It’s My Life – 5

Please read the previous part here ( It’s My Life – 4 ). Now let’s continue

Rafiq smiled at me and turned towards the door. Then he stopped and said “there is only one way you can prove to me how serious you are, when I come back in ten minutes, I want to see you in your birthday suit”.

He left without waiting for my answer closing the door after him. This was the moment of truth I was dreading because me getting naked in front of Rafiq made me tremble and shame came over me.

It struck me now that this is not as easy as it sounds in reality. I reluctantly removed my bra and panty keeping it with my saree and tried to cover my modesty with my hands.

One hand across my boobs barely covering my nipples and other over my crotch. These ten minutes seemed to pass in slow motion making me even more nervous.

Then the door opened and Rafiq entered with some catalogs and a measuring tape. He smiled looking at me adding even more to my discomfort.

He made me standup holding my shoulders and calmly said “wow Anita you passed the second test also”. I was feeling ashamed because of my nakedness so stood quietly looking away from him.

He said “its ok, I only wanted to measure your chest size before I suggest some options for you. Now, can you please remove your hands and raise them above your head”?

I did not have any choice now so I raised both my hands and let him measure my chest. He took his measurements and wrote them down. Then he turned towards the door saying “now put on your clothes except the sari and call me”.

He left closing the door leaving me bewildered and unable to comprehend as to why he did not do anything to me, now that I was stark naked in front of him.

I quickly wore my clothes except my saree as per his instructions. Then I called him and he came inside. I realized that he was standing right outside all this while.

Rafiq asked “now can I take the rest of my measurements”? He took the measurements then said “Anita why is your petticoat tied so high”? Well I always have tied it like this only since I wore my first saree and saw nothing wrong in that.

I replied “this is how I have always worn it since I learned to wear a sari”. He said “sorry to say but you are wearing it wrong. This is the first thing which needs to change”.

Without waiting for my answer, he tugged on the strings and loosened it. He lowered it to where he wanted while I looked on keenly. Now half of my panties were showing, again he nodded his head sideways.

He said “this is why I hate these granny panties Anita. But for the sake of showing you what I mean I am going to lower them. Are you okay with that”?

Now after he had seen me in my birthday suit there was no reason for me to disagree with him. So I nodded my consent. He let go of my petticoat and held the sides of my panties and pulled them down to my thighs exposing my vagina for the second time today.

Then he raised it slowly till it sufficiently covered just my bush. This was way lower than what I was used to. The he raised my petticoat and fastened it an inch above the panties.

My full midriff was exposed now. He said “for a woman your age, I have to admit that you have a very flat and enticing sexy belly and you should be proud of it”.

This was the first compliment he had given me and it really felt very nice. He continued “majority of women struggle to have a flat belly like this and you already have it. This is one of the most sensual thing about a woman and is a big turn for most men”.

He was freely feeling my entire midriff sending pleasure waves thru my body arousing me greatly. He continued with his measurements and after he was done, he said “now wear your saree and meet me at the counter”.

He turned towards the door but stopped. He said “make sure you wear it without raising the petticoat” and left. I was very impressed with his gentlemanly behavior today.

I decided to follow his instructions without using my brains for once. After draping my saree, I turned to the full length mirror to see how I looked now.

I could not believe my eyes, yes my full belly was exposed but more than that I was feeling very differently nice about it. Rafiq was surely right. Then I looked below and my saree was barely an inch above the ground.

Now I was in no mood to do community service by sweeping the floor when I walked so made mental notes to tell Rafiq about it. I went to the counter where he was busy on his sewing machine.

He joined me at the table and said “I am going to tell you a few things to do. If you want my help, then trust me and just do it”. I nodded yes. He continued “this will also mean that you change your mindset. It might be difficult but just do it for your own good”. I replied “okay”.

He did not unlock the door or change the sign to open. He retorted “okay is not enough. Say it that you will do it”. I repeated “yes Rafiq I will do everything you say”.

He replied “good now look at this catalogue for the blouse designs”. I said “before you proceed, let me show you one problem I have”. I showed him the saree barely off the floor.

He laughed and said “madam if you want to look sexy and desirable for your husband then consider wearing some heels. Flat footwear like yours will not help”.

Now I retorted back “I am already 5-9 in height, how do you expect me to wear heels”? He calmly answered “how tall is your husband”? I replied “he is easily 6”.

Rafiq said “so where is the problem? You have three inches to play with”. I replied “if I look the same height as him then what will people say”? He irritatedly shot back “for god’s sake Anita, please understand that you are doing all this for your husband. Not for the people”.

I wanted to interrupt him but before that he put his finger on my lips indicating me to keep quiet. He said “Okay let’s negotiate, you can wear 2” sandals and still be shorter than him by an inch”.

Pulling out an empty paper from his notebook, he wrote “shopping list” followed by item number one – 2” sandals. He turned to me and said “remember Anita, if you change what I am writing here then please don’t bother to come back here”.

Fearing loosing someone like him with whom I have discussed my problems, I said “I promise I will do as you say”. He said “good” and tugged a little on my petticoat from all sides raising it slightly.

He said “now this should help till you buy the heels”. I looked below, my saree was about two inches above ground so I nodded ok. He turned to the catalogue showing me the designs.

He asked me to choose between two options both of which were deep v-neck and only differed in the shoulder width. Even the hooks in front were down to just three vs my current six. I wanted to object but knowing I will invite his wrath, I decided to keep quiet.

After all he was doing this for my sake. He was still waiting for my answer. I replied “I leave the choice to you Rafiq. What would you choose”? He said “considering this is your first time, I will choose this one with slightly wider shoulders”.

I nodded in agreement. He said “good, now imagine yourself wearing this blouse over your current bra. How will it look”? Now is when reality struck me.

Almost half my bra cups would show. I was clueless and looked at him the same way. He said “I am not surprised by the look on your face” opening another catalogue.

He said “lets accept it that you have nice big tits which you have been hiding behind that old fashioned bra. So I brought this catalogue from the shop next door to show you”.

I looked at him and nodded okay. He skipped quickly to the pages which had some really modern bra types which I never dreamt of wearing. Just looking at the models wearing them made me instinctively nod my head in disbelief.

Rafiq held my chin and said “Anita I am not asking. I hope you have that engraved in your head by now”? At this point I was no longer scared of him. I looked at him in astonishment and said “you are expecting an old woman like me to dress up like this”?

Rafiq laughed first but changed to a serious tone and said “Anita it is not written anywhere that you cannot wear this. C’mon if you have beautiful tits then is that your fault”?

I could not help but nod in agreement. He said “by the way your correct bra size is 38D and not the one you are wearing right now”. I was aghast listening to this.

To be continued….

Let me know how you liked this and I will post more parts, you can reach me on [email protected].

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