Mother comforts lesbian daughter. Daughter seduces mother

I came home after cheerleader practice to find the house empty. I was not overly surprised, considering my mom usually didn’t get home for another hour. I put my dirty clothes in the laundry and changed into a pair of short shorts and a small t-shirt. I had already showered at school, so I just decided to relax and watch a little TV. I was in a fun and didn’t really notice anything that was playing, I just liked the background noise. I didn’t want to wallow in my own misery too much, so any distraction helped. I’m not sure how long I stayed there, sprawled out on the couch, but the next thing I knew my mom came home with her customary “Baby girl, I’m home.”

I smiled and almost burst into tears right then and there, as I heard her footsteps entering the room. I am eighteen years old and was in my senior year of high school. I had been on the cheerleader squad since my freshmen year. I was physically fit and hand blonde hair and blue eyes. I kept my hair cut just passed my ears for easier control and because my hair framed my face in a way that I thought made me look cuter. I had come out to my mother as a lesbian when I was thirteen, and she had always been supportive of my life choices. My dad had split when I was two years old, so it was always just my mom and me.

Mom had a successful career as a bank manager, so money was not an issue for us. I was lucky to get my good looks from my mom. Her hair was a darker shade of blonde and she was a fully developed woman. I always commented that I hoped to look like here when I grew up. She had a great figure. She was not overly skinny. She was always turning down men, and I bet some women, because of her good looks. It was customary for me to see men openly admire her body when were out together. We were always very conscientious and maybe a little territorial about people hitting on either of us while we were out together, and we both seemed happiest when it was just the two of us. She had full DD breasts and a shapely ass, that filled out every outfit she wore. I was slightly smaller with breasts that were pushing up to me a solid D cup, but hopefully more.

It was the off season, but even so it was a little strange for me to be home this early on a Friday night. I would usually get together with friends, and a simple call home to tell mom where I was, what we were doing, and who I was with always kept her informed and her worries at bay. She walked into the living room to find me sitting there silently with a far out look in my eyes as I stared unseeingly at the TV. I guess she could tell something was wrong, because she knelt down next to me and asked “Sweetheart, what’s wrong.”

I had been holding back for so long that her simple question opened the flood gates and I immediately burst into tears, as she pulled me into her. I flung my arms around her and clung to her body for all that I was worth, as I cried my eyes out. Feeling my tears subside as my mom rubbed my back soothingly, was finally able to answer her “Jamie said we were done and told everyone on the squad that I was in love with her. She called me a dyke and said that I wasn’t worth her time. She said that I was just a spoiled little girl who always gets what she wants. She told everyone in the gym that I had been stalking and harassing her, just to try and get into her pants.”

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