Maid from Heaven – Part 44

Please read the previous part here ( Maid from Heaven – Part 43 ). Now let’s continue

Guru asked “so what is the problem now”? I said “well I am not sure if I might have made the wrong decision”. He asked “does the other person also feel the same”?

I said “no, I don’t think so because it was me who pushed the other person”. Guru said “well, you are simply wasting your time and energy. Just go with the flow and enjoy life as it comes. Now cheer up and go home”.

Guru did not say anything out of the ordinary but for some reason after talking to him I was feeling much better and without regrets. Now I was all the more determined to be with her and enjoy her swinging lifestyle like there is no tomorrow.

I saw the time it was past 9.30pm, shit I was late. I was supposed to be back by 9pm and take Uma out. I rushed back home only to find Jiju’s car parked outside my gate.

I parked behind his and went inside using my keys. I saw Jiju pacing up and down in the living room, when he saw me he had a shocked/ surprised look on his face.

I said “Hi Jiju, what are you doing here”? He said “oh Krishna, I wanted to meet you for some urgent financial help to execute one large order”. I said “you could have called me before coming right”?

Jiju said “well I was in the area so I just dropped in”. Now I have personal principles to keep money and friendship separate otherwise it results in uncomfortable situations and burning bridges.

So I said “well lots of my own money is stuck in the market and I am coming from there only. Sorry I cannot help you now”. Jiju said “Please Krishna, you are my last resort. I have already tried other options”.

I said “ok, if my payments come thru then I will try something but I cannot promise. And next time you call me on my cell before coming home”. He said ok and left. Now Uma came out of the kitchen.

She was dressed in a burgundy mini dress looking killer. She came to me beaming with happiness and gave me a bear hug with lots of kisses. After the kisses, I asked “so when did Jiju come”?

Uma said “about thirty minutes ago, why”? I said “nothing. Next time tell him to come when I am there, not like this”. She asked “why what happened”? I said “I am saying for your safety”.

She smiled and said “don’t worry Krishna, he is harmless. I kind of like him, he has a very good sense of humour too”. I asked “so did he do anything”?

She looked into my eyes and said “well we were just getting warmed up when we heard you open the main gate. Maybe if we had more time then he probably would have”.

I asked “and you would have let him”? Uma said “yes why not? There is no harm in having some fun with him, and then you only said long back remember”? I did not know what to say now.

Then I remembered Guru’s advice, so I smiled and said “yes why not especially if he is able to make you happy”. Uma was still looking into my eyes with her arms around my neck.

She said “Krishna why do I sense that you are feeling jealous and insecure about me”? I knew I had goofed up and Uma was mature enough to pick it up.

Now my mind was quickly racing to find an appropriate and convincing answer. After arriving at none I decided to dodge, I said “let’s quickly go to the pub before it gets too late”.

Uma excitedly jumped at this, she said “yes, yes Krishna, let’s go”. We got into my car and drove off. Uma asked “so where are we going today”? I said “you have two choices, one the same pub where we met my friends, second the other pub where we were alone”.

Surprisingly she said “let go to the first one”, in a surprised undertone I asked “are you sure because all of them might be there”? She calmly said “yes I am sure, Chetan and Jiju are ok and I think I can handle Rahul and Zulfi too”.

I looked into her eyes and asked “who are you going to hunt down today”. She looked away shyly and whispered “I did not think about that, but do you want me to”?

I said “yes why not, if opportunity knocks on your door then why waste it”. Uma thought about it for a moment before nodding okay. I was mighty impressed with her level of confidence.

She sounded like she was going to have all of them tonight. We reached the place, only Chetan, Zulfi and Rahul were there. Guess Jiju was still out there maybe arranging money.

Each of them gave a friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek to Uma and she too reciprocated. Then we settled at the table with Uma sitting in-between me and Chetan with Zulfi sitting opposite her and Rahul sitting opposite me.

This time Uma ordered only a beer for me, while I looked at her questioningly, she winked and smiled at me. Then we all said cheers and before I put my glass down Uma held my hand and took a sip from my mug.

Everyone at the table saw it bewildered and had their eyes popping out. She calmly looked at them and said “what happened, did I do something wrong”? No one had anything to say.

Then we got busy talking normal stuff and cracking adult jokes and Uma was openly enjoying it too. Then she turned to me and said “Krishna can you please escort me to the rest room”?

Grabbing the chance Chetan quipped in “I would love to escort you this time Uma”. Now the most unbelievable thing happened, Uma looked at him and said “Thank you Chetan, I would love it too but maybe next time”.

I was relieved that Uma did not take Chetan’s offer and make her intentions public because everyone knew what our rest room break meant.

But then she also told him “maybe next time”…. in front of everyone. We went to the same special needs rest room and indulged in a fiery bout of sex. One thing was very evident, Uma was crazily horny and on fire.

Today many a times I had to cover her mouth to prevent her from moaning loudly. During the one quick round we had she still had two orgasms before I climaxed.

Then we got back to the table and everyone was grinning at us. This time Uma very seductively smiled back at everyone creating more shocking reactions from everyone at the table.

After some more drinking and more adult jokes, Zulfi got up with Rahul and Chetan to go for a smoke. Uma held Chetan’s hand and asked “can I come with you too”?

There were more surprised smiles on everyone’s face including mine. She got up holding Chetan’s hand and then I too followed because I did not want to be sitting alone.

The smoking zone was in an open balcony at the back of the pub and was a less crowded. All three of them lit up while me and Uma looked. Now Uma took the lead in striking up some conversation and cleverly turned it again towards adult jokes.

This time there were no double meaning lines, it was open with full of words like fuck, sex, cock, tits, cunt etc…. Then Uma nudged Zulfi as he was standing next to her and asked “can I have a drag” taking the cigarette from his hand.

Now it was my turn to be the most shocked amongst everyone because this was the first time I was seeing her smoke and she did not even cough when taking the first puff.

She looked at me and smiled, she said “don’t worry Krishna, this is only to give everyone company”. I had to fake a smile showing everyone that I was fine and normal.

I now noticed that what had started from a nudge had progressed further between her and Zulfi. She was leaning slightly on Zulfi and he had his arm around her back with his palm resting on her hip.

I knew for sure that Uma was now on the hunt, question was how was she going to do it. After the smoke break we all got back to the table. We had a couple of more beers and it was time for the next smoke break.

Uma was quick to get up and head to the smoking zone with Zulfi, her hand was on his shoulder while his hand was again around her on her hip. Rahul was behind them with me and Chetan last.

Chetan looked at me with a wicked smile, I knew what he was hinting at so I also smiled back with my finger on my lip signalling him to keep his mouth shut about his adventures with Uma.

Chetan nodded yes and we all reached outside. Now Uma took a place between Rahul and Zulfi alternately sharing the cigarette from both of them.

Uma was the protagonist tonight and had all four of us men dancing to her tunes. Again during this smoking session she leaned on Zulfi while stealing glances looking at me with a wicked smile.

To be continued….

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