’s see what you’re comfortable with and go further if we can. If not, then we won’t. I really don’t think it would be that bad. I think we could have a lot of fun.”

“I need to think about it,” Cassie said. She was torn. What the two of them had already done was far worse, at least in her mind, than what he just offered. But it could lead down a bad road. It was better for her to nip this in the bud now than risk going too far if and when she lost control.

“I’ll tell you what,” Tony said. “I need to pee and I need to get out of these underwear. I’ll go in the bathroom. I’ll give you a few minutes. Knock on the door when you’ve decided what you want to do and let me know.”

He didn’t wait for her to respond, getting up and going into the bathroom as she figured out what to say next. He closed the door behind him, looked into the mirror and waited.


It took nearly ten minutes for Tony to hear the knock on the door, a knock much quieter than the one earlier when his cousin came into the hotel room as this adventure began.

As he opened the door, Tony’s heart sank. Cassie was fully dressed. Her answer was clear.

“I’ve made up my mind,” she said.

“Alright,” he replied. “I had to try.”

Tony got ready to give his cousin a goodbye hug but she interrupted him.

“Alright, ground rules,” she said, mirroring her exact words from earlier. “Let’s try not to make this awkward.”


Tony was delighted. He couldn’t believe she was considering staying.

The two moved from the bathroom back to the couch and sat down. It felt almost like a business meeting and, in a way, it kind of was.

Cassie didn’t know where to begin. This whole thing sounded better in her head a few minutes ago when she made her decision. She could control this and make sure everyone got what they wanted without doing anything she didn’t want to do. And if it looked like it might go too far, well, she’d dealt with far worse before. She could stop everything the minute it got out of hand.

“I’m not going to fuck you,” she said.


“And I’m not going to suck your dick,” she said.


“If you really want to do this, if you really want me to watch you jerk off, I will,” she said. “But it’s going to cost you.”

“Deal,” he said. Tony could already feel his dick roaring back to life and started to unbuckle his pants.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Cassie said, stopping him dead in his tracks. “Put that away. We’re not done with this part yet.”

“Okay,” he said.

“What I say goes, okay?” Cassie said forcefully. He could tell she meant it.

“Absolutely,” he replied. “You’re the boss.”

“Good,” Cassie said. “I know we’ve said this already but I’m not fucking around. What happens in this room stays in this room. You can’t tell your wife. You can’t tell your friends. You can’t tell your shrink. No one. No one fucking finds out about this. Ever.”

“Alright, alright.”

“I fucking mean it,” she said. “And after tonight, it’s never happening again. Don’t contact me for this kind of thing. It’s a one-time-deal and the minute I walk out of here, we’re back to being family. Got it?”

“Got it,” he said.

“We’re going to take it slow,” she explained. “The $600 you paid for the lap dance? That’s gone.”

“Alright,” he said.

“That’s my money,” Cassie said. “I’ve already earned it.”


“That means I owe you $600 right now,” she said matter-of-factly. “If I leave here without charging you anything else, that’s how much money you’ll get back when I go home. Think of it like an account balance.”

Tony was intrigued. He wasn’t quite sure where this going but he liked it.

“We’re going to treat this strictly professionally,” she explained. “I am going to stay dressed and sit on this couch. You are going to sit on that chair and we’re going to talk. Just talk. When I tell you to—and only when I tell you to—you can take your clothes off. At that point, you lose $100.”

“Okay,” Tony nodded.

“When I feel comfortable, I’ll let you know or give you a signal and you can ask me to do something,” Cassie said. “I’ll tell you how much it will cost you. If you agree to the price, we do that. If you don’t, we wrap it up.”

Tony understood.

“The more we do, the more you owe.” she said. “When your balance is at $0, we’ll renegotiate.”

“Perfect,” he said.

“Do you agree to these terms good sir?” Cassie joked.

“Why, yes, I do ma’am,” Tony said, pretending to tip a non-existent hat and reaching his hand out to shake hers. “I look forward to doing business with you.”

“As do I,” Cassie said, shaking his hand. “As do I.”


“Do you have anything to drink?” Cassie asked.

“I do,” Tony said. “I’ve got a few bottles of Gatorade, some soda, some water and a bottle of champagne if you’re interested.”

“Champagne?” she asked. “What does this look like to you? New Years Eve? Am I supposed to wait for Ryan Seacrest to welcome me to Time Square?”

Tony laughed. Admittedly, it was a pretty cliché drink to buy for this type of encounter.

“I don’t know, I guess I thought I hired a classy broad,” he replied back.

“Nah honey,” she said, shaking her head and heading over to the couch. “I’ll take the soda. I’m not that fancy.”

Tony walked to the fridge, got a can for each of them and made his way to the chair as instructed.

So far, so good.

“So how do we do this?” he asked.

“Like I said,” Cassie replied, holding the can in her hand but not opening it. “We talk. When I’m ready to move forward, I’ll let you know. You’re not stupid.”

Tony nodded. He hoped whatever signal she gave him was clear. He didn’t want to risk rushing her or ruining things.

“So what do you want to talk about?” he asked.

A moment passed. Cassie thought about what she wanted to talk about. There was only one thing on her mind.

“Did you finger Miranda?” Cassie asked.


“You heard me,” she said. “I want to know. Did you finger Miranda? I’ve been wanting to ask you that for years. She said you did a long time ago and I called bullshit. No way you messed around with anyone back then.”

“Ahh,” he said. “So we’re playing truth or dare then?”

“Don’t be stupid,” she replied. “I’m merely asking you a question. We’re talking right? Let’s talk.”

“Who’s Miranda?” Tony wondered, vaguely remembering one of Cassie’s friends from high school who might have gone by that name. “Was she that girl you used to hang out with who wore the glasses and was a really shitty driver?”

“No,” Cassie said. “That was Stacey.”

“Ahh, okay,” Tony said. “No then, I didn’t finger Miranda. I did let Stacey blow me though.”

“You did what????” Cassie said, taken aback.

“Yeah, she hit your mom’s mail box when she left your house that day you guys had that fourth of July cookout,” Tony recounted. “I don’t remember when but I saw her do it and she offered to blow me to keep quiet. She wasn’t very good but I wasn’t gonna say no.”

“You’re so gross,” Cassie replied.

“Oh please,” Tony laughed, taking a sip of his drink. “Like you didn’t let Cameron eat you out senior year.”

“That’s different,” she said. “I did that because I was bored and I wanted to see what it was like. Besides, he wasn’t bad.” Cassie laughed again and took her shoes off for the second time since entering this hotel.

Was that a sign? He couldn’t tell. He decided to press his luck just a little.

“I tell you what,” Tony said. “You let me eat you out and I guarantee you won’t be bored.”

“Oh,” she replied. “Big talker. You kiss your wife with that mouth?”

“Not as often as I’d like,” he said. “Or, more specifically, not where I’d like that often.”

There it was. Back to his sex life. Cassie could tell it was a touchy subject but it was the one that caused this whole situation to start in the first place.

“How often do you two mess around?” she asked. “I mean, you’ve still got to be doing it once or twice a week right?”

“Ha,” Tony replied. “I wish. More like once every month or two if I’m lucky.”

“Yikes,” she said.

“Yeah,” Tony said. “Don’t get married. Not if you like sex.”

Cassie had heard that line before. She never quite understood it.

“That’s bullshit,” she said. “If you wanted to fuck more, you could just tell her.”

“That’s not how marriage works,” Tony replied. “You get busy with work, you get busy with cleaning your house, you get busy with all the bullshit and before you know it, one week becomes two and two becomes three. It’s no one’s fault. It just is what it is.”

“And you thought hiring a hooker would solve that?” Cassie said, looking toward the ground as if she had accidentally demeaned herself without meaning to.

“An escort, thank you very much,” Tony corrected her. “And, yeah, I did.”

Cassie stared at her soda can and used her index finger to lightly pull the tab up and then back down. She didn’t open it. She just played with the tab, nervously.

“I just wanted to get laid, consequence free,” he said. “I figured if I got some pussy, it would relax me and I could just go about my regular life. It was either that or jack it in the bathroom for the 300th time, hoping no one heard me.”

Cassie understood. A lot of her clients faced the same dilemma. Still, none of them had hired their cousin to erase their dry spell. She and Tony had been talking for a few minutes now. Was she really willing to go forward with this arrangement? She was starting to think so.


“How about you?” Tony asked. “How long do you plan on doing this?”

Cassie sighed. It was a question she often asked herself, but one she didn’t really have an answer for.

“I don’t know honestly,” she said. “I guess as long as I still enjoy it.” She did enjoy it. Even now.

Even though she worried about how far things would go and what might happen tomorrow, she loved being in control of a man the way she was in control of Tony right now. With the flick of her wrist, she could make him do whatever she wanted and nothing could buy that kind of power.

“So you enjoy it then?” Tony asked.

“Yeah,” she said.

“Prove it,”

Cassie smiled. The time had come and both of them knew it. She was ready.

“Fine,” Cassie said, staring Tony right in the eyes as she opened her Coke. “Let’s begin.”


The Coke can. The fucking Coke can. That was the signal.

Tony watched intently as Cassie took a small sip from her soda and placed it down. It was too deliberate to not notice and, almost on cue, he slowly moved his hands to his shirt and started to lift it up.

Seeing no resistance from his cousin, he unbuckled his pants and kicked his shoes off. Still nothing. Next he slid his pants off entirely and threw them behind the chair. He was down to his boxer shorts.

“Boxers huh?” Cassie asked. “I had you pegged as more of a briefs guy.”

“I am,” he said. “I like to sleep in these though. I was wearing briefs earlier but … someone made me make a mess in them.”

“Oh did I now?” Cassie said, her mouth partly opening as her tongue playfully touched the bottom of her upper teeth.

“You did,” he said. “I’m not mad though. It was fun.”

“It was,” Cassie agreed.

Tony looked at his cousin and, for the first time since he initially wanted to touch her during their dance, was unsure if she wanted him to proceed. She looked at him, intently. This time, she was the one scanning him, looking at his body from top to bottom the way he did earlier when she was down to her lingerie.

“Should I keep going?” he asked.

“Like I said,” Cassie replied. “That’ll cost you $100.”

“Deal,” he said.

“Your balance is now $500, kind sir,” Cassie replied.

“I’ll let my accountant know,” Tony answered, almost by reflex. He knew what was about to happen and while he had seen Cassie naked earlier, this would be the first time she saw him in the nude. In a moment, he would strip off his boxers and his dick would be out in the open air for her to see in all its glory.

Here goes nothing.

With his cousin watching intently, Tony lifted his butt ever so slightly off the chair. His grabbed at the back of the waistband of his boxers and pulled them below his ass cheeks. Once they cleared that area, he did the same with the top waistband and, in an instant, the top of his dick sprung back toward his stomach as it was finally free.

The sight of it was much more exciting than Cassie anticipated. She didn’t even realize she was holding her breath briefly. Tony had a nice dick. She was right. It wasn’t particularly long or wide but it was well man-scaped and looked pretty healthy. It had nice color and none of the multi-shade coloring sometimes seen in porn. With the amount of cocks Cassie had seen in her career, that meant more to her than anything else.

“Nice!” Cassie said, giving Tony a little whistle of appreciation to keep the moment light and fun.

“Yeah, yeah,” Tony said. “Now you.”

“No sir,” Cassie replied. “We didn’t agree to that. Not yet.”

“Wait,” Tony said. “You made me pay you $100 just so I can get naked while you sit there in your clothes?”

“Actually,” Cassie corrected him. “You paid me $100 to take your own clothes off. I said nothing about allowing you to jerk off yet and I definitely said nothing about me getting naked.”

“Alright,” Tony replied. “Fair point. How much for you to get naked.”

“I’m not ready yet,” she answered. “Besides, it’s pretty rude of you to just take your dick out without giving me a show.”

Tony chuckled. She took his money AND she wanted a show? Okay.

Tony stood up.

“Oh, I’ll give you a show.”

Before Cassie could even process what he said, Tony was standing up and moving his hips in just about the least sexy way she had ever seen. He was twirling his penis in circles and laughing the entire time.

“Are you really doing the helicopter dick trick?” Cassie fell over, she couldn’t look at him seriously without laughing. “What is the fuck is wrong with you?”

“So much,” he said. “So much.”

“Jesus,” she replied. “See, this is why you only get laid once every month or two.”

“Actually,” Tony responded. “I think my heli-cockter is quite sexy. Maybe I’ll try it out on Kayla the next time I want to get her revved up and ready to fuck.”

“You’ve got issues,” Cassie said.

“Oh, I know,” Tony replied, taking his seat.

Tony and Cassie spent the next few minutes chit-chatting and acting as if the fact that his exposed penis was out was totally normal. They talked about Cassie’s lack of luck in relationships, Tony’s work, the ridiculousness of having to pay for several streaming companies to get all the TV shows they liked.

They didn’t mention anything about sex for quite some time and, deep down, it was driving Tony crazy.

Then Cassie lifted her soda can again. She took a drink. It was another sign.

“Alright,” she said. “You can stroke it while I sit here. But it’s going to cost you another $100.”

The moment Cassie sipped her soda can, Tony’s body responded like Pavlov’s dog. He was erect again and aching to touch himself.

“How much for you to do it for me?” Tony asked.

“We’re not going there,” Cassie said. “Not yet.”

So it was on the table. That’s progress.

“Okay,” he said. “Deal.”


Cassie wouldn’t admit it, not even to herself, but she really wanted to watch her cousin jerk off.

The thought was a naughty one and it sent a tingle down her body but she wouldn’t let it go further than that. Not yet.

Still, she couldn’t wait to see it happen.

He started slow, sitting up straight and inching his butt to the edge of the chair. Once he was in a comfortable position, he opened his legs to give her a clear view. Taking his dick in his right hand, with his palm turned around so his thumb was pointing in his direction, Tony pulled at the head of his cock, just a little at first.

He kept eye contact with Cassie the entire time.

“I’ve got say, I’m more comfortable than I thought I would be,” Tony said, varying pulls every few seconds and feeling the blood rush to his budding erection.

“Oh yeah?” Cassie asked. “How so?”

“Well, I figured you’d just sit there on your phone on Facebook while I did this,” he said.

“I can do that if you want me to,” she replied.

“You say that but I don’t think you could,” he answered. “Don’t act like I don’t see you looking at it.”

Tony lowered his grip every so slightly to the shaft. What once was a pull every 20 seconds or so was now down to 10.

Cassie could feel her excitement building. Each time he stroked it and looked at her, she could feel his gaze.

“I mean, it’s a dick,” she said. “I’m a straight woman. Of course I’m going to look.”

Tony picked up his pace ever so slightly.

“I just don’t think it’s fair, do you?” he asked.

“Fair?” Cassie asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “I’m sitting here completely naked and you’re fully dressed.”

She smirked.

“How about you take those clothes off and get back into the lingerie I know you still have underneath there?” Tony asked.

Cassie let out a small chuckle.

“Oh, so you want to switch roles now?” she asked. “Need I remind you, I’m the one holding the cards here.”

“And I’m the one holding my dick,” he said. “Come on. Name your price.”

Cassie thought long and hard. He’d already seen her in her bra and panties. It’s not like this was new territory for either of them. And maybe it would help him cum faster, before she was faced with any real moral dilemmas.

“Okay,” she said. “It’s $50 for my shirt, $50 for my pants.”

“You drive a steep bargain but deal,” he said, nodding.

Cassie nodded back and took a sip from her drink.

“You’re down to $400,” she said.

“Oh, I’m aware.”

Cassie rested her drink on the floor for a moment. With no music, this was going to be a lot harder than the last time she stripped for him. But, really, she wasn’t planning on grinding on him this time either so it shouldn’t be that difficult.

Cassie stood up and unbuckled her jeans.

“What?” Tony said. “No sexy thrusting this time?”

“Nope,” Cassie said. “And no refunds either.”

Cassie took her belt off in a near-identical way this time as she did during the dance. But instead of playing with it over her head like last time, she placed it on the couch behind her. She then grabbed the underside of her shirt and lifted it over her head carefully, taking the time to fold it and place it on the end table to her right when she was finished.

She then sat down, turned her legs to her side and removed her pants. It was about as unsexy a striptease as was possible under the circumstances but it did nothing to dampen Tony’s excitement.

As she folded her jeans, she took her shirt back and placed it on top of the stack. She added the belt next, creating a small pile of clothes neatly arranged for her to put back on when this was all finished.

“How boring,” Tony said with a smile.

“Hey,” Cassie replied. “You asked me to take off the shirt and pants. You said nothing about being sexy.”

“Noted,” Tony said, flicking his hand in the other direction so that his thumb was now facing toward her and his strokes beginning again. “Now turn toward me and let me see what I paid for.”

There was something about the way Tony instructed her that turned Cassie on. She knew from earlier that he could be in command when he wanted to be and the thought was exciting. Still, she had to do her best to resist his charms. With any luck, he’d cum quickly and they’d be done soon.

Cassie turned toward Tony as instructed but kept her legs closed and knees pointed to his left.

“Open your legs,” he said.

She did as commanded.

“Uhhh,” Tony said, enjoying the taboo view and feeling himself building toward something. “Yeah.”

“You going to cum?” Cassie asked.

“No way,” Tony said. “You’re not getting off that easy. Not this time.”

Tony was a master at holding his load when he wanted to. When you’re married and jerking off in a shared bathroom in secret, you learn pretty quickly how to control your rhythm and cum only when you want to.

“Shame,” Cassie said. “I really want to see it.”

“Oh, you’re going to,” Tony replied. “Just not yet.”

Tony kept stroking and, as he did, Cassie noticed that he seemed to focus primarily on the underside of his shaft, using his thumb to rub the top of his dick as he did. Occasionally, he’d spread the precum that appeared around it and use it as lube.

“What if I do this?” Cassie asked, moving her hands behind her back and teasing the removal of her bra again.

“What if you do that?” Tony shot back.

“You want to see them again?” she asked.

“Of course.”

“One hundred bucks” she replied.

“You want me to pay you $100 to see your tits?” Tony asked. “The same tits I saw a little while ago?”

“You don’t have to pay me anything,” she said. “We can end this whenever you want.”

“How about $75?” Tony replied.

Cassie stopped what she was doing and removed her hands from behind her back. She stood up and motioned toward the clothes.

“Okay, okay,” he said. “Fine. $100.”

“That’s what I thought,” Cassie said with a smile. “This isn’t a negotiation. Pay to play, baby.”

“Fine, fine,” he said. “You win.”

“No,” Cassie answered. “You do.”

With that, Cassie bit her lip again and moved her hands back to her bra. She unsnapped it like clockwork and, just like that, she was topless in front of her cousin again.

“God damn,” he said. “I fucking love your tits.”

“Hmmmm,” Cassie said. “Me too. You’re down to $300 by the way. We can make it $200 if you want the underwear off too.”

“Not yet,” Tony replied, surprising her. “Let me soak this sight in for a moment.”

Tony had been waiting for this moment since he first saw Cassie in her bra during their dance. He yearned for the chance to jerk off to her tits and here it was. If he wasn’t careful, he could easily bust his nut at the sight but he knew better and would slow his strokes whenever he got too excited.

It didn’t help, of course, that Cassie had started to actively participate in their little game. Instead of sitting across from him staring off into space while he jerked off, she was intently watching him and inching closer. Her knees nearly touched his and that was enough to make him think of other things she could touch next.

“You’re not that good at that you know,” Cassie said, commenting on her cousin’s approach to jerking himself off. “If you were, you would have cum already.”

“And miss all the fun?” he replied. “What makes you think I want to cum yet?”

“I don’t know, I just thought maybe you’d hurry up and finish so I can get going,” Cassie said with a smirk. “It’s Wednesday, you know. I should be home watching the Masked Singer by now.”

“Ugh,” Tony countered. “You watch that trash?”

“What?” Cassie said. “It’s harmless, stupid fun. They had Bret Michaels on last week!”

“OOOH, Bret Michaels?” Tony replied. “How’d they ever manage to clear his schedule and get him to appear?”

“I’m just saying, he could still get it,” Cassie said.

“And you call me gross,” Tony shot back, smiling.

For the next few minutes, Cassie leaned into the situation they found themselves in. If Tony wasn’t going to cum just from staring at her tits and jerking off, she was going to do her damndest to encourage it. She started to cup them, shake them and move them for him. But he didn’t appear any closer.

“How long are you going to take?” she asked.

“How long you got?” he replied.

“Not all night,” she said, serious but also playfully. “I tell you what. Just another $100 and I’ll take the underwear off.”

“I’m not falling for this trick again,” he said.

“What do you mean?” she asked. She’d been pretty straightforward during this game so far, she thought. She hadn’t lied to him yet.

“I’m not paying you $100 to take your underwear off and sit with your legs closed in front of me while I jerk off,” Tony said. “If I pay you to take them off, I want to see your pussy.”

Pussy. Just the way he said it made her quiver. It had been a while since she was wet down there but the feelings were coming back the more she watched him play with himself and she knew if she took her panties off again, he’d see the proof. Again.

“Fine but that’ll cost the rest of your money,” she said.

“You want to charge me THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS to see your pussy?” he asked.

“It’s not $300 to see my pussy,” Cassie corrected him. “It’s $300 for me to take my panties off and show you my pussy while you jerk off to it. It’s certainly worth that much. I mean, we’re still family. You’re asking for a LOT.”

“You want $300? Seriously?” he said. “What are you going to be doing while I’m looking at it? Are you going to sit there like Rose from Titanic and hope I paint a picture of you in my cum?”

Cassie laughed again. She’d always found her cousin funny but tonight he was on fire. Thank goodness, too. It did wonders to ease the uncomfortableness she knew she should be feeling.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked, afraid to know the answer.

“If I’m going to pay you $300 to see your pussy, I want to REALLY see it,” he said. “That means I want you to do what I say.”

“You want me to model my vagina for you?” Cassie asked.

“I mean, I guess,” he replied. “If we’re going to do this, I really want to see it. All if it. I want you to spread it for me. I want you to play into my fantasy a little. If I ask you to rub it, I want to see you rub it. If I ask you to finger yourself, I want you to finger yourself. I won’t do anything weird. I know this is hard for you but think of it like a cam show. I’m your customer and you’re my model. You said pay to play right?”

“That’s way more than we agreed to,” she said.

“We haven’t agreed to anything yet,” Tony said. “But I think that’s fair. It’s the rest of what you owe me and I just want to get my money’s worth. Besides, you know you want to touch yourself. You’ve been wet since we started this.”

He had a point.

Still, this was getting dangerous. If Cassie were to start rubbing herself, there’s no telling if she’d have the control to stop there. Or if she’d even want to.

“Are you really asking me to masturbate for you?” she asked.

“Why not?” he said. “I’m literally doing that for you right now.”

“You’re doing that for yourself, not for me,” she corrected him.

“Sure,” he said. “Keep telling yourself that.”

Cassie considered the offer. She was fine with taking off her underwear for him and figured he’d see her vagina that way anyway. Plus, she really wanted to touch herself anyway so why not?

“I keep your $300, you pay me another $100 and you don’t touch,” she said.

“Alright,” Tony said, jumping at the new terms of their arrangement. “You’ve got a deal.”

Fuck. What did she just agree to?

Cassie didn’t expect Tony to jump on her offer as fast as he did and now that the reality of what was to come was setting in, she didn’t know if she could do it.

“It’s fine,” she told herself. “You were going to do it anyway. Just close your eyes and enjoy it. Pretend he’s not there.”

That would be easier said than done.


“So how do we do this?” Tony asked.

“Shhh,” Cassie responded. “Don’t talk.”

Cassie needed to focus on herself if she was going to do this. If she could forget about WHO she was doing this for, she might just able to get through it.

Tony got it. He didn’t want to mess this up and just kept staring at her tits as she worked up the courage to move forward.

Cassie took a deep breath, finished her drink and began. Slowly at first. This would be similar to ripping off a bandage, she thought. Let me get myself there and just do it.

Cassie stood up and turned her back to Tony again. It was a near mirror image of the last time she took her panties off for him. And, much like last time, she was as nervous as she was excited.

She grabbed the waistband of her underwear, pulled them down ever so slowly and bent over in a near 90 degree angle again.

Tony could hardly contain himself. That angle made her ass look amazing and was so erotic. He could picture fucking her this way. He wanted to. He needed to.

Cassie slipped the underwear up and over her ass and slid them down her legs again. When they passed by her ankles, she took them off the ground and tossed them on top of the pile of clothes she had stacked earlier.

Then she did something Tony wasn’t expecting.

Placing her hands on her hips, Cassie moved her arms all the way down her legs, resuming the position from earlier. She was hunched over perfectly and though it took a bit of courage, she started to move her legs apart.

This was it, Tony thought. Holy shit. Tony could see Cassie’s pussy emerge from under her beautiful ass and for the first time really saw how wet she was. He wanted to touch her. To taste her. But he had to be patient.

Cassie didn’t dare to look at her cousin but she knew she needed to for this part to be effective so she opened her eyes and searched upward for his face. When she finally locked eyes with him, the sight of him masturbating to her open legs and pussy was almost too much to handle.

Cassie decided to up the ante. The point of this whole thing was to get her cousin to shoot another load and whatever she had to do to speed that up was worth it.

Lifting her right hand slowly, she reached back and touched her pussy. She cupped it at first and slowly stretched her fingers from the bottom of the top, her nails scraping slightly under her asshole. Tony could see everything. And it looked amazing.

Cassie had a beautiful pussy. With thick outer lips that matched her overall skin tone and soft inner lips that were light pink and glistening, Tony could picture her gripping his cock as he pushed in and out of her from behind. She was mostly trimmed but kept a small trace of hair that gave her a more experienced look than the typical bare teenagers that did nothing for Tony when he browsed porn.

She had the kind of pussy you search for as a 30-something year old adult on the internet. Not too meaty and/or messy to the point where it’s distracting but not put together so much it looks like it’s never taken a good pounding.

Cassie never felt so exposed as her cousin’s eyes took in every detail of her sex. But she also never felt so naughty. With her hand on her mound, Cassie extended her index finger toward Tony, stretched it all the way out and then slowly, teasingly, brought it back and ran it against her inner lips. She could feel the slickness of her own fluids coat her hand.

Moving her finger back and forth, Cassie couldn’t help but close her eyes and let out a soft moan as the pleasure built up. She could feel every inch of movement and, in a deliberate motion, put her index finger inside for the first time.

Tony stopped touching his dick for a moment. He knew the sight was too much and just wanted to watch.

Slowly, Cassie moved her finger in and out, doing her best to stifle the moans coming from her mouth. Her knees were shaking every so slightly and Tony knew if she kept this position up, she was going to fall to the floor before long.

“Stop,” Tony said.

“Huh?” Cassie asked, the spell she was under was temporarily broken.

“Lie down on your back,” he said.

Cassie did as he instructed. The couch was just long enough for her to lay down comfortably. As soon as she landed, she instinctively closed her legs and crossed her feet at the ankle.

“Not like that,” Tony said. “Spread your legs for me.”

Cassie was hesitant. She felt vulnerable. She did it anyway.

Tony watched in slow motion as Cassie’s legs parted and he could see her pussy from the top down again. His cousin’s arousal was impossible to hide.

“Touch it for me,” he said, pulling at his length again. “Touch your pussy for me, cuz.”

“Ughhhh,” Cassie moaned. There was something so wrong about that statement but it made her hotter. She shouldn’t feel like this. She really shouldn’t.

As Cassie slipped her hand down her stomach once again and touched herself, she could feel an orgasm was building. Could she really let herself go that far? She hoped so.

The moment her index finger dipped inside again, Cassie’s legs slapped shut like a bear trap. She couldn’t control it, it was entirely by reflex.

What she didn’t expect was that Tony would be the one to open them.

“I said spread your legs for me,” he instructed. “Be a good girl and do what I say.”

Fuck. Was he commanding her? Was her cousin really telling her what she could and couldn’t do? And who gave him permission to touch?

“I said no touching,” she reminded him.

“And I said spread your legs,” he told her, forcefully opening them with his hands.

Tony didn’t want to cross a line with her and do anything she didn’t consent to but he could tell she liked being commanded by him and they were far enough along in this game that he thought he could get away with it if he kept it simple. He was right.

“OK cuz,” Cassie said. “You want to see my pussy? You want me to touch it for you?”

“Yeah,” Tony said, bringing his right hand back to his dick and stroking it slowly.

“What if I put two fingers in?” she asked as she did just that. “Ummmmmmmmmmm. You think you can handle watching me touch it?”

“I want to do more than that,” he said.

“I bet you do,” she replied.

For the next few moments, Cassie rotated between sticking her index and middle fingers in her pussy and pulling them out and rubbing her mound with four fingers in a circular motion. The variety was driving her crazy and she knew she was close.

Cassie closed her eyes again and pictured her cousin doing it for her. She could feel his rough hands on her. She could visualize him slamming her cunt at will with his hand and the bucking motion her hips would make when her legs closed around his arm as she climaxed.

She wanted to cum. She needed to cum. But that wasn’t part of the deal.

“Fuck, I want to cum so bad,” she said.

“Oh yeah?” Tony asked.

“Yeah,” Cassie replied.

“It’ll cost you,” Tony said.

“Huh?” she replied.

“You heard me,” Tony said. “I paid for this. I’m in control here. If you want to cum, it’s going to cost you.”

Cassie never let up on her motions, her fingers rubbing her lips back and forth and pushing her closer and closer. She needed this. Badly. And it was coming momentarily whether she wanted it to or not.

“UGH,” she said. “Fuck. What? What’s the cost?”

“I want to taste you,” Tony said.

Shit. Was that it? At this point, Cassie thought, fuck it.

“Fine, fine, whatever,” she said. “I need to cum.”

“Okay,” he said. “You’ve got a deal.”

With no warning, Tony sprung off the couch and moved toward his cousin. She kept her eyes closed and focused on her touch but she was close. She was so close.

Tony slid over to her side and moved his mouth toward hers. The moment his lips touched hers, a rush shot through Cassie and she buried three fingers deep inside her mound. She was almost there and she was pistoning her fingers in and out of her pussy now, trying her best to simulate the feel of a dick pounding away at her flesh. And not just any dick. Her cousin’s.

Tony leaned forward and brushed the hair on the left side of Cassie’s face away. She refused to open her eyes. She couldn’t risk ruining this.

Tony moved his lips right up to her ears and began to whisper the same way she had done to him earlier.

“Come on,” he said. “Come on. I know you want to.”

“Want to what?” she muttered, her hips elevating slightly off the couch and pushing forward to meet her penetrating fingers with full force.

“I know you to want to cum,” he said. “Do it. I want to feel it.”

Holy. Shit. This motherfucker was playing games with her, she thought.

Cassie remembered every word they said during the climax of Tony’s lap dance and smirked. She was going to play along. Fuck the insecurities. She needed to cum and she needed to do it right this moment.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Just do it,” Tony repeated, biting her ear as he did. “Let go. Let go of everything. Uhhhhhhh. Pretend they’re my fingers going in your pussy. Pretend I’m the one making you moan. Feel me. Uhhhhh. Feel my fingers deep inside of you.

Cassie couldn’t take it anymore. She wanted him to fuck her right now.

“Picture it,” he said. “Picture it. Picture my hard dick filling you up. Picture me burying it deep in your pussy. Feel your lips gripping it and milking every last inch. I want you to feel me. Right now. Feel me inside that pussy. Feel how hot it is for you. You want it. You need it.”

Tony could feel Cassie start to shake.

“You like that, cuz?” he said. “You like fingering yourself thinking of me?”

“Yeah,” Cassie said, her words barely audible as she gasped for air. “I like fingering my pussy thinking of you.”

“Cum for me you dirty girl,” he said. “Cum for me.”

“Fuck,” Cassie was almost there. “Keep saying it.”

“Cum for me Cassie,” he said. “Cum for me right now. Let me see it. Let me see you explode. Finger that pussy. Finger it.”

“Uhhhhhhhhhhh,” Cassie moaned.

“Come on cuz,” he said. “Come for me. Do it. Do it now. Cum for me.”

Tony sucked on his cousin’s earlobe and moved his hands to her tits. The touch was the last bit she needed to finish.

“UGHHHH,” she responded. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. I’m …. I’m …. I’m cumming. I’m cummmmmmming.”

Cassie came fiercer than she ever had during an escort session. Her whole body trembled and her legs locked up so hard it nearly hurt her hand. She plunged her three fingers as far as they would go and curled up in a fetal position as her body convulsed.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she said.

She couldn’t move. She had to lay there and let the waves of her orgasm crash through her body.

“Fuck,” she said. The feeling was so intense, it caused Cassie’s face to tense up. She looked in pain. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It took a few moments for Cassie to recover. She left her eyes closed as she did and got lost in the moment.

Then she felt Tony’s breath on her pussy.


“What,” Cassie said, each word a chore. “What … are … what are you doing?”

“Shhh,” he said. “I’m just getting my end of the deal.”

Cassie had no energy left and no way to say no. If she could have, she would have. Maybe.

Propped up and sitting on the ground beside her feet, Tony had taken his cousin’s legs and spread them once again. He was face to face with her pussy for the first time and not about to waste a moment.

Tony took each of Cassie’s legs and rested them on his shoulders. He inched his face closer to her pussy and darted his tongue out. The taste was indescribable and the smell intoxicating.

Tony knew from experience that he didn’t want to overload a woman right after she came and that wasn’t his intent. But he wanted to taste her and he did just that.

Slowly at first, Tony licked Cassie’s pussy from the bottom of her lips to the top. He gently inserted his tongue less than a quarter inch inside. It was just enough to feel her fluids drip onto his palette.

“Hmmmmmmm,” he said, moaning intentionally so Cassie felt the heat of his breath on her gash. “You like that?”

Cassie may have physically been in the room with Tony but she wasn’t listening to a word he said. Her brain was off. All she could do was breathe and try to slow her heart down. It felt nice. It felt calming and oddly erotic.

Tony kept going. He traced his tongue to the top of her slit and found her clit. He flicked it lightly. He didn’t want to over-stimulate Cassie. That might ruin his overall plans. So far, they had each cum once and Tony had no intent on leaving this room without feeling this very same pussy wrapped around his cock.

Instead, he opened his mouth and placed it over her mound, darting his tongue inside, leaving it there for a few seconds and pulling it out. He kept this rhythm going as his hands reached up for her tits. He could tell she liked it—she was running her fingers through his hair—but he didn’t want to overstay his welcome.

Tony thought back to the way Cassie plunged her fingers into her hole. She took it in and out repeatedly in fluid motions. So he did the same. He could feel Cassie’s hips bucking less now. She was coming down.

When Tony sensed his cousin was fully recovered, he kissed her right on her lower lips and released her legs from his shoulders. He shimmied his body back up to face her face-to-face and waited for her to break the silence.


“Oh fuck,” she said. “What did you do you to me?”

“I didn’t do anything,” he said. “You did.”

“Damn that was crazy,” Cassie replied, reaching between her legs and feeling the mix of her fluids and her cousin’s saliva. “I could fall asleep right now.”

“And miss the big finale?” Tony asked.

“What big finale?” she replied.

“Hey, we’ve had some fun here,” Tony said. “For sure. I’ve cum. You’ve cum. But I don’t want to leave here with any regrets. I want to fuck you.”

“Still?” she said. “Seriously? We’ve been through this.”

“No, no, no,” he said. “You’ve been through this. You’ve give me a bunch of excuses and said you won’t do it because we’re family but we’ve already done so much more than we should so why not just go all the way already?”

Cassie’s resistance was far weaker now than it had been the first few times Tony pitched this idea. He was wearing her down, one dirty act at a time.

“We can’t,” she said.

“Why not?” Tony replied. “And don’t give me that crap about you worrying people will find out. I’ve spent the last 20 minutes jerking off in front of you and I just ate your pussy. ‘Can’t’ is a morally flexible concept.”

Cassie searched her brain for a concrete reason why the two of them shouldn’t have sex. Maybe if she hadn’t just come, she would have found one. But right now, she wasn’t in a position to think about anything.

“You think I don’t want to?” Cassie asked. “It’s not that I don’t want to. I get paid to fuck people all the time. But you’re family dude. That’s so wrong.”

Tony stood up and waived his erect dick in front of her face.

“And this isn’t?” he said, making both of them laugh.

“You know there’s a difference,” she said.

“Alright, alright, you’ve said that 30 times already,” Tony replied. “Let’s cut to the chase. Name your price.”

“My price?”

“Yeah,” he said. “I want that pussy. Name your price.”


Cassie had heard a lot of dirty things in her life but her cousin saying he wanted her pussy had to be at the top of the list. She honestly didn’t know what to say.

“Let’s review,” Tony said, deciding to treat this latest game strictly on facts. “I paid you $1,200 to be my escort. You decided to give me half of that money back because you couldn’t fuck me and you gave me a striptease, a lap dance and made me cum instead.”

Cassie nodded. That seemed so long ago already.

“Then, you owed me $600 and I let you keep that money to see you naked and watch you masturbate,” he said. “I got you worked up so hard that you came all over yourself—you’re welcome by the way—and right now I owe you $100 for that privilege.”

“You can keep that extra money,” Cassie said, with a smirk. “It was worth it.”

“Fine, fine,” Tony said. “Let’s just say we’re even right now. No one owes anyone anything.”


“So what’s it going to take for me to fuck you?” he asked.

Cassie knew the question was coming and still had no idea how to answer. She put her hands over her eyes and let out a sigh. This was the most conflicted she’d been on a decision in a very long time.

“I have to pee,” she declared, getting off the couch and heading toward the bathroom. “Give me a minute.” In truth, she just needed to recompose herself to work up the courage to answer Tony’s question. What price can you really put on having sex with your cousin?

Tony sat back in his chair, one hand on his dick and the other resting by his side. He couldn’t help but hope she’d say yes. In all his years of watching escort porn, he had never been more aroused than he was in this moment and he would have given her whatever she asked for the chance to have his way with her sexually.

The sound of a flushing toilet broke his concentration. The time for an answer was here.


Cassie walked out of the bathroom with a much different look on her face than when she went in and had a determination in her stride. Whatever unsure person walked away a few minutes ago was replaced by someone much more confident. THIS was the version of Cassie that Tony saw give him a lap dance earlier. He was on the edge of his seat waiting for her to speak.

Instead, she walked over to the couch and suddenly dropped to her knees.

Now Tony was the speechless one.

Cassie inched closer to her cousin, walking on all fours, her every movement full of purpose. She opened his legs the same way he had done to her earlier and she laid her head in his lap. In truth, she was just resting her head on the chair cushion in between Tony’s legs but the imagery was so close to a blowjob that Tony couldn’t think straight.

“You really want to fuck me?” Cassie asked. With one motion, she lashed her hair over Tony’s crotch, moving it side to side. “You want me to suck your dick?”

“I want it,” he said. “I want it so bad.”

“Hmmm,” she said. “You really do, don’t you, you fucking perv?”

The tone caught Tony off guard but he rolled with it.

“Call me whatever you want but we’re not leaving this hotel room without my cum on your fucking face.”

“That’s what you think,” she said. “IF I let you cum, I decide where it goes.”

Holy. Shit. Was she for real?

“If you’re lucky, maybe I’ll let you cum on my face,” Cassie was on fire now, both with her words and between her legs. She moved her left hand below her belt and rubbed herself as she spoke. “But why waste it there? Maybe I’ll make you shoot it on my tits?”

Cassie lifted her head up, stood up ever so slightly and moved her breasts right to her cousin’s face. He reached out to put the right one in his mouth but was denied. In an instant, Cassie was back on her knees with her head between his legs and her hair moving from side to side again.

“But maybe I want to taste it instead?” Cassie said, lifting her hair one more time and, in a surprise move, extending her tongue forward an inch away from Tony’s shaft. She looked at him and moved her tongue up its length teasingly, never actually touching it.

“Would you like that?” she asked him. “Would you like to shoot your load down the back of my throat?”

Tony struggled to speak, his heart beat racing.

“Yes,” he said.

Cassie moved her head lower yet again. Her hair moved from side to side yet again. It was agonizing.

“Or …. maybe,” Cassie trailed off. “Maybe I’ll let you shoot it into my pussy.”

Cassie stood up and threw her hair back in one fell motion. When it settled, she cleared the stray hairs from her fair and locked eyes with her cousin. She bit her lower lip.

“You want that, cuz?” she asked. “You want to feel my pussy? You want me to milk that dick of yours for every drop?”

Tony’s hands moved right back to his dick for the first time since Cassie left the bathroom. He was oozing precum and felt the urge to stroke himself to her words.

“Stop it,” Cassie commanded. “Stop it right now.”

Tony complied.

“If we’re going to do this, I make the rules, not you,”

Tony was all ears.

Cassie grabbed her phone and looked at the clock.

“It’s almost ten o’clock right now,” she said. “By my math, you’ve gotten more than an hour of my time already. And if you want another, you’re going to have to pay for it.”

“Okay, okay, Whatever you want,” Tony said. He would have agreed to just about anything at this point.

“If we do this, I’m going to treat you like any other customer,” Cassie said. “It’s $1,200 for the extra hour and you only get one pop.”

“One pop?” Tony asked, a little confused.

“Yeah, one pop,” she repeated. “You only get to cum once.”


“I’ll start with a hand job,” she said, sounding like a waitress taking a customer’s order. “We’ll set a five minute timer. If you can last, and I don’t think you will, I’ll suck your dick.”

Holy fuck. She said it.

“I’m warning you now,” she said. “If you cum before I tell you to, we’re done. Period.”

“How long do I have to hold out for?” Tony wondered aloud, unsure if he could hold off.

“As long as I want you to,” Cassie said.

“And then I get to fuck you?” he asked.

“If you somehow manage not to cum—and that won’t be easy—we can fuck,” she said.

Tony’s heart was pounding. He’d waited all night to hear her say that.

“Do we have a deal?” she asked.

“One condition,” Tony said.

“Name it,” she replied.

“I get to touch whatever I want.”

It was a simple request Cassie really didn’t really mind. She loved the feel of her cousin’s strong hands playing with her tits and her ass so far and she yearned to feel his fingers inside of her pussy. Still, she wanted Tony to have to work for what he wanted, to have to fight the urge to cum the entire time they did this. Letting him touch her might be a distraction.

A good distraction but a distraction none the less.

She touched herself again. She was already so wet. Still, the thought of replacing her fingers with Tony’s was something she simply couldn’t resist.

“Fine,” she said. “But I want the money now.”


“You’ve got it,” he said, grabbing his phone. A few clicks of a button later, the transaction was official. Cassie watched her phone and checked for confirmation of the deposit. Once it came, she smiled.

“This is going to be fun,” she thought.

It would be the best money Tony ever spent.


Tony always hated this part of escort porn.

In the videos he watched, typically the woman would enter a hotel room and chat with the client for a little while before going to the bathroom for her money, getting dressed in sexy clothing and immediately getting down to business.

It always struck him as incredibly fake. Real life was never that smooth and in a real escort situation, he imagined, it would probably be a lot more awkward. He was right.

Neither Tony nor Cassie were ready to make the first move to take this encounter to the next level and they each waited for the other to act.

“So …,” Tony said. “You’re the expert. How do we do this?”

“How do we fuck?” Cassie asked with a sly grin. “I thought you’d done that before.”

“You know what I mean,” he replied.

“Shut up and kiss me,” Cassie said, breaking the confusion.

Tony was happy to oblige.

Sitting straight up in his chair with his cousin still resting on her knees, Tony took his right hand, placed it behind Cassie’s head and pulled her in close.

The two locked lips and he could feel her chest beating on top of his.

Their first kiss wasn’t passionate so much as it was inquisitive, a metaphorical sparring match as each tried to figure the other out.

It’s not often one kisses their cousin in a sexual way and any first kiss with a new partner can be pretty awkward.

Cassie, for instance, had always been a submissive kisser in her day to day life. If and when she let someone do that to her—and she almost never let clients do it—she would let them do the heavy lifting. After a brief feeling out period, if she got more comfortable, she’d use her tongue to circle theirs while running her hands up and down their chest.

It was an approach she had wanted to use here but Tony was a bit too aggressive and excited to make it work. He immediately shoved his tongue down her throat, causing Cassie to press off of him and back away for a moment.

“Whoa there, partner,” she said. “Take it down a notch.”

Tony did as he was commanded. Instead of shoving his tongue in her mouth like he had initially done, when their lips met again, he focused on his movement in particular. He thought of his lips lightly caressing hers instead of overpowering her. It seemed to be working. Cassie relaxed her body into his and they found a rhythm.

“Hmmmm,” she said, breaking their kiss. “That’s better.”

Tony leaned back ever so slowly and Cassie followed suit with him, positioning her body so that she was kneeling a little higher than she had been before and she leaned toward his face. She had a slight height advantage as he rested his back on the chair cushion behind him and she could feel his legs trembling again.

Almost on cue, as the two resumed making out, Cassie took her left hand and touched it slowly to his right leg. The spark between them made the hair on Tony’s arm stand up as he cupped her face with two hands and pulled her closer.

Cassie was a lefty and used it to her advantage here, tracing a path on her cousin from his lower calf to his upper thigh. She could feel him tense up the higher she went and as her thumb grazed the side of his throbbing shaft, he let out a soft moan.

It would be the last sounds he made for a while as Cassie started the clock on her phone, propping it up on the end table beside them.

Five minutes. She had five minutes to jerk him off and make him cum or she would have to blow him. Even as the timer started, Cassie wasn’t sure which outcome she was rooting for. Did she want him to cum quickly?

Deep down, she really wanted him to last long enough that she could taste him but the thought of a quick finish that left something to the imagination for both of them was almost too good to pass up. Almost.

“Here goes nothing,” she thought to herself.

Cassie carefully, gingerly moved her left hand along Tony’s waist and began to lower it to his shaft. She was just a few inches away now and could feel his pecks on her lips increasing in pace as she encircled his dick with her hand for the first time.

She felt it twitch as she gripped it. Slowly, she inspected the length of it inch by inch. It was so warm and it throbbed in her hands.

The first contact she had with her cousin’s dick made Cassie ache. In truth, what she wanted right now was to bury her face in his crotch and take him deep in her mouth but she had to wait. They had just started and this five-minute handjob was meant as an appetizer to set the tone for their activities. If she was too aggressive, she could derail both of their plans.

Cassie took her time gripping and feeling Tony’s dick. She could feel the entire outline of its underside and guessed it was about six inches. Not too big but not too small. He had an average size girth but was neatly trimmed and had larger balls than she was used to.

As she traced her hands from the top of those balls to the bottom of his circumcised head, Cassie’s mouth began to water. And as she circled the head of it for the first time with her fingertips, she felt the familiar consistency of precum. He was dripping. For her.

Cassie spread Tony’s fluid over the head of his cock and started to twist her wrist ever so slightly. She saw this move in an old HBO sex documentary when she was a teenager and it was practically her handjob calling card. She’d finished many a man off like this. Tony tried his hardest not to be one of them.

Cassie paid particular attention to the top of the underside of his dick, never going more than an inch or so below it as he moaned into her mouth. She had her cousin literally and figuratively wrapped in her fingers as she started to stroke him up and down.

“Yeahhhhhhhh,” she said. “You’ve got a nice dick for me, don’t you? It’s so hard…”

Cassie looked to her left. A minute had passed so far and she knew, if she wanted to, she could end it right here, right now.

“You like how I stroke your cock?” she asked Tony, varying her speed based on his reaction. “Tell me. Tell me you like how I stroke it.”

“It’s okay,” Tony said, trying hard not to get overworked. In any other situation, he’d let his dirty-talking cousin bring him over the edge with her words alone but she’d already made him cum pretty quickly once tonight and he didn’t want to take a chance she’d succeed again.

“Just okay?” Cassie asked, bringing her right hand up to compliment her left. Together, they worked in tandem as she twisted them in opposite directions and at opposite speeds up and down his shaft.

The sensation was almost too much to take.

“If it’s just okay, why are you squirming?” she asked.

Tony couldn’t answer. His wife never had this kind of sexual energy and he knew he was putty in his cousin’s hands right now. If he engaged her questions, he’d be a goner.

“If I wanted to, I could make you cum right now,” Cassie said, lowering her left hand to his balls while the right increased its pace up and down his length.

“You sure about that?” Tony asked her. He knew she was right but he wasn’t going to admit it. If she really wanted to, she could make him explode at any moment. So why hadn’t she?

“There’s still three minutes left,” she replied. “I’ve got plenty of time.”

For the next two minutes, Cassie tortured her cousin and enjoyed every moment of his agony. She rotated both of her hands every few moments to lightly rub the head of his dick and it was driving him wild.

To up the ante, when she saw they were down to just 60 seconds on the timer, Cassie looked Tony right in the eyes, spit in her hand seductively and started to speed up.

“Come on cuz,” she said, egging him on. “You want to cum for me, don’t you?”

Fifty seconds.

“Why are you resisting?” she asked. “Don’t you want to make me happy? I’ll let you shoot it on my face like you wanted.”

Forty seconds.

“Ughhhhhhhh,” Tony grunted, the pressure building. Her words were not helping.

Thirty seconds.

“I want you to cum for me,” she said with a sultry voice. “I want you to shoot that hot cum right in my hand.”

Twenty seconds.

Cassie sped up her movement. This was it. The big finish.

“Cum for me,” she said. “Cum for me cuz.”

Ten seconds.

Five seconds. Four. Three. Two. One.

“No,” Tony said with a grunt as the clock beeped and his first test ended. “I’m not cumming yet. You’re not getting off that easy.”

Cassie shut the clock off. Her next words caught Tony completely off guard.

“Maybe not,” she said. “But you are.”

With that, she plunged her head into her cousin’s lap and took his dick into her mouth for the first time.


“Oh fuck.”

Tony nearly screamed. Before he even had time to process the sound of the clock going off, he was overtaken by his cousin’s warm mouth and the feeling of her breath as she engulfed his cock.

He was far from ready for it. All night long, Cassie was very slow and deliberate in her movements. Now, suddenly, she was like a different person and at the drop of a dime, she rushed in to suck his dick with no notice.

Cassie planned it this way intentionally from the minute she decided to give her cousin a blowjob. She had wanted to taste his cock for almost an hour now and she was done waiting.

The minute that clock sounded, Cassie was off to the races and Tony wasn’t sure he’d be able to last very long. From the moment she buried her face in his crotch, he could feel her cheeks collapse around his shaft and the velvety smooth touch of her lips encircling the head of his penis nearly sent him over the edge.

Cassie was enjoying this just as much as her cousin. In one fell motion, she felt her nose bump up against his pelvis as she dove on him like an Olympic swimmer. Cassie was surprised at how fast she was able to take every inch of his cock down her throat. Normally, she would have gagged at least once by now but a healthy dose of spit and a lot of enthusiasm had made deep-throating him a breeze.

In an instant, Cassie’s mouth was full and she guided her hand back to her pussy, rubbing it, keeping it excited for what was to come. She could feel her cousin’s hips buck back in surprise as she used the top of her tongue to caress the underside of his prick. The taste of his precum was slightly salty and she wanted more. Cassie was salivating for it.

“Holy shit,” she thought to herself. “You’re such a fucking slut. YOU’RE SUCKING YOUR COUSIN’S DICK!”

Tony couldn’t hear her thoughts and it’s a good thing because her words would have finished him instantly. Right now, he just wanted her to ease up and practically begged her to decrease her tempo.

“Fuck,” he said. “Slow down, slow down.”

Cassie didn’t listen.

She wanted desperately to feel him in her mouth and to feel the rush of warm liquid as he came down the back of her throat. This wasn’t about money anymore. This was about lust. She wanted this so badly. She’d been patient enough.

“I said slow down,” Tony said, grunting reluctantly. “Christ.”

Tony wasn’t in control here and, Cassie thought, he needed to accept that. As Cassie repeatedly slammed the full force of her mouth up and down his dick, she tightened her lips so she could taste every inch on the way down. She was ravenous.

In one motion, Cassie switched the hand rubbing her pussy and brought her right hand back up to stroke him while she took him past her lips. The sight was almost too much for Tony to bear and the sounds she was making didn’t help.

“Hmmmmmm,” Cassie said, humming on his dick.

Cassie knew exactly what she was doing. The sounds of a good blowjob were just as important as the feel and look of it and even though she had managed to avoid gagging on her cousin so far, she knew she wanted to, if for no other reason than the sounds it would make.

She pressed forward past her throat’s comfort zone and was rewarded with some a handful of involuntary groans that would rival even the best porn.

“Cuhhhhh,” she grunted. “UMMMMM, psssssttttt, Hrrrk, UGHHHH.”

It wasn’t enough. Now, she wanted to add a little dirty talk.

“Fuck yeah cuz,” Cassie said, gasping for air. “You like how my mouth feels? You like how I suck your dick?”

That’s it. Tony was reeling. He had to do something and he had to do it quickly or he was about to bust. Tony couldn’t take the sounds of the fast and steady slurp as Cassie worked her way back up and down his dick. Despite every ounce of his body telling him to sit back and enjoy one of the best blowjobs he’d ever received, consequences be damned, Tony wanted this moment to last as long as possible.

He pressed his hands against his cousin’s forehead, stopping her descent.

“Stop,” he said, trying to recover. “Stop for a second.”

Cassie let out a sigh of disappointment and took in a rush of air as Tony’s dick slipped out of her mouth. Her heart was pounding. She could almost hear it.

“Why’d you do that?” she said, breathing heavy, her hands coated in a mix of his precum and her saliva. “I was having so much fun. You were about to cum, weren’t you?”

“Yeah, I was,” he said.

“You cheater!” Cassie laughed. “That wasn’t the deal!”

“Actually, it was,” Tony corrected her. “You agreed I could touch what I wanted to. And now it’s time for me to take advantage of that.”

Tony stood up and smiled at Cassie.

Surely he wasn’t going to try to fuck her right now, was he? After less than two minutes of a grade A quality blowjob? How rude!

“Stay on your knees,” he said. “We’re not done with this yet.”

“Good,” Cassie thought, yearning to suck his dick some more.

Cassie straightened her back and raised up. She was still on her knees but she stood as tall as she could from that position.

“What do you want then?” she asked.

“You’ll see,” he teased. “Lay back on the couch and open your mouth.”

Cassie immediately knew what he wanted the moment he gave her those instructions and she eagerly complied. Breathing deeply while she could, she let her body slide down just a little lower so she could be on the right angle for what he had planned.

“Okay,” she said excitedly, sticking her tongue out in a silly but still sexy way. “Let’s do this.”

“Quiet,” Tony said. “It’s my turn to talk.”

Tony walked confidently toward his cousin and admired the view of her laying back on her knees. He couldn’t help but stare at her tits again. It never got old. They were so perfect and he made a mental note to suck on her nipples later.

And her pussy? Well, sadly, with the way she was positioned, he couldn’t get a good look at it quite yet.

“No matter,” he thought. “We’ll deal with that in a bit.”

Right now, Tony had one goal in mind and he confidently strode over to his cousin to make it a reality.

Moving within an inch of her, Tony pressed his kneecaps toward her shoulders, nearly straddling her, and forcing her back to position itself flush against the couch. Cassie was pinned down by her much heavier cousin and had nowhere to go.

“Did you think it funny to try to make me cum like that?” he asked.

Cassie chuckled. She did.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he said. “Open your mouth for me.”

Cassie did as she was told.

“Stick your tongue out,” he continued. She did.

“Let’s see if you suck dick as good as you think you do,” he said. “You charged me $1,200 for this? I want my money’s worth. And you’re going to give it to me.”

“Hmmmmm,” Cassie purred, digging her nails behind his legs and up the back of his thighs. She was ready for this. She had waited all night for this.

Tony took his right hand and placed it on his dick, grasping it tightly as he wrapped his fingers around the shaft.

“I want you to beg for it,” he said.

Cassie’s pussy yearned to be touched as her cousin talked dirty to her but she couldn’t reach it.

“Beg for it,” he repeated, lightly slapping the head of his dick on her tongue. “Be my little paid slut.”

Cassie decided to lean heavily into the taboo nature of what they were doing.

“Feed it to me cuz,” Cassie said. “I want to taste it. I want to suck your dick. I want it so bad. Can you give it to me? Please. Please. Give it to me.”

“Why should I?” Tony asked.

“Because I’ve been such a bad, bad girl to you,” she replied.

“Oh yeah?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she asked. “I have. I told you we couldn’t do any of this. And now I’m having so much fun. I should have come in here tonight and immediately sucked your dick. I’m a whore and you paid for me. I shouldn’t have said no.”

“That’s not enough,” he said, touching the top of his dick to her lips again. “Why should I let you suck my dick now?”

Cassie lunged forward and tried to take it in her mouth but Tony pulled away again. As a punishment, he slapped it against her left cheek.

“Give it to me, Tony, please,” she commanded. “Give it to me because I know what to do with it. That’s why you paid me, isn’t it? To watch me suck that cock? You wanted a pro right? You saw it was me and you didn’t care. You wanted your cousin—your own fucking cousin—to suck your dick. Well I’m here now. What are you waiting for? I want to suck it cuz. Let me suck it. Please.”

“Oh yeah….,” Tony moaned, bouncing the head of his penis on her tongue again.

“Give it to me,” she said. “Let me show you what I can do. Put it in my mouth. Let me moan while you choke me with that fat cock. I promise to make you feel good, daddy. I promise. Just put it in my mouth. Please.”

That was it. Tony had had enough. It was time to stop talking and start acting.

Taking his left hand and placing it on the back of her head, Tony braced Cassie for the impact as he shoved his dick right past her lips, right past her teeth and all the way to the back of her throat. He did it as fast, if not faster, than Cassie had lunged on his dick the moment the clock went off.

He was forceful and could feel her body involuntarily recoil briefly but he was determined. Cassie immediately started to gag and her pussy flooded with her fluids. She was red hot for his touch.

“Hrrrk,” she said. “CUHHHH, UGHHHH.”

Tony moved his hips and went even deeper this time. In and out. In and out. He was moving so fast he could barely see it entering her mouth. He was so forceful, his balls bounced back and forth off of the bottom of his cousin’s chin, causing him a slight discomfort. He didn’t care.

“Yeah.” he said. “You like that?”

“Umm hummmmm,” Cassie said, gagging slightly. Spit was flying out of the corners of her mouth and dripping down her chest.

“Take it,” Tony replied. “Take it you fucking slut.”

For the next three minutes, Tony pistoned in and out of his cousin’s mouth nearly non stop. Cassie had to consciously plan her breathing because he wouldn’t let up. It was equal parts difficult and erotic for her.

Tony felt her resistance and briefly let her head go with his left hand to give her the ability to control his movements a little more but she didn’t take him up on it. She loved gagging on his cock almost as much as he loved getting it done. Who was he to say no?

Tony quickly pulled his dick out of her mouth. A loud “plop” sound could be heard and a solid stream of drool flew out.

“Suck on my balls,” Tony said, bringing them to her mouth. Cassie felt degraded. This was her cousin. And now he wanted her to suck his balls? How did things get this out of control? She smiled. She liked it.

Cassie moved forward an inch and started to stroke the top of her cousin’s shaft as she happily sopped at each of his testicles. She licked up and down his shaft and moved back to his balls, rolling them around in her mouth and using her tongue to feel the outside of each of them.

Tony stuck his dick back in her mouth again.

“Stay still,” he commanded. “No hands, no movement. I want to fuck your pretty little face.”

He did just that. Now it was his turn to embrace the taboo.

“How do you think our parents would feel about this? Huh,” he asked. “How would they feel about you being such a cock-hungry whore.”

Cassie couldn’t answer. He mouth was full.

Tony felt the length of his dick being lightly scraped by his cousin’s teeth but it was the feeling of her tongue massaging his glans underneath that drove him wildest.

“Get ready, take a deep breath,” he instructed, moments before pulling Cassie’s head all the way down and pressing as far forward as he could. He pinned her nose shut. “Hold it. Hold it.”

Cassie couldn’t breath. She took her hands and rested them on Tony’s thighs. She might have been a ravenous slut but she wasn’t stupid. She would take this as long as she could and then tap out when she needed to breathe. She owed it to him to try to hold out as long as she could.

“Hold it,” he said, thrusting harder into her mouth. He could see the shape of his dick actively moving just by looking at her throat. He’d never experienced anything like this. It was incredible.

Cassie lasted 35 seconds before she slapped her cousin’s thigh lightly. It was her way of signaling he needed to let up for a moment. He did.

As his dick came out of her mouth, Cassie sucked in a huge gasp of air. Her eyes watered slightly.

“You fucking choked me,” she said.

“Yeah, I did,” he said.

“Good,” Cassie playfully said. “Do it again.”

Tony obliged.

They played with each other this way for several minutes and Cassie’s eyes watered more and more. Her makeup ran ever so slightly and she looked like a woman possessed.

Tony felt his orgasm building and relaxed his grip on his cousin. He was going to cum but not this way. Not yet.

“You like the way I suck your dick cuz?” Cassie asked, taking a moment to catch her breath.

“I love it,” he said.

“Me too,” she replied.

Cassie took Tony’s shaft with her right hand and started slowly pumping him. She used her fingers to spread her saliva over the top and her thumb rubbed the head as she looked up and stared at him straight in the eyes.

Licking her lips, Cassie wrapped her hand tight around his base and kept it there. She then wrapped her lips around his crown and brought the head slowly into her mouth. Tony could feel her using her tongue, almost as if she was french kissing his cock with a swirling motion that was driving him crazy.

“That’s right,” he said. “Lick it cuz. Lick that dick.”

Cassie slowed her pace considerably. She was done trying to make him cum … for the moment anyway. She wanted her cousin to feel every bit of her movements and it was working. The pace helped both of them slow their heart rates and, for a moment, she could feel him pulsating in her mouth.

Cassie took Tony’s dick out once again and spit right on it. Using her hand, she jerked up and down, increasing her speed as she began to speak.

“I’ve got to be honest,” she said. “I almost walked out of here so many times tonight.”

“I know,” he said.

“I’m so glad I didn’t,” she said. “This has been fucking awesome. I LOVE sucking your dick.”

“Oh yeah?” he asked.

“Hell yeah,” she replied. “I know it’s wrong. I know you’re my cousin and we’re not supposed to do this but I don’t care. You and I are gonna fuck tonight. And you’re gonna cum in my pussy.”

“Shit,” Tony said as he slid across his cousin’s tongue.

Cassie and Tony spent the next five minutes in a perfect rhythm. He was thrusting his hips back and forth to feed her his cock and she was happily moving her head back and forth to match him. Tony never wanted this moment to end but his desire for something else forced him to slowly wind this blowjob down.

“Hey cuz,” he asked.

“Yeah?” she replied, rubbing her tongue under his shaft with each thrust forward.

“Are you ready?” he said.

Cassie moved her hands down to her pussy, inserting her index finger. She was astonished at how wet she was.

“I am,” Cassie said. “Are you?”

“Hell yeah,” he replied.

“Then shut up and fuck me,” she said.


Tony needed a minute to clear his head before he crossed the biggest and final hurdle with his cousin.

“We’re really doing this, huh?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she replied, moving her fingers in and out of her pussy in anticipation. “Yeah, we are.”

Tony couldn’t help but notice how different his cousin was now compared to just a little while ago. Before she gave him a handjob and before she sucked his dick, Cassie was hesitant to do anything with him. Now? Now she was looking forward to it.

“I’ve got condoms in the bathroom,” he said. “Do you want me to go get them?”

Cassie thought about it for a second. Normally, she doesn’t offer bareback to her clients and rarely did she have sex without protection with anyone except serious boyfriends. But this was her cousin. Somehow, that made her feel more secure.

“It’s up to you,” she said, raising her eyebrows and smiling. “You’re clean right?”

“Yeah,” he said.

“Cool,” she replied. “I’m on the pill so I’m not that worried. Besides, I kind of like it better without.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” he said.

Tony took a deep breath and wondered where to begin.

“You look nervous,” Cassie said.

“I am,” he replied.

“Don’t be,” she said. “Let’s just have some fun.”

Cassie laid back on the couch the same way she had when Tony fucked her mouth a few minutes ago. Slowly, she shimmied her butt up so that she could rest straight across it. She was careful not to get the stockings she wore caught on the fabric.

Shit. The stockings. She’d nearly forgotten she was wearing them.

“You know,” she said. “We’ve been messing around for like two hours and you still haven’t mentioned how good I look in this outfit. I bought these special for you. Well, not YOU but for the guy I thought I was meeting.”

“Oh, you look amazing,” Tony said. “I’ve been staring at them all night. Your ass looks so good. I can’t wait to fuck you doggy and watch you back it up.”

“Oh yeah?,” she asked. “Is that what you want to do to me? Huh?”

“Oh, I want to do a lot of things,” he replied.

“Hmmmmmmm,” Cassie purred, opening her legs wide and biting her lip seductively. She pointed her index finger toward Tony and made a ‘come hither’ motion. “Well, what are you waiting for?”


Tony eagerly walked toward her. He had wanted this all night and it was finally here. Well, almost here. Before he could properly fuck Cassie, he was dying to taste her pussy one more time. So he did.

Tony got on his knees and crawled over to Cassie slowly. Watching him inch closer, she could feel her heart racing as she moved her right hand toward her pussy, rubbing herself in a circular motion and using her slickness to coat her fingers as she gently penetrated herself.

Tony looked on. He loved the dirty nature of his cousin’s stare and the look of pure lust on her face. His moves were deliberate as he made his first contact with her legs. Grabbing her left ankle, he moved Cassie’s foot toward his mouth and gently sucked on her toes. He was never into feet per se but he knew it would make her squirm and wanted to watch as she did.

Moving her left foot to the top of his shoulder and holding it in place, Tony took his right hand and gently rubbed Cassie from her ankle to her upper thigh. Each time he advanced, her breath got quicker. He did the same to her other leg, careful never to get too high up, stopping where the top of the stockings came to rest at her mid-thigh. It was all by design. He wanted her to ache for him.

“Come on cuz,” she said. “Stop teasing me and fuck me already.”

“Soon,” he said.

Tony stuck out his tongue and traced a path down Cassie’s legs but quickly realized the stockings would make that effort worthless so he gave her a series of small kisses up the path instead.

Cassie shifted her position to get a little more comfortable. The couch she was resting on was long enough for her to lay down with her feet on the arm rests but there wasn’t much more room than that and she knew Tony had no way of getting between her legs unless she moved toward the edge.

The awkward positioning and his cousin’s shifting gave Tony a better idea of how to approach his goal.

“Stand up for a second,” he said.

Cassie did as she was told and Tony grabbed her by the head and pulled her in close for a passionate kiss. The two explored each others mouths while their hands playfully touched each other’s genitals.

Cassie stroked Tony’s dick a little harder than he liked as she sucked his tongue into her mouth. It felt rough to the touch but Cassie could tell. She broke the kiss for a brief moment and, without shifting her feet, leaned over and took his length into her mouth once again, spitting on it to make it nice and wet.

Tony loved the feeling but was focusing on his own task. He looked down on his cousin as she blew him, gently lifted her head up slightly by her chin, brought her mouth to his and kissed her again. As his lips encircled hers, Tony curled his index and middle fingers into a hook-like shape and inserted the two digits right into her pussy.

“Ohhhhh,” Cassie moaned, nearly bucking her body forward.

Tony played with his cousin from this angle for a few more moments before taking his fingers out and turning her around to face the wall closest to them. He stood behind her, with her ass directly in front of his dick, and bent her down at the waist.

“Put your head on the couch and close your eyes,” he instructed her.

She did, a thrill crashing through her body. Cassie was completely exposed to her cousin right now and she loved it. Tony wasted no time and took full advantage, spreading her legs apart with his hands. Cassie listened as his body moved behind her but couldn’t tell what he was up to. All she knew was she needed to feel his dick inside of her. Right now.

Instead, she felt his tongue.

“Oh fuck,” Cassie moaned, caught off guard. She wasn’t expecting him to go down on her while she was standing and didn’t even notice that he had positioned himself on his knees behind her while her eyes were shut.

Tony buried his face, nose first, in her ass and inhaled. It felt so wrong but he loved every smell of hers. In an instant, his tongue found the outer lips of her pussy and he started to lick it from behind. When he could feel her responding to it and rocking back, he pulled his tongue out, curled it so it was as wide as possible and brushed it up and down against her clit.

“Fuck,” she said. “Keep doing that.”

Tony gripped his cousin’s legs with his hands and darted his tongue in and out or her. He began to lightly stroke himself while he went down on her. He could feel himself getting harder and harder as he tasted her.

Cassie couldn’t do anything but rest her head on the couch and enjoy the feeling. The sensation was overwhelming.

Suddenly, with no notice, Tony stopped. The room was silent.

Cassie caught her breath again and felt her cousin quietly moving back to his feet. She didn’t dare open her eyes. She wanted to experience this next sensation completely blind, her senses heightened like a sex-crazed version of Daredevil.

Tony took his hard cock into his left hand and looked at the way the hotel room lights shined on his cousin’s ass. This was the moment. It was here.

Cassie’s pussy was slightly visible under her cheeks and, from this angle, her lips were beautiful and looked so inviting. What a sight.

Aligning the head of his dick to her entrance, Tony watched for any sign of resistance on his cousin’s part. There was no turning back and he wanted to make sure she really wanted him to do this. He saw none.

With bated breath, Tony pushed forward, the tip of his penis gently spreading her lips as he entered her for the first time.

“Oh God,” Cassie moaned.

He watched as his dick slowly moved inside his cousin. It was everything he could have hoped for and more. Immediately, as the tip popped in, he felt an indescribable, undeniable warmth surround him.

“Fuckkkkkkk,” Tony groaned. “You’re so tight.”

Cassie’s pussy gripped her cousin’s cock like a glove and he could feel every bit of her as he moved forward with each thrust. Her muscles contracted. Her body loosened up as she received him.

“Oh God,” Cassie said, savoring every inch. “Don’t stop.”

Emboldened, Tony thrust himself forward as deeply as he could, burying two thirds of his length inside her and holding it there. He wanted to really remember this moment and took a second to stand still and look.

“Ughhhhhhhh,” he said. “That’s so good.”

Tony felt Cassie’s walls surround his length. As he thrust in, he was greeted with a warm sensation and a rush of her fluids. When he pulled out, her lips pulled with him, moving backward slightly and providing resistance, as if they were desperate to keep him in place. It was exhilarating.

The image in front of him was almost too much to handle. Cassie, ass up. Taking his dick like a pro. And with good reason. She was a pro. Tony could pound away as fast or slow as he wanted and all his cousin would do was moan approvingly. This is why Tony wanted an escort. A trained professional. Someone who knew exactly what to do with a dick.

Cassie had trouble handling the sensations on her end as well. With her upper body pressed into the couch, she bent her neck slightly back so she could watch as her cousin entered her. Who would have thought this would happen, especially with how this encounter started? Who would have known he’d be so good at it?

Perhaps most surprisingly, who would have known she’d like it just as much as he did?

“Fuck yeah,” Cassie said approvingly. “God damn ….. uhhh …. that feels so good. Fill me up. Fuck me. Fuck me.”

Tony was in a rhythm now and timed his thrusts accordingly. Cassie couldn’t believe how deep he was going.

“Shit, that feels so good,” she said. “I love how you do that.”

Doggystyle was Tony’s favorite position and Cassie could tell. It didn’t hurt, of course, that from this angle he could see his cousin’s garter and stocking combination. It made him wild. As Tony looked on, he took a second to think about how he could make this even better for Cassie’s pleasure and got a brief idea, extending his right hand down and past her leg.

He touched her pussy with it, rubbing it the same way she had earlier. The double sensation of his hand touching her in front and his dick entering her from behind was bringing Cassie to the edge again.

“Yeah, that’s it,” she said. “Rub my pussy. Rub it. Fuck yeah. Fuckkkkkk.”

Tony could have fucked Cassie like this for hours, alternating between fast and slow thrusts until neither of them could stand.

“God cuz, your pussy is amazing,” he told her. “Back it up on me.”

“I don’t know if I can,” she said, her legs starting to get wobbly as her knees slid a bit against the fabric of the couch.

“Do it,” he commanded forcefully, lifting her at the hips and straightening her back out.

The shift in positioning helped. Cassie took a deep breath and waited for Tony to stop moving. Once he did, she reached back, brought her hand out from between her legs and felt for his dick. She found it and grabbed it, lining it up with the entrance of her pussy. She could feel his tip spreading her lips again and slowly backed onto it.

“Oh shit,” Tony said. “That’s what I’m talking about. Fuck yeah cuz. Back it up on me.”

Cassie was back in control. She slowly pushed herself further back. She didn’t have to move much. She had it down to a slight hip movement back and forth and, casually, she took more and more of what he had to offer.

“Hmmmm,” she moaned. “Fill me up. Fuck me. Fuck me.”

Cassie picked up the pace of her movements and really started to throw her body back on her cousin. With it, a steady slapping sound increased as their flesh came together.

Up to this point, she thought, the sex they were having was like a couple making love. Cassie didn’t want that. She wanted to fuck.

Her cousin agreed and, almost as if he sensed it, he took his hand and slapped her ass playfully.

“What the fuck?” she exclaimed jokingly. “That hurt.”

“Shut up and take it,” Tony countered.

Cassie smiled and licked her lips.

“Yes daddy,” she said.

Cassie moaned quietly as Tony fucked her deep. She did her best not to show him that she liked the way he was talking but he knew. He could feel her body react every time he entered her.

He had her right where he wanted her.

Tony buried himself deep in Cassie’s pussy and froze, savoring every sensation as she gripped him tightly. With his right arm, he moved forward and lifted his cousin’s upper body up straight, putting her back to his chest without popping out of her dripping pussy.

Tony moved his mouth to Cassie and started to kiss and suck on her neck while he slowly, carefully, pumped her from behind.

Cassie could feel her cousin’s warm breath as he approached and almost melted when he brought his lips back to her ears and started to whisper.

“Oh fuckkkkk cuz,” he said. “Fuck. Your pussy is amazing.”

“I told you,” she said.

“You like that?”

“Hell yeah,” she said. “Fuck me.”

Tony bent Cassie forward once again and increased the speed of his thrusts. He wasn’t going in as deeply this time, choosing to focus on the repeated motion of his cock spreading her lips at the moment he entered her.

Cassie loved it and started rubbing herself again.

The two of them kept this up for five more minutes before Cassie’s right leg started to cramp. She needed to switch positions and knew exactly what she wanted.

Waiting for her cue, the moment Tony slowed down, she spoke.

“Hey,” she said. “Let’s switch positions. My leg hurts.”

“Okay,” he said.

“Do you want to be on top?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “Lay on your back.”

Cassie stood straight up and quickly stretched her legs. Once she could feel the blood was circulating again, she sat on the couch and spread herself for her cousin. But something was just … off.

“You know what?” she asked. “Why don’t we take this to the bed? I don’t have a lot of room here.”

“Great idea,” he said. “Hold on for a second though. I want you to suck my dick a little more.”

“Okay,” Cassie said with a smile.

Tony walked over to her and bent down slightly. He held his prick out and pressed it toward her mouth. She opened up and took him inside.

“Hmmmm,” she said, moving her head back and forth. From this position, Cassie was much more comfortable and could stroke him while sucking him.

Tony could multi-task, too. He reached over to his right and rubbed her pussy while she blew him.

“She’s still wet,” he thought. “She’s still into this.”

Tony took two fingers and started to finger his cousin. He didn’t want her to cum but he wanted to rotate his actions enough that she didn’t get bored and there’s only so much you can fuck someone before they start to feel raw.

As soon as he was satisfied with the results, he lifted her by her hands and walked with her to the bed.

“On your back,” he said.


Within moments of Cassie laying on the bed, she was already much more comfortable. She scooted up toward the headboard, soaking in the feel of the cool sheets on her slightly sweaty back as she moved. Looking up, she saw her cousin walking over to her. She couldn’t help but admire the sight of his arousal, glancing at his erection as he placed himself on the bed, stomach first.

Tony positioned himself at the bottom of the bed and leaned toward Cassie’s wide open legs, burying his face between them yet again.

She loved this feeling and, unlike earlier when he went down on her as she stood positioned on the couch, Cassie could really savor it this time, closing her thighs around his head and running her fingers through his hair.

“That’s it,” she said. “Eat that pussy.”

Tony moved his tongue in and out of her rapidly. He was doing his best to simulate a fucking motion with it and Cassie loved it, her hips bucking up involuntarily. Tony pinned her lower body down with his arms on her midsection and started paying special attention to her clit.

“Shitttttttt,” she said.

Tony kept this up for a few minutes before taking his tongue out of her. He stood on his knees on the mattress and repositioned himself with his cousin underneath.

“Spread it for me,” he told her.

Tony watched as Cassie brought her knees together with her toes pointed in the air. He grabbed her ankles and spread them slowly, one hand on each. Cassie then opened her legs in a slow motion, her pussy presenting itself a centimeter at a time.

When she was fully exposed, Tony began to rub the tip of his dick again.

“Play with it,” he instructed her.

She did.

Tony had lost a little of his erection when he focused on eating his cousin out but it was back soon after she began touching herself.

Cassie couldn’t wait any longer. She needed to feel him again.

“Put it in,” she told him.

Tony lined himself up once again and plunged forward.

“OOOOOOOOHHHHHH,” she moaned.

“Fuckkkkkk,” Tony said. “Fuck yeah,”

Tony had always had a love-hate relationship with missionary-style sex. Because it was the easiest position to get into, it was his wife’s preferred method of fucking if, and when, they ever got to the bedroom. He was a bit bored with it. But not tonight.

Tony loved the way his cousin moaned underneath him, slowly and gently rocking her body forward as he entered her.

“That’s it cuz,” Cassie said. “Fuck me.”

Tony increased his rhythm slightly and watched intently as his dick entered Cassie. It was still a sight he couldn’t get over. Her pussy engulfed him and they fit together like they were always meant to do this.

Tony could hear the sound of his balls as they slapped against Cassie’s ass but nothing was going to ruin this for him. This was some of the best pussy he’d ever had and he could take a little pain if he had to.

As Tony started to speed up, Cassie did too. She felt much more in control of her movements on the bed and was able to move her hips down to meet Tony’s upward thrusts, taking him deeper and deeper.

“Yeah,” she said. “That’s good. Keep that up right there. Fuckkkkkkkkkkk”

Tony was pushing hard enough that Cassie’s head was slowly creeping toward the headboard. With each thrust, he could hear the sound of the bed squeaking and the headboard gently thumping on the wall.

*thump, thump, thump, thump*

“Fuckkkkkkk,” Cassie moaned. “Yes … yes … ummmmm”

*bang, bang, bang*

“Ohhhhhh,” Tony replied. “Shitttttt ….. right there ….”

*bump, bump, bump*

Tony didn’t want to be too loud in this room. He didn’t want anyone knocking on his door and ruining this moment for him so he slowed down his strokes for a moment, wiggled his body back a few inches and pulled Cassie closer to him. He let his body weight collapse on top of her, putting them chest to chest for the first time.

It was time to slow down just a little, to go a little bit deeper. A little bit harder.

Tony could feel his cousin’s breasts underneath him and he looked at her beautiful blue eyes.

“You having fun?” she asked.

“Hell yeah,” he said. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

“I know, right?” she said. “Did you ever think you’d be fucking me?”

“No,” he said.

They rocked back and forth for few moments, holding their stare into each other’s eyes.

“Hey cuz,” Cassie said.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“I love the way your dick feels,” she said. “Give it to me. Come on, give it to me. FUCK ME.”

“Uhhhhh,” he replied. “I could so cum right now. Fuckkkk!”

“Yeah well don’t,” she said with a slight smile. “Keep fucking me. I’m close.”

Tony had no choice but to do what she asked.

Taking his hands and placing them under Cassie’s head, Tony repositioned himself and got ready to really go deep with his thrusts.

Cassie spread her legs wider, giving him full access. She was ready for him. Ready to take every inch.

Tony let his head drop down a bit, his chin touching Cassie’s shoulder slightly. His mouth was right next to her ear again and he whispered in a sultry voice: “I could fuck you all night. This is the best pussy I’ve ever had.”

Cassie lifted her hands and moved them past Tony’s shoulders to his back, near his shoulder blades. She dug her nails into his skin and scratched him in a downward motion.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” Tony said, thrusting as deep as her could. It felt amazing. “Oooooh yeah.”

Tony had slowed his strokes down considerably. Now, instead of quickly jetting in and out of his cousin, focusing on the point of contact where his dick entered her, he was determined instead to bottom out on each stroke, plowing into her like hammer smashing a nail into a piece of wood.

“Ummmmm,” he grunted with each push forward.

Cassie loved the change. It helped ease up her feelings and delayed her orgasm. She could feel every inch of him the minute he pushed inside and when he got as far in as he could, her eyes rolled back.

“Yeahhhhhhhhh cuz,” she said. “That’s it. Fuck me. Fuck me.”

For the next few minutes, neither of them spoke. Each focused exclusively on the sounds in the room and their individual body movements. Tony was sweating and wiped his forehead. THIS was the experience he’d been yearning for all those nights watching escort porn.

Cassie could feel the heat radiating from her cousin’s chest, her tits bouncing up with each stroke. Sex like this was why she did what she did. She laid back, closed her eyes and savored the feeling.

Neither Cassie nor Tony wanted to change positions but it was time; he was starting to get sore. Propping himself up on his forearms, he rested for a moment.

Just a few more minutes, he thought. I can do this.

Cassie knew he couldn’t keep going. She could see the pain on his face.

“Hey,” she said. “Let’s switch it up.”

“OK,” Tony said, coming to a near stop with his dick buried in Cassie’s pussy. “What do you want to do next?”

“You’re the customer,” she replied. “How do you want it?”


Fuck. That was so hot. Tony had never had a woman give over complete control like this in the bedroom. Cassie seemed down for any position he could come up with and his brain felt over-stimulated thinking about it.

“Can you ride me?” he asked.

“You want your cousin to hop on your dick?” she asked.

“Fuck yeah,” he said.

“As you wish,” Cassie said with a smile.

Tony moved back and laid on the bed. He was glad he’d be able to catch his breath. Or so he thought.

Cassie moved off to the side of the bed and adjusted her garter so it was centered again. She then leaned forward from a standing position, bent over toward Tony and kissed him, wrapping her arms around his head to pull him close.

She broke the kiss for a second to speak.

“You know, I never thought you’d be a good lay,” she said.

“Oh, fuck you,” he laughed.

“Seriously,” she said. “I thought for sure you were gonna be a two-pump chump.”

They both chuckled at the thought.

“I’m glad I was wrong,” she said.

As she kissed him deeply, Cassie let her tongue explore Tony’s mouth and her left hand found his dick once again. She stroked it lightly.

“I want to sit on your face,” she said.

“Ummm …” Tony replied. “Alright.”

“Cool,” she said.

Cassie propped herself back up on the bed and swung her legs over Tony’s body. In an instant, he was staring directly at her pussy lips and could feel her tits hanging low and lightly grazing his stomach. She backed her hips up slightly and pressed down until she felt the heat from his mouth rising up. She could feel Tony’s face touching her vagina and loved the sensation.

“That’s it cuz,” she said. “Lick it. Lick my pussy.”

Cassie pressed her body onto his face hard. She could feel his tongue slip inside of her and watched as Tony used his hands to guide her closer.

She looked down and saw his hard cock glistening. It was standing straight up. She did what came naturally and lowered her head, taking him back into her mouth.

“MMMFMFMFMM” Tony said, unable to speak.

The sensation was overwhelming for both of them. Cassie had a hard time focusing on the dick in her mouth as she felt her cousin’s tongue penetrate her. She bucked back repeatedly, loving how his tongue felt as it entered and exited her. Back and forth. Back and forth.

Tony could feel the warmth radiating from Cassie’s pussy right on his face. He did his best to keep up with her body as she pushed back against his face but breathing was not easy and he was having a little bit of trouble focusing. It didn’t help that his cousin was driving him wild with an upside down blowjob that, on any other night, would have made him pop immediately.

Cassie changed her technique slightly, sucking on the top of Tony’s dick and pressing her lips together fully as it entered her mouth. She used her tongue to swirl around his opening and stroked him with her hands, twisting them from the top to the base and back up.

Tony took his tongue out of Cassie’s pussy for a second.

“Fuck Cassie,” he said. “That’s too good. I’m gonna cum.”

“Okay,” she replied, not wanting the fun to end. “Let me turn around.”

Cassie swung her legs back off the bed, ending their 69.

“Do you want to see me tits or my ass while I ride you?” she asked.

“Tits,” he said.


Cassie moved her left leg up and over her cousin and got in position. She wanted to ease up slightly and help him come down just a bit so she sat directly on top of his dick and moved back and forth without letting it inside of her. It was eerily similar to their lap dance earlier but much more intimate.

When she felt he was ready, Cassie rose up slightly and with her left leg still bent, moved her right leg into a squatting position so there was a bit of distance between her opening and her cousin’s dick.

She grabbed him by the base and guided him back and forth on the outside of her pussy, making the top of his dick slick with her juices. She lined it up to her entrance and guided it in. In an instant, she was overwhelmed but she did her best to get into position. With one leg on each side of her cousin, Cassie was ready to ride.

“Alright, relax,” she told Tony. “Let me do the work.”

Cassie could feel Tony was securely in her and didn’t want him to pop out. She used her pussy to grip his cock and moved her hips up and down his lower stomach. The movement helped her act like a glove wrapping around him completely and she felt herself milking his dick up and down with every stroke.

Tony couldn’t take the sight. His cousin looked incredible riding his cock and her tits bounced in the air as she did so. More than once, he brought his hands to cover his eyes so he didn’t blow a load.

“You like that?” Cassie said. “You like that pussy?’

“Yeah,” Tony said weakly.

“Tell me you like it,” she said. “Tell me you like how I ride that big cock of yours.”

“I do,” he said. “I love your pussy.”

“Good,” she said.

Cassie gradually sped up their motions together. The bed creaked loudly as the headboard tapped the wall.

*creek, creek, creek *


“Fuck me,” Cassie told Tony. “Fuck me good. Give it to me.”

*bang, bang, bang*

“Ughhhhhh,” Tony said


Cassie was in full rhythm now and felt overwhelmed. She was close.

“I want to cum,” she said. “I want to cum on your cock.”

“Do it then,” Tony said.

*bang, bang, bang*

Cassie could feel the pressure building as she slammed her pussy onto his dick. She closed her eyes and thrashed her hair to the left and right.

Tony saw his opportunity. He moved his hands to her tits and started rubbing them. He pinched her nipples slightly, sending a shock of electricity through her body.

“OOOOOOhhhh yeah,” she said. “Keep doing that.”

For a few more minutes, Cassie rode his dick with speed and precision. She felt the world around her caving in and could only focus on her pleasure. She forgot Tony was even there as she felt him thrust in and out of her repeatedly.

“Fuck,” she said. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Tony knew she was almost there. Any minute now, she would be cumming.

He reached up and, careful not to break their rhythm, he wrapped his hands around Cassie at the neck and brought her down to him. They kissed.

“I want you to cum for me,” he said. “I want to feel you cum.”

Tony pulled Cassie into him, face to face. He wrapped his arms tightly around her head and she couldn’t move.

Suddenly, without warning, Cassie felt him start to speed up the thrusts on his end. He was going much faster than he had all night so far and they were fucking like rabbits.

“Oh shit,” she said. “Hell yeah. Do that. Fuck me. Fuck me fast.”

Tony wasn’t sure how long he could keep up this pace but he slammed in and out of his cousin non stop, creating a slick banging sound as his balls flew with his momentum.

“You ready to cum?” he asked.

“I’m ready,” she said.

“You want to cum for me?”

“I want to cum for you.”

In and out. Faster. Faster. Faster.

“That’s it,” she said. “Right there. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. I’m so close. So close. I’m almost there.”

“Cum for me,”

“Say it again,”

“Cum for me,”

“Keep saying it,” Cassie moaned. “Keep telling me. Keep doing it. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. I’m almost there. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy Shit. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk”

Tony felt Cassie’s pussy tighten up and grip him painfully. Her head twitched and her face locked up.

She was cumming. She was cumming hard.

“Oh fuckkkkkkkk,” Cassie said, her heart racing. “Fuckkkkkk.”

Tony slowed down the tempo of his thrusts as he felt a wave of fluid come rushing out. He looked down and saw a white substance. She had cum all over his dick.

“Holy shit,” he said. “You just came on me.”

Cassie collapsed on top of him.

“God damn,” she said, struggling to catch her breath.

Tony’s thrusts were slow now. He wanted his cousin to come down from her orgasm.

“You like that?” he asked.

“Oh yeah,” she said. “That was so good.”

Tony could feel Cassie was frozen and not moving. He took the opportunity to catch his own breath and let his dick pop out of her, resulting in a loud ‘plop’ sound.

“You almost there?” Cassie asked. She was starting to feel a bit raw and hoped she could make her cousin cum soon.

“Yeah,” he said.

“Okay,” she replied. “Where do you want to cum?”

Tony thought about it. Earlier, Cassie told him she wanted him to cum in her pussy but, as hot as that was, he had another idea.

The entire reason he was here tonight was to have paid sex with a professional the way he couldn’t with his wife. He wanted someone who knew what they were doing, sure, and Cassie certainty delivered on that front. But he also wanted an animalistic experience and that meant he had to finish in a way he’d never be able to at home.

“Honestly,” he said. “Up until that moment, I wanted to cum in your pussy.”

“Uh huh,” Cassie said.

“But now,” he replied. “I really kind of want to … if you’re okay with it … can I come on your face?”

Cassie laughed. Of course he wanted to do that.

“You want to cum on my face?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “No one’s ever let me do that before.”

Cassie thought about it. She really wanted to feel him cum deep inside of her but, as the old saying goes, the customer is always right.

“Alright,” she said. “That’s fine. You can cum on my face.”


Tony looked over at the clock. It was nearly 10:40. They’d been fucking for nearly 20 minutes now. It was just about time to wrap it up.

“How do you want me?” Cassie asked again.

“Bend over,” he said, getting up off the bed and standing up. “I want to fuck you from behind again.”

“Of course you do,” she laughed.

Cassie did as she was told and immediately felt much more comfortable than when they started in this position. For one thing, the feel of the sheets against her legs was much nicer than the couch cushions. For another, she was able to prop herself up with the pillows on the hotel bed.

Tony knew he wouldn’t last long in this position but he needed to see her ass bouncing back on his dick one more time.

As Cassie got ready, Tony spit on his hand and rubbed his dick, lubing it up. He lined up to the entrance of Cassie’s pussy one more time.

“Hey cuz,” he said.

“Yeah?” she asked.

“Thanks for doing this,” Tony replied. “This has been amazing.”

“You’re welcome,” she said. “I’ve had fun too.”

Tony guided his dick forward, rubbing her lips from behind and feeling the slickness that remained from her orgasm a few minutes ago.

“Are you ready for me?” he asked.

“I am,” she said.

“Then tell me,” he responded.


Cassie took a deep breath. This was it, the big finish.

“Hey cuz,” she said.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“Do you want to fuck me?” she said in a seductive voice.

“So badly,” Tony replied.

“Then do it,” she said. “Fuck your cousin. Fuck me Tony. Fuck me right now. I want your dick inside of me and I want to make you cum. Put it in me.”

Tony pushed forward. He entered her.

“OOOOOHHHH,” Cassie said.

Tony could never get sick of the feeling he got when he entered his cousin’s pussy and now, knowing he was going to cum soon, he made sure to enjoy every second of it. If this was a one-time-only type of deal, Tony wanted to make the most of it.

“Fuck cuz,” he said. “This is so hot.”

“Yeah it is,” she replied. “Now fuck me.”

Tony began to increase his pacing. He looked down and saw his dick disappear from sight and stared at her beautiful ass as it bounced back and forth on him. He could feel the pressure building in his balls as his head brushed in and and out of her entrance.

“Fuckkkkkkk Cassie,” he said. “Your pussy is so tight.”

“It’s so tight,” she echoed. “It’s so tight and wet right now. You fuck me so good. I love feeling your dick in me. Push it in. Fuck me deep. Come on.”

Tony was bucking his body faster and faster. Cassie noticed.

“That’s it cuz,” she said. “Take that pussy. It’s yours. Take it. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me.”

Tony could feel the grip of her lips on his shaft, he could feel every cell in his body connecting with hers and his brain went numb. He wasn’t fucking his cousin right now. He was fucking the whore that he paid for. The dirty, dirty slut that gives up her pussy for money.

“You like that dick?” he asked. “You like the way I fuck you?”

“Yeah I do” Cassie said, guiding her hand back to her mound so she could feel the underside of Tony’s dick as it entered her.

“Tell me,” he said. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

“I want you to cum,” she said. “I want you to fuck me hard, fuck me tight, fuck me deep and then cum all over my pretty little face.”

“Ummmmmmmmmm,” Tony said.

Cassie pushed back.

“Fuckkkkkk,” he replied. “I’m so close.”

Tony was moving faster than he could remember moving and slamming in and out of Cassie. With her head down, she let out a series of soft moans as he railed her.

“MMMMMM,” she said. “Yesssssssss. MMMMMMM….. Fuck me.”

Cassie’s voice was a near whisper now.

“Fuck me,” she moaned softly. “Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Faster. Faster. Faster. That’s it.”

Tony was close. He was so close.

“Come on cuz,” she said. “Give it to me. Give me that cum. Give it to me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Deeper. Harder. Deeper. Faster. Faster. Faster.”

Tony was almost there.

“I’m close,” he said. “I’m so close.”

Tony plopped out of his cousin’s pussy and straightened his body. Cassie grabbed a pillow, tossed it on the floor and, in an instant, was on her knees on top of it, in front of her cousin.

She grabbed his dick with her right hand and took the head of it in her mouth. She lowered herself on him and could taste the mix of their fluids

“Hmmmmmmmm,” she said, moaning on his cock.

Cassie was passionately jerking her cousin off now and picked up the tempo. She took his dick out of her mouth and focused her hand on the top of his shaft and underside of its head. Holding his penis straight up, she was milking his top and looking at him right in the eyes.

“Come on cuz,” she said with bated breath. “I want you to cum. I want you to cum all over my face.”

Cassie lowered her mouth onto his dick again and felt her cousin bury himself deep in her throat. She moved her mouth up and down his dick with vigor, stroking him with her hands as she did. She was sure to use all the spit and saliva she could muster to make it as wet as possible.

“Fuck,” Tony said, barely able to speak. “I’m right there.”

Cassie sped up her strokes.

“I’m so close,” he said. “Keep doing that ….. Faster ……. Faster.”

Cassie was throwing her face forward with breakneck speed, moving up and down on his dick like her life depended on it. He was close. He was seconds away.

“Cum for me cuz,” she said. “I want to feel your cum all over my face.”

“Keep talking,” he said. “Keep talking to me.”

Cassie took his dick out of her mouth again and focused on it with her hands.

“That’s it,” she said. “You’re there. You’re almost there. I want you to cum. I want you to cum all over me. Cum on my face … cum on my fucking face.”

Tony groaned.

“Yeahhhhh,” she moaned. “Cum for me cuz. Cum all over your cousin’s face. Let me feel it. Let me feel your load. Give it to me. Cum for me.”

“Fuckkkkkkkkkkk,” he said. “Fuck, I’m right there.”

“Cum for me,” she said, her voice rising. “Cum for me cuz. Come on. Cum for me.”

“Faster,” Tony said. “That’s it. That’s it. I’m there. I’m there. So close. So close.”

Cassie popped the tip of Tony’s dick back in her mouth and sucked hard.

“Shit,” he said. “Shit……. shit…… fuck….. fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!”

Cassie felt Tony’s hip buck and pulled his dick out just in time to feel the first spurt of his cum bounce off of her cheek. It was so warm and salty as it ran down her face.

Closing her eyes, she pointed his dick up ever so slightly and felt the second and third spurts shoot across her closed eyelids. The fourth hit her lips. The fifth and sixth were much smaller—dribbles really—and they rested in the space between her nose and lips.

She was covered.

“Fuckkkkkkkk,” Tony said, looking at the mess he just made.

He was spent and sat down on the bed.

“Holy shit,” he said. “Holy shit, holy shit.”


“I’ve never cum like that before,” Tony said, exhausted.

Cassie couldn’t open her eyes. She didn’t want to get semen in them. It hurt like a bitch when that happened.

“Grab my phone,” she told Tony.

“Huh?” he asked.

“Grab my phone.”

Tony was surprised but didn’t ask any other questions.

He grabbed Cassie’s phone and walked it over to her.

“7432,” she said.

Tony entered her passcode and saw she had six missed texts. They could wait.

“What’s up?” he asked, still breathing heavy.

“I want you to take a picture of me,” she said. “Take a picture of how much cum you put on my face.”

“Holy shit,” he laughed. “You’re fucking crazy.”

Tony opened her camera app and took seven photos. He made sure to angle them to get all the cum as it started to drip off Cassie’s face but also made sure to include her tits in the shots as well.

“Can you send these to me?” he asked.

“Get the fuck out of here,” she said, laughing. “Are you crazy? You think I’m going to let my cousin have photos of my jizz-covered face?”

“I mean, it is MY jizz,” he countered.

He had a point. Still, she wasn’t going to budge.

“Yeah, no way,” she said, laughing.

“Fine, fine,” he said. “You win.”

Tony wanted the photos as a reminder of the night he fucked his cousin. Not that he needed them. He knew there was no way he’d ever forget this.

“Jesus Christ,” he said. “I can’t believe we did that. Did we really just do that?”

“Yeah we did,” she said.

Cassie’s brain was still processing everything that happened. Without even realizing it, she had a thought.

“Hey,” Cassie said. “Do me a favor. Turn the video on and hit record.”

Tony did.

Cassie still had her eyes closed but she pulled Tony forward.

She couldn’t see but her sense of feel guided her next move.

Cassie opened her mouth and put Tony’s softening dick in it once again. She could taste his cum and loved every second of it. Tony watched in awe as his cousin licked his dick clean. On camera no less.

She continued this for a minute or so as Tony’s dick gradually deflated.

“Okay, that’s enough,” she said, laughing. “Now get me a towel.”


Tony walked into the bathroom and grabbed his cousin one of the white hotel towels. On the way in, he saw his naked body in the mirror and shook his head. Just a few hours ago, he was here working up the courage to see his first escort. Now, he just finished fucking his cousin.

How quickly things can change.

“Here you go,” he said, throwing the towel to Cassie.

As she wiped the jizz off her face, Cassie made sure to taste some on the way down. She always loved the taste of cum in her mouth. It was like the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae and a reward for doing a good job.

“Dude,” Tony said, putting his shorts back on. “I can’t believe we just did that.”

“Me either.” she replied.

Able to see again, Cassie got up and made her way to the bathroom as Tony spread out on the bed and recovered. She splashed some water in her face, looked at herself in the mirror and smiled.

Surprisingly, there was no guilt on her part for what she had just done. In this moment, he felt to her like any other client.

Cassie hopped in the shower and rinsed off. If she wasn’t totally sexually spent, she might have rubbed herself to the memories of a few minutes ago but, for now, she just wanted to get clean, go home and bask in the glory of a great lay.


Tony laid in bed for ten minutes before he heard the shower stop. The crack of a door opening came next.

Cassie emerged from the bathroom with a towel around her torso and another covering her hair.

She looked great.

“Hey cuz,” Tony said. “All clean?”

“Yeah,” she said. “The water pressure in that shower sucks. You should wait a little while if you’re gonna use it. I took most of the hot water.”

“That’s fine,” he said. “I’ll probably jump in later. I just want to relax right now.”

“Suit yourself,” Cassie replied, taking her towel off and tossing the luggage case on the bed.

“Headed out?” he asked.

“Yep,” she said. “Got an early morning and want to get home before Wendy’s closes. Gonna get some food, watch some TV and zonk out”

“Ahh yes,” Tony replied. “I forgot it’s Masked Singer night.”

“Hey,” she said. “We’ve all got our guilty pleasures.”

Cassie took out a regular pair of nondescript panties, a sports bra, a plain black t-shirt and jeans. In a minute or two, she was back to being dressed like the girl Tony has known his whole life. As she started to pack up, she grabbed the folded pile of sexy clothes she had seductively peeled off of herself earlier.

“So …” she said. “This isn’t going to be weird, right?”

“I don’t think so,” he said. “You’re cool if I jerk off to you for like the rest of my life, right?”

Cassie laughed. “Whatever makes you happy,” she replied. “Just don’t tell me about it. Don’t make it weird, okay? I get it. Maybe we went too far. Maybe we did stuff we’re going to regret. But let’s not let this change anything, okay?”

“Definitely,” he said.

Tony had a burning question in the back of his mind but no idea how to ask it. After a minute of silence, he decided it was now or never. He might not get a second chance.

“So …” he said, quietly. “Can I see you again?”

Cassie dreaded the question. She really didn’t want to think about that right now. This was already weird enough. Figuring out long-term consequences wasn’t something she could handle right now.

“I don’t think so,” she said. “Not like this. It’s wrong.”

“It didn’t feel wrong,” Tony replied.

“Come on,” she said with a laugh. “Yeah it did. That’s why it was so fun.”

Cassie put her shoes on and grabbed her phone. She was ready to go.

“I’m going to get going,” she said. “Thanks for everything tonight. It wasn’t what I was expecting but … it, uh, it was something.”

Tony got out of the bed and hugged his cousin goodbye.

“Thank you,” he said. “Seriously. That was incredible. It was everything I could’ve asked for and much more.”

“Alright cuz,” Cassie said, moving her luggage onto the floor and headed toward the door. “I’ll see ya later. Tell your mom I said hi.”

“You too,” he replied.

And, with that, she was gone.


For the first four days after their encounter, Tony and Cassie could think of nothing else but each other.

What they had done that night was so dirty and wrong. It was beyond taboo and neither one of them knew if they’d be able to forgive themselves for it.

But it was also very hot. And so very, very good.

Tony and Cassie didn’t know it but each of them spent the next week masturbating about the other.

Even as their real lives resumed, the thought of one another was always there in the back of their mind, like a seed to a sunflower buried deeply in fertile soil, waiting to grow.

Tony went back to work in his office and his relationship with his wife was back to being perfect.

Cassie even saw other clients, though none left her as satisfied. Still, a job is a job.

As the emotions and memories of the evening gradually faded, Tony and Cassie began to think of their night together less and less, though it was always the go-to when they wanted to quickly masturbate and finish.

Their relationship together remained what it always was. Cordial. Friendly. Familiar.

Apart from a slight increase in comments they left for each other on Facebook posts, no one in their circle of friends or family members would have noticed a difference.

Six weeks later, they finally crossed paths at a family event, Cassie’s sister Amanda’s baby shower. Neither knew the other one would be there but, secretly, they hoped.

The minute Tony saw his cousin in the corner of the room, he knew he had to talk to her but had no idea what to say to break the ice.

Instead, they stole glances at one another for more than a half hour, waiting to see who would walk over first.

Cassie did.

“What’s up, cuz?” she asked, holding a can of Coke in her hand.

It was always the can of Coke.


“Hey,” Tony said, leaning forward to give Cassie a hug. “I didn’t see you there.”

“Liar,” she said with a smile. “You’ve been checking me out for like 20 minutes.”

Tony shook his head. He had been.

“You look great,” he said.

“Yeah, you too.” she replied.

“Whatcha been up to?” he asked.

“Same stuff, different day.” she said.

For the next five minutes, Cassie and Tony talked like nothing was different in their relationship. It felt refreshing. Being able to have an unforgettably taboo night like they did, with someone you’re related to no less, and not having it go sideways was a relief for both of them.

They might not be able to look at each other completely innocently anymore but, thankfully, it seemed like in time things would carry on like nothing happened.

“So where’s Kayla?” Cassie wondered.

“She’s home,” Tony said. “She’s headed up to Jacksonville tomorrow for work so she wanted to rest a bit so I’m flying solo.”

“Nice,” she said. “How are things with you guys?”

“Good,” he said. “We’re planning a trip to New York in a few months. We haven’t been there in forever.”

“That’s awesome,” she replied. “You should go in the fall. The colors are really pretty and the shows are great.”

“Yeah, we were thinking of catching one of the musicals. I haven’t seen Wicked and I’ve been wanting to for a while. She mostly wants to walk around midtown, try a couple new restaurants and maybe bike around Central Park for a while. We’ll see.”

“That’s awesome,” Cassie said. “Well, tell her I said hello.”

“I will,” Tony said. “How’s work?”

Cassie laughed. This was definitely an odder question than she was used to considering he knew exactly what she did for her career.

“Same old, same old,” she said. “You know how it is. “

“Seeing a lot of dudes?” he joked.

“And women,” Cassie said, raising an eyebrow.

“Sexy,” Tony said.

“Yeah, not really,” she replied. “Still, it’s work. I like it.”

Tony let the silence hang for a moment.

“Well,” he said. “If you ever need a regular client, you’ve got my number.”

“Ha!” Cassie said with a laugh. “You wish.”

He did.

“What are you guys talking about?” their uncle Randy asked.

“Nothing much,” Cassie said. “Just work stuff.”

Tony and Cassie mingled with the rest of their family members for the rest of the baby shower. Tony left an hour or so after Cassie’s sister revealed all the gifts she and her husband had received. Cassie helped clean up and was out of there by 8 p.m.

When she got home, she thought about texting her cousin but she didn’t know what to say. The idea of seeing him as a regular wasn’t that wrong, was it? It’s not like they hadn’t already crossed that line once.

She talked herself out of it.

Three days later, she woke up to a text from him anyway.

It was a photo of a half dozen neatly stacked $100 bills.

“If you want to make some extra money, I’ve got some burning a hole in my pocket,” Tony said, ending the message with three laughing emojis.

Cassie didn’t respond. Not right away.

That night, as Tony laid on his couch watching television, he felt his phone vibrate. It was her.

“Hey,” she said.

“Hey,” he replied.

“I was thinking about what you said earlier today,” she said.

“Oh yeah?”



“And that stack is about half what it should be.”

That was it. Finally.

Cassie finally opened up the possibility of another session together.

“Maybe it is,” he said. “Maybe it’s not.”

Cassie smiled when she received his reply.

“You know my rates,” she said. “And you know I’m worth the money.”

Tony felt his dick rising the minute he saw her text. She was right.

“Yeah but I was hoping for a family discount,” he said.

“You’re lucky I don’t charge you more,” she said.

Five minutes went by. Neither knew how to advance this to the next level without it coming across as awkward. It was much easier the first time. They’d accidentally run into each other and gradually worked up to sex. Pre-planning for it, and knowing who was on the other end of the phone, was much tougher to handle.

“So,” Tony typed. “Are we gonna do this?”

“Maybe,” Cassie replied. “I don’t know. But if we did, we’d need some ground rules.”

“Okay,” Tony replied. “Like what?”

“Not through text,” she said. “We’ll talk later.”

“Alright, alright,” Tony said. “Wednesday night? Same place?”

“Yeah,” she said.

“Same price?” he asked.

“Yep,” she replied.


It was official. Almost.

“One thing …” Cassie said.

“What?,” Tony asked.

He watched the three dots on his phone flash for what seemed like an eternity. He was on the edge of his seat waiting for his cousin’s next text. Suddenly, a photo came in. It was a picture of Cassie. With his cum on her face.

“This time I decide where you cum,” she said.

Holy. Fuck. The sight of Cassie’s tits made Tony rock hard again. He immediately wished he had scheduled their meeting sooner. The next few days would be agonizing.

“Deal,” he said. “And, this time, I want you in white.”

“Alright,” she said. “I’ll see you Wednesday. Eight o’clock.”

“Wednesday at eight,” Tony repeated. “I’ll be there.”

With that, Tony put his phone down and rubbed his dick through the outside of his pants.

The wait began. Again.


The End. (Or is it?)

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