A mother with a “little secret” seduces her son’s girlfriend

I was crushed when he died, but I did my best to hold it together for the sake of Josh. While I did sue the hospital, I couldn’t find it in me to blame the nurse for her mistake. Nurses working conditions were abysmal back then – not that they’ve improved much – and she was just trying to make some extra cash to raise her own child.

The resulting malpractice suit and insurance pay-off from the hospital meant that we live a pretty comfortable – but not lavish – lifestyle. The interest and dividends mean that I don’t have to work, but I spend most of my free time on my life’s third love – golf. (George and Josh being one and two)

I give lessons at a country club that I’m a member of. It might not surprise you to find that a lot of rich guys are willing to pay $200 an hour to stare at a busty blonde wearing a golf skort and swinging a driver. What surprises them is that I’m a scratch golfer and actually give good lessons on how they can improve. They might come for my tits, but my regulars keep coming back because I help their golf game.

Funny enough, it was George that got me into golf. I’d never played before we met, but he played on his college team. When he introduced me to the sport, I thought it was ridiculous until I got to the putting green. As it turns out, I’m a natural and rarely miss a putt inside of 15 feet.

George cultivated my game, and I saw it as another opportunity to spend more time with him. In the process, I got very good and within a few years was giving him a run for his money. I don’t think I would have ever started giving lessons if George hadn’t died. When he was gone, you might think I’d give up golf because it reminded me of him, but it was just the opposite.

I played even more, because it reminded me of him.

With the settlement and not having to work, I spent most of my free time practicing, taking lessons, playing in tournaments, learning everything about the golf swing and in the process, learning how to teach it. George still inspires me to this day. He was truly one-of-a-kind.

Another reason I say he’s one of a kind is because of how he responded to my “little” secret.

You see, I’m a futanari.

I don’t mean that I’m unbelievably proportioned like you might see in those ridiculous “hentai” porn cartoons. Yes, I’ve got a large chest, but my cock isn’t three feet long and I can’t fill up a 10-gallon bucket with semen in a single orgasm from my monstrously large testicles.

Partially because I don’t have any testicles and my ejaculate is clear. Kind of like when girls squirt, but it has a sweet taste and a little thicker consistency. It also doesn’t have sperm, so I can’t impregnate anyone.

I’ve got a pretty normal-looking vagina (in my opinion) with inner lips that poke out a tiny bit, but I have an overly large clitoris that’s shaped like a tiny little dick. Think “micropenis”. Except that when I get aroused, i can “allow” my clit-dick to swell to many times it’s size. Just under nine inches, and thick enough my thumb and forefinger can barely touch when it’s fully engorged.

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