Mom and son continue a legacy of incest

“None of you others?” I asked. “Stephen?”

“I don’t cry during sex,” Stephen admitted, “however, afterwards, as we lie together in each other’s arms? I just think of how much she means to me, both as my mother and my lover. I know I don’t want any other woman in the world, that she and I were meant for this. It is in that closeness in the afterglow that my emotions surface.”

“Wow, that was really beautiful, Stephen,” Elisa said. “I hope I can reach that point with my mother as well one day.”

We talked about a few other non-sex things—seems we all were like-minded where matters of politics and religion were concerned—and then we dispersed. On the way home, Stephen asked, “So, what did you think?”

“You know, I had a really good time,” I told him. “I was apprehensive at first, but everyone there is so honest and open about everything.” I thought about that for a second. “Well, maybe not Ben so much.”

“He still has some maturing to do,” Stephen acknowledged.

“It’s refreshing, nonetheless,” I added. “Not Ben, just the group as a whole.” A point to ponder, so I asked: “Does your mother know about this?”

“No,” Stephen answered. “I haven’t told her because I think it would worry her that someone would say something. You going to tell your mother?”

“Right now? No, but maybe eventually.”

This night was responsible for two things. First, it gave me an outlet other than Stephen with which I could get differing opinions on matters of incest, and second, it did strengthen the bond that Stephen and I currently enjoyed.

I arrived home close to eleven. No sooner had I stripped my clothing from my body than Mom was in the room. Without a word, she came to me, took me in her arms, and kissed me. “Have a good time tonight?”

“Yeah, I did. I thought about you a lot.” She smiled as she slid a hand between my legs. I got to

thinking about what she told me earlier, so I said, “You know, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I mean, you know, being on your period and all.”

“Did you know that a woman is most horny at this time of the month?”


“Like I said this afternoon, we can always do other things.”

“But that doesn’t seem fair to you, Mom.”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong,” she began. “We could have sex. It would just be messy, is all.”

“Is that what you want, Mom? Would you like to have sex while on your period?”

She stared into my eyes, and she knew that I would do anything she asked of me. “As much as I want to, I can’t, but thank you for offering it, Jeremy. Now, why don’t you lay back and let Mommy take care of her little man?”

My cock throbbed when she said that. I did as she directed. It was wonderful.

It struck me like a bolt of lightning out of the blue, only it was dark. Four thirteen by my clock radio. Still, it was a revelation strong enough to wake me. It would have to keep for now, though. I would address it in the morning.

I awoke and did my morning functions before going downstairs to find Mom in the kitchen. There were covered pans on the stove, each filled with one delicious morsel or another, I was sure. I bypassed them, however, and went straight for her. I hugged her close and kissed her as passionately as I could.

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