Mother, son, and complications

She started crying and my heart broke for her as she kept saying, “But I love you…I love you…” I put my arm around her and didn’t say anything as she cried quietly. And then the last fucking thing in the world I expected, happened. She started kissing my neck and my face and went to my lips. I automatically kissed the woman who had been so good to me. I was so conflicted. Do I stop her and hurt her now or do I let it go on and hurt her later? She said, “Mickey, make love to me one more time.”

Fuck. I gave in. I started touching her and she said, “No, take me to the Piedmont, like you used to.” That was the hotel we went to when we started having sex and didn’t want our moms to know. I knew it probably wasn’t the right thing to let her think that in some way we might re-kindle the past, but again I took the path of least resistance.

When we got to the room, I knew what she wanted. She always came hard when I took her in my mouth. As soon as we got into the room I took her pants and panties off and positioned her on the bed. I stayed dressed and without any of our usual foreplay, I went down on her. Her pussy was wet and I did what she liked; long licks on her folds and gentle probing with my tongue. When she was ready I pressed her clit with the flat of my tongue and then used the tip to circle the periphery of her sensitive button. When I took it between my lips and massaged it, she abruptly came.

It started with the sounds of a woman coming…”Oh Mickey, oh, oh, oh…” and after the initial crests subsided, the sounds became tearful and then angry. She was still saying “Oh…oh…oh…” but the pleasure was gone. She was hitting my shoulders and my back and my head with her hands and fists. I didn’t move away until she stopped. Listening to her cry hurt much more than her fists. We didn’t say anything on the way home. I stayed in the car until she got in the door and I drove to the inn.

I let myself in and I went to my ‘s apartment. I knew Aunt Carol wouldn’t hear me because she was on the opposite end. I knocked softly and when she asked who it was, I told her and used the key I hadn’t given back to get in. She started asking me what the matter was and I said, “Mom, it’s over between Carol and I, over. I told her tonight and it’s finished. This is our chance for a beginning mom; let’s not throw it away. Just don’t say anything, just let me love you.”

In thinking about it later I guess there was a transition I wanted to make from what happened that night with Carol and what I wanted to happen with my mother. It was stuck in my head that I wanted nothing more than to go down on her.

I pulled the sheet off her and reached under the nightgown to pull her panties off. She must have thought I wanted to have sex inside her and she opened her legs and arms for me to come to her. I put my head between her legs and started licking her with a new passion that was aroused in me. I was hard as I could be and frenetic as I licked and sucked the pussy I wanted so much. I paid no attention the techniques I knew in my head and let my mouth and lips dictate the form and pace of the sex. It wasn’t long before my mom said, “Baby, you’re making me come, OH…OH…I’m coming, I’m coming…”

Please wait…

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