Mother and Son accidental encounter quickly become intimate

Work had been really busy. I was asked to work overtime for the third Saturday in a row on the evening shift. I loved the extra money I was getting for time and a half and even double time on Sundays but I was getting worn down from not having a day off in three weeks. When I arrived at work, I was met by the weekend manager who told me that unfortunately I had exceeded the amount of days I could work consecutively without a day off. Trying to be the good employee I promised him I wouldn’t tell anybody and laughed.

“I know you like the money but the law is the law. You have seemed to be a little run down anyway. You probably should take tomorrow off as well. Get some rest.”

I wanted to argue but the idea of two days off in a row actually sounded great. On the drive home I decided to call mom and see if she wanted me to pick up some takeout. When she didn’t answer it didn’t concern me. My thought was she was either in the shower or by the pool and didn’t have her phone with her.

When I got home, I noticed her car was in the garage as usual. When I entered the house I called out for her but there was no answer. I glanced out the patio door and saw her head sticking up over the back of the pool chair she was reclined on. I had figured that is where she would be. Without a thought, I decided I would spend the rest of the afternoon with her by the pool so I went to my room and changed.

Opening the patio door, I made my way to the pool. I wasn’t being sneaky but I wasn’t making any noise either. It never occurred to me that my unannounced appearance would startle her. I wasn’t even looking at where mom was sitting as I approached so I was almost next to her when I finally looked at her.

She was sunbathing completely nude. Her eyes were closed and she had on ear buds. She was completely oblivious to the fact I was standing in shock looking down at her naked body. As I have said, I never had a sexual thought in my life about my mom but looking down at her made something in me stir.

Time lost meaning as I took in the sight of her. Evidently, she tanned nude quite often because there wasn’t a tan line on her. Her pussy was completely shaved and tan. Her breasts weren’t large, B cup, but her nipples had dark large areola and the nipples themselves were hard and stuck out a good half inch. Without consciously realizing it, my cock began to get hard.

Eventually, I honestly have no idea how long I was staring down at her, her eyes opened and she let out a surprised squeal. She had nothing to cover herself with because she was reclining on her towel. There was no bathing suit to be seen so she must have just walked from the house naked or had the towel wrapped around her.

“You scared me!” she said looking up at me.

I was still too shocked to move or say anything. By now I realized I was standing in front of my naked mother sporting a huge stiffy. I felt like I was stuck in quicksand. There was an extended time of awkward silence before I could finally speak.

“S… sorry. I didn’t know.”

Please wait…

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