A Little Night Music, Danny is looking for harmony with his mother

She became comfortable enough to tell me about some of the relationships she suffered through during the last few years. She said once, “I certainly wasn’t going to bed with the Colonel, who really didn’t give a damn about me, or anyone I couldn’t even talk to…that would never get me off.” Hearing mom talking about getting off made me feel good that she could say it to me, and it also excited me.

I said, “I can understand that mom, because after last few girls I went out with, I know I want more than that too.” I said, “When you daydream about the future mom, what do want for yourself?”

She hesitated a little and laughed, “It’s a bit embarrassing,” she said, “I’d love to be a bride again Danny, and start all over, not that I’m sorry that I had you, because that was the best thing I ever did, but just to feel like a newlywed, to feel loved that way, and having someone to share my days, and my nights with…that’s what I think about.”

I said, “Mom you deserve that, and you should feel loved that way…you are loved that way. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or unhappy, but I’m going to say what I have to say.” Her head was turned away from me almost in embarrassment. I said, “Look at me mom…” I took both her hand and made her look into my eyes. “Just this…then I’ll shut up. Mom, I love you…if I could, I would make you my bride. In fact, I’m asking you now. Marry me Gracie. In whatever crazy way we can figure to do it, marry me, be my bride, be my wife, be my lover. We can do it mom. Fuck what anybody thinks. It’s our life and we’ll have to answer to ourselves for throwing a chance for happiness and love away. I know you want this and I know I do too. This isn’t about tonight mom; it’s about every night. It’s about…”

I was running out of words and she had turned her face from me. The frustration of accepting the reality of never having my mom was setting in. She turned back to me and I saw her eyes welling when she said, “Oh God…Danny, Danny…yes, okay, I’ll do it, I’ll marry you, I’ll be your wife,” she shook her head almost in disbelief of what she was hearing.” She said, “And I’ll love you Danny, because I can’t help it…I already do…I do.” She leaned towards me and the sweet kiss was all I could have hoped for.

We undressed each other where we stood. Her skin from her toes to her face was a smooth cream. As I looked up and down the curves and angles of my ‘s body, I realized that the body that I had once assessed as ‘sexy’ was even more than that. It was perfect. Her clothes hid the fact that every part of her fit into a beautifully assembled package. My eye took in the curve of her hip and went to her breasts. They turned up at the ends to accentuate her thick tipped nipples. Her slim waist and flat belly highlighted all the parts that were round. I’d never realized she had such a beautiful ass.

She looked at my stiff cock and said, “I make you hard.” It sounded almost like a question or a surprise to her.

I told her, “Yes Gracie, you always make me hard. Thinking about you makes me hard. This is what you do to me.”

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