My friend’s wife and I have some fun with him

My friend’s wife and I have some fun with him I sat at the kitchen table, nursing my second cup of coffee. I was really getting too old for late Saturday nights involving drunken orgies. Ok, so that might be a bit of an exaggeration. It’s true that 38 isn’t really “old” – or at ... Read more

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Opening the Camp, There’s more to camping than just knots

Opening the Camp, There’s more to camping than just knots “Remind me again which knot we use for this?” Kate asked, frowning slightly at the rope in her hands. Jessica finished tying her end of the canvas tent to the wooden support and came around to Kate’s side of the platform. “Sheet bend”, the younger ... Read more

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Ladies’ Spa Weekend, Four girlfriends enjoy a weekend away at an unusual spa

Ladies’ Spa Weekend, Four girlfriends enjoy a weekend away at an unusual spa “So Jen and I walk into the room for our body exfoliation and there are these two massage tables, separated by this curtain that doesn’t even stretch the width of the room.” I was recounting our afternoon experiences at the Spa des ... Read more

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Seducing my friend’s wife – the day after

Seducing my friend’s wife – the day after. I leaned against the closed door of the guest bedroom, and reviewed the last couple of hours in my head. Still naked and holding onto my clothes, I threw them onto the bed and held out my hands in front of me. Yes, they were shaking. Must ... Read more

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Husband wants to watch his wife help out a friend

Husband wants to watch his wife help out a friend “So, how was your spa weekend?” Kayleigh asked as Kate watched her complete her round of renegade rows with an ease she envied. Kayleigh’s plank was rock solid, the slight swell of her buttocks barely interrupting the 5’9″ line from her heels to her head. ... Read more

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Seducing my friend’s wife and letting him watch

Seducing my friend’s wife and letting him watch “Matt should be home pretty soon,” Liane told me, as she preheated the oven. We were getting supper ready; salad with baked salmon was on the menu, and a bottle of white wine was chilling in the fridge. “He goes to the gym after work on Fridays”, ... Read more

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