Mother and son spend Christmas alone

She stood up and walked toward the front door.

“Hey! …fuck,” I swore and followed her, ignoring the steel rod grinding against my leg.

Mom was already out the door when I caught up. I quickly put on my shoes and followed.

She was standing in the snow on our front lawn, watching our neighbor’s house.

“They’re not home. That fucking bitch,” she spat out as I reached her.

“Are you saying she… what? Laced the cookies she gave to us? She ate of them herself!” I said, figuring out what must have happened as soon as I finished talking.

Mom looked at me. “Viagra, probably…” she said.

“Fuck… Seriously? Why the fuck would she do that?” I was getting pretty angry myself.

“Because that’s the kind of shit she pulls… Fucking whore!” she swore. I had never seen her that angry before. She turned and went back into the house, and I followed.

Inside, Mom was still fuming with anger.

“How fucking dare that old cunt bring you into this?” she cursed.

“Just… calm down, Mom,” I tried.

“Sorry. I’m so sorry, Nick. Do you want me to call a doctor or something?” she asked.

“Ah, no. Please don’t. I’ll just… wait it out, I guess.” I really didn’t want track down a doctor on Day to explain my current predicament. I could probably just wait for the effect to pass.

I returned to the couch and tried to distract myself. Mom joined me after she’d calmed down somewhat. She still looked a bit pissed off, and concerned.

“Are you sure it’s fine?” she asked.

“Kind of…” I answered.

Her sitting so close to me wasn’t helping. Even when I wasn’t looking I could feel her sitting next to me, in her sexy red dress, her wet lips contorted in concern as she watched my raging boner. Her leg, leaning up against mine, stuck out of the slit in the dress and was naked up the the thigh.

I really shouldn’t think about such things, but I couldn’t help myself.

“Sweetie… Maybe you should just go and, you know, take care of it,” Mom suggested, not taking her eyes off my “problem”.

Without a word, I left for the bathroom and did just that. It wasn’t as easy as I would have thought though. Without any or other stimulation it took me about twenty minutes before I finally came, catching the load with some toilet paper.

The erection still persisted though, making me curse in frustration. That wasn’t going to work either. I returned to the couch, and plan A, instead. I’d just wait, no matter how uncomfortable I was.

Mom noticed as soon as I returned.

“Jesus, Nick. Didn’t it work?”

“No. Turns out it’s not… enough, to jerk off,” I said, not even thinking about how strange it was to have that conversation with my own mother.

“God, I’m so sorry sweetie…” she spoke, sitting close and running her hand through my hair. She was still keeping her eyes fixed on my erection. I wasn’t sure what to make of that.

“Son…” she said softly. “This, um, might sound crazy but… what if I helped you out? If it’s a question of stimulation, then…” She paused to breathe in deeply, and looked more determined.

“You did say you found me attractive yesterday,” she said.

Please wait…

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