Mom & sister discover leprechaun isn’t that small

I jokingly flexed my biceps, posing for my happy family.

Neither of the females asked, but I could see their eyes continually drift to my groin as I posed. They of course had seen the outward changes in me over the past year, but had no idea just what had happened below my waist.

“Yes I can see you’re curious ladies, no don’t deny it,” the Doc went on. “And yes, happily we did also have some success on the sexual question. Jimmy does have erections, does ejaculate, will be able to father a child.”

I could feel both Patty and Mom’s eyes boring into me, trying to see exactly what was hidden beneath my boxers, but afraid to ask.

“Do you think Jimmy; I mean do you mind showing your Mom, your sis?” Doc Clickstein asked, words we’d already practiced. And as I slowly slipped the shorts down, letting them see first the thick blond thatch, and then even more slowly exposed the thick shaft, inch by inch, the good doctor added, “the treatment worked extraordinarily well on ..”

“Jeeeessssus Christ,” Mom groaned, awe in her voice, “you’re even bigger than your father was.”

“Oh my Gawwwwd,” Patty gasped at the same time. “How big is it anyway?” she finally asked.

I had been already semi-hard as I lowered my shorts and exposed myself, but as Mom and Patty stared, my prick stretched and lifted, bucking upwards as it filled with blood.

“Just about nine and a half inches,” Doctor Clickstein announced happily, and you knew that my big cock was one of his proudest achievements. He then went on to tell the rapt females that my penis was in the top one point three four per cent in terms of displacement volume; and that my sperm quantity and potency were the highest he’d ever recorded.

His final words before we left the office were, “Of course, in legend, leprechauns are noted for the large size of their organs and their sexual potency. You O’Scoury’s may have been right in thinking Jimmy a ,” he finished, with a twinkle in his eye.

We were silent on the drive home, and I could see Mom and Patty adjusting to this new me, clearly stunned by this new development. Finally Patty started giggling, and then laughing said, “You must have the biggest prick in your school, what are all those assholes going to say now?”

There was a new feeling in the O’Scoury house that night, an all pervasive happiness that had been missing for many, many years.



“Are you still awake?”

“Uh huh,” I answered to my sisters whispered question later that night, both of us lying in our beds in the room we’d shared all our lives.


“So what?”

“So, are you still a virgin?”


“C’mon, tell me,” she giggled as I heard her moving across the room.

“What!” I squealed as she slipped under my sheet and fitted her body against mine.

“You sleep naked?” she asked, surprised.

“Its summer now, I …anyway I’ve had the room to myself for the last year…and you do,” I sputtered.

“You surprised us, Mom and I, I mean,” Patty whispered in my ear.

“What surprised you?” I asked, but knowing, and excited, felt my cock growing, moving toward Patty.

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