Lili’s nude body

So my hand is massaging her sexy boobs to waist but I am pressing her boobs and gels have made our upper portion gel covered,so Lili’s hand is moving on my chest to we two are getting hot and now I knelt down as I stretched her legs,looking at him,I put my face inbetween her strong thighs as my lips are kissing her my cock is getting harder and I put my fingers to widend its hole as I started licking it with my tongue,so Lili have put her hand on my hairs as she is screaming in pleasure”oohh Garry lick lick my vagina fast uummm”and than I left her cunt as I stand infront of sexy sister.she is bit horny as her face have become reddish,looking at my penis,she hold it tightly and than sits on my Lili is kissing my cock as she have removed it’s skin and as her lips are loving it,it’s getting erected and than like a hot gal,she put it’s glans on her nose and smelt it,than glans are moving on her face to lips as she is making my cock fully erected,I can’t say where our sexual love will end but I have to cum before leaving Lili opened her mouth and swallows my cock as her hand have hold my waist,she started giving my cock a fast jerk.she is a young girl as her sexual desires are mounting and her sexual activities have started a month ago,so as I hold her hairs ,she is sucking my cock and I am screaming in joy……..

“oohh aahh uumm you sexy suck hard “and than Lili took out my wet penis as she put her tongue on it to lick,I am too horny as I want to fuck her mouth to ejaculate my Lili’s tongue licked it and than she stand infront of me,now our body are well covered in gels as I started putting it on her legs to thighs and my hand stops at her reddish vagina as I turned her back,so putting gels on her sexy ass to upper portion,I rubbed it and than I opened the cascade as both are standing nude under it.looking at me,Lili inches closer as she hold my erected penis and started masturbating it fastly and now as water is flowing on our body,we are rubbing eachother’s body to clean Lili is giving a hard and fast jerk on my penis and as her sexy body have been cleaned ,I put my face on her boobs and swallows it to as my cock is in her hand ,it’s going to ejaculate soon and my mouth is full of her tits as I am sucking it hard.later on ,I felt precum coming out of cock,so I took her other breast in my mouth and Lili is masturbating my penis fast,so I am sucking her breast and our body have been cleaned as I shouted

“oohh aahh it’s cumming my darling”and her hand is fast on it ,lastly Lili screamed”oohh it’s my vagina going to cum”and as I left her breast ,put my long finger in her vagina,my penis started pouring semens as I felt her vagina Lili’s hand is covered with cum and I took out my finger from her wet cunt .so as Lili wants to finish the bath,I sits on my legs and started licking her glory hole with my tongue and i got the taste of her vaginal our bath finished and both rubbed eachother’s wet body with a towel as Lili put her clothes,so I did.we both walked out of washroom to see our stepmom Cathy sitting on bed as she smiled looking at us and said……….

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