Mother and son spend Christmas alone

Margret looked visibly pale, realizing her fuck up.

“Y-you can’t… I don’t know w-what you’re-”

“How much do you want to bet that it’s going to test positive for one of your sickly husband’s prescription drugs? The police takes drugging someone very seriously you know.” Mom leaned forward with a wicked smile, towering over her nemesis.

“L-listen, it was just a joke. I-I’ll do anything y-”

“You’ll leave. One week and I want both you and your poor fool of a husband gone, or I press charges. I don’t care where you go. Sell the house after. Just get out of my sight,” she growled.

Margret seemed to shrink under my mother gaze, stammering an apology before slinking away with tears in her eyes. Mom turned on the spot and slammed the door shut behind her.

I stood by the window, dumbfounded at the spectacle and very impressed at my mother’s display. I met her as she was walking back from the hall.

“Holy shit, Mom,” I exclaimed. “What was that?”

Her anger seemed to melt away at the sight of me, giving way to a self-satisfied smile.

“What? I just put her in her place is all,” she said smugly.

“But how did you manage to come up with the part about aunt Jen instead of just beating her into a pulp?” I asked incredulously.

“Oh, I don’t know. I just thought of it,” she explained. “I do feel a lot more relaxed after last night, and this morning, and noon…” Her voice wandered off and she put an arm around me with a smile.

“Either way, that was awesome,” I praised her.

“You think so?” she said, smiling at me as we walked together toward the bedroom.

“Hell yes. In fact, I think you deserve a reward, if you can think of anything I can do for you?” I teased.

“Oh, I think I can come up with something,” Mom said with a chuckle.


I was once again driving home for . The weather was much better this year, but the ground was still covered in snow.

‘It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year’ played on the radio as I turned into our street. I still whistled the song as I strode up to the door. I rang the doorbell, to no answer.

did have a key but I tried the handle first, which turned out to be unlocked.

“Mom?” I called out. Perhaps she was outside.

When she didn’t answer I got out of my jacket and pulled my sports bag into the house. Everything looked the same. The house glittered in red, white and green colors. I put the bag in my room and pondered the coming Christmas.

Me and Mom would be alone this year as well. I don’t know what she’d told them exactly, but somehow she had gotten the rest of our relatives to agree to it. Which gave us a lot more time for ourselves, I thought with a grin.

We had continued our sexual relationship throughout the year. I came home as often as I could without feeling like I was damaging my normal college life, and sometimes she stayed over at my place. Mom insisted I shouldn’t let our activities stand in the way of me finding a girlfriend, but so far I was content with staying single. Sex with my mother was so much better than anything anyone else could offer anyway.

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