Maid from Heaven – Part 45

Please read the previous part here ( Maid from Heaven – Part 44 ). Now let’s continue

Uma was the protagonist tonight and had all four of us men dancing to her tunes. Again during this smoking session she leaned on Zulfi while stealing glances looking at me with a wicked smile.

We finished and headed back to the table, just when we were about to sit. Uma held Rahul’s hand and asked “Rahul I feel like dancing for a bit, can you join me”?

Rahul’s excitement levels went thru the roof at her invitation. Both turned to look at me as if asking for my permission. I said “what are you looking at me for”?

Uma said “I hope you don’t mind Krishna” as if making it all look very formal. I said “I have no problem, go enjoy yourself”. She held his hand more firmly now and went towards the dance floor.

After watching her leave Zulfi turned to me, he said “Krishna you sure have a very hot and sexy assistant”. I said “yes I know I am very lucky to have her”.

He said “maybe you should bring her here more often”. I said “sure, I will but that depends on her if she wants to come”. Zulfi said “you leave that to me. She will surely want to come here herself”.

Faking innocence, I asked “what makes you so confident that she will agree”? He said “next smoke break I will take her with me, you manage Rahul and join us after five minutes. Okay”?

Listening to all this Chetan had an evil grin on his face looking at me. Chetan said “you go with her Zulfi. I will take care of Rahul”. Zulfi asked “I hope you don’t mind Krishna”?

I said “hey no, why should I? After all it is her life and she is quite independent and outgoing that way”. Now Zulfi looked at Chetan and asked “what are you grinning at”?

I was panicking that Chetan might give out Uma’s secret, Chetan said “I can see you are getting hard just talking about her. I wonder what will happen when you are alone with her”.

Now Zulfi got embarrassed for a moment, then he said “well she is gorgeous and sexy like hell, if looking or thinking about her does not make me hard then I am abnormal. I am sure you are also hard right now”.

Chetan continued grinning at Zulfi and then looked at me. He said “I hope you don’t mind us talking like this about Uma”? This was the icebreaker moment both Uma and me were waiting for.

I said “well like I said before, she is my assistant yes but I do not own her”. Zulfi asked “so if I ask her out then you are fine with it”? I said “I have no problem, you should check with her”.

While we were talking I was frequently looking at Uma dancing at the far end of the dance floor with Rahul. Now they had progressed to a full body contact sensual dance with Rahul hugging her from behind.

I am sure due to all this by now he would be hard too and Uma would also be enjoying the feel of his boner in her butt. Looking at this and the conversation I was having at the table surely made me hard too.

Sometime later they came back with an overjoyed Rahul smiling from ear to ear and Uma looking a little uneasy definitely because of her arousal. We had a few more beers along with more jokes.

Then Uma said “Krishna can we go home now”? Zulfi was not expecting this, he quickly said “Uma why don’t we have one last smoke before you leave”?

She said “ok fine, let’s go quickly” and got up along with Zulfi. As per his plan we remained seated and winked at Rahul to also remain seated. Uma looked at us and asked “why none of you want to have a smoke”?

I said “you carry on Uma, we will join you in five minutes”. Just after they were out of sight, Rahul asked “why did you stop me”? I said “Zulfi wanted to have a quick word with her. So we will give then five minutes and then go”.

Chetan was back to his old ways just the way he fingered Zulfi, he now asked Rahul “so did dancing with Uma make you hard? We all saw how you were glued to her from behind”.

Rahul too got embarrassed looking away from me because this was a direct question in front of me. He took a minute to compose himself and said “yes I have to admit. But what could I do. She is such a bombshell that she can even make a dead man hard”.

We all laughed and that eased Rahul immensely. We saw it was past five minutes so we all got up and went towards the smoking zone. Uma was standing with her back towards the door so she did not see us coming.

She was sharing the cigarette from Zulfi while almost in a side hug with him. Zulfi also had his arm around her resting on her butt. He saw us approach and quickly moved his hand to her waist.

This caused Uma also to come out of her reverie and she corrected her pose standing less glued to him. Both Chetan and Rahul lit up while I stood next to Uma.

She looked at me and then hugged me tightly from the side detaching herself completely from Zulfi. She asked “Krishna it is very late now, can we please leave”? I said “yes sure, let’s go”.

I looked at the others and said “we are getting very late, see you guys soon. Oh and let me know how much to dutch for the bill”. Chetan said you don’t worry, the bill is on us”.

Zulfi said “we hope to see you here soon, see even Uma wants to come here more often”. I looked at her, with a wanton look in her eyes she nodded in affirmative.

I said “fine, see you all soon” and left from there. She was gripping my arm tightly while we walked towards the car. Once we got inside the car Uma held my face pulling me towards her and kissed with wild passion.

Then she took my hand and placed it on her boob pressing it hard and then rubbing it while resuming the kissing. She was aroused like hell, she said “I cannot control anymore, please take me right here Krishna”.

After a few minutes of this wild fondling in the car that too in the front seat, I said “Let’s get back home and continue”. Uma now had that dejected look on her face.

She raised her dress and took a few tissues from the glove box and shoved it inside her panties. I was dumfounded seeing her do this. Then she surely might have fingered her clit and screamed loudly when her impending orgasm crashed thru her.

Thankfully the windows were rolled up or the passers-byes would have thought something seriously wrong was happening and I would have ended up in deep shit with the authorities.

Soon we reached home and as soon as I got in the door, Uma slammed it shut behind me and jumped on me. She pushed me against the door and got my cock out in record time and hugged me trying to get it inside her pussy while still standing.

I had never seen this crazily horny side of hers and was dumbstruck seeing her behaviour. It looked like she was out to have me for dinner at the drop of a hat.

After a few moments of her failed animalistic attempts she pushed me onto the floor and started riding me while still kissing me wildly. Uma was moaning loudly and uncontrollably now.

I tried recollecting when was the last time she was so turned on but none, not even when we made love imagining about Rizwan. So this was definitely a first.

Today neither I could last too long thinking about Uma’s adventures at the pub and neither could she because of her heightened state of arousal. We both climaxed together with unusually strong intensity.

It took us a long while to normalise our breathing and senses still lying on the floor. All this while Uma lay on top of me while my cock was still throbbing inside her without losing much hardness despite me cumming a few moments ago.

I held her face but Uma held her eyes closed not wanting to see me in the eyes. With her eyes still closed she said “I am sorry Krishna, something happened to me today and I lost it”.

Wanting to put her at ease, I gave her a long sensual kiss on her lips. I said “it’s ok darling, it was not your fault”. She still did not open her eyes so I next kissed her closed eyelids softly.

Then I patted her butt and asked “did you get what you wanted”? She shyly patted my chest and whispered “yes love, I got much more than I expected. Can I ask you something”?

I said “yes sure darling. But before that do you think we can first move to my bedroom”? Now this made her smile and she opened her eyes looking into mine.

To be continued….

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