Man finds his wife in the guest house enjoying someone else

Aaron Hunt knew that going into the forest that morning would be a mistake. At least that’s how he remembered it in hindsight. The day had started like any day. Uneventful, but pleasant.

He never really paid any attention to the mundane parts of his life. The ins and outs of how his day went. His work as a programmer was something he mildly enjoyed, though was more something he did to earn money rather than a passion. Instead, he lived his life as it happened.

He would talk to his wife April. They had a good relationship. He thought he knew her pretty well so somewhere along the line he’d stopped listening so much. Their conversations had turned repetitive. He didn’t always listen to everything she said, but he felt like he got the important stuff.

Perhaps his lack of attention was how he found himself staring stupidly at his wife with her smooth, tan legs straddling a man he didn’t recognize. But then, perhaps nothing could have prepared him for what he saw.

April had headed out for her Saturday morning book club as usual. She wouldn’t be back for a few hours and Aaron thought it might be a nice opportunity to spend the morning in the woods outside their house. The forests around South Bellingham were beautiful. Close enough to the bay, but removed enough to feel remote. The family guest house was just a few hundred yards down a dirt path from their driveway. Aaron looked out one of the twin windows that faced the forest and could just barely see the guest house door. It was as good a direction as any.

On his walk, he began to think about how his life had unfolded. His silly dreams to be an artist always sounded so reasonable. He loved to create. Of course, that was before he met April.

Aaron loved April. He may never have graduated from Western if he hadn’t met her. She had driven him through college to get a Software Engineering degree, to get his job coding for a local internet security company. Without her he wouldn’t have succeeded at anything.

“You just need some direction,” she had told him. “Just think of how nice it’ll be to do your art without all the stress about money.”

Aaron hadn’t ever thought about it that way. He just figured he’d balance his life as it came. It was a good thing she had pushed him so hard, even if he hadn’t ever really gotten back into painting. That had been a dumb high school fantasy.

Of course, his family had adored her. Especially his parents, before they died in that car crash last year. he was still getting over that.

But Aaron had everything he ever needed. Steady job, nice car. He had even moved into his parent’s old house, 2-acre property and all. Married for 4 years to a stunning 24-year-old blonde 3 years his junior. Any of his old friends would have killed for a woman like that. 5′ 6″, tan skin, perky breasts, and the rectangular frame of a model that made anything look good. She was perfect.

His thoughts were interrupted by what sounded like a yelp coming from the direction of the guest house, about 20 yards away.

Crap. Has someone broken in? he thought.

Debating whether to call the police, he thought it would be best to check and make sure someone was even there. For all he knew it was a raccoon having flipped the flimsy window lock.

He’d made that mistake when he was 14. He’d gone running to his father saying somebody broke into the guest house. His dad had grabbed his handgun and gone running over, ready to confront an armed assailant only to get attacked by an irritated raccoon. Five stitches later, his dad never let him live it down.

Aaron approached the house slowly, not wanting to make any noise, just in case it was a big animal, or even a burglar. peaking in the window, he found a shape moving inside. The lights were off.

Aaron ducked down out of view of the window.

Shit. Something’s in there. Should I go in?

He could hear heavy breathing slight moans that sounded like an irritated cat.

Heart racing, he decided to quietly open the door and flip the lights on. If it was a burglar he could always sprint back to the house and call the police. If it was a raccoon, he’d become pretty good at shooing them out.

I’ve got to get that window lock replaced.

He quietly opened the door and reached his hand up to the light switch. His heart racing, he flipped it on.

“Aaah!” yelled a surprised feminine voice.

Kneeling on the bed, with her knees spread apart was a beautiful blonde sitting astride a muscular form. Her skirt and panties casually discarded on the floor. Her blouse had most of the upper buttons undone and was pulled down, wrapped loosely around her waist. Her bra had been taken off, leaving her perfect breasts exposed to the chilly air now drifting in from the open door. Nipples raised and firm.

At first Aaron didn’t recognize her. He thought maybe a couple of teenagers or college students had broken into the place looking for a place to get their kicks. It was after a few of moments that he could focus his eyes away from the tight tan body and round breasts up to the face of the intruder.


April’s breasts were slightly pushed together by her arms as she leaned forward, braced against the chest of an unknown figure. Aaron didn’t know him. If he had bothered to look closer, he might have recognized him as Zac, a cashier at a local third-hand books store. All Aaron could see was a mess of greasy black hair and two muscular arms reaching forward, hands clasping April’s buttocks. His grip was tight enough to push some of the color out of her well tanned skin.

She sat up suddenly, letting her round breasts drift apart with a light bounce.

“Aaron!” April said in shock.

She and Zac both looked over at Aaron with his jaw hanging loose. Zac looked back at April, stupidly, as if to say, “did you know he was coming?”

April glanced back and forth for a moment before staring Aaron straight in the eyes. She let out a chuckle. An impish smirk crept up the side of her mouth and her expression darkened.

What’s this? Aaron wondered. He still couldn’t comprehend the appalling image laid out before him.

Still staring Straight at Aaron, she lifted Zac’s hand to her left breast and began sliding her pelvis back and forth along him.

What is happening? Aaron thought, stupidly.

Her breath quickened and she leaned backward exposing the base of Zac’s penis, plunged up inside her. She began moving up and down along his firm penis, bending it a little with each push downward.

Slowly Aaron began to grasp why April was on the bed. That she had been fucking another man.

April wanted Aaron to get a good look. The cat was out of the bag and she was happy about it. It was all out in the open and April wanted it clear that Aaron wasn’t enough for her.

So, she kept staring at him while she moved there, fucking Zac. Up and down. Displaying her tight pussy wrapped around Zac’s long shaft.

Aaron, still in shock, didn’t have the mental capacity to move. He just watched, dumbfounded, as the love of his life ruined all that they had built together.

He stared, helpless, as April plunged Zac’s cock in and out of her. Over and over, loud and increasingly wet. The slap of their skin together and the slurp of suction, like a dirty boot stomping in and out of a muddy pond.

“Mmmm…” moaned April.

Aaron’s own penis began to itch for attention. Part of him was disgusted with himself for even the thought of enjoying watching another man screw his wife. But he was barely able to think, let alone control his hormones.

The couple breathed faster and faster, the noise of their breath drowned out by the messy sounds filling the room. April stuck her fingers in her mouth and slid her hand down and put one finger inside the top of her already stretched pussy. She rubbed her clitoris and wetted her lips with her tongue. All the while her eyes staring down Aaron. She began to moan with a wicked, open mouth smile. The corners of her lips pulled tight as the tension rose within her.

She’s enjoying this. An obvious observation, but this didn’t seem possible. April loved Aaron. Didn’t she?

April’s moans became louder, “Ooohhmmm.”

Zac was grunting with every push deep inside Aprils wet pussy.

As they moved April’s body began to glisten with sweat. She put one arm behind herself and propped herself up, bending Zac’s hard cock downward.

“Ahhh.” grunted Zac, as the pressure strained his cock.

April’s eyes remained focused on Aaron. Her slight smile fading away, replaced by furrowed eyebrows and open mouth. She looked like she was in pain.

“Oooh! Ooooh! Oooh!” April’s voice grew strained, like her throat was closing off. Suddenly she whipped her head back, an expression of pure ecstasy coming over her. Her jaw dropped.

“Ohhhhh! Ohhh! Ohh! Aaahhh!!”

April’s body visibly shook as a wave of ecstasy washed over her. Aaron had never seen her like this. She’d never had an orgasm this hard when they made love. Perhaps she had never reached climax at all with Aaron.

Aaron felt his heart cave in on itself. The pulp that remained barely able to fill his veins. His head swam as he watched April scream with pleasure, with another man at the helm.

When April finished screaming she turned her head back down and locked eyes with Aaron once again. Pulling her self up, she positioned herself on her knees on the bed. Zac, who had risen to his feet, pointed his cock, dripping wet with April’s cum, directly at her. She never broke her gaze with Aaron as she reached her hand up and wrapped her nimble fingers around the head of Zac’s penis.

She stroked him up and down few times, licking her lips. Her other hand rubbed her left breast and squeezing her nipple.

How can she do this to me? The thought just barely coming to process in his head.

April’s head turned to face Zac, hand still firmly holding the base of his manhood, she wrapped her lips around it, moaning as she sucked him up and down.

“Oh yeah, baby!” Zac’s voice sounded vulgar and crass. “Suck it like that.”

Zac turned to Aaron smiling stupidly. He clearly didn’t understand the situation or the impact it would have.

A loud slurping noise was rhythmically smacking out of Aprils mouth with every pull of her lips. Aaron thought he heard her gag once or twice, and saw her eyes water a bit. Drool leaked from the sides of her mouth.

“Mmmm” April hummed, mouth plugged and gagged with a meaty appendage.

“Oh yeah.” Whispered Zac. Playing into the exchange between he and April.

Hmmm…” Her voice rising slightly as Zac reached closer to orgasm.

“Ooh, I wanna cum on you, baby!” Zac’s voice sounded a little strained. His dialogue surely ripped straight from some tacky porn film.

Finally, April pulled her mouth from Zac. Frothy spit was sliding down her chin, mixed with her own vaginal fluid that she had sucked off him. She spat. It was weak enough that it merely dribbled down and landed between her breasts.

Zac reached to grab his own penis, too eager to cum all over her, but April pushed his hand aside.

“I’m gonna pull it out of you.”

What did she say? This was her domain. She was in control. All pretense that she might have been coerced was totally shot. She had sought this out.

She started stroking Zac violently with her right hand. Her left arm pushing her now wet and sweaty tits up toward Zac’s crotch.

“come on…Yeah, you wanna cum on me…,” she mumbled continuously. She opened her mouth between phrases creating a round target. Her lifted breasts formed a shelf to catch anything that might miss the bulls eye. It was as if she did this professionally.

Zac looked like a zit about to burst. He stopped talking, replacing his crass dialogue with heavy breathing. A desperate attempt to stave off the inevitable explosion.

“Give it to me…I want it, I want you’re cum.” April sounded sleazier with ever sentence.

Suddenly, Zac stopped breathing. His body twitched involuntarily, his buttocks clenching tightly

“Ahhh…” Zac sighed his breath out, unable to hold in the air.

The first blast of cum shot straight at April’s face, squirting more than half in her gaping mouth and trailing across her left cheek, flush with adrenaline. She leaned back and pointed his cock downward toward her breasts, the next shot pasting her neck along the way. The rest of it dropped onto her once beautiful breasts, now stained with globs of white.

She had been marked. Aaron knew he would never be able to touch her face or breasts again without knowing what had soiled them right here in his own home.

April put her lips around the head of Zac’s cock and sucked all the cum she could out of him, not yet swallowing what she gathered in her mouth. she spat some onto her fingers and looked right at Aaron. She smeared the cum on her lips and swallowed the ooze that remained. Her hands slid to her chest as she rubbed Zac’s cum all over her it. As though using Zac’s semen to wash Aaron’s stink from herself.

her buoyant facade darkened, ridicule flashing across her eyes.

“We’re done,” she said definitively. Her eyes told more than her lips. I can’t believe you didn’t know this was going on. What a naïve moron. Did you really think I loved you? The message was clear.

“Done?” Zac breathed out, “I’ll say. Man, Mrs. H., you guys are really kinky, you know that?” Zac’s words seemed to suck all the stupid out of the air allowing Aaron to pull himself together. “I’ve never been watched before. That was hot!”

Aaron looked between them, a mixture of grief and anger starting to well in his throat. He backed away and shut the door before he formed any words he would regret. He stood just outside for an extended moment, gathering his wits.

“Putz.” Aprils voice was muffled through the door. He couldn’t tell which man she was talking to.

Barely regaining his sense of direction, it was all he could do to stumble back to the house.

The once bright morning was now overcast. A sheet of rain hanging in the air above him, waiting to unload. One or two drops hit the ground around him as he hobbled through the door.

As the rain fell outside he looked around his living room. Pictures of he and April sat on the mantle. A photo of them When they were first dating was centered on the wall between two windows looking out into the Forest. He looked at the picture and saw himself standing behind April, arms around her, and head on her shoulder. Both smiling. Both happy. At least he always thought she was. His eyes refocused to the window. April and Zac were coming out of the Guest house, clothed again but disheveled. She was yelling at him as they both got drenched in the rain. Aaron couldn’t tell what she was saying. He didn’t care.

Aaron walked back to the front door, locked it, and walked downstairs into the den, where he couldn’t hear the argument that was unfolding outside. Dark and quiet. Alone.

Looking to his left he saw his gun safe sitting next to the phone. He stood there for a moment. Tears welling up in his eyes.

It’s over. I can’t believe it. Shocked still, but coming to fully realize what had happened.

I shouldn’t have gone into the Forest today. I knew it was a bad idea.

Hindsight is always 20-20. But would it really be better not to know?

Aaron reached out and hesitated for a moment, his hand inches from the gun safe lock.

I can’t believe its over.

Then he picked up the phone and called his lawyer.

Please wait…

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